Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.08 (15 Jan 2017) (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Aug 12, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Ok, this is more of a proof of concept dialog than a real story but it should show what I have in mind. You can easily add this to the start or middle of your own if you wanted, with some tweaks to the choices I made.

You can set 2 variables for her, a noun and an adjective. You could change these to any other two descriptors that would work with your story (daughter and dad, daughter's friend and dad, girlfriend or boss, etc.).

Picking the adjective changes her hair - this is the first proof of concept idea.

I also have a choice for Him - guy, female with strapon or futa. Could use different values for him choices... like shirt on/off, clothing color, etc.

I don't know if this is required behavior or if this is something that can be fixed... but when you change a charcode the background also changes.

Last I have a choice for background switching. I picked 4 types but unless you happen to have the same 4 images I used, you will need to change these, and put the images where they need to be.


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Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

In the provided documentation it is explained that loading a char code will reset the background.
I might look into finding a way to load a character code without resetting everything, but that will take a while.


Potential Patron
Aug 12, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

I knew it would reset the bg, but didn't know if that was something technical that could not be changed, or was too much work at the time to fix or look into.

Just have to use a workaround until you have time to look into it.


Potential Patron
Aug 12, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Got a way around the background resetting on a load charcode trigger... you can specify the background you want in the charcode.


You can also disable resetting the deepthroat if you uncheck the option to "reset on new char" under the resistance slider in the Y - Scene menu. (Dialog writer won't have control over this.. but will be useful to know when bugchecking.)

Since it seems you can either SET or Load CharCode all of the attributes you can pick if you want things to reset or just change on the fly... now to find time to redo one of my dialogs that I can see this working in.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

I'm unable to get this to fit in a PM, so I'm just uploading it here. This is my Shapeshifting Succubus dialogue, although I'd advise people other than Pim_gd to just wait for the finished version (which I'll post in my thread), as I'm posting it here to get help fixing it.
I've had numerous problems getting it work, including [LOAD_CHARCODE] stopping any other lines triggerring (it was originally meant to be [LOAD_CHARCODE][rdf1] on rdfalse, which is why the first shapeshift is in a kind of random place now). I've worked around this by only loading charcodes at the end of conversations.
Now loading charcodes will work. I can confirm (by using the in-game editor) that shiftsuccubus, shiftoffice, etc all turn the girl into the appropriate appearance (and reset resistance, if that option is picked). I just can't get the Reactive Interrupt looping menus to work - the lines grouped with shiftdisguisechoice. Interrupting her (with his penis) just goes to a resistance, pull_off or held line for the current girl. Am I doing this wrong?

Edit: File removed because Pim_Gd has it and nobody else should be trying to use it yet.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

You don't need [LOAD_CHARCODE] if you're gonna do it at the start of the sentence.
(still reading)
You need to set your shift lines to him/thought style otherwise they won't play (remember, she's being interrupted by cock, so she can't talk)

Alternatively, you should consider using VariableArithmetic to prevent having to plaster that charCode everywhere ([VA_SET_VARIABLE_loadCharCode_*charCodeForSuccubus/office/sister/etc*])
but maybe that's a good idea for when you've gotten this working...

Ran a test - DialogueActions crashes because SDT hasn't booted yet.
Gotta fix that.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Manually set the shift lines to thought style and they do work now. Here's a test release for DialogueActions that fixes a crash on start up if you have loadCharCode defined in initial_settings.
(File removed, use v1.10 or higher from the OP).


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Pim_gd said:
You need to set your shift lines to him/thought style otherwise they won't play (remember, she's being interrupted by cock, so she can't talk)
I was sure I had done this, but apparently not. They're all thought lines now.

Alternatively, you should consider using VariableArithmetic to prevent having to plaster that charCode everywhere ([VA_SET_VARIABLE_loadCharCode_*charCodeForSuccubus/office/sister/etc*])
but maybe that's a good idea for when you've gotten this working...
This would probably be a good idea, I'll have to do that once it's confirmed to work (so that people can more easily modify the charcodes).

Pim_gd said:
fixes a crash on start up if you have loadCharCode defined in initial_settings.
Wait, I'm not meant to do that? Actually, yeah, that explains a lot (she kept randomly changing back to the first girl when I was resetting everything for testing).

Edit: Another file that has been received by the intended target. Precisely as the Dead Sea Scrolls foretold.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

"Wait, I'm not meant to do that? "

I opened the dialogue file, saw the variable in initial_settings and thought "Hey, that's pretty smart!"
and the DialogueActions crashed.
I figured I'd fix it since it's an easy fix.

I'll take a more detailed look at this tomorrow... if you wanted me to verify this is correct (or if you still have to work on it then I can hold off on that)

(looked at 0.2 anyway)
put it baaaack in loadCharCode
it was brilliant
it works now
it won't crash


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Pim_gd said:
(looked at 0.2 anyway)
put it baaaack in loadCharCode
it was brilliant
it works now
it won't crash
Well, it's going to be replaced by the five charcode variables in this version, which is meant to use VariableArithmetic to pull out those values for easier customization.
Except now the lines are too long for word wrap to work, and the checker shits itself when it hits line 16 (which has all five charcodes). Right now, I really can't be bothered to check if it's working in-game.
Edit: Looks like it can't read the variables when they're like that, so it's unable to do anything. There has to be a better way to do this.


Potential Patron
Aug 12, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Not sure this would make a diff, f93, but a lot of the loadCharCode things can be done with the set command as well. It will not reset her resistance, but might avoid some of the problems, and you can use a loadCharCode at the end of a chain to reset her if needed.

I never thought to set loadCharCode in initial_settings because I considered it an internal variable already set, similar to finish. Do we have to do that now, or is it still optional?


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

If you set loadCharCode at any time, it will update the game whenever the next frame is displayed, unless the current dialogue line contains [LOAD_CHARCODE].

It's optional to set it at the start, but the effect is that upon loading of the dialogue, that charcode will be used.

I'll take a look at turning off wordwrap for the input field in DialogueChecker.


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

karlpaws said:
Not sure this would make a diff, f93, but a lot of the loadCharCode things can be done with the set command as well.
Actually, now that you mention it I could probably just leave the initial settings for those charcodes blank (or with obvious placeholders), and set them all in the intro (so the variables aren't all on one game-killing line). I'll try that, see how it works. Even setting the last three in the first restart could work.
Edit: Ended up adding an extra bit to the intro that sets all variables.
Still says loadCharCode is undeclared.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

Fixed the issue in a local version of the dialogue checker, will release that later. (DialogueChecker does not support the use of VariableArithmetic for setting DialogueActions variables yet, my bad - in my local version[v2.11], however, it does)
Don't put setup in your intro line - use start and make use of instantlines

setup2:"[setup3]"{"style":"Thought","set":{"succubuscharcode":"charName:Kathy;bodyScale:0.9825;arms:onhislegs,onhislegs;throatResist:26;hair:sdchan,1,1;iris:cat,201,1 yewear:none,0,0,0,1;headwear:batwings,24,24,24,1,139,42,95,1;tonguePiercing:none,183,187,195,1;herTan:none,0"}}
setup6:"[VA_SET_VARIABLE_loadCharCode_*disguisecharcode*]your start line here."{"style":"Thought","set":{"played":"second"}}


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

I just noticed that the charcode for the succubus form is broken, so switched it out for a similar one. So I'm using the start linetype to set the initial charcode variables. Unfortunately when it hits the actual one it's meant to load (after setting them all), it fails, with a message in red:

SET_VARIABLE triggered, variable
loadCharCode undeclared!

This happens regardless of whether I declare loadCharCode in the initial_settings.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.05 (15 November 2013)

of course... shoulda seen that coming.

Okay, what's happening is that VariableArithmetic has, as a precaution, a check to see if a variable exists.
DialogueActions NUKES certain variables after they've been set.

I'll remove the safeguard from VariableArithmetic.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.06 (30 November 2013)

November 30, 2013
Introducing v1.06 of VariableArithmetic!
- Removed declared variable safeguard, as it prevents compatibility with DialogueActions
Link in OP, and the archive download in the second post has been updated as well.

f93, if you use the new version, does it work?


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.06 (30 November 2013)

Pim_gd said:
f93, if you use the new version, does it work?
It doesn't give the error message anymore, but she doesn't change at all. [VA_SET_VARIABLE_loadCharCode_*succubuscharcode*] should change her immediately if that variable is set, without needing a [LOAD_CHARCODE], right? Even adding that in after the variable set does nothing.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.06 (30 November 2013)

Apparently that might have something to do with the variable just not existing at the proper time or something. Whatever.

I removed variable nuking for non-clothes variables in this DialogueActions test version. Does that help?
(File removed, use v1.10 or higher from the OP).


Casual Client
Jul 8, 2013
Re: Pim_gd's Mods(2) - DialogueActions v1.09, VAv1.06 (30 November 2013)

Watching the start/setup lines, her hair flickers briefly but nothing actually changes. Since it's the same VA_SET_VARIABLE thing in all the other parts where she's meant to change, I don't think it has worked.
Still using version 0.5 of my dialogue for all this.

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