
Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Electra cosplay!









Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Hard Boiled 2 / 12 Hours of Terror / The Last Blood

A group of women disguised as stewardesses try to assassinate the Dali Lama

16:30Êðóòî ñâàðåííûå 2: Ãîñëåäíÿÿ êðîâü - ñìîòðåòü îíëàéí ôèëüì áåñïëàòíî

Also, not quite your typical zako, but at the end of the (terrible) movie Grown Ups 2, all the townspeople and the heroes get into a huge brawl against a small army of Frat Boys and collage girls. The Collage students are portrayed as the jerks/villains, being ruse and insulting and initiating the fight.
In the fight;
1 girl jumps on one of the main characters shoulders but gets thrown off
2 girls are squashed by a fat guy who jumps on them
1 girl gets a c*ntbust by one of the main character's girlfriend
(also you sometimes see some girls n the background lying on the floor)

Not exactly evil, but in this context they're the villains in this movie, and they do get a beating on-par with their male counterparts
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Just wanted to say, that the newest Zen Pictures zako movie Bandobure 2 still gets lots of views from me, even though it's been out for a while. Usually after a honeymoon period, their movies more-or-less are watched much less frequently, but not this one. I've also been exploring older movies of theirs I never saw (thanks to Minion's post on page 14). Movies like the Blaze Five series, and Shadow Sakura have tons of Zako running around, getting beat up. Of course, with those older movies, the scenes with the henchwomen getting KO'd, and the audience being able to see the action continue around them is very quick, as was always my problem with the Zen movie company. I'll say it definitely helps appreciate the newer Female Combatant movies, especially Bolero 2 and Bandobure 2, which I think are their best zako movies yet.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
Thank you for reminding all those who can't afford to buy it how awesome it is and what we are missing: very considerate indeed on your part! :(
No hard feelings: I'm just kidding... almost!

Seriously, however... why don't you educate youself to un-DRM videos here instead and make it available in Rayheng's thread? ;)

I am also grateful because thanks to your post I searched and downloaded the old Shinobi Shadow Sakura movie. I particularly like it because I am a big fan of the Zako being slain, rather than knocked down.
In that film... one by one, an apparently endless surge of over 100 Kunoichi squeal and drop before the brutal work of the heroines' unquenchable katanas
008_l.jpg 007_l.jpg
If anyone is interested, it is available on Ryushare from here for either Premium accounts, or slow download in about 3+3 hours. No password to unrar.

Ciao from Italy!

Just wanted to say, that the newest Zen Pictures zako movie Bandobure 2 still gets lots of views from me, even though it's been out for a while. Usually after a honeymoon period, their movies more-or-less are watched much less frequently, but not this one...
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Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Another strange one from Japan

3 girls in sexy ninja clothes fighting female mooks at a school

????? PV - YouTube

(p.s. what the hell's up with the weird guy in a schoolgirl costume near the end? Why japan? Why?


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
Hot damn! The girls in the P.E uniforms getting arrowed at the end? There needs to be more of that. Realize it was pretty sloppily done, but it's easily one of my favourite outfits in a situation that's ripe for ryona.

If only it were longer. Sigh!


Jul 14, 2012
Looks like it has some potential, but wish the video had some hand to hand fighting versus weapons only. The girls are super hot!

Another strange one from Japan

3 girls in sexy ninja clothes fighting female mooks at a school

????? PV - YouTube

(p.s. what the hell's up with the weird guy in a schoolgirl costume near the end? Why japan? Why?


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
These delightful photos appeared in my inbox, and my first thoughts apart from "ZOMG" were 'it's Nora!'. So I thought I'd share them. Maybe this is what she got up to when she wasn't out laying down teh law on the Streets Of Rage? (!)




Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Live Action Zako Odds and Ends

Hello all! It's been a long while, and I still have a sizable backlog of zako material to post (especially beat-em-up game zako), but finding time to actually do these posts has been very difficult lately. But just to prove I haven't forgotten this forum, here are some assorted live-action zako. I meant to post many of these over a month ago!

1. Pirates Cove.
Let's start with something that has two zako I think we can all appreciate. Credit goes to EWD1 from the Runboard Evilbabes forum for finding this. In this short youtube movie, two beautiful henchbabes are part of a group of pirates. The blonde shoots a guy in the back, and then the two girls move in to attack the two male heroes of the movie. The heroes are actually quite chivalrous towards the pirate girls and are reluctant to fight back. The blonde seems to be portrayed as beautiful, feminine, and ruthless while the brunette seems to be portrayed as less feminine and more fierce...at least until she is defeated (love the way her legs flop almost all the way back).
Youtube link: The Pirates Cove Episode 1 of 2 - YouTube
Snapshots: Pirates Cove Zako 03.png Pirates Cove Zako 04.png Pirates Cove Zako 05.png
Pirates Cove Zako 06.png Pirates Cove Zako 07.png Pirates Cove Zako 09.png
Pirates Cove Zako 10.png Pirates Cove Zako 11.png

2. Big Trouble in Little China
Earlier in this thread, Minion, AmazonShark, and I discussed this fun movie, which had one zako moment worth noting. Four martial arts henchwomen dressed in loose fitting kung-fu uniforms are guarding a bunch of captives, including the love interest of the hero. In the process of freeing the captives, the heroes have a martial arts fight with the henchwomen, knocking out three of them and knocking one unlucky henchwoman off a bridge (though we don't know how high it is). We later catch a brief glimpse of the three unconscious henchwomen lying on the ground as the rest of the bad guys run across them to chase the good guys, ignoring the defeated zako.
Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/iqqtf0vdkzyfqb6/BTLC Zako_Action.mp4
Snapshots: Big Trouble in Little China 1986 Zako Action 02.png Big Trouble in Little China 1986 Zako Action 07.png Big Trouble in Little China 1986 Zako Action 09.png Big Trouble in Little China 1986 Zako Action 10.png

3. Grownups 2
Credit goes to Minion for bringing my attention to this movie. At the end of the movie, a bunch of college frat dudes get in a huge brawl with the main characters and their friends at a huge outdoor party. Both sides include females (college sorority chicks in short shorts and women dressed in party costumes or dresses). Of course, none of the violence is portrayed as very serious; this is more of a casual fight. One college chick is flipped over a guy's shoulders at the very beginning. Another jumps on someone's back but is flipped over and then tossed into two frat dudes. Two college chicks are beating up two fat dudes, who don't seem to mind...instead of fighting back they just sit there saying "you're so hot!" Lol...I might do the same thing if sorority chicks were beating me up, or many zako/henchbabes for that matter. :D
But anyway, an even fatter guy dressed as a smurf jumps from a treehouse on top of the two college chicks, squashing them unconscious and leaving them lying on top of the two stunned, happy fat dudes. Finally, one more sorority chick gets kicked in the crotch by a female partygoer in a skintight suit. You also occasionally see the college chicks fighting in the background (one hottie in green shorts shows up multiple times), and there is at least one time where you see a woman lying unconscious on the ground as the action continues (during Adam Sandler's fight and right before the chief baddie gets his comeuppance). However, you can't see her very clearly, and it's not obvious whether she is a sorority chick or a party goer, or what happened to her. I don't know if I missed any zako moments here. Perhaps someone else has better eyes than me?
Clip download: GU 2 Zako
Snapshots: GU 2 Zako 03.png GU 2 Zako 08.png GU 2 Zako 12.png GU 2 Zako 17.png

4. El Planeta de las Mujeres Invasoras
Let's move on to something a bit stranger, older, and less likely to be known by anyone here. Credit goes to MovieMayhem from the Runboard Evilbabes forum for bringing my attention to this movie. This is an old Latin-American, Spanish language movie about a villainess from another planet plotting to take over Earth with her super space laser weapon and an army of henchbabes. Of course, heroes from Earth have to stop them.
It's disappointing that this movie is in black-and-white, but I quite like the form-fitting leggings of the henchbabes' uniforms. Also, I love how Latin baddies seem to allow curvy, big-hipped henchbabes into their armies. Most of the time, they just walk around, guarding the heroes and stuff. However, when the heroes escape from their cell, they knock out two henchbabes by slamming them into eachother, and we watch as the good guys search the unconscious henchbabes, then leave the area, with the henchbabes still lying motionless on the floor. Later, the heroes manage to turn the baddie superweapon against them, and the henchbabes scream and fall to the floor pitifully as it hits them. (Unfortunately the weapon makes their bodies disappear soon after they fall, so we don't get to see much of a body pile).
This movie ALMOST follows the old trope of letting the main baddie survive while killing off all the lesser zako. However, at the very end, the villainess tries to stop the heroes a final time and dies from a pistol shot. Of course, the villainess gets a somewhat extended, semi-tragic death scene, whereas all of her henchbabes are unceremoniously eliminated and promptly forgotten, in true zako fashion. >:O
Clip download: El Planeta de Las Mujeres Invasoras Zako Action
Snapshots: ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _13__0006.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _14__0007.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _15__0009.jpg
ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _22__0014.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _22__0015.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _22__0016.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _22__0018.jpg
ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _23__0019.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _23__0021.jpg ElplanetadelasmujeresinvasorasByPARADISE _23__0024.jpg

5. Laverne and Shirley : Shotgun Wedding
Another very unexpected one...credit goes again to EWD1 from Evilbabes for bringing my attention to this episode. EWD1 deserves some appreciation from us here at the zako forum. :)
Anyway, in this episode, Laverne and Shirley have to save Fonzie and some other guy from being married to a farmer's six daughters by having a dance competition. They soon realize the farm girls mean to beat them up during the dance, but Laverne and Shirley turn the tables on them. The farm girls are quite attractive and two of them are wearing some great cut-off shorts and halter tops, with a few more wearing somewhat tight jeans. Although the violence is comical and not meant to be taken seriously, there are some moments I really like. One farm girl is thrown headfirst into a barrel, and you see her legs sticking out of it. Another farm girl has a bucket put on her head while one of the heroines smacks her, and is later thrown headfirst into an open window. You see her legs hanging motionless out of the window as the heroines continue their dance/fight.
Finally, my favorite moment is when the heroines defeat a farm girl in a yellow top and blue jeans. They toss her so she lands facedown, then as she raises her head one of the heroines smashes a full sack of flour/potatoes/something on her head. The impact causes her head to go down and her butt to go up, so the heroine smashes the sack on her butt/lower back, and as the farm girl collapses, the heroine tosses the sack aside and it seems to land again on the farm girl's head. As the heroines happily dance away, the farm girl lies spread-eagled, facedown, and completely motionless.
Unfortunately, the defeat of the girls in the cutoff shorts is much less decisive or interesting.
Download clip:
Laverne and Shirley zako action
Snapshots: Laverne and Shirley zako action 01.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 02.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 11.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 09.png
Laverne and Shirley zako action 04.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 05.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 06.png
Laverne and Shirley zako action 07.png Laverne and Shirley zako action 14.png

6. Final Detention
I think credit for this goes, again, to MovieMayhem from Evilbabes, for bringing my attention to this movie. In this movie, a bunch of female prisoners must escape from the prison and the evil guards, many of whom are females wearing uniforms of black tanktops and short shorts. First, one of the female guards has her neck snapped, then another one is shot. The third guard suffers the most and has the most "ryona" style defeat, getting hit in the stomach, then clubbed over the head a few times until she is stunned and defenseless, and finally having a table literally broken over her head, presumably killing her. Unfortunately, this guard with the longest and most interesting scene is also, in my opinion, the least attractive of the guards. :-/
A final female guard is shot at the end.
There are also numerous scenes of prisoner girls trying to escape being killed by male guards with automatic rifles...not of interest to me but I left the scenes uncut. :-/
Download clip: Final Detention Zako Action
Snapshots: Final Detention Zako Action_0001.jpg Final Detention Zako Action_0005.jpg Final Detention Zako Action_0008.jpg
Final Detention Zako Action_0018.jpg Final Detention Zako Action_0023.jpg Final Detention Zako Action_0024.jpg Final Detention Zako Action_0025.jpg

7. Dancing Ninja
Credit to Emergency1980 of Evilbabes for bringing my attention to this movie...in fact, his post was so good, I'll just link to it:
Forum | Runboard
You can find description, screenshots, and clip downloads there. I'll just add a few words: this henchbabe is questionable as a zako, as she seems more like the big baddie's main bodyguard. However, she is never really treated as important or as anything other than a more powerful and competent version of cannon fodder, and her demise at the end of the movie reinforces that. She is killed by an exploding helicopter falling on her as she lies defeated on the ground after a punch from the hero, and promptly forgotten.

Ugh, I ran out of room. Gotta continue this post in a second one.


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Live Action Zako - Troma's War

(This is a continuation of my last post. Scroll up a bit if you haven't seen it).
The pic I tried to add from Dancing Ninja got cut somehow, so here it is...just the henchbabe lying ko'd, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, lol:
Dancing Ninja Zako 08.png

8. Troma's War
Oh boy...here's the big one. This movie has been discussed earlier in this thread, but only discussed. I tried to be as thorough as possible about putting together a compilation featuring all the zako scenes. That was damn near impossible for a couple of reasons, but I tried my best.
In this bloody and crazy movie, survivors of a plane crash find themselves on an island inhabited by an army of terrorists who plan to do all sorts of mean terrorist things. The survivors band together to elude and fight the terrorists, rescue their captured friends, and finally destroy the terrorists to prevent them from carrying out their evil schemes. Luckily for the survivors, the terrorists make Star Wars Stormtroopers look like sharpshooters; groups of them firing together literally cannot land a single hit on a target 20 feet away. The survivors, by contrast, become expert marksmen upon picking up weapons for the first time, and as a result lots and lots of terrorists are killed in the battle scenes.
This movie is confusing in so many ways, action scenes included. Many of the zako scenes are in the background and thus hard to catch. Moreover, the terrorists are portrayed as having a grimy, ragged appearance. Therefore, while some of the female baddies are dressed in ragged yet still feminine or even skimpy clothing, others are wearing loose uniforms that make it hard to distinguish them from the male baddies.
There are some decent zako scenes in this movie, but they are mostly disappointing. Many of the male baddies get at least a few seconds of close-up camera time as they fight and/or die, and there are a couple scenes of the good guys roughly searching/dragging the male baddies, but most of the females are in "blink-and-you-miss-it" scenes. This may be because the same women were used over and over again as different terrorists, wearing different clothing/accessories/hairstyles. Anyway, here's the clip:
Troma's War Zako Action

I promised myself I would be thorough on this movie, so I made screenshot compilations trying to match each zako actress I found to her various scenes in the movie. Some of the different zako were obviously played by the same actress, but some were not so obvious, and I'm quite certain I got some incorrect or missed some matches. I probably also missed some zako scenes in the movie, so if anyone finds any, or finds that I mismatched a zako/actress, please let me know. :) On to the zako:

1. Rockers: These three aren't actually zako (unfortunately) but rather good girls, part of a rock band. I just thought their style would make them great zako in a live-action beat-em-up, especially the blonde in the black outfit. :)
Troma's.War.1988.Dual.Audio._LAB_.CG _2__0002.jpg Troma's.War.1988.Dual.Audio._LAB_.CG _3__0001.jpg

2. Zako Trio: Just a screenshot showing three of the zako. The blonde gets the most attention and screentime, but the brunette girl in the helmet is my favorite of the three.
Troma's War Zako Trio.png

3. Chain girl: I'm not sure if I have this all matched up correctly, but I think this zako's only scene is hunting the survivors in the forest, and I never saw her fall in combat, though she's never seen again, so I guess it's implied.
Troma's War Zako Chain Girl.png

4. Helmet girl: She has an attractive face and outfit, and although we see her fighting in the forest, we never see her again, so I suppose her fate is also implied.
Troma's War Zako Helmet Girl.png

5. Blonde: Her first scene is hunting the good guys in the forest. I'm pretty sure she falls in the background of the forest fight scene, but she shows up again later in the movie. A male hero exposes her breasts and kicks her in the crotch during a fight, but decides to let her live after seeing her breasts. When she tries to shoot him from behind, however, a female hero gets her first. This is bound to be most people's favorite, and while I like the scene and the zako, I'm disappointed so few other zako got their own little scenes. Guess we all have our own preferences. :)
Troma's War Zako Blonde.png

6. Curly Hair: This zako is also present during the forest scene and shown fighting. Later, you see her at the terrorist camp, sandwiched between two fat dudes flirting with her. When the good guys attack the camp, she hides until the end of the fight, then tries to ambush two heroes from atop a shack. However, the heroes get her first, and she falls from the roof with a pitiful scream.
Troma's War Zako Curly Hair.png

7. Muscle Gal: This zako is first seen guarding the terrorist camp while flirting with a male baddie and showing him her impressively defined arm/shoulder muscles. We don't see her during the fighting in the camp, but after the fight, when the good guys are setting up explosives to destroy the camp, we see her lying with her back draped over a pile of sandbags, looking very pitiful and the exact opposite from the strong, confident woman from before.
Troma's War Zako Muscle Gal.png

8. Blue Dress Blonde: This zako is seen guarding prisoners in the terrorist camp. I like her look and her outfit, but unfortunately the only time we see her again is at the start of the heroes' attack on the camp, when you catch a glimpse of her running. What a disappointment she had no action scenes!
Troma's War Zako Blue Dress Blonde.png

9: Goth Blonde: I hope I haven't mismatched these, but I think they are the same zako. She is first seen dressed as a goth chick (her disguise for infiltrating the United States), but when the fighting in the camp starts I think you see her dressed in a loose military uniform, running with a gun but looking scared. We don't see her again.
Troma's War Zako Goth Blonde.png

10. Big Blonde: It's no surprise to anyone who follows my posts that I have a weakness for bigger, curvier women (as long as they maintain a feminine figure). Different strokes for different folks and all. Anyway, this big blonde zako is first seen hunting survivors in the forest. She is not seen during the attack on the terrorist camp, but after the fighting, while the heroes are searching the bodies and talking, you see her lying on the ground. One of the heroes even steps over her, though no one checks her for supplies/ammo. It's hard to tell much about her, but her legs seem shapely, and she looks quite pitiful lying on the ground. I'm pretty sure she shows up again as a soldier zako in the final battle at the terrorist base, along with another taller, thinner blonde zako. In one scene, the two blonde zako are shooting at a hero, and in another scene, I think the bigger blonde is lying facedown when the taller, thinner blonde falls face-up right next to her. Hard to tell though, as it's all in the background.
Troma's War Zako Big Blonde.png Troma's War Zako Big Blonde 2.png Troma's War Zako Big Blonde Down.png

11. Camo Pants Girl: Tired of blondes? Ok. This thin, dark-skinned zako is seen twice. First in the fight at the terrorist camp, where she is seen shooting and later lying dead after the fight. Second, during the final fight at the terrorist base, she has changed shirts and dropped her hat to portray a different zako. She charges the heroes and gets shot in the stomach. She falls to her knees, screams pitifully, and then falls face-first in the mud.
Troma's War Zako Camo Pants.png

12. Blue Dress Black Hair: This dark skinned zako in a blue dress tries to run away soon after the fighting starts at the terrorist camp. However, two of the female heroes open fire on her and her fleeing comrades and shoot them from behind. The camera lingers on her for a moment or two after she falls. I'm pretty sure we see her again, in a different outfit, guarding the main terrorist base, but we never see her in action again (I guess that would make it too obvious).
Troma's War Zako Blue Dress Black.png

13. Shorts Girl: I'm not positive I matched these up correctly (we never see this zako very clearly), but here goes. We first see this zako wearing a black halter top, tan short shorts, and white shoes. She is only on the screen for a moment as she is backhanded by one of the heroes and tumbles out of the screen with a pitiful grunt/groan. That's her only action scene, but I'm pretty sure we see her for a quick moment later on, when the heroes are planting explosives to blow up the terrorist camp. She is lying on her side among the other dead baddies, now wearing a vest, but the same tan shorts. We only see her face for a split-second as the heroes set an ammo box right in front of it as part of their explosives set up, but we can see her very nice legs in those shorts for a while longer. The scene makes me wonder...if this zako was merely knocked out by the earlier punch, did our valiant heroes drag this terrorist chick over to the pile and set up some explosives right next to her to make sure she was finished off in the explosion?
Troma's War Zako Shorts Smashed.png

14. Soldier Girl: Pretty sure this is just a previous actress in a different outfit, but I'm not sure which one. Anyway, she is seen running to pick up a weapon when the heroes attack the main terrorist base, then later you see her lying propped up against a wall as a nearby hero fires on the baddies. She may also be seen again lying facedown later on, but I'm not sure if that's her or not.
Troma's War Zako Soldier Girl.png

15. White Beret: Interesting scene with this one...she is seen at one point firing on the heroes. Later, as one of the heroes drives a truck through the terrorist base, she is first seen with her back to the camera. She loses her balance and falls back over some sandbags, and a male baddie falls on top of her, with his face in between her legs. She slaps him and tells him to get off of her. :) This is an interesting moment because it shows a zako as a somewhat regular girl rather than just a baddie. We never see her again, but by the end all of the baddies are implied to be killed by the heroes. I wonder what happened to her. :-/
Troma's War Zako White Beret.png

16. Miscellaneous 1&2: These are zako I could never really place, and I could never find more than one quick scene with them. The one at the bottom in the first pic (wearing loose uniform and cap, falling on tent) I only assume to be a female baddie because there is a female scream when she is shot and she looks more delicate than the male baddies. In the second pic...I'm sure the blonde at the top left is one of the previous zako but I'm not sure which. I also think her actress played a dead victim of the initial plane crash. The girl lying on the sandbags in the top right of the second pic could be Shorts Girl or Torn Shorts Girl (next on this list) but I'm not sure. Anyone got an idea? Last but not least, we have some various female legs shown during the forest scene, but I'm not sure which zako they belong to.
Troma's War Zako Misc 01.png Troma's War Zako Misc 02.png

17. Torn Shorts Girl: This zako wears a grey, cleavage-exposing tank top, some ripped up shorts, and usually a black/blue beret. She became my favorite of the zako because, in true zako fashion, she shows up in the background of numerous talking scenes and action scenes for brief moments and gets killed or defeated a couple of times, always in the same outfit, as if the producers bet no one would notice her. It also doesn't hurt that she has curves in the right places. She definitely doesn't have the look of a typical model/actress, but that's fine with me. She tends to show up only in the background and to end facedown when she falls, probably to make it less obvious that she is used multiple times. I made a compilation clip of her various scenes:
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts
We get the best look at her while she is guarding prisoners at the terrorist camp. She tries to look tough despite, well, not seeming very tough.
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts 01 Standing About.png

When the terrorist camp is attacked, we see that her toughness is indeed just an act because the male hero portrayed as the weakest of the bunch, whom she is guarding, wrestles her to the ground, gets the gun from her hands, and face slams her into the ground, leaving her motionless and facedown in the dirt.
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts 02 Face-Slammed.png

However, we also see her running up a hill to escape from the attack on the camp and being shot in the back by a female heroine (along with the Blue Dress Black Hair zako), falling facedown, and sliding a bit down the hill, with a male baddie falling next to her.
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts 03 Shot in Back.png Troma's War Zako 01.png

Later on, after the fight is over and the heroes are walking around checking on their friends, we see her in the background, trying to crawl away for a moment but then collapsing facedown and lying still.
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts 04 Final Throes.png Troma's War Zako 00.png

Aside from those sightings, there are other brief glimpses of her: during the initial fight in the forest, she can be briefly seen lying curled up in the background, though all you can see is her shorts and a bit of her tanktop and beret. During the fight in the camp, you can barely see her lying on her back on some rocks, and after the fight, as the heroes are talking outside a tent, you can barely see her lying folded over some sandbags (the hair and grey top give it away). Finally, she may be the mystery zako lying across some sandbags in the top right of the second Miscellaneous snapshot, just wearing a different outfit.
Troma's War Zako Torn Shorts 05 Misc Deaths.png

That's it for now. That should make a mild dent in my backlog of material.

And last but not least...in response to this awesome pic from KeiBreilSL...first off, where did you find this? All I can say is that dressing up as low-level henchbabes from beat-em-up games (and especially as Soozie/Garnet from Streets of Rage 3/Bare Knuckle 3) NEEDS to become a new thing! It would be unbelievably cool if ladies started doing this every Halloween or during every comic/game convention. We see plenty dressed up as heroines...why not as henchbabes? :)

How about this, Soozie from SOR3:

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Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Thank you so much for this great collection! both El Planeta De Las Mujeres Invasoras and Final Detention are new to me, and the others are difficult to find online. Also love the Troma Wars movie, one movie that treats male and females equal
Also, many thanks for crediting EWD1 for 2 of the clips (I'm EWD1, hence many of my posts on Evilbabes follows the "zako motif")

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Some of those were new to me as well. Of those, I like El Planeta de las Mujeres Invasoras the best, though I wish it wasn't so old looking, and black and white. But what a great find. Too bad the henchwomen disappeared in that one part, I dislike when minions disappear.

The Grown Ups 2 movie shows the action continuing around fallen zako very well, funny how it comes from a family comedy. The first 2 clips you posted are also good zako scenes. All 3 kinda make you wish there was a little more, but it's always great to get more zako scenes to add to the collection.

Thank you Kimblis for that post. I'm reminded of the fact that I also have a bunch of zako clips that I have not yet posted.


Casual Client
May 29, 2012
Kimblis - wow! I'm in awe of your work on Troma. Such a great film for Zako - but so many of them spread out and fleeting.

I'd spotted most of those myself, but hadn't realised some of them were the same actresses/characters.

Except Torn Shorts Girl - she was my fave too, so I noticed her reoccurances. So tough acting at the start - feeling the need to threaten the fat guy because he insulted her leader. But when the action starts, its all shown as bravado - she gets involved in a life and death struggle with fat dude, and despite him being the wimpiest hero, he is still a hero, so she never stands a chance, getting a nasty smack on the head.

For most zako that would be the end of it - they would be dead already. But she is a resourceful Zako! She clearly manages to recover and decides she has had enough of this terrorist stuff, trying to escape up the hill to get out of the killing zone. But it is not to be... She is cut down by the 'heroes' - shot in the back as she - like many of her comrades - tries to flee. Despite being shot, she still tries to desperately crawl away, but only lasts a few seconds before expiring.

The actress is quite hot in a different way - different is good. The clothing she wears also works well on her.

Helmet Girl, Curly Hair, Muscle Girl, Shorts Girl and White Beret are also favourites of mine - not least because you see some of them outside combat beforehand - acting as normal human beings - laughing, joking and flirting with the guys in the base (I wonder how many of them just got involved in the whole ridiculous terrorist mess just because they liked one of the guys that was in the gang?), with White Beret worried about preserving her dignity in battle! These are not cardboard cutout cliches - but real, 3D human beings. And then they are all cut down mercilessly - regardless of whether they are male or female.

Just wish more of them could have had scenes like Blonde!

PS - I think Helmet Girl survives the initial battle in the forest - you see her in the background when the Nazi guy gets shot.
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Master of this Domain
Jul 27, 2012
@Kimblis - First off, your post is amazing. Never saw this movie, but loved tracking the zako. Was a big fan of the blonde one obviously, but the curly haired one was great too. Basically for the same reasons Tigey listed (you're post is probably exactly what I was going to write :P) I think my favorite shot from the whole thing is the one with the muscle girl dead on the sandbags. So many fun scenarios pop in my head :)

As for the pic, just something I found browsing online one day. I think it's the only one I could find.
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Master of this Domain
Nov 24, 2012
Kimblis; for some reason I can't access the Big Trouble in Little China, could you please re-upload


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Kimblis; for some reason I can't access the Big Trouble in Little China, could you please re-upload

I reuploaded the file and updated the link. Can you pm me to let me know if it is working now?

To Minion, Amazon Shark, Tigey, and KeiBreilSL, much thanks for the kind words. And Minion, I should have suspected that you were EWD1 from the Evilbabes forum! You have excellent posts both there and here.

I also like how the good guys in the Troma's War movie treat the female baddies just the same as the males (with the one exception for the blonde). I just found it frustrating that nearly all of the action scenes only showed the zako in the background or the fringes, while the male baddies frequently got some more dedicated camera time.

Amazon Shark, I completely agree with your assessment of El Planeta. It would have been awesome to have seen this movie in color. The fact that the zako get so little action in this movie, and then disappear when struck by the super weapon, were major disappointments. Nevertheless, I really liked the feminine look and sound of these zako.

Speaking of sound, that's an aspect of zako I'm coming to appreciate more. I like when the zako try hard to seem tough only to have the illusion of toughness disappear when they are hurt/defeated by the heroes. The screams and groans of the zako (especially in Troma's War and El Planeta) do a lot for that impression.

I could only find one quick part in Grownups 2 where the action continues around a fallen zako...did anyone else see any more?

Tigey, I'm glad we agree so much on Troma's War! I love your assessment of Torn Shorts Girl. She seems a perfect example of a zako trying to act tough even though she is really no match for the heroes. And I agree as well that seeing the zako outside of battle, acting normal and flirting and stuff, does a lot to give them depth. I still wonder about Shorts Girl and White Beret...how did Shorts Girl end up in the pile of dead baddies in the camp with explosives planted right next to her? What finally happened to White Beret? We know what the movie implies, but we never see anything specific.
And thanks for the catch on Helmet Girl...now that's another one I have to wonder about!

KeiBreilSL, I also liked that final shot of Muscle Girl...it's interesting to compare before and after. Before she seems so tough, flexing her muscles confidently. Afterwards, lying over the sandbags with her hair covering her face and her mouth slightly open, she seems the exact opposite.
By the way, I'll be forever impressed by that pic you found...I never thought I would see someone cosplaying as Soozie/Garnet!

sindragoon, thanks for the contribution...I like the concept of these zako a lot. Henchbabes in tight pink uniforms...it sounds great. Unfortunately, the fact that so many of them are obviously stuntmen kind of ruins it. :(
This is a concept that could and should be redone in a much better way.

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