Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (14 Viewers)


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Aw man, I did a whole THING with SFV, even editing in multiple voice clips from others games they got stunned in...

...and then lost everything. >_<;;
But yea, you can still find that stuff on YT.

SFV also got rid of Game Over screen which I loved in SF4.
I LOVE the voices for dizzy in SF4 and V, and also SFxT which didn't actually HAVE stuns but they DID record voices for it, some of my most favorite dizzy voice sounds huehue...>:3 I could maybe put those together on my mediafire if you want?

ahhhh still dragging my feet on SNK heroines, already recorded a lotta stuff but it was the holidays and stopped halfway. Um not exactly the kind of stuff you want people to see you doing at that time of year ya know?? x'D Plus I just played sooo much Smash Bros, I haven't even really looked at the ryona of it, sorta cuz there's not much new for me, and that one YT channel has done it all, so I just saved it for later. ;P


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
One note about Valiant Force (Mobile):
- That low HP stance you see, is your staple status ailment stance in the game: Sleep / Stun state basically -Petrify is basically the final frame of your hit animation before returning to your regular fighting stance-
- The reason for the classes which are parentheses is because sometimes the voices change from one job to another
- The place I can do these videos only lets me do it 3 times a day

A few more videos, and I'm in February -need at least more (which is very doable) because mid February I probably won't have time to do anything-... though I still haven't gone back and organize stuff yet. (That video you see on there hasn't been scheduled yet, but you get the see how I do my raw files before I start editing them).
- Also this number would've been in the 1500s, but I deleted a LOT of LQ videos because I'm going to be re-uploading the HQ ones when I get around to them.


- Grimm Notes is done (well all the characters I have, which is 64 videos -_- two chars in one video... one for stun, one for dizzy... well there goes February)!!!


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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
That's the girl from Phantom Breaker, right? A channel used to have all the stuns of that game, but got taken down in the purge


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
That's the girl from Phantom Breaker, right? A channel used to have all the stuns of that game, but got taken down in the purge
This is 'Phantom Breaker: Underground Overdrive (above)' which is the side scroller beat 'em up released for the PS3, Xbox360, and PS4. The other two games were released on said systems but they were fighting game. I never saw a stun video for the beat 'em up, only a few ryona videos, but I did see a stun video for the fighting game... I might have them saved on my computer still.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Guessing the surprising part is that the stun animation comes from lowering stats in the menu screen of all things, right?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Aghh been too busy and not in the mood to work on this stuff but yea I will force myself some time before the end of the month.. x'D


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
WHEW I finally got around to putting it together...
There's still more stuff I wanna do of this but I dunno if I will get time before I have to send it back.

Twitter thread:

Or direct video:


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Aw man, I did a whole THING with SFV, even editing in multiple voice clips from others games they got stunned in...

...and then lost everything. >_<;;
But yea, you can still find that stuff on YT.

SFV also got rid of Game Over screen which I loved in SF4.
I LOVE the voices for dizzy in SF4 and V, and also SFxT which didn't actually HAVE stuns but they DID record voices for it, some of my most favorite dizzy voice sounds huehue...>:3 I could maybe put those together on my mediafire if you want?

ahhhh still dragging my feet on SNK heroines, already recorded a lotta stuff but it was the holidays and stopped halfway. Um not exactly the kind of stuff you want people to see you doing at that time of year ya know?? x'D Plus I just played sooo much Smash Bros, I haven't even really looked at the ryona of it, sorta cuz there's not much new for me, and that one YT channel has done it all, so I just saved it for later. ;P

Yea that would me great! I've been looking on the internet and it's difficult to find all JPY and ENG dizzy voices.

And wow the SNK tag team... Are there really FOUR different dizzy voices? That's way better than I ever imagined!

BTW, do any of you understand Japanese? What does it mean that the things girls say when they were dizzy? Really wish there's a way I could know....


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I know a few but it's really rough, and my hearing is shot so I can't hear things correctly sometimes. There are some I can't figure out.

- "idoru wa makurenai" (i can't give up as an idol")
- "a re" (I usually translate this as 'huh?' or 'what the?' in dizzy... but in other context with no relationship who it's intended it means 'is this...?')

- "ice tabetai" (I want to eat ice)

- (all moaning)

- (all moaning except 'mou' which is usually an expression of 'distastefulness')

- "piyo piyo piyo" (sound effect that chicks -baby chickens- make)
- "na... ni" (what)
- "... itai" (ouch)

Love Heart
- "kuso" (I usually translate it as 'damn it')

- "sonna" ('it can't be')

- "Mou yadda" ('I want it to stop')
- "Koko" (someone's name)

- I can't figure it out

Mui Mui
- "fura fura" (sound of wind blowing)

- "sonna" (can't be)

- "kuru kuru" (sound of 'whirling revolving spinning')

- "kuru kuru sorewa" ('something is spinning')

- 'oh no'
- 'chikusho' (stronger form of 'kuso', if kuso is 'damn it', chikusho is 'goddamn it')

- (moaning)

- 'chotto taimu outa' (wait... time out)
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Koko is Zarina's Tucan =P

Say I can't find a link yet, but could you translate GGXrd2's stun quotes?


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Yeaaa when I found out everyone had four different dizzy voices I knew I had to capture those!! ^_^
It's because they all have four voiceovers, which changes their lines, some of their sounds, sometimes they even sound like a different personality.
I dunno if I want to try recording everybody's sound test tho. >_>;; But yea it's cool! Also some other various animations and poses I want to capture but it's a little time consuming so have only gotten partway.

I can try to find the voice files for SF, might be tricky for 4, but with V and SFxT I should find them at least.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I'm looking forward to those voice files. That SNK tag team video is definitely my favorite of the past year! The only drawback is you omitted the "wake up" motion which I usually enjoy as well. Luckily I found this video which I could watch the wakeup motion.

About the translation:

I can partially understand the long sentences:

Sekai***** (The world is ****)
Imanani*****(Now what ****)
It frustrates more when you can't get the whole meaning...

Also, I mentioned there's a Hammer Toss move in mortal kombat 9 which stuns. I recorded it down.
Do you guys have anything like this "Realistic Stun" that the girl get stunned in a realistic way, instead of a "stun animation" with circling stars?
It may be in movies, cutscenes and sometimes high-end video games. I'm also interested in those.

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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve I definitely hear those but having trouble hearing the rest

T Thief DeNice has the Xrd stuns but after hearing Ramlethal and Jack-o, cant hear it that well, I might as well fire up my copy or something.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Hum I tried to also capture the wake up animation but something about my capture was glitching, you can see the frame tears going on too. >_> Dunno what's up with that...

So for Dizzies I found ones from SFV and SFxT and SF4 (but I think some are missing from 4??)

SFV has a bunch of ones you maye haven't heard because it has all of the dolls from story mode.
The dizzies from SFxT are maybe my favorite dizzy sounds overall from any game, but SNK has more variety. I like in SFxT because they are often longer and sound more like struggling and stunned than some more exaggerated stuff like SNK. Also nice because Tekken never has dizzy so you get to hear Tekken charas being stunned. Of course it's funny cuz SFxT doesn't even HAVE stun mechanic but the voices are there. x'D

Though I admit DOA5 has some good ones too but it's more like defeated than dizzy...

Anyway apparently Tekken x Street Fighter is still a thing to be made, I saw Harada say something about it lately. Not too excited for it for ryona unless they change something buuut still excited for it as a game!

quiet_resolve quiet_resolve
Here's the voices I found and put together:

Also a bit of mix of Ibuki Eng ryona sounds from SF4 I found on my HDD.
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