Sharing Zako Fantasies. (2 Viewers)



That's pretty interesting, reminds me of Mad Max's setting. Only in Mad Max, you'd grab the car and fuel instead of setting them on fire... :p

I might be interested in writing stuff too, but no promises. Will post if I have anything to share.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
That's pretty interesting, reminds me of Mad Max's setting. Only in Mad Max, you'd grab the car and fuel instead of setting them on fire... :p

I might be interested in writing stuff too, but no promises. Will post if I have anything to share.
lol yes I sort of threw out logic there because I wanted that kind of death.

You should try writing something. You can try your hand here. Afterall, I made this thread for anyone with a zako scenario in their minds to write it down. I'm not very good at all even. I just write sometimes because I like to. Only reason I ended the ninja story is because I got very bored of it, so I will mainly stick to single scenarios now instead of doing series.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
I am interested in writing another story, but I can not think of a good basis for the zako themes and plot. My current ideas are using Hatsune Miku cosplayers for a plot about being the prisoner of a clone army and having to escape your cell and fight through the clones to get away and a plot about succubi causing problems in a city, and the hero has to track down and deal with them, but I am not sure about these ideas, so some reccomendations would be appreciated.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
I am interested in writing another story, but I can not think of a good basis for the zako themes and plot. My current ideas are using Hatsune Miku cosplayers for a plot about being the prisoner of a clone army and having to escape your cell and fight through the clones to get away and a plot about succubi causing problems in a city, and the hero has to track down and deal with them, but I am not sure about these ideas, so some reccomendations would be appreciated.

How about the succubi using an army of half succubi Hatsune Kiku cospalyer clones to try and take over the world starting with the hero's home city?


I am interested in writing another story, but I can not think of a good basis for the zako themes and plot. My current ideas are using Hatsune Miku cosplayers for a plot about being the prisoner of a clone army and having to escape your cell and fight through the clones to get away and a plot about succubi causing problems in a city, and the hero has to track down and deal with them, but I am not sure about these ideas, so some reccomendations would be appreciated.
That seems a bit too contrived for me. Escaping from a prison or infiltrating a facility is always cool, though! With infiltration, I prefer to see non-lethal KOs, disarms and interrogations, kind of like the Metal Gear games. Or you can try for something like the Batman Arkham games, where you methodically eliminate pursuers one by one. You can use gadgets to run rampant or instill fear in your opponents, ending with them frozen in panic and fright, running away, or crying and begging for their lives. I, for one, would like to see a Batman-style zako scenario: non-lethal psychological warfare, aided by gadgets or supernatural abilities.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Combining the two plots? I'm not really into that idea, but yes a prison exfiltration where the hero has to use stealth and tactics to take down the zako was my preffered idea. I am note sure about the zako themselves though. I like the idea of it being an opposing force, maybe a war enemy and they have taken the hero as a prisoner, but besides that I don't really know. What should the zako look like? What should they act like? What is their skill level? Are they armed with any weapons? Should they be a regular army, or maybe clones, or any other type?

I would also like to know if you guys would like another choice based story or if I should just use my own ideas for what should happen? Maybe this time I could just give multiple choice options for example:
A. Choke the zako out
B. Take her as a hostage
C. Shoot her and hide the body
D. Wait and see what see does, hopefully for a better moment to strike

You would be able to reply with the choice you want to happen. I would be offfering both lethal and nonlethal options to choose from. Whichever one is chosen most and agreed upon will be used. If this is used I would still consider request of other options but they would have to be agreed upon as the best choice.

Thanks for the input. :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Combining the two plots? I'm not really into that idea, but yes a prison exfiltration where the hero has to use stealth and tactics to take down the zako was my preffered idea. I am note sure about the zako themselves though. I like the idea of it being an opposing force, maybe a war enemy and they have taken the hero as a prisoner, but besides that I don't really know. What should the zako look like? What should they act like? What is their skill level? Are they armed with any weapons? Should they be a regular army, or maybe clones, or any other type?

I would also like to know if you guys would like another choice based story or if I should just use my own ideas for what should happen? Maybe this time I could just give multiple choice options for example:
A. Choke the zako out
B. Take her as a hostage
C. Shoot her and hide the body
D. Wait and see what see does, hopefully for a better moment to strike

You would be able to reply with the choice you want to happen. I would be offfering both lethal and nonlethal options to choose from. Whichever one is chosen most and agreed upon will be used. If this is used I would still consider request of other options but they would have to be agreed upon as the best choice.

Thanks for the input. :tongue::tongue::tongue:

Ok since you seem inclined to a prison brake as well as a war setting how about the *Hero* makes a brake for it like in the old Dos video game Wolf3d, that game is basically a *Hero* VS the Nazis juring World War 2.

As for the Zako/cannon fodder maybe they can be cloned Femanazis as the Gender War takes a very violent turn for the worse for everyone, as for what they look like they could be young and sexy in a sexy uniform or fat ugly man haters in evil looking uniforms.

As for their weapons both type of femanazi Zakos would be armed with small arms such as knives, pistols sub-machine guns and assault rifles since the setting is a prison juring wartime or if you want heaver weapons and vehicles the prison could be a part of a major femanazi army base.


Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
I would also like to know if you guys would like another choice based story or if I should just use my own ideas for what should happen? Maybe this time I could just give multiple choice options for example:
A. Choke the zako out
B. Take her as a hostage
C. Shoot her and hide the body
D. Wait and see what see does, hopefully for a better moment to strike

You would be able to reply with the choice you want to happen. I would be offfering both lethal and nonlethal options to choose from. Whichever one is chosen most and agreed upon will be used. If this is used I would still consider request of other options but they would have to be agreed upon as the best choice.

Would love to see this. I always liked the non lethal option if it was unnecessary to kill


Would love to see this. I always liked the non lethal option if it was unnecessary to kill
Exfiltration wouldn't give a good reason to go non-lethal, though. For this kind of thing, maybe something like securing targets? Maybe the zako group is an unknown rogue PMC, and the protagonist is contracted to secure them for arrest and interrogation. Maybe place a high-value target there, too, and lethal stuff isn't allowed since the government's hands are tied for some reason.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Exfiltration wouldn't give a good reason to go non-lethal, though. For this kind of thing, maybe something like securing targets? Maybe the zako group is an unknown rogue PMC, and the protagonist is contracted to secure them for arrest and interrogation. Maybe place a high-value target there, too, and lethal stuff isn't allowed since the government's hands are tied for some reason.

Now that sounds like a good story plot.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Well I will think it over and when I am ready to write this I might do one of these ideas or possibly do something completely different.


Well I will think it over and when I am ready to write this I might do one of these ideas or possibly do something completely different.

In case you want it, I uploaded a pastebin of a story setting I made. I don't have the time to write out a story here, so maybe you can give it a try.
In a world where wars become even more convoluted and asymmetrical than ever bef -

As for equipment, there's always the option to use something out of video games, like tranq guns or even the stun knife from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
In case you want it, I uploaded a pastebin of a story setting I made. I don't have the time to write out a story here, so maybe you can give it a try.
In a world where wars become even more convoluted and asymmetrical than ever bef -

As for equipment, there's always the option to use something out of video games, like tranq guns or even the stun knife from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

Nice opening, too early to tell how good or bad this story will be but it has potential.

Here's an idea if you like have the MC armed with a trank gun loaded with SR-81, SR-81 stands for Stun Relaxant-81, can trank a person in 0.3 second but is some what *Messy* and humiliating due to the *relaxant* effect and there is no chance of a victim overdosing in case of multi trank darting and has an optional helusongenic effect.
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Been testing Kisekae to use for The reference images. It could work.


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Swell Supporter
Dec 11, 2016
(warning contains guro)

My zako fantasy would be assuming the roll of my OC Jennifer Sweets. (The girl in the ponytail.) And I picked up a super deadly arsenal of two high caliber semi auto pistols and an assault rifle or LSAT machine gun. A machete or tomahawk. An a few hand grenades.

I (Jennifer Sweets) would be going up against a zako group known as the pigtailians. Thy are a clone army, but in this fantasy I would like to think these girls were recruited. They would have no armor and are armed with cheap assault rifles and handguns. They wear thigh high kneepaded boots and a long sleeve tactical leotard. Heh. And all of these girls would have low short pigtails. These girls would be selected on the looks and how cute or hot they are. The hotter the better. And they are usually the age range of (18-23) these are my intended targets. And I vow to make sure none make it out alive. I also promised to cause a fuck ton of carnage to.

I would want a partner in the battle so I would call upon the aid from the us army rangers. (CoD modern warfare 2 style rangers.) And get help from an average ranger soldier. I would allow him to do what ever is necessary to win against the pigtailians.

( So the story would be told from jenny's point of view. )

Mission one: pigtailian slaughter.
(Ring. Ring. Ring.) The cellphone rang until I awoke. It was HQ. I was being called in for another deadly mission. I knew it. I sat up in my bed just in my panties and a crop top tee shirt. Another girl just in her panties and bra enters. It was the girl I was with last night. We had some fun clam jousting last night. Lol! The girl sits next to me as I answer the phone. With one hand on her crotch and the other up my shirt playing with my left nipple. She begins to whisper to me about last night.

The voice on the other phone line is a top brass military commander. He informs me of a new deadly threat growing with the united States. They are a major corporation who has plans to take the midwest by storm from their Colorado facility. if we don't act quickly we may lose the land locked midwest in a matter of days.

The girl doesn't wanna stop! She wants to dike out so bad right now. But I need to pay attention to the commander. the girl then pulls her hand from beneath my shirt and playfully tickles her way down to my lace lavender panties with a pink tiny bow inthe middle (very tasteful and expensive) she rubs me while i try and not moan into the phone.

I aggressively push her away as I finally focus on the Commander. He then tells me to report as soon as I can. I give him a "yes sir!!" And hang up with a sigh. The girl looks angry and she storms outta the room.

I throw on some dirty ACU pants and sneakers and head out the door. The drive to the HQ was not too far. And I reached it within the hour I left home. Upon arriving to the HQ I am let in by US soldiers in regular ACU combat gear. They smile and stare. They like what they see. a young tanned woman with a playful and messy ponytail. And a tiny shirt with no bra!! Too bad I like girls soldier boys. I pull into the base.

The debrief was the same song and dance. As always. the pigtailian army is on the move and they drummed up support at colleges highschools and even online. So their all female army has grown. And Colorado springs has been occupied by the pigtailians the rumors coming out of Colorado springs is genocide internment camps and the pigtailians forcefully recruiting women into their ranks. And they slaughtered the national guard who moved into the area to fight them.

The Commander tells me the details of the Op. I will be dropped in with a chalk of army rangers. To open an offensive for the NM national guard and the force recon Marines. It sounds deadly i tell the Commander. He softly chuckles and replied by telling me that's why he chose me. He then tells me to suit up for battle.

In the lockerroom I stripped down to nothing. And slip into the black and red digital camo combat leotard. Mmhmm ballistic fibers feel so good against my body i thought as i zipped up the suit. and put on the thight high boots.

Now ! to raise some hell!! I picked a load out of two desert eagles and a LSAT machine gun. all with explosive rounds. I was ready!!

Act 2: zero hour.

A pillar of smoke bellowed over the city of Colorado springs. As the gunship approaced the the LZ. The rangers readied their SCAR and M4 rifles as we begin to land. "Let's go boys!!" I yelled. And we jumped out into the early morning Dawn. at first the four man team of rangers moved effectively. But silently. Until the rangers wanted to split up into two teams. Ugh are they gona get killed that way.

So I and one other ranger move forward. That's when we spotted our first targets ... A young pigtailian girl. She looks to be around 18-20. The girl stood with her rifle sling to her side as she filed her nails. She was guarding a roadblock that led into the city. I was surprised only to see her at the guard post. Dumb lil' girl I thought to myself.

I pull up my LSAT and squeeze the trigger. A small burst of explosive round hit the young zako. First confirmed kill of the day I thought to myself as I saw her upper right part of her body explodes into a red and pink mess. What was left of the pigtailian guard was laying on the ground still tying to kick.

The ranger then pointed out three more pigtailians. These three looked like they were the same age as the now dead pigtailian. This was gonna be a cake walk. The ranger and I waited until the trio of girls got closer. When they were in a clear distance we decided now was the time.
The ranger popped up from cover and fired his weapon hitting one of the pigtailians in the face. She flew back with blood and brain matter gushing from from the mess that used to be her face. The other two girls reacted by screaming in terror. the ranger fired again this time missing the other two girls.

I also begin to fire as the pigtailian girls ran away. The explosive rounds I fired managed to blow off one of the girls legs. I heard her scream in agony as she rolled onto her back and lifted both of her mutilated legs into the air. the screams excited me and I jumped up from my position and put a few more rounds into the pigtailian . Her screams was silenced by the pops and cracks of the explosive tipped rounds. Her body laid there with its entrails hanging out no head and legs blown off up to the thigh.

The ranger held back his nausea as we quickly rushed up to the roadblock. We passed the three dead pigtailians. He covered his mouth and gagged. I told him to stay focused and tapped his helmet. To make him feel more comfortable I told I'm to focus on me and my voice.

We heard distant gunfire. The other rangers must have suffered an ambush. "Shit!!" I exclaimed "we need to move!!" I ordered to the ranger. It was as I feared the other two rangers began to yell out over the coms. "They're fucking everywhere. Calling in close air support we have 50 plus soft targets coming at us! Coordinance 53 by-..." Radio static.

"Damn!" I yelled. As the ranger and I ran deeper into the ruins of the mountain town. Reaching town we had seen the carnage and horror these women caused, and are capable of. men and women lay dead against the city street walls as if they were lined up and shot. A few college aged girls hung from lamp posts they were stripped down to their underwear and used as target practice by the pigtailians. those poor girls must have refused to join them.

The ranger finally vomited at the sight. of the dead young women hanging. He wiped the vomit from his mouth. "Who in the fuck would do this!!" he exclaimed. I did not answer as I heard a noise. I motioned to the ranger to hide as I laid next To a few decaying bodies on. The sidewalk..

A pigtailan patrol walked up to the scene. "Spread out girls!!! They have to be around here somewhere!!!" The oldest girl said. They were looking for us. I counted the girls there were only ten of them scouting the area. All of them fresh faced young women!! I feel bad doing this job sometimes. Some of these girls are really cute. The pigtailian girls marched on by without noticing me or the ranger.

But as I got up to move one of the pigtailian girls came running out of a building readjusting the crotch of her leotard. "Wait up guise!! Tee hee I had to pee!!" She then turned to notice me. Standing up. I froze. My heart pounded intensely. She pulled up her XM8 assault rifle. "Don't move!!!" She screamed in a squeaky voice. then I watched her chest explode and she let out a high pitched squeal as she dropped to her knees. Her breasts were blown out by the exit wounds created by the ranger's SCAR-H.

She then plopped facedown and ass up. The nine other pigtailians turned and begin to shoot wildly in our direction. Some stray bullets ricocheted around me. As I was caught out in the open. I fired back trying to get out of the street. I heard one of the girls yell out in pain I know I wounded one of them. The ranger began to shoot out of a near by window. I used this moment find some better cover. And as I did I saw two of the zakos helping the girl I may have wounded. So I shot at the girls who were grouped up.

The explosive rounds tore through the girls as I watched ribbons of flesh and and intestine spray everywhere I. A pink and red mist. The red mist cleared to reveal the bottom half of one of girls still standing. Blood and spinal fluid leaked from it as it stumbled around and fell to its knees and then to its side.

The other six pigtailians took cover and continued to shoot at me. I ducked and yelled "fuck!!" As some of their bullets came too close for comfort. I say the ranger pop out of his window and tossed a hand grenade over to the girls. they scream and scramble out of their cover.
The grenade went off killing one of the pigtailians as it obliterated her head and shoulders tearing up her leotard as well . Soon a headless mess with exposed tits fell to the ground and violently kicked around for a bit before urinating coming to a complete stop.

The ranger gunned down another girl as she tried to run from the battle. two more pigtailians took cover behind an old car. As the other two try to flank the ranger's window. I heard his rifle fire off a few bursts. The pigtailians behind the car begin to shoot at me I shot back. Hearing the bullets punch and pop through the car's paneling. "Damn!!" I dropped to a prone position. And fired under the car.

A few of the rounds tore through the girls legs. I head them screech in pain and agony. I fired again. punt!! A red mist flies up from behind the car. Only one girl was now screaming. And the shooting stopped. I climbed up and the ranger peeked out of cover. We looked around to notice one of the zakos taking cover behind the car was blown inhalf and still alive. She was screaming and trying to crawl a way. She was a cute baby faced pigtailian with ferekles. Her suffering kinda turned me on a bit. I felt my pussy tingle as I watched her try and crawl away with her mangled guts dragging behind her.

I stood and watched intensely not saying a word. Then the ranger walked up and curb stomped her head. her fragile skull cracked and bursted on the ground. I stood there looking obviously horny. my knees were pressed together and I was rubbing my thighs together. My leotards crotch begin to moisten as my pussy began to secrete fluids.

The ranger looked at me s if I was crazy. I had realize I was standing there gawking at these dead chicks. He asked if I was ok. I didn't want to tell him I was as horny as a bitch in heat. So I told him to ready up and reload. There is more to come. I turned and begin to run into the city with my ranger boy following close behind.
(To be continued...)

The rangers int gunsh

Haru's gun collection


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