Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (4 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Hmm somethings up with Youtube hasnt posted my videos for today yet, but I can search it.

EDIT: Nevermind, it went up.


Ryonaneer Ryonaneer : Those USB adapters for the micro SD are pretty cheap... you should be able to pay no more than $8.
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
King of Fighter All-Star being released on Global soon (company Netmarble: Seven Knights & Knights Chronicles)...
- (Source) The King of Fighters All Star To Launch Worldwide In 2019 - Siliconera


Ryonaneer Ryonaneer : I think they released a new female in Kings Raid, but I'm not entirely sure. I have so many games on my phone right now it's ridiculous.

Here comes the Grimm Notes videos (I hate the US voices, but they sound more... UKish, but I dunno):
- Dizzy & Hit (normal hit, knock back, & knock up)
- Stun & Hit (normal hit, knock back)

I did pick up Langrisser, Diosa Force, & Destiny Child for mobile. Diosa Force has 'stuns' but can't find an enemy that can do it without killing me. A few more mobile games coming out that I pre-ordered, but dunno the dates:
- Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space
- (some other game that I can't think of right now or see on my Facebook)

Also if you haven't read my notes, when I re-upload any of the old LQ videos they will be in queue for the next day, like I am doing for Infinite Undiscovery.


New game came out on Mobile, Jan 24th:
- Aion: Legion of War, has stun (recorded, might be the same staple animation -tested two chars... has two death animations -standing and on ground-)
- War of the Genesis, has sleep but same as low hp
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
And this is the stun I'm talking about from Aion: Legions of War (Mobile):

The 2nd video I'll post will have the 2nd type of death.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Found something nice:


Kitana's actress is playing kitana's finish her dizzy animation

Can anyone find the full version of this? LOL


i'm kind of new to undertow and interacting with forums in general so i'm sorry in advance if i do anything wrong here
but how did you get all the voice lines for that one wrestle angels survivor video? i was just wondering since i wanted to know how i could get to some of them myself


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Ohhh man are those videos around anywhere even??
TBH I don't know I somehow found the voice files somewhere but it was a long time ago. Some of them were so good buuut now I have no idea where to find them...


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Another Eden: A Cat Beyond Time and Space (Mobile) - Stun / Sleep / Poison same stance, JPN voice
- EDIT: Stance is dependent on type of weapon character is proficient in, (i.e., katana sleep/stun/poison stance same with every female)
Diosa Force (Mobile) - Stun confirmed though camera angle sucks, JPN Voice
War of the Genesis (Mobile) - Low HP stance, US Voice
- EDIT: Stun stance same as low HP


Been actually enjoying 'Rangers of Oblivion (Mobile)' which is like Monster Hunter where you can level up a bit and 'Another Eden: A Cat Beyond Time and Space (Mobile)' which is a nice no stamina RPG game. 'Aion: Legions of War (Mobile)' is rather annoying you can't go back to repeat any old stages though I do see a lot of enemies in other stages, like that knight guy with the shield, but some of my characters either destroy or get owned by the enemies though the stun stance is the same the voices are indeed different.


Also if I see a new game, I'll place it up the next day, any other videos after that will be queued... (nearing 1400 videos and i'm in the middle of March).
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Some games that look good could be these:

-Blank City
-Harbringer Infinity War
-Exos Heroes
Soul Warrior This is a pretty blatant ripoff, but fighting games may not be a bad idea.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Looks interesting what you have found, 'Final Blade' coming out soon but may look like Dragon Blaze in a way, also I think I saw they upgraded the sprites in FGO? Also, its too effing cold to work! February video being delayed... dunno what to put.

I'm not slacking off here...


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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I know that I'm a hard worker that it's burning me out... but I'm taking breaks here and there; therefore, that's kinda why I'm scheduling my videos... some days I can't do s--- while other days I'm knocking things left & right.

- Internet is failing to find me 'good' images... and me with a broken scanner -_-
- MobileRyona / WorldOfRyona are doing the games that I have on the other systems (especially PS2, when I do PS2 I will also do PSX since it's backwards compatible)...

Downloaded the game Miracle M (Mobile) -wish you could zoom in during the battles-, I haven't gotten in far to check the "ryona factor".
EDIT: Only death ryona voice so far, there is stun, but haven't found the enemy that does it yet.

Ungh, blurring stuff on YT is taking forever, I might actually have to use Premiere Pro again (I mostly blur Alchemist Code (Mobile)). Also almost finished with all the females in Record of Agarest War (X360) got 3 more to go. Trouble Witches NEO (X360) only has death voice and it's terrible, got a few more games of the X360 before I switch systems.
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Wathced a lot of Zashya's video and I really loved the game Soul Ark. I was thinking about downloading the game and match the character art/original pose with their stun animation. Does the game feature any "character preview"? Is there anything like King's Raid that you can view their art and animations without too much trouble?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Wathced a lot of Zashya's video and I really loved the game Soul Ark. I was thinking about downloading the game and match the character art/original pose with their stun animation. Does the game feature any "character preview"? Is there anything like King's Raid that you can view their art and animations without too much trouble?

Unfortunately you cannot view animations like in Kings Raid, but it's very simple to get the stun animation though (I think it the 'easiest' exp dungeon) those little meat on skewers has a good chance of stunning you. If you want, I can do a [Non-Ryona] character list (some characters have a moving portrait and some don't).

- EDIT: I recorded the video of all the female characters in the codex of Soul Ark: Fate and Brave. Should be out on Feb 6 @ midnight EST. -


Novoland: Castle in the Sky (Mobile, CHN Voice) has hit animation (front, side, back, I think)... unsure about stun animation, but it looks like it will have one.
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Unfortunately you cannot view animations like in Kings Raid, but it's very simple to get the stun animation though (I think it the 'easiest' exp dungeon) those little meat on skewers has a good chance of stunning you. If you want, I can do a [Non-Ryona] character list (some characters have a moving portrait and some don't).

- EDIT: I recorded the video of all the female characters in the codex of Soul Ark: Fate and Brave. Should be out on Feb 6 @ midnight EST. -


Novoland: Castle in the Sky (Mobile, CHN Voice) has hit animation (front, side, back, I think)... unsure about stun animation, but it looks like it will have one.

Thank you! Just saw that video and it was great. Do you think you can put all the soul ark videos and have it in a playlist just like king's raid or seven knights? I feel this is a great game and would really love to see it more often.

By the way, really hope the game could came up with the artwork for the rest of the characters, because the current ones are GORGEOUS.
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017


So my Facebook has finally started to find games for me. It was responsible for finding Novoland: Castle In the Sky (Mobile). Now it found me this game 로스트킹덤 (Lost Kingdom). Prequel gameplay gives me stun, hit animation, and hit voices... now where to find (stun) in game. Though it's the first game I've ever played where I died in the first battle (world 1-1) of the game (out of tutorial).

로스트킹덤 (Lost Kingdom)
- KOR Voices, 6 playable characters, 4 females I think is in the roster.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016


So my Facebook has finally started to find games for me. It was responsible for finding Novoland: Castle In the Sky (Mobile). Now it found me this game 로스트킹덤 (Lost Kingdom). Prequel gameplay gives me stun, hit animation, and hit voices... now where to find (stun) in game. Though it's the first game I've ever played where I died in the first battle (world 1-1) of the game (out of tutorial).

로스트킹덤 (Lost Kingdom)
- KOR Voices, 6 playable characters, 4 females I think is in the roster.

So has Crystal Heart finally released in North America? I can't wait to see more videos coming from you! I remember that a long time ago I watched 1 Crystal Heart trailer video and loved the stun on an elf archer, but only to find it's not available outside Korea.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Crystal Hearts (Mobile) was released in the US (I currently have a US Apple Mobile -most recordings are from this- and Bluestacks Android) but atm I'm trying to grind levels so they can 'live' a bit longer (and it takes forever to level someone). I still haven't found an enemy that well produces a 'real' stun. Apparently a good majority of my "friends" in game are written either in hiragana or katana. Also the game hasn't given me much new characters (maybe 3-4 more after the Roseanne video), so currently it's on the back burner.


In other notes, I'm kinda screwed on my memory on my phone. I've been deleting the games that I have an account where I can bind to. Work has been crazy stupid busy and my busy time is about come up (Feb 13-23). I can probably record some videos if I have time.

I dropped Epic7Seven (Mobile) for a while since I was primarily caught up, but they did release a few females (kinda also spent a lot of my gold refreshing the teams in arena) I got a request for ryona voics for Epic7Seven, but not many 'different' friends appear in my friendlist.

Found a good ryona spot on Grand Summoners (Mobile), so I've been kinda hell bent in capturing all the characters from there. Some characters are just taking forever -_-. After I finish that I'm going to move to God of High School (Mobile) and finish the female ryona off there so I can delete the game for a while.

Usually at work, I let the games that can play on auto play on auto, but our connection at work has been crappy, so I can't get anything done at work. I'm pretty much done with the Xbox360, I really want to get Guardian Heroes off there, but I also have it on my Sega Saturn (bought a new Sega Saturn but I technically have not tested it since I bought it to see if it works). Though I did see some Lost Odyssey ryona long, long, long time ago on Youtube, I can't seem to find the ones that I saw. I might make a ryona video of that in the future.

Videos: 1504.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Weird thing about Crystal Hearts is that the original korean version DID have stun animations. Heck I am sure I posted some vids of it in previous pages. Just check out old korean footage and you'll see it.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Weird thing about Crystal Hearts is that the original korean version DID have stun animations. Heck I am sure I posted some vids of it in previous pages. Just check out old korean footage and you'll see it.

I'm sure it has, I'm not that far in the story (ch 3?) because a stage kicked my ass, so I'm kinda in the process of leveling atm... so just hold on. The server has been pathetically slow these days. I'm close to my router at home and I'm still having insane loading times here.

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