King of Fighter All-Star being released on Global soon (company Netmarble: Seven Knights & Knights Chronicles)...
- (Source)
The King of Fighters All Star To Launch Worldwide In 2019 - Siliconera
: I think they released a new female in Kings Raid, but I'm not entirely sure. I have so many games on my phone right now it's ridiculous.
Here comes the Grimm Notes videos (I hate the US voices, but they sound more... UKish, but I dunno):
- Dizzy & Hit (normal hit, knock back, & knock up)
- Stun & Hit (normal hit, knock back)
I did pick up Langrisser, Diosa Force, & Destiny Child for mobile. Diosa Force has 'stuns' but can't find an enemy that can do it without killing me. A few more mobile games coming out that I pre-ordered, but dunno the dates:
- Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space
- (some other game that I can't think of right now or see on my Facebook)
Also if you haven't read my notes, when I re-upload any of the old LQ videos they will be in queue for the next day, like I am doing for Infinite Undiscovery.
New game came out on Mobile, Jan 24th:
- Aion: Legion of War, has stun (recorded, might be the same staple animation -tested two chars... has two death animations -standing and on ground-)
- War of the Genesis, has sleep but same as low hp