Code Red
Master of this Domain
- Joined
- Mar 29, 2014
Dominant Dozen
With no more entrants left to make their appearance, the entire crowd had their attention solely on the action going on in the ring. Many of their favorite competitors have come and gone in the past hour or so. But now, there are only a dozen women left standing in the ring. It's anyone's guess as to who will work away with their arms raised in victory. It's a shame though, since the twelve women had worked so hard to make it this far.

After eliminating Gail Kim from the competition, the thirtieth entrant faced the center of the ring.

She spotted an unconscious Sakura Hagiwara.

The teenage idol still hasn't recovered yet after being on the receiving end of a triple Awesome Bomb and a Spear-Buster. The African American wrestler smirked at the nearly lifeless girl. She could easily eliminate her without breaking a sweat, and there won't be any resistance.

But before Awesome Kong could get near the Japanese wrestler, Reiko Hinomoto intervened.

She gave the thirtieth entrant a dropkick to the chest.

Awesome Kong stumbled backwards, but remained on her two feet.

The Zero Fighter quickly got back to her feet.

She delivered another standing dropkick to Awesome Kong's body.

The Japanese wrestler executed a beautiful flip when she made contact with her opponent.

This time, Reiko's second dropkick brought the large wrestler down to the canvas.

The sellout crowd was on their feet, screaming from the top of their lungs after they saw Reiko Hinomoto took down Awesome Kong all by herself.

With the thirtieth entrant on her back, the Zero Fighter quickly made her way toward the ring ropes.

The twentieth entrant hopped on the second rope.

Next, she sprang of off her feet and executed a backflip in midair.

Reiko landed chest first across Awesome Kong's stomach.

Afterwards, Hinomoto made it back to her knees, clenching her midsection.

Even though the damage has been done with her springboard moonsault, the Zero Fighter still felt the impact in her body.

"Textbook moonsault off of the second rope from Reiko Hinomoto! I got to say that Reiko is really bringing her 'A' game to this competition! There are not a lot of women who can take down the mighty Awesome Kong!"
"Yeah! Reiko Hinomoto is a huge fan favorite! She entered the competition at #20, so she has a legitimate chance to win the Ryona Rumble! Everyone in the ring does actually! But betting on Reiko is not a bad choice!"
When the Zero Fighter returned to a standing position, Nina and Anna Williams blindsided the Japanese wrestler.

They brought Reiko to her knees with hard kicks and stomps to her midsection, as well as vicious forearm shots to the face.

The weakened Zero Fighter fell to her knees.

Hinomoto tried to cover herself.

Howeverm the Williams sisters would always find an open area to target.

The fans showered the siblings with loud boos and jeers.

Next, the twenty-eighth entrant brought Reiko to her feet by yanking her brown hair.

Anna Williams then put the Japanese wrestler in a full nelson hold.

She gave her sister the signal to proceed with the beatdown.

And that's what Nina did.

Not only she gave Reiko's exposed midsection hard kicks, she also slapped the Zero Fighter in the face.

Hinomoto could feel the full force of all of the eighteenth entrant's attacks.

She groaned in pain with each hit she took.

After a few moments of assaulting the defenseless Japanese wrestler, Nina Williams ran back to the opposite side of the ring.

She rebounded off of the ropes and came back toward Reiko with the intent of taking her head off.

However, the twentieth entrant quickly recovered and extended her right leg out, planting her red boot into Nina's face.

The blonde bombshell stumbled backwards and rubbed her chin, feeling like she ran into a brick wall.

With one of her opponents dazed, Reiko Hinomoto then focused her attention on freeing herself. The Japanese wrestler threw her head backwards, bashing the back of her skull against Anna's face.

The twenty-eighth entrant also stumbled backwards, rubbing her nose to check if was broken or not. While there wasn't any blood coming out of her nose, the impact still gave her a big headache.

Finally, the Zero Fighter wrapped her arms around Anna Williams's head and rushed toward the center of the ring.

It seemed like Reiko Hinomoto was going for a running bulldog.

However, the Japanese wrestler was also making her way toward Anna's sister. When she was close enough, Reiko jumped and wrapped her legs around Nina's head.

Finally, the Zero Fighter rotated her upper and lower body.

Reiko executed a headlock takedown and a leg scissors takedown on her two opponents.

The crowd was once again cheering when Reiko sent both Nina and Anna Williams on their back.

"Oh wow! Look at that! That was an insane move by Reiko Hinomoto! Even with Nina and Anna Williams working together, the Zero Fighter was able to take them both out! Most impressive!"

"She is the proud daughter of the late Kamikaze Rose, Ray! It doesn't matter how overwhelming the odds or what kind of pain she has to endure! Reiko will keep on fighting until she cannot fight anymore!"
The Zero Fighter then slumped into an unoccupied corner to catch her breath. In the meantime, she would scout the action going on inside the ring and decide who she would attack next.

But then, Taryn Terrell charge toward the turnbuckle Reiko Hinomoto was in.

She extended her arm out and gave her a hard clothesline to the chest, stunning the twentieth entrant.

The blonde followed up with more back elbows to the Japanese wrestler's temple.

Poor Reiko was in no position to fight back.

After the TNA Knockout knocked Reiko on her butt, she pressed her boot against the nineteen year old woman's throat, making the Zero Fighter gasp for air.

With the Japanese wrestler down, Taryn Terrell then focused her attention to the center of the ring.

There, Jaycee and Michelle Chang were trying to get Sakura Hagiwara back up so that they can eliminate her. Because the teenage idol had took so much punishment and abuse, she provided very little resistance. It took the combined efforts of the fourteenth and sixteenth to bring the nearly lifeless Japanese wrestler back on her knees.

Suddenly, the twenty-ninth entrant stepped out in front of the mother-daughter team with her hand out in front, wordlessly requesting Michelle Chang and Jaycee to put off of throwing Sakura Hagiwara out of the ring for a moment.

Before either the fourteenth or the sixteenth could ask the TNA Knockout any questions, the blonde grabbed the groggy Hagiwara by the hair and put her head through her thighs.

Taryn Terrell then lifted the first entrant on her shoulders, seemingly ready to deliver a huge powerbomb on the teenage idol.

However, the blonde kept Sakura on her shoulders for a few moments as she shot a quick glance toward Jaycee and Michelle Chang.

There was a brief moment in time when their eyes had met. But both the luchadora and her mother quickly got the message.

The fourteenth entrant stood on the TNA Knockout's right side, while the sixteenth entrant stood on the left.

Both Jaycee and Michelle Chang jumped at the same time, wrapping their arm around Sakura's neck and chest.

All three women then fell on their knees. The mother-daughter team delivered a double falling forward side slam, while Taryn Terrell finished the powerbomb.

The modified Triple Powerbomb-slam was three times as impacting as a regular one.

Hagowara moaned in severe agony, feeling as if her back has already been broken.

"Oh man! What a unique triple team move! And poor Sakura took the worst of that fall!"
"It's not too long ago where a faction in the WWE named the Shield made the Triple Powerbomb famous! I believe this right here would put that to shame!"
The crowd was thrilled with that display of power by the three competitors.

Taryn Terrell exchanged high fives Michelle Chang and hugged Jaycee, showing the two women how excited she is.

After that, the fourteenth and sixteenth entrant struck a pose to the audience. Cameras flashed from every conceivable direction as the people tried to get the best shot they could that featured a few of the strongest fighters in the world.

"WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!" The audience chanted, wanting to see the three women dish out more punishment on Sakura.

Even though Taryn Terrell, Michelle Chang and Jaycee considered it to be overkill, this what the people wanted.

And even it meant that Hagiwara may be sent to the hospital afterwards, this is what they'd paid to see.

The fourteenth entrant picked up the nearly lifeless Sakura back to her feet,

She stood behind her and wrapped her arms around the teenage idol's waist.

Jaycee first brought the groggy young woman to an unoccupied corner.

Meanwhile, Michelle Chang a few feet behind her, and Taryn Terrell a few feet behind her.

Next, the luchadora lifted her opponent up and arched her back.

She transitioned into a bridging position with her back and legs.

But by then, Jaycee had completed the German suplex, slamming Sakura's shoulders and upper back hard on the mat.

The Japanese wrestler's body folded in half like a sheet of paper.

Jaycee's throw was the perfect setup for the sixteenth entrant.

She helped poor Sakura back up to a vertical base.

There was some space in between Sakura's legs.

Michelle Chang put her head through it, placing the back of Hagiwara's legs on her shoulders.

Next, Michelle lifted the Japanese wrestler up on her shoulders.

But then, she transitioned to another bridging position, similar to Jaycee.

The audience reacted with awe as the sixteenth entrant delivered the Electric Chair Drop with a ton of force.

Again, Sakura's body folded in half with her legs just passing her head.

But that was Taryn Terrell's cue to finish the triple suplex.

The blonde wrapped Hagiwara's legs around her torso, putting her in a wheelbarrow hold.

Next, the TNA Knockout applied a gutwrench to lift the injured Japanese wrestler back up.

With a good increase in momentum, Taryn Terrell threw the teenage idol backwards.

Sakura Hagiwara landed on her upper back, as well as the back of her neck and head.

For the third time, her body folded into the letter C after the blonde completed the Wheelbarrow Suplex.

But the combination was already finished, and there's no way the first entrant is getting up after that, not for a long time.
"My Lord! Have mercy! That is enough! Sakura Hagiwara has had enough! The human body can only absorb so much punishment! But that, folks, I believe Sakura has already passed that threshold! This isn't funny anymore! This is downright humiliating! I mean, really! A German Suplex, followed by an Electric Chair Drop, followed by a Wheelbarrow Suplex! If this keeps up, I think we might need to stop the match for Sakura's sake!"

"Sorry, Al! But the only way the officials are stopping this match is that when we have a definitive winner! If they're going to send Hagiwara to the paramedics, then she's got to be eliminated first! Otherwise, Sakura's got no choice but to endure all she can! Either that, or just eliminate herself so that she can be done with it!"
Meanwhile, Taryn Terrell, as well as the mother-daughter team of Jaycee and Michelle Chang waved to the audience as they showered the women with thunderous applauses.

No one would've suspected that these three talented competitors would make such an awesome team.

The TNA Knockout gave Michelle and Jaycee high fives, feeling enthusiastic about the chemistry they have with each other.

Next, the mother-daughter team made their way toward unoccupied corners, climbed the second rope and acknowledged the crowd.

Too bad their fun had to end.

When Michelle Chang got back on the mat and turned around, Taryn Terrell had betrayed her partner.

She gave the sixteenth entrant a Taryn Cutter.

Michelle Chang flipped on her back after the devastating impact to the canvas.

By the time the blonde had already got back to her feet, Jaycee had already saw what happened.

Obviously, she wasn't too happy to see the TNA Knockout mercilessly taking out her mother like that.

The masked luchadora charged toward Taryn Terrell, ready to take her head off with a vicious lariat.

But the blonde ducked underneath Jaycee's arm.

The twenty-ninth entrant waited for her opponent to turn around.

And when she did, Taryn Terrell executed another jumping cutter, driving the masked wrestler's face into the canvas.

Jaycee flipped on her back upon impact.

The TNA Knockout celebrated by raising her arms in victory.

Too bad she didn't notice Reiko Hinomoto approaching from behind.

The Zero Fighter jumped up and grabbed her opponent's head.

She then fell backwards, resulting in both the twentieth and twenty-ninth entrant landing in a supine position.

Again, the audience loved the way Reiko delivered the reverse bulldog. Taryn Terrell, on the other hand, was having trouble getting up after taking her opponent's surprise attack.

The Japanese wrestler then quickly returned to a standing position.

Noticing that her opponent is still down, Reiko made her move.

She bounced off of the ropes and approached Taryn Terrell.

She jumped forward, while executing a backflip in midair.

Hinomoto connected beautifully with the Shooting Star Press, landing on Taryn Terrell's chest.

Reiko clutched her midsection, feeling the effects her of latest high-flying move.

But at least that did more damage to Taryn Terrell than herself.

By the time the Zero Fighter had got back to her feet, Cammy and Beth Phoenix had already bounded off of the ropes.

The sprinted toward the Japanese wrestler, trapping her in between.

The twelfth and sixth entrants extended their arms out wide.

The two blondes collided into Hinomoto with a double clothesline to her front and back.

The stunned Reiko fell on her back after the devastating impact.

The sixth and twelfth made sure the brunette stayed down with hard stomps all over her body.

Next, the Glamazon brought the Japanese wrestler back to her feet.

Beth Phoenix turned her opponent around so that Reiko's backside was facing her.

Beth Phoenix then put her head under her opponent's shoulder.

The former WWE Diva lifted the Zero Fighter up.

Beth Phoenix held her opponent up for a few moments, prolonging her suffering.

Finally, she dropped her tailbone-first on her knee.

The Glamazon's Atomic Drop stunned Reiko Hinomoto, making the nineteen year old woman rub her aching behind.

But right afterwards, Cammy and Beth Phoenix both attacked the groggy Japanese wrestler at the same time.

The Delta Red officer unleashed another Cannon Spike, while the former WWE Diva went for a high roundkick.

Both of the blonde's foot hit Reiko Hinomoto's head at the same time.

The Zero Fighter's eyes rolled back as she fell on her knees and collapsed on the canvas.

"God! What a combination by Beth Phoenix and Cammy! The force of the two kicks probably knocked out Reiko Hinomoto!"
"Getting hit by Cammy's Cannon Spike is one thing! But combined with a huge kick from Beth Phoenix, and that's another story! And I think Reiko is out cold!"
Thankfully for the twentieth entrant, the Glamazon's and the Delta Red officer's alliance was only temporary.After taking out the Japanese wrestler, Cammy and Beth Phoenix immediately turned on each other.

The blondes exchanged forearms, hooks and punches to their opponent's face.

And it seemed like the audience was favoring one over the other.

Every time Cammy had connected with her attack, the crowd showered the twelfth entrant with cheers.

But whenever Beth Phoenix scored a hit, they gave the former WWE Diva a chorus of boos.

Because of this distraction, the Delta Red soldier had brought the fight back in her favor.

She unloaded a string of forearm shots to her opponent's temple until she was backed against the ropes.

Now, she was set to knock the Glamazon out of the ring. Cammy rushed to the other side of the squared circle and bounced off of the ropes.

She extended her arm out, looking to send Beth Phoenix out of the ring with a hard clothesline.

But the former WWE Diva was ready. She bent forward and timed her opponent's approach.

Next, Beth Phoenix lifted the twelfth entrant over the top rope. It seemed like the Glamazon had tossed Cammy out of the ring.

However, the Delta Red officer grabbed the top rope and landed on her two feet on the ring apron.

The former WWE Diva tried to get Cammy off of the apron.

But the twelfth entrant gave her opponent a vicious forearm to the side of Beth Phoenix's head.

This forced the sixth entrant to stumble backwards. giving Cammy some space.

The Delta Red officer saw an opportunity.

She then hopped on the top rope and bounced toward the dazed Glamazon with her muscular legs apart, straddling on her opponent's shoulders.

Cammy then used bent backwards, using her own momentum to snap off a hurricanrana.

The twelfth entrant completed the West Coast Pop with some follow up punches to Beth Phoenix's exposed head.

She kept on pounding her opponent's temple, until the former WWE Diva had lost consciousness.

"Oh! What a hurricanrana by Cammy on Beth Phoenix, and in midflight too! The pure skills and abilities of the Delta Red soldier is on full display here, folks!"
"Beth Phoenix sure did not see that coming! She and Cammy sure made a good pair when they took out Reiko Hinomoto! But then again, this is the Ryona Rumble, Al! It is every woman for herself! Alliances will be formed during the match, but there can only be one winner!"

But by the time Cammy had gotten off of Beth Phoenix, Juri came from behind, grabbed the blonde by her long pigtails.

She threw Cammy down and slammed her hard on the mat.

The Delta Red soldier's head crashed hard on the canvas, almost giving the British woman a concussion.

But the Korean fighter mounted on top of her opponent and began to choke the life out o her.

Cammy coughed for air as Juri continued to make the blonde's life miserable.

Still, the audience enjoyed the catfight going on in the ring.

Juri then brought the helpless blonde to her feet.

She delivered hard knees to the woman's face and gut.

She hadn't forgotten what her opponent did to her Feng Shui Engine. The Korean fighter had revenge written in her eyes.

Every knee strike she delivered was filled with malice and hatred.

Despite not having a lot of power in her attacks without her secret weapon, Juri would not stop until her opponent's face was broken and all of her ribs were busted.

Thankfully, the Korean fighter did not see the Interpol agent coming in.

A huge sidekick from Chun-li sent Juri to the ground.

The kick knocked Juri unconscious.

Rather than doing more damage to the twenty-sixth entrant, the Chinese woman focus on sending the Korean fighter packing. She grabbed a fistful of Juri's hair and brought her back to a standing position.

Chun-li then shuffled toward the edge of the ring and threw her opponent over the top rope.

Juri's body bounced on the apron and landed on the arena floor.

"Oh no! Juri's gone! The twenty-sixth entrant of the Ryona Rumble has been eliminated!"
"And a costly mistake by Juri as well! In this contest, you got to have eyes in the back of your head! Juri was so busy attacking Cammy, she did not see Chun-li coming from her blindside!"
"And speaking of coming from her blindside... LOOK AT THIS!"
No one saw it coming, not even Chun-li.

By the time the Interpol officer could relax, her partner had already made her move.

Cammy grabbed the Chinese woman by the legs, lifted her up and hoisted her out of the ring.

"I don't believe it! Chun-li has been eliminated by her own friend! One moment, they were working together to throw out Juri! And in the next, Cammy double-crossed her partner!"
"What have we've been emphasizing this whole time, Al? It's every women for herself! Alliances will be formed! Alliances will be broken! There can be only be one winner! Fortunately for Cammy, she can still emerge victorious! Sadly for Chun-li, her run in the Ryona Rumble has come to a bitter end! Being eliminated by one of your closest friends will definitely leave a sour taste in your mouth!"

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