Sharing Zako Fantasies. (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jun 22, 2011
Chantell Okonjo is in her hotel room. A recent grad with a degree in programming and nuclear physics, she is looking forward to her career prospects at a mysterious facility in the desert. The pay is good, but she can't help but notice some oddities about this job. The uniform is a silver singlet which is extremely revealing, and a thigh holster. She is wondering why a firearm will be necessary for her new job. Right now she is dressed in a simple tank top and tight jeans, passing her time browsing Instagram.


Agent Charlene Maxwell rides the elevator, dressed as room service. She has orders to obtain the location and all other relevant information about the facility by almost any means necessary. She has explicit orders not to kill her target. She examines her 9mm pistol, thinking that maybe intimidation would be the best route. Too noisy, she decides. She can't risk breaching her no kill order. Instead she opts for a silent approach, knocking the target unconscious without being seen and accessing her computer to find the necessary files. She readies her cell phone tazer. She arrives at the room and knocks. Chantell opens the door and is immediately grabbed by the head and pulled forward. A quick jolt causes her to black out, her eyes roll back a bit as she goes limp. Agent Charlene grabs her limp body and quickly drags her back into the room, closing the door. She throws the unconscious chantell on the bed face down. Chantell lets out a loud fart as she hits the bed. Charlene reaches over and checks her pulse to make sure she had not given her too many volts. She is alive and breathing, but won't be waking up any time soon. Charlene begins to pat down the body, searching the pockets and bra straps for relevant information. She is well aware that employees of this organization are often encouraged to store information in very personal places. She rolls Chantell over again and begins to wrestle her jeans off her. She has trouble getting the jeans around her large buttocks, but after a few tries they come down, revealing her white lace thong underwear and her gorgeous ebony cheeks.


She rolls Chantell on her back once more and resumes her search. As she moves toward her crotch area once again she notices a protruding label from her white panties. She turns the label over and sees a strange sequences of letters and numbers, and Cokonjo86, most likely a username. Perfect. Charlene realizes that using Chantells computer would leave her fingerprints all over it, which is not a good idea, so she comes up with another plan


She hoists Chantell up from under her arms and begins to drag her toward the desk. She turns around and sits her on the chair, spreading her legs slightly to admire her once more. She grabs a limp hand and throws it on the keyboard. For laughs she flops it all around, typing random characters. After a quick chuckle she grabs a finger and begins interacting with the computer. It doesn't take her long to find what she is looking for. The location of the base along with various protocols this employee is meant to follow. Poor girl, thought Charlene, she hasn't even started yet. As a last measure of humiliation Charlene grabs her zip tie and begins to tie her hands together. She tilts Chantells head back and admires her thick full lips. Charlene, overrun with temptation, begins to move in for a kiss, but is distracted by a quiet, but deep moan from Chantell. That is Charlene's cue to take her leave. "hopefully you'll consider a career change sweetie" she remarks, and blows a kiss to the fallen potential sentry



Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Maybe one of these can be the boss? The second one looks like boss material to me.

Maybe her with her kimono? Just giving suggestions since no one has sent any ideas for boss ninja yet. I could go with one of these, or any other pic suggested.
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
You check the bodies of each of the deadly five ninjas. You make sure their necks are all thoroughly snapped, just in case they were simply playing dead. Their eyes all showed the shocked, yet vaguely blank expression they had as they died. Pink had even peed herself. You almost feel bad for them as you look at their miserable broken bodies, but then you remembered how evil these girls were. When you move on to Red, the final body you have left to check:
Her body suddenly jerks as she attempts to shoot a ball of fire at you, but fails to even launch it from her hand. She falls back and clutches her cracked skull. You are surprised the ninja is even still alive. You could have sworn you killed her. And the damage to her spine must not have been too severe, as she was not crippled. As you put her in a headlock, ready to finish her, you ask if she has any last words. She coughs up blood, and then replies, "You will never beat our boss, Mia. She is stronger than all of us combined"

"We'll see about that.", you say before stabbing her own blade into her throat. She gurgles for a second before finally falling limp and dying. "Stay dead this time", you say to her lifeless body.

- - - Updated - - -

On the next floor, you finally see the boss. Her name was Mia. You were told to take her in either alive or dead, but they didn't car which. It would be an immense challenge to even land a blow on her, as she was know as the swiftest ninja in the land. To make things worse, she has decoys of herself that she can summon at will. These are only reflections, and can't touch you, but make it difficult to find the real one. Hitting a decoy will make it dissapear.

You got all this information from another phone. This one belonged to the late and humiliated Pink. You found it simply laying on a counter. These girls sure shared alot of classified info on their phones. Elite ninja or not, zako are not the smartest.

Now what should you do? This boss ninja's will be hard to get around. A surprise attack is out of the question, because she had been awaiting your arrival. She must have heard the commotion downstairs.


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I guess that's the problem when you're a fan of low ranked henchies:
The higher the opponents are ranked, the lesser the interest gets.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
I guess that's the problem when you're a fan of low ranked henchies:
The higher the opponents are ranked, the lesser the interest gets.
It may be just me, but I prefer the zako to have some kind of leader...

- - - Updated - - -

Okay. I do not plan to back up any of this thread since there is not anything I'm all that proud of here. I know i'm not a good writer, and only did this for fun. Now if anyone actually liked some of the stuff here, feel free to back it up or whatever before the website is gone.:brigade.baka-wolf.c:brigade.baka-wolf.c:brigade.baka-wolf.c


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I guess others had enough time, so let's hear, ckuriyama!

(The forum is moving very soon, so I think we need an end for the story now.)


Swell Supporter
May 19, 2015
I guess others had enough time, so let's hear, ckuriyama

(The forum is moving very soon, so I think we need an end for the story now.)

you see the decoys and decide to use it against her. You avoid attacking and instead focus all your strength on dodging, which makes the decoys hit each other and disappear. The boss is frustrated and decides to release only a few to prevent friendly fire. You then pull out your gun and quickly shoot the few remaining decoys and then directly charge at the boss. Although the boss got the first hit which makes you drop the gun, she's now engaged which prevents her from releasing decoys but her speed prevents you from hitting her. After failed repeated attempts to hit her, you decide to feign weakness. You pretend to lose your balance and fall to the floor. The boss sees this and moves in for the kill. In the right moment, you dodge her sword and unleash a massive flurry of punches and kicks to the boss. The boss is greatly stunned and drops her sword and tries to block all the hits and she blocks some but eventually after so many hits she is weakened until she drops to her knees unable to defend herself. You deliver a huge kick that knocks her out. Afterwards you pick up the gun you dropped and was about to shoot her when suddenly you changed your mind and decided to let her live because you think that you'll get a bigger rewards if you're able to deliver the boss alive.


Casual Client
May 29, 2012

I knew that model looked familiar but just couldn't for the life of me remember the name. That's Sara Jane Underwood. Ironic she's a ninja here as she actually took part in a show called Kunoichi: 'training' to become one (not really, more of an obstacle course type thing).


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Well i have been gone a while. I assumed this thread would be gone from the new website, but luckily it looks like I can still finish the story. Later though. I know it has been so long, but i have been busy lately. :)


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
So I think i might just stop the story here. I can barely think of any way to add to churiyamas suggestion, and I feel like i would just be saying the same thing. I havent felt like writing these recently anyway, and it isnt like these were particularly good anyway. If anyone wants to write your favorite concept for a zako fantasy post it here though. And if I get the urge to write about zako again i will post here. Sorry if anyone cared about the ending to the story. :(


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
So a new zako story came to mind. I will post it soon but I am a bit busy.

Three thugs try to mug a young couple. These thugs are:

These girls think they can get away with a few easy thefts, but they are wrong.
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So a new zako story came to mind. I will post it soon but I am a bit busy.

Three thugs try to mug a young couple. These thugs are:

These girls think they can get away with a few easy thefts, but they are wrong.
Hey, glad you're back. Looking forward to reading the story.
Any sources or names for the models in your pics, by the way?


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
So a new zako story came to mind. I will post it soon but I am a bit busy.

Three thugs try to mug a young couple. These thugs are:

These girls think they can get away with a few easy thefts, but they are wrong.

Nice I look forward to reading your story when it's done, judging from the pictures it would seem that your story might have a posy apoclypes or near post apoclypes vibe to it.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
There are some heavy guro elements. Also sorry it took so long. :smile:

You live in a nation with no government and no laws. It is a complete anarchy. It is basically a wastland with very few supplies to go around. The lack of supplies naturally caused different groups of people to unite to form various desert gangs. One of these gangs is the all-female "Bad Bitchez" gang. They dominate the wastes mainly through numbers, superior weoponry and sexuality. They do have weaknessess though. They aren't very smart, they aren't very well trained, and they don't usually wear any armor because they like to seduce and/or tease their enemies with their sexuality. It often helps them, but to someone who isn't fazed by it, it is a weakness and not a strength.

Sasha, Harley, and Jessie, who are Bad Bitchez patrolwomen are going about their regular run of threatening innocent people to "pay their toll to the Bad Bitchez gang" which is just a fancy name for an armed robbery of poor starving people. You see them aproach a young couple. A boy so starved you could see his ribcage and a girl who was practically wearing dirty rags.

"Give us us your rations now!" Sasha said, while holding her handgun outward.
"B-but... we ran out of rations last time you came by. We have nothing left," the boy replied. Sasha thought for a second and then said, "Then you are useless to to us. Now you die, rat!" You had been standing behind the patrolwomen this whole time watching the situation unfold. She aims the towards the boy's head and you then know you can't just sit back and watch. Sasha hadn't noticed you, so you dart behind her and grab her arm. Right as she fires, you jerk her arm to the right causing her bullet to instead hit her comrade, Jessie.

"AH!" Jessie screams as the bullet goes straight through her knee, shattering her kneecap. She immediatly falls to the ground and drops her pistol just out of reach. "What the-?" Sasha questioned before she was interrupted by you disarming her pistol and slamming into her nose, breaking it. "Gahh! My nose!" she shouted while nose blood dripped down her face. While she was distracted you kneed her hard in between the legs. She shrieked before you tossed her facefirst onto the ground. she attempted to get back up but with a stomp to the spine, she was out cold.

You just now notice you neglected Harley. she now has the girl in a headlock with a gun to her head. "Back off or I kill her!" she commanded. The boy watched helplessly as his girlfriend was held hostage. You didn't plan on backing off but you can't seem to get a good shot on her head as she was doing a good job of shielding it with her hostage's head. You only see one option, so you take the chance. You shoot the revolver out of Harley's hand. She looks shocked as the gun goes flying backwards. You dash towards her and even though she struggles, you manage to get her in a headlock similar to the one she had the the girl in. She still wriggles and curses at you while in your grasp. You tell the couple to leave, and they do exactly that.

Your lock around her neck tightens and she finds it harder to breath. "Let me... g-g-go you fu-you bastard," Is what she manages to wheeze out, but you tighten further and she begins gasping for no air to come in. The only sounds still coming from her being "Gack! Gaaaack!" as she desperately struggles for oxygen. You feel no pity for her though and grasp even tighter and lift her body from the ground. she starts drooling and her eyes start rolling backwards. Her arms and legs are flailing frantically. She manages to hit you a few times but you don't budge. you hold her there a little longer and her kicking gets slower, and eventually stops. Her tongue sticking out of her mouth and only a faint gurgling noise remains from her. You lay her limp body on her knees and wrapped your hands around her pretty little dead head. you snapped her neck partially to assure she was dead, but mainly for the satisfying crunch. You've always wanted to make these evil bitches pay afterall. You dropped her to the ground. her body jiggled and twitched before going completley still.

You then noticed Jessie who had been panting and crawling towards her gun. She happened to be right about to grab it, but of course you couldn't let that happen, so you stamped your foot onto her hand which crunched under you boot. She squeeled in pain at her shattered hand, while you picked her up off of the ground. She begged for mercy.

"Don't kill me! Please! I give up!" You glared at her. "After all you've done, you expect me to spare you?" you say. "You can have your way with me!" she pleads. "Anything you want," she says attempting to sound suductive, but still sounding scared. "Well..." you reply, "There is one thing I want to shove into your cunt" while pulling down her booty shorts, "But it's not my dick" you then shove your pocket knife into her tight pussy.

"AHHHHHHGGG!!!" she screams at the top of her lungs and then screams louder as you twist the knife. When you finally pull out the knife, you then rip out her bellybutton piercing and stab the knife into her navel. She's now just gasping in pain. You then twist the knife and pull it out again. You hold her there as she bleeds profusely and watch the life fading from her eyes. Right when she seems to be nearing death you open her mouth and jab the knife directly into her throat. You throw her pathetic corpse to the ground. she lands on her back in a puddle of blood.

You then focus on Sasha who is still out cold. You stip her down to to look for the keys to her car. She isn't wearing much so it isn't hard to find the keys which were tucked in her panties. Then you use the keys to unlock the trunk. Inside was here stache of stolen food rations. You empty these out of the trunk and put them aside to give back to their victims later. You pick up Sasha and put her into the trunk and closed it. and picked up the spare gas tank for her car. You poured the gasoline all over the car. Suddenly you heared banging from the trunk She must have woken up. "Release me!" she demanded, but you simply smirked, and then threw down a match. The car caught fire as she screamed, "WAIT, NO!"

You walked away as she screamed in agony and burned alive, and then the car exploded. She was surely dead and burnt to a crisp if not ashes. You were glad you took out this patrol, but the Bad Bitchez were still going strong, so you vowed to kill every last one one of these evil bitches, no matter what it takes. You leave the other two dead girls there as a message to any of the other Bad Bitchez. The message is, "You're next,"
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