Ryonaneer Content (Dizzy, Stun, KO) (3 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Ryonaneer Ryonaneer bummer about the sucky job, good to hear from you again. Nice on the King's Raid animation. I'll go back to that game when I have the time (and space) for that game on my phone.

Tmada Tmada welcome to the group

Lyn The Lightbringer (Mobile), I gotta find a stage where my character can survive and get stunned because I am a bit too overpowered for this one stage.


There's been a few games where the music sounds so familiar to this one game. This one game has like the Final Fantasy Crystal Song but with various notes purposely to make it try to not sound like Final Fantasy. And there is this one game that kinda has like an ballad orchestrated version of the Metal Gear Solid theme. Things like this makes me wonder how far can you go with music to be entitled to have a copyright dispute? Living here in the US, there's just been too much, someone copied this part of song and didn't pay royalties for it.
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016

If I got time, I really wish to make all Final Blade characters stun animation as gifs. The art work for Final Blade is definitely stunning and out of the place, however, stuns are only available in black and white which is really a downgrades because the original artworks amazing color tune and lighting effects on the skin are missing. It's also a shame that the character is 2D which means no rotating or viewing for a different angle.

Speaking of rotating, Seven Knights no longer allow you to rotate the stunned character on the "battle lost" page. Which is very sad :(

Ryonaneer Ryonaneer Glad to hear that you are doing better. I don't know how you guys adopt this stuff to the real life but I never managed to develop a mutual interest with my gf on the stun and dizzy stuff which is why I keep coming back here. lol!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
ohhh haha no no this stuff I keep to myself, but its that...if i'm living with my gf instead of long distance i won't have a need for this to get off becausssse my gf will be with me. xD If that makes sense? This is sorta stuff I actually am not interested in with real life. It's maybe weird cuz I'm actually really big on power for us women and not wanting to see women hurt in real life.

But it's a fantasy and none of its real so i guess that makes it very different?

Dunno what game this is but I guess the stuns lasted longer.



Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
I think what Quiet means is looking up at the stuff together.

And yeah, there's a line between real life and fiction when it comes to stuff you enjoy. Kinda like people who like gory horror movies? I mean, they may find the blood fun or interesting but that doesn't mean they're okay with real life violence or would like to hack someone else to pieces. Or for a less extreme example, people into action and fighting movies, they may like to see it and practice martial arts, but that doesn't mean they like violence or actively hurting people.

Still, is good to know you finally found a job. It may not be fun, but at least you have some stability back and things are finally sorting themselves.

The game you posted is Fate Grand Order Arcade. I wish they added Tamamo no Mae to it >_>


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I absolutely strongly oppose the idea of having a woman getting physically hurt in real life. What I mean is has any of you ever tried to have a girl playing a stunned heroine/amazon in a role play or any similar stuff like that? I always hope my girlfriend could surprise me one day with some good creativities on stun/dizzy role playing, but eventually I found out that most people, that those who doesn't have this very fetish, are having a very hard time understanding it. And if they try to play along it ended up poorly; they will either getting totally confused or overdoing it way too much and none of these trials worked out. It's definitely way more difficult than other known fetishes. There're also real stuns in MMA and female boxing matches but those scenarios are just extremely unattractive too. I guess our fetish is just really disconnected from the real life.


Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Not personally, at least. I really don't like anything ryona related in real life not even live action fiction. (though to be honest, stuns is the only ryona thing I like).

That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with roleplay or other kind of activities between couples, so long as it is consensual and all. Each person can experience sexuality however they want, given how subjective it is, as long as nobody gets hurt, IMHO.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve , you easily get the colored stuns from 1-10... just impossible to do it with 7*'s in Final Blade (I'm only missing Farsha, Lunar, and Devil Diane now). I mentioned before that Seven Knights stopped rotating the character models in arena battle quite some time ago though I'm not entirely sure about 'Galaxy mode' (or whatever mode that is) where you fight people from other servers. You might be treated to being able to rotate the characters but unfortunately the character model is small than that of arena. I dropped that game just missing the last few female chars, might jump back into it again.

I also condone real life ryona if it's not consented (l sometimes do watch what people posted of these really low budget action tv shows where the action is obviously fake or choreographed), I also say it in my 'about' section on my YT channel. Though as you know I'm more into voices and it astounds me that there are some really good VAs and some really bad ones. Though real life stuns is more like people really sprawling on the ground because they are so disorientated while stuns while standing like from a flash bang grenade is super super rare.


Argh, El Chronicle (Mobile) got released...
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Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016

Zaysha Zaysha I did manage to get the character stunned in 1-10 but there are just way too many projectiles and magic effects flying around so it's impossible for me to get a clear gif on the whole animation. Also, I really hate to see when the stun gets interrupted or the mobs keep hitting the stunned character so that the stun animation won't play fluently (has been seen on a lot of youtube videos) So I might just stick to the black and white version for now. If you could do those rare characters that I don't have, it could be nice too. However, I probably won't start until the weekend because there's an important presentation coming on Friday and I'm spending most of my time preparing for it.

I can see why people don't like taking this fetish outside the game to real life because they indeed feel very different. However for myself, I was really hoping to figure out where this fetish comes from, and I believe it will greatly improve the quality of my life.
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Club Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Is there a reason for sexual preferences, though? I mean, I am no psychologist or anything but it's such an abstract and personal thing that just seems to be there for every person, kinda like a part of you? However anybody decides to experience it is also perfectly fine, so long nobody gets hurt, so if you like to play it in real life you have every right to do so.


Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
Finally got back to playing 4 Goddesses and managed to get an uninterrupted stun
which is actually pretty long(minus the time for me to move the camera for a good view >.>)

MEGA - Pretty short vid but good enough.


However for myself, I was really hoping to figure out where this fetish comes from, and I believe it will greatly improve the quality of my life.

I'd rather think about better understanding what I like(since it's a bit vague for me) instead of thinking of deep questions like these lol.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
I'd rather think about better understanding what I like(since it's a bit vague for me) instead of thinking of deep questions like these lol.

This is actually what I meant to say. I was trying to draw the line between the fantasy based fetish to other stuff, to see why and what part of these stuns that I was actually enjoying, and therefore I could look for similar stuff in real life. My English is not native and I don't live in an English speaking environment, so well, I hope it makes sense


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
Oh wow that vid is very good! Was that hard to do?

I went to try and find Shadow Hearts 2 and 3 because they have some of my favorite ryona. It's not a SUPER lot of it but what is there I like a lot, those games kind of helped awaken my fetish for ryona so I guess it's a soft spot?

I recorded a lot of clips of SH2 of different animations/poses, basically just low HP and KO from different angles. Will try to do the same for SH3 and then try to edit some things together? Probably take a while though, we'll see. I had rented Octopath and enjoyed it but also it was...just kinda boring once I got into the swing of it? It's a weird game, I like the idea but the way its set up and the story is just...super boring imo. There was some nice voice ryona though! I didn't get to capturing it, trying to do Switch is hard since it's not easy like PS4...

Gotta admit I am also let down about DOA6. Not even by there not being much new ryona stuff, I mean there is some animations that are new, but the same voice clips and lose animations from DOA5, and a lot of the voice stuff is probably even older with older characters...But mainly just let down there was only one new girl added. She's very cute but yea. They didn't even bring back everyone from before either.

I guess maybe I am spoiled by Smash Bros. which somehow did bring EVERYONE BACK on top of a bunch of new ones. I have no idea how they will do Smash bros from here, i feel like anything will be looked at as a disappointment you know? But ohhh am i excited to see what else we get for this game and also continue to enjoy it for at least the next few years! I didn't even bother doing ryona of Smash Bros because other people already did it for me. x'D And I lost my YT so I don't feel like I'm letting anyone down.


Casual Client
Mar 16, 2019
Funny SH came up right as I mess around with it. No stuns but using the gathering mechanic for combos. DoA 6 seems more like a way for them to pass off more dlc which costs an insane amount compared to the game itself. Also on the voices that reminds me how Peach has the same voice since Brawl so that's 10 years of the same voice clips there.


Club Regular
Aug 5, 2016
It's really angering to see how meager the improvement DOA6 has over DOA5, given other major titles like Mortal Kombat XI have very major changes and improvements (new Johnny Cage is cool as fuuk!!!). DOA6 could hardly be counted as a new separate game. And yes, I can smell an army of expensive costume dlc/chatacters coming. To spend $300 for a full version of a refurbished DOA5... you got to be the richest person in the world!


Club Regular
Nov 29, 2014
OK! I edited a few SH2 things.

I did clips of the girls passing out and also some screens of ryona poses I like at different angles.

I uploaded most to Twitter:

But all screens and videos I have will go in this folder.

I still gotta edit some more and prolly will do some more screens, since I got the alt costumes for Karin and Lucia I wanna do.
Then I wanna do some SH3 stuff also.


I did some stuff for SH3 too!

I got some kinda camera glitch to work out to fully rotate around Shania...buuuut I dunno how I did it!
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Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
quiet_resolve quiet_resolve , (Final Blade), well that's the only spot where I can actually get a stun animation long enough for a character. The other stages take a while. To get a good full stun animation without any interruptions, welcome to my life. -_- I seriously need a zoom function in a lot of these games.

HaquaFan HaquaFan , forgot who was egging me on who wanted the Neptunia stun (she's kinda my least favorite character, well definitely not the adult form), what did you do, get close to the enemy and wait until it fired an attack then ran away to get hit and hopefully stun?

Ryonaneer Ryonaneer , ah I love Shadowhearts! Are you going to do the transformations that Shania turns into (like that water girl, eagle? golem cat thingie?)

Hmm, this ain't good I'm falling behind on my schedule. -_- I uploaded a bunch of videos but I don't have any good cover art and the internet fails me on finding this stuff. I have some artbooks, but my scanner died like a couple years ago. I have to make another list on which characters I'm missing, I need a week to catch up.

rr lg, got some Knights Chronicles ryona up, but he forgot the stuns -_- Now I gotta do that game.


Understanding, huh? I already know my answer. Kinda why I'm somewhat pushing myself to get this content out to you guys faster, but I seriously need to stop getting burnt out because it eats away the time. I'm already done with FOMO (it's more become like FONGID now 'fear of not getting it done'), I just want to finish this then move to my next hobby (which I seriously suck at but I enjoy it anyway... drawing).
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Swell Supporter
Aug 19, 2011
HaquaFan HaquaFan , what did you do, get close to the enemy and wait until it fired an attack then ran away to get hit and hopefully stun?

I seriously need to stop getting burnt out because it eats away the time. ... I just want to finish this then move to my next hobby (which I seriously suck at but I enjoy it anyway... drawing).

Get into their aggro range and when you see them attack, run a bit out of it and repeat until stun. I found out about it when I was running away from it and the wind attack hit me pretty far away XD.

I'd be pretty burnt out if I upload as much as you. That's why I took the slower approach and upload like once per 2-4 weeks
and opt for a simpler goal for videos.
Although it probably doesn't help that you play so much mobile games ;c.
I've been trying to finish Arpiel videos out of fear of it closing but keep getting distracted by other games lol.


Master of this Domain
Jul 19, 2017
Hmm, I gotta re-check them, I didn't see them. I must be blind. :/ Anyway, since I'm not heading out of the house this weekend, I'm going to be catching up with everything. I kinda wish I had a scanner, but my phone will have to do for taking pictures from my artbooks. I'm still planning 3 videos a day.

I have a LOT of content on my PS3... blah (the only crappy thing about my video recorder is I don't know how to increase the size of the playing screen, I'm literally playing my games on a fricking 7"x5" screen. On March 27, my Xbox360 content is going to end (there's a lot of stuff to do on that system, but I really do have time atm to play the games, so I'm kinda jumping from one system to another until I am far ahead.)

And as if you probably haven't noticed, I don't edit my videos (that doesn't count blurring my username from certain mobile games since I'm letting YT do that).


While I'm on the topic of PS3, any requests? I'm not doing popular games unless it hasn't been done before.
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