, (Final Blade), well that's the only spot where I can actually get a stun animation long enough for a character. The other stages take a while. To get a good full stun animation without any interruptions, welcome to my life. -_- I seriously need a zoom function in a lot of these games.
, forgot who was egging me on who wanted the Neptunia stun (she's kinda my least favorite character, well definitely not the adult form), what did you do, get close to the enemy and wait until it fired an attack then ran away to get hit and hopefully stun?
, ah I love Shadowhearts! Are you going to do the transformations that Shania turns into (like that water girl, eagle? golem cat thingie?)
Hmm, this ain't good I'm falling behind on my schedule. -_- I uploaded a bunch of videos but I don't have any good cover art and the internet fails me on finding this stuff. I have some artbooks, but my scanner died like a couple years ago. I have to make another list on which characters I'm missing, I need a week to catch up.
rr lg, got some Knights Chronicles ryona up, but he forgot the stuns -_- Now I gotta do that game.
Understanding, huh? I already know my answer. Kinda why I'm somewhat pushing myself to get this content out to you guys faster, but I seriously need to stop getting burnt out because it eats away the time. I'm already done with FOMO (it's more become like FONGID now 'fear of not getting it done'), I just want to finish this then move to my next hobby (which I seriously suck at but I enjoy it anyway... drawing).