Code Red
Master of this Domain
- Joined
- Mar 29, 2014
Entry #21
The entrance music of the next competitor sounded like it came from a strip club. The fast pace background made some of the sexy women in the arena show off their own moves toward their boyfriends or to anyone who would be interested enough to watch. At the same time, the audience felt like the temperature of the arena had increased a little bit. A few hypothesized that the air conditioning was malfunctioning. Others believed the heat was caused by the arousing dancing from the ladies.
But truth be told, this specific entrance music could only belong to one of the most feared and sexiest fighters of all time.
Moments later, the twenty-first entrant came out of the curtain.

She appeared to around twenty-five years of age. She had long, pink hair and wore a black, peak cap with a chain-link design wrapped around it. This woman wore a skimpy, white midriff-revealing tank top, and a pair of skimpy, denim cut-off short shorts. She also had a chain around her waist, a studded, black collar on her neck, and a pair of hand-cuffs hanging from the chain around her waist. Her black high-heels had a nice shine on them. Finally, she carried a riding crop for her weapon of choice.

However, unlike the rest of the competitors, she did not come alone.
In fact, she was riding the shoulders of another man, who appeared to be her manager.
In fact, she was riding the shoulders of another man, who appeared to be her manager.

This guy was unbelievably tall. Standing at just seven feet and ten inches tall, he even makes wrestlers like the Big Show and the Great Khali look small. This man wore a pinkish, leopard-skin tank-top with magenta jeans, brown boots, and black studded wristbands. He also has a thick chain from the back of his waist, to 3/4 of the way around his waist, ending at his hip. He has long, messy black hair that bounced and moves around as he moves.

Sakura Hagiwara and Reiko Hinomoto stared at the couple with fear.
"Uh-oh! This does not look good!"
"Another competitor from the universe of Street Fighter! It's the deadly, but sexy Poison!"
"Entering at #21, Poison will have plenty to prove here tonight!"
"Originally part of the Mad Gear Gang, one of the most ruthless and violent crime thugs in the big city! She and a large number of thugs terrorize the people and rule the slums! But after the downfall of the Mad Gear, Poison became a wrestling manager! When business wasn't booming, she decided to enter a fighting tournament to scout some new talent!"
"And as you can see, Al, Poison is being accompanied by the bellowing giant, Hugo!"
"And who is this ginormous beast that Poison happened to 'discover?' Well, after the tournament, she met up with her former comrade, Hugo! She offered to manage him in his career in professional wrestling! And although he was reluctant at first, Hugo eventually accepts! Despite constantly bickering toward each other, Poison and Hugo make one hell of a team!
"So, Hugo does the destruction and Poison collects the interest!"
"If that's how you want to put it! But I gotta ask! What in God's name is Hugo out here? Why is the large buffoon accompanying Poison when he's not in the match?"
"You clearly don't understand the relationship between wrestler and manager, huh Ray? The manager will do whatever it takes to protect her client! The same thing can be said about the wrestler! It is his duty to make sure nothing bad happens to his manager!"
"Can you imagine how much this will boost Poison's career if she can pull out the win?"
The pink haired woman rode on her client's shoulders all the way down the ramp. She was in no rush to get into this match. After all, a couple of Japanese teenagers had already took out most of the competition. Poison had a pretty good feeling that dealing with these amateurs will be easier than facing three other jobbers in a handicap match. Once when the giant had reached the edge of the ring, the twenty-five year old girl whipped her riding crop, signaling her client to stop.
"Uh-oh! This does not look good!"
"Another competitor from the universe of Street Fighter! It's the deadly, but sexy Poison!"
"Entering at #21, Poison will have plenty to prove here tonight!"
"Originally part of the Mad Gear Gang, one of the most ruthless and violent crime thugs in the big city! She and a large number of thugs terrorize the people and rule the slums! But after the downfall of the Mad Gear, Poison became a wrestling manager! When business wasn't booming, she decided to enter a fighting tournament to scout some new talent!"
"And as you can see, Al, Poison is being accompanied by the bellowing giant, Hugo!"
"And who is this ginormous beast that Poison happened to 'discover?' Well, after the tournament, she met up with her former comrade, Hugo! She offered to manage him in his career in professional wrestling! And although he was reluctant at first, Hugo eventually accepts! Despite constantly bickering toward each other, Poison and Hugo make one hell of a team!
"So, Hugo does the destruction and Poison collects the interest!"
"If that's how you want to put it! But I gotta ask! What in God's name is Hugo out here? Why is the large buffoon accompanying Poison when he's not in the match?"
"You clearly don't understand the relationship between wrestler and manager, huh Ray? The manager will do whatever it takes to protect her client! The same thing can be said about the wrestler! It is his duty to make sure nothing bad happens to his manager!"
"Can you imagine how much this will boost Poison's career if she can pull out the win?"
The pink haired woman rode on her client's shoulders all the way down the ramp. She was in no rush to get into this match. After all, a couple of Japanese teenagers had already took out most of the competition. Poison had a pretty good feeling that dealing with these amateurs will be easier than facing three other jobbers in a handicap match. Once when the giant had reached the edge of the ring, the twenty-five year old girl whipped her riding crop, signaling her client to stop.

Meanwhile, Reiko and Sakura dropped back in their defensive stance and waited for the twenty-first entrant to enter the ring. Even though the two of them worked well as a team for the first couple of minutes, they still couldn't let their guard down. This new opponent was bringing a weapon in the ring. Not only that, but she also has his large bodyguard on the outside just in case something might go wrong.

Poison then hopped off of her client's shoulders.

She smoothly landed on the floor, despite wearing high heels.

The pink haired woman walked up the steel steps and stood on the apron.

But Sakura and Reiko ducked underneath the short whip, making the pink haired woman stumble momentarily.

Unfortunately, Hagiwara and Hinomoto failed to notice that Hugo was there ready to save his manager. One he saw Poison was about to be eliminated, he caught her bridal style.

"What the hell is this? Don't tell me that Hugo had just saved Poison from being out of the competition?"
"We all saw it, partner! While Poison did go over the top rope, her feet did not touch the ground. So therefore, she is technically still in this matchup! That is, unless Hugo puts her down, which I believe won't happen any time soon!"
Most of the crowd reacted with awe after seeing how Poison expressed her gratitude to the man who saved her from being eliminated. Some feared that Hugo might go into a fit of rage after his manager smacked him across the cheek. But that didn't happen. The smug grin on his face remained. In fact, Hugo even lets out a loud chuckle that made Sakura Hagiwara and Reiko Hinomoto uncomfortable.
Finally, the giant set his manager down on the steel steps. Since her feet didn't hit the floor, she was not eliminated yet. But Poison didn't care. As long as she's here, this could be the perfect time to do some real damage. The pink haired woman lets out a soft whistle and then pointed her finger toward the Japanese teenagers that tried to throw her out of the ring.

"Uh-oh! What is this? What the hell is Hugo doing in the ring? He's not in the Ryona Rumble match!"
"I don't see why you're so upset, Al! You remember that there's no disqualifications in this kind of contest! That means that Hugo has every right to be there!"
"All under Poison's orders! If she wants Reiko or Sakura broken, then that's exactly what Hugo's going to do! And there's nothing anyone else can do about it!"
"Maybe you're overreacting! Perhaps Poison wants Hugo to do enough damage so she can finish the job!"
The giant towered above Reiko and Sakura.
"I don't see why you're so upset, Al! You remember that there's no disqualifications in this kind of contest! That means that Hugo has every right to be there!"
"All under Poison's orders! If she wants Reiko or Sakura broken, then that's exactly what Hugo's going to do! And there's nothing anyone else can do about it!"
"Maybe you're overreacting! Perhaps Poison wants Hugo to do enough damage so she can finish the job!"
The giant towered above Reiko and Sakura.

Moments later, the Japanese wrestlers were back on the attack.

Realizing that their attacks weren't getting them anywhere, the first and twentieth entrant decided to try something else.

As they approached the giant, both girls sprang off of the ground and executed a Double Dropkick to the man's chest.

But it wasn't enough to get him out of the ring. In fact, their last attack angered the gargantuan. Hugo rebounded off of the ropes and exploded on his opponents.

The giant extended his arms out toward both of the Japanese wrestlers.

"Oh my God! Oh good lord! What a double clothesline to Sakura and Reiko! And just like that, all of the momentum these two had built has been stopped by that one man, who shouldn't even be in the ring in the first place!"
"And I don't think Hugo's done toying with these two young beauties! Look at this!"
The seven foot monster grabbed the twentieth entrant by her short, brown hair. All he needed was one arm to casually get Reiko back on her feet.
"And I don't think Hugo's done toying with these two young beauties! Look at this!"
The seven foot monster grabbed the twentieth entrant by her short, brown hair. All he needed was one arm to casually get Reiko back on her feet.

With one of the girls out, Hugo then turned his attention to the other Japanese teenager. Sakura Hagiwara was still flat on her back after the giant nearly took her head off with that clothesline of his.

It looked like Hugo was going for a standard delayed vertical suplex.

"Unbelievable! Hugo with a huge powerbomb and a devastating Jackhammer on Reiko Hinomoto and Sakura Hagiwara! That was totally unnecessary! That man has no business being in the Ryona Rumble match! He's just here to do Poison's dirty work!"
"And where in the rulebook says that Hugo can't do what he had just did? Once again, Al, there is no rules in this kind of contest! Anything goes! It's all legal! If Hugo wants to do more damage on Sakura and Reiko, who are we to stop him?"
Hugo first checked around the ring to see if the other competitors in the ring posed any kind of threat.
"And where in the rulebook says that Hugo can't do what he had just did? Once again, Al, there is no rules in this kind of contest! Anything goes! It's all legal! If Hugo wants to do more damage on Sakura and Reiko, who are we to stop him?"
Hugo first checked around the ring to see if the other competitors in the ring posed any kind of threat.

After chuckling at the cowards, the gargantuan turned his attention to the back to the semiconscious Reiko Hinomoto.

The crowd stood up in anticipation, waiting anxiously for Hugo to make his move. After a few devastating moves to a couple of the hottest competitors in the ring, they couldn't wait to see what this large wrestler was going to do next.
With his arms still wrapped around the twentieth entrant's waist, Hugo made his way to the middle of the ring.
With his arms still wrapped around the twentieth entrant's waist, Hugo made his way to the middle of the ring.

"No way! Hugo with a vicious Tombstone Piledriver! Did you see the way Reiko's head bouncing off of Sakura? Man, I don't even know who took the worse of that fall!"
"I can feel it too! And you're right, Al! Reiko's head probably throbbing in pain right about now! But then again, Sakura's midsection has took a lot of punishment ever since the start of the match!"
"I don't care if there are no rules in this contest! Hugo has no right to be here! Somebody's got to stop this monster before one of the competitors gets a serious injury!"
The sound of Poison snapping her finger made the giant wrestler freeze. Hugo turned and saw his manager standing on top of the steel steps.
"I can feel it too! And you're right, Al! Reiko's head probably throbbing in pain right about now! But then again, Sakura's midsection has took a lot of punishment ever since the start of the match!"
"I don't care if there are no rules in this contest! Hugo has no right to be here! Somebody's got to stop this monster before one of the competitors gets a serious injury!"
The sound of Poison snapping her finger made the giant wrestler freeze. Hugo turned and saw his manager standing on top of the steel steps.

By the time Hugo's feet had hit the ground, Poison reentered the ring.


The twenty-first entrant grabbed the Zero Fighter by the arm and dragged her toward the closet turnbuckle.

With her riding crop in hand, Poison unleashed a vicious whip on Hinomoto's backside.

Poison then unleashed her second attack on the Japanese wrestler.


"OOH!" The audience reacted when the pink haired woman whipped the helpless teenager once again.

"How humiliating! Reiko can't defend herself! Look at her writhing in agony as Poison uses that riding crop of hers as a weapon on Hinomoto! Dammit, I don't even know why she has that whip in the match!"
"For one reason only, partner! And that is to bring pain, suffering and abuse to her opponents! It turns out that Reiko Hinomoto, the daughter of the late, great Kamikaze Rose, will be Poison's first victim!"
"For one reason only, partner! And that is to bring pain, suffering and abuse to her opponents! It turns out that Reiko Hinomoto, the daughter of the late, great Kamikaze Rose, will be Poison's first victim!"

"It's a good thing that damn Hugo did some work on Reiko before Poison came into the ring! I don't think she would've lasted long if she didn't have any help!"
"Anyway, if you turn your attention to the other side of the ring, you'll notice that almost all of the other competitors are closing in on Sakura Hagiwara!"
The first entrant flipped on her back. She still had her arms clenched around her midsection. The pain in her stomach was unbearable. Hagiwara was still suffering from the devastating impact on her belly after Hugo dropped Reiko Hinomoto right on top of her. Sakura's foot tapped rapidly on the canvas. The crowd could only imagine how much pain this poor, young girl was in.
"Anyway, if you turn your attention to the other side of the ring, you'll notice that almost all of the other competitors are closing in on Sakura Hagiwara!"
The first entrant flipped on her back. She still had her arms clenched around her midsection. The pain in her stomach was unbearable. Hagiwara was still suffering from the devastating impact on her belly after Hugo dropped Reiko Hinomoto right on top of her. Sakura's foot tapped rapidly on the canvas. The crowd could only imagine how much pain this poor, young girl was in.

But her suffering was about to get even worse.
All of the sudden, Sakura felt someone stomping on her body. Next, a few more boots joined the thrashing. The seventeen year old girl managed to open her eyes to see who was attack her. Hagiwara's heart almost skipped a beat when she noticed that six of the competitors in the ring were all gunning for her.
All of the sudden, Sakura felt someone stomping on her body. Next, a few more boots joined the thrashing. The seventeen year old girl managed to open her eyes to see who was attack her. Hagiwara's heart almost skipped a beat when she noticed that six of the competitors in the ring were all gunning for her.

Next, the fourteenth entrant stood on Sakura's left side and grabbed her arm.

After her daughter has the young woman in that submission hold, Michelle Chang decided to join in the fun.

"Just look at that! Another double submission hold on Sakura! Even though there are no submissions in the Ryona Rumble match, Jaycee and Michelle are wearing Hagiwara down!"

"Poor Sakura! I'm just wondering how she's going to tap when both of her arms are immobilized! Man, Jaycee and Michelle Chang are showing no mercy on the teenage idol!"

Hagiwara kicked her legs about, trying to endure the agony.

Sadly, Nina Williams wanted to make the teenage idol suffer even more.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! ITAIIIIIIIIII! AAAHHHHHH!" The teenage idol yelped in agony.

This was absolutely humiliating. Sakura could not believe that this is happening to her. Both of her shoulders and elbow were already bent beyond her normal range of motion. She was sure that there was already damage to her ligaments.

Too bad Cammy was not in a giving mood. The only thing worse than four submission holds at once is five submission holds at once.

Gail Kim was the last one to apply her own submission hold on the helpless teenage idol. The TNA Knockout dropped to her knees in front of Sakura's side, since there wasn't much room for her to kneel. So far, the only body part that wasn't targeted was Hagiwara's belly. But thanks to the Korean wrestler, that all changed. Gail Kin reached out with both hands, sinking her fingers into the Japanese teen's abdominal region. The TNA Knockout squeezed with all of her might, bringing more and more pain to her opponent.

"Oh no! Look at this! Another submission combination on Sakura Hagiwara! This is ridiculous! There's no way she can last! Not with six competitors trying to rip her apart!"
"A double cross armbreaker, a double kneebar, a neck scissors and a two-handed belly claw all on poor Sakura! She can't break free with all four of her limbs being wrenched! And with Cammy trying to choke her out and with Gail Kim gripping hard on Hagiwara's belly, it won't be long before she passes out!"
"She'll be even lucky if one of her arms or legs aren't broken or dislocated! That would be a disaster! Again, it's a six on one assault! Who knows how long Sakura can endure such punishment?"
"Like I said before, there are no rules! These ladies are free to gang up on Hagiwara if they so chose to!"
The raven haired girl thought she was going to die. Not only the Korean wrestler had a vice grip on her injured ribs, but she also had no intention of letting go. The pain in her belly intensified and worsened.
"A double cross armbreaker, a double kneebar, a neck scissors and a two-handed belly claw all on poor Sakura! She can't break free with all four of her limbs being wrenched! And with Cammy trying to choke her out and with Gail Kim gripping hard on Hagiwara's belly, it won't be long before she passes out!"
"She'll be even lucky if one of her arms or legs aren't broken or dislocated! That would be a disaster! Again, it's a six on one assault! Who knows how long Sakura can endure such punishment?"
"Like I said before, there are no rules! These ladies are free to gang up on Hagiwara if they so chose to!"
The raven haired girl thought she was going to die. Not only the Korean wrestler had a vice grip on her injured ribs, but she also had no intention of letting go. The pain in her belly intensified and worsened.

It was about twenty minutes ago where Hagiwara go through the indescribable torture of suffering a triple submission hold by Cammy, Gail Kim and Beth Phoenix. But now, not a single person in the arena could imagine exactly what this poor young woman was going through. She has been on the receiving end of some of the most devastating submission holds. But having six them applied to her at once was much more than she could endure.

But despite the unimaginable pain Sakura Hagiwara was going through, she did see a glimmer of hope when she noticed that the countdown numbers on the titantron has reappeared again. There were only seconds left before the twenty-second entrant makes her appearance. Unfortunately, as the numbers drew closer to zero, the six competitors pulled harder and tightened their submission hold on the teenage idol. Seconds felt like hours. Sakura tried her hardest to fight back her tears and endure the pain.

Sakura wished with all of her might that the next entrant would help her get out of this current predicament she's in. If not, then not only the seventeen year old girl would be easy pickings for elimination, but she could also never step foot into a wrestling ring ever again.

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