Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (7 Viewers)


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Genji to me has a stun state: where Shizuka is kinda rocking back and forth, but if you thinking more like disorientation, most probably not.

Well, not sure if you have noticed, but Japan's been trying to get Chinese consumers, and that's also trying to dumb down some ryona, and a lot of video games have been using wire frames to save coding time.

Brown dust (Mobile) sucks. Arts pretty so Im just going to take snapshots.

I'm having some difficulties with my PS3, discs are fine, but downloaded games making a dumb noise, I'll habe to take a look at other recording alternatives.

So what the heck is going on with Final Blade's draw rate? I've leave the computer on for whole night and grinded like 50000 rubies. Spent them all on drawing characters, only got like 1 6* special. Like what the Fcck?
Have you got the rare characters yet? Do you mind making stuns for them?


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
They in queue. I'll post a screenshot when I get home of the chars, I have, still missing a good chunk. And, yeah, drop rate is kinda bad.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Yeah, the stagger animation, where she's stuck in place. I know what you mean, but the first Genji one had a proper dizzy animation with an effect and everything, but sadly Shizuka wasn't playable. I've been trying to confirm if effectively the second game took out the effect.

@Quiet: This is just a guess, but originally the game was going to tone down heavily the fanservice and take a more realistic and gritty approach, with more muted designs and colors and a less stylized style, however after the backlash be it for the lack of fanservice or for how many considered that a gritty style didn't fit DOA, they more or less rushed back to something more akin to 5.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Not the full list...

I will buy DOA 6 when it's cheap, but not going to do videos of it... still a swarm of Super Smash and DOA6. I steer away from popular games because of it. I'm kinda saving money atm to pay for my taxes -_-, but I'll get myself a video capture card for HDMI inputs, I'm kinda peeved that my component/s-video cable don't work from my ps3.

As for Final Blade, they adding Vietnamese voices. :o I've never heard any Vietnamese ryona before, curious how it'll sound like... English is kinda bad, Chinese eh... like the movies. Free time over the weekend... going to do some recordings.


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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
Yeah, the stagger animation, where she's stuck in place. I know what you mean, but the first Genji one had a proper dizzy animation with an effect and everything, but sadly Shizuka wasn't playable. I've been trying to confirm if effectively the second game took out the effect.

@Quiet: This is just a guess, but originally the game was going to tone down heavily the fanservice and take a more realistic and gritty approach, with more muted designs and colors and a less stylized style, however after the backlash be it for the lack of fanservice or for how many considered that a gritty style didn't fit DOA, they more or less rushed back to something more akin to 5.

Yea I remembered the early trailer I watched stated that DOA6 will be using a more realistic approach(no more oversized body part) which makes me utterly disappointed when I saw them using old DOA5 framework. I have no idea why these Japanese companies are all focusing on "lowering the budget", for the pricing of their game is already on the high side. (60ish USD for new dynastic warriors) Are they simply giving up the whole gaming industry? They haven't make a single well-made game for quite a while now. It saddens me since I grew up playing CAPCOM and SEGA


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Well, KOF XIV was so they could focus entirely on the gameplay and a very extensive rooster. Which, from what I get, paid off in that regard, they knew the game is visually unappealing, but the gameplay and amount of content has been praised, especially after how many games lately are so bare bones at launch and try to fill themselves up via DLC essentially forcing players to buy a second game. SNK Heroines was just some goofy fun and filler meanwhile they worked on the new Samurai Shodown and, as rumors say, King of Fighters XV.

While I don't like taking sides on this particular debate, in DOA6, Ninja Theory apparently wanted to be umm... "politically correct" with the game, reason why they at first toned the fanservice and wanted to come more as a "hardcore" fighting game. If interviews are to go by, they mentioned they thought the fanservice was getting in the way, to put it somehow. But they later came to realize or at least think the opposite, I guess.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Weird the stars effect isn't showing, perhaps is a thing of that enemy.

Yeah not sure why getting stunned from the boss doesn't show stars but other sources of stun have star.
The other sources are further into the game though and game is generally pretty hard to progress.

My eagle char is only one who's the furthest.

Have you guys looked into DOA6 which just came out?
Only that I don't really like the graphics or art style, the same way that I don't like it in KOF14.

DOA5 didn't looked that great on pc and was kind of disappointed when it was a bit inferior graphically to console.
But DOA6 looks a lot nicer and plays pretty similarly to 5 along with some new stuff.
Generally pretty happy about doa6 aside from the dlc fest.

I haven't tried KOF14 but wasn't a big fan of the art style. Wasn't bad but just felt weird for me.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I was really hoping to see both KOF and DOA in a completely different art style, probably something more like SFV or MK11. I was fed up with those unrealistic low budget plastic doll BS and wish to see something contemporary.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Gotta say Blank City looks great, too bad is one of those games nobody plays.

First time I've heard of this game and it caught my interest when you posted on thread.
After trying it, it feels very unpolished and shares many similar things to Honkai.

Combat feels pretty clunky and some of the animations feel a bit off.
The graphics are nice but the camera is pretty unforgiving. Could not find a way to zoom by hand
and the camera only rotates left and right while it is fixed at the top. This makes it hard to get a closer view
of the entire character since zooming in (via going close to a wall) only shows her head.

Also, it urks me that the characters in the same family have same damage voice(at least the gunner girls I unlocked).

Only good thing about the game is that it is easy to unlock the characters in the beginning 3 families.
I'd probably say it would take maybe 3-4 days to do it since some of the missions are gated by daily entries.

Sadly I don't see it as a game I would play for a while. Would just go back to Honkai.
I will unlock the other girls and see what I can do with them and probably call it a day.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
@Haqua: Aww, bummer, the game looked pretty fun actually. Kinda sucks to know it's so clunky. How many girls are in the game, by the way? I know of seven: the main katana girl, the miko katana girl, the main gunner girl, the elegant gunner girl, the sporty looking martial artist, the classy bartender looking martial artist and a blonde younger girl nobody seems to have unlocked.

Still, if you get anything good from it share it with us.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I didn't do shit this weekend, I sleep most of the weekend. One of those, sleeping 2-4 hrs a night finally catches up with you, and I'm probably the 1% of people who's sleeping schedule effs up during Daylight Savings Time... though it could be the fact my super thin fleece blanket cooks me while I sleep.

Anyway, I figured the problem with my stupid PS3 and the dumb hissing noise. Apparently it had to do something with the Doubly Digital 5.1 HD settings in 'Sound Settings'. I'll definitely get some recordings this week, try to finish March/April while I'm at it.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
That's not good man, you should really take it easier. Even if the schedule is delayed don't hurt yourself for it.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
I wish I could automatically put myself to sleep without taking a sleeping pill. Anyway, anyone know a good online video recording site to record youtube videos? Because the one I generally use went down.


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Glad to see some stuff is still going, sorry I have no time for this lately! I like the stuns for Blank City but I wish they could last longer, and that they had better hit/KO animations. Still, thanks for showing us!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
ehhh i did find a new job buuuut it is still dumb and stressful retail silliness that pays slightly less than my old job...>_>;;
Ah well it will do what it needs to, I will have to mover later this year anyway because I just cannot afford to live out here.
I will get to move in with my girlfriend so that will be good. I will prolly be on here a lotttt less after that, cuzzzzz well I will have less reasons to be here if I am living with my gf anyway. x'D

But yea I finally finished one of my projects! The Kings Raid animations. I was actually missing a lot and they added a few new ones too so I got everyone I wanted to and a couple extras. Not every girl is here cuz there's a few I just didn't feel like doing.



Casual Client
Mar 16, 2019
Been eyeing this topic for awhile now since stuns are an interest of mine. I guess I like the struggle of it so things like being frozen and such does nothing for me but grabs and stun are good. Pretty much just depends. I like it more in action though so while something like being able to see the animations in KR is nice I made an alt stun team to battle myself. I have been messing with Cheat Engine on various games to see what I can do. If only I could find out how to change chance based things so moves could stun all the time and force enemies to use certain moves. Working on that. Here is an example of something I was messing with.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Hey, welcome! Glad to see you enjoy the stuff. If you come across something interesting or know of it feel free to let us know!


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
@Haqua: How many girls are in the game, by the way? ... a blonde younger girl nobody seems to have unlocked.

You already know all of them. As far as I know, there's currently no easy way of unlocking the
blonde girl aside from gacha. I haven't tried the char gacha yet but she looks hard to get. The other 6 characters
you can get from completing a beginnier mission chain; the miko girl being the longest to unlock(but can be done in 1-2 weeks or less).

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