Hissatsu!: Sure Death! - aka: 必殺! THE HISSATSU
is a Japanese ninja movie from
1984, already introduced here on page 61 (
Live Action Zako) where several zakos are killed in quite a nice way.
By chance I found a clip with a better quality:
邦画 主水死す
The main zako-action is between: 1-00-40 and 1-03-22.
Some minor zako-action is between: 11-40 - 13-00 and 17-26 - 18-35 and 24-25 - 25-08.
Probably this movie on FC2 has also a HD version, but you have to be a member to see it (what I am not!).
If one of you is a member on FC2, please download and post this movie in HD quality here as well...would highly appreciate this :-)
On youtube this movie is also listed:
...unfortunately it's only accessible from Japan.
If one of you can access this youtube-movie and it is worth to watch, please also download and post it...if possible :-)