Hi guys! I'm having trouble finding the time to do these (not because they're too much work, I'm just too busy with other crap), but I LIKE them. I think they're FUN. And I'mma keep doing them if you can put up with the irregular schedule. I really like all the roleplaying that's been going on, and I want to reward that with more frequent updates, but I also want the Incidents to be detailed enough that they're still interesting.
This is the final episode of the La Croix chapter of the :3 campaign. If your zako survived, congratulations! This isn't the end of :3. Far from it. The Chapter is simply being dissolved, its members transferred to Global Headquarters to become one of :3's new Rapid Response Teams. We'll go back to the :3 story eventually, but I want to do another story while I continue to work on the "game" part of the game.
Going forward, I want to strike a balance between character progression and lethality. The tier system has been working fine, but the tiers (as they currently exist) are static. The problem I was having in the beginning was that Lv. 2+ zakos were basically untouchable. I couldn't balance the Incidents in way where they would be survivable for the rookies, but still dangerous for the veterans. Long story short, I've fixed this by tweaking the hit point system.
I'm keeping the tier system though. Or a version of it, anyway. Here's how it works: Elite/lucky zakos now have advantage on all rolls (I roll twice and use the higher final result), while incompetent/unlucky zakos have the opposite of that. Elites/luckies have twice the hit points as average zakos, while incompetents/unluckies have half the normal hit point total. The main difference is that zakos of all three tiers will actually progress as they gain experience.
Alright, so, the new campaign... This one has a heroic fantasy setting. Sword and sorcery. Dungeons and dragons. Here's the thing, though: you're bandits. Stupid, shitty, slutty bandits. You live in a fortified camp on top of a dungeon that you also control. From there, you attack travelers and caravans. This gets you loot, captives, and occasionally new recruits. Of course, your targets will often be escorted by heroic adventurers or enemy zakos, who will sometimes even raid your camp! In the :3 story, the specializations were mostly for flavor, but this one's going to have more of an actual class system.
Fighter: The war you were supposed be fighting has ended. Either that or you deserted. You fight up close with some kind of melee weapon. Please specify what kind of weapon, or default to taking a sword and shield.
Healer: You were an acolyte in some kind of temple, where you trained in the use of divine magic. Although you were excommunicated, your deity still answers your prayers. This enables you to heal and protect your new allies.
Mage: You use magic offensively. Maybe you were trained. Maybe you contracted with a demon. Or maybe it just comes to you naturally, but your destructive tendencies have made you an outcast. The other bandits are accepting enough, but you can't help feeling superior to them.
Monk: You grew up in a monastery, where you were supposed be training your body and mind. You didn't, though. You left before achieving enlightenment, but not before learning how to kick ass while being completely unarmed.
Ranger: The other bandits may complain, but you're at home in the wilderness. In battle, you prefer to keep your distance and remain hidden, dropping your enemies from afar with your bow and arrow.
Thief: You may not be very strong, and you may not have any magical powers, but you know how to hide, and you know when to strike. Best of all, you know when it's time to run, and how to escape with your ass intact.
As before, you're limited to four zakos total, but only one elite/lucky zako. Let your imagination run wild, though. This bandit gang doesn't have uniforms, or a theme, so your zako's outfit is up to you. Are they human, or a member of some kind of fantasy race? Like are they some kind of elf? An orc? An angel/demon/devil-thing? Are they a snake lady from the waist down? Seriously, go nuts.
10/31/18, Fright Night
Target: La Croix Security Central Headquarters
Objective: Assault
Difficulty: High
Background: Rico is anxious to redeem himself in Regional's eyes, and the window to do so is closing fast. It's time for Plan B, and the "B" in this case stands for brute force: A direct assault on the LCS headquarters.
The whole Chapter (sans Lucy) attacks in unmarked vans. Dan and Flavia are driving them. The gunship and MAV are being held in reserve for the extraction phase (with Rayna piloting the former and Ute driving the latter).
Rico was right. LCS was never expecting a frontal assault. The :3 soldiers storm into the lobby. Six LCS staff members are quickly gunned down by Alex-Three, who follows up with a hand grenade that blows another three girls apart.
Ten guards remain in the lobby. May kills two by slamming them into one another. They fall, one on top of the other, and she finishes them with a knee strike powerful enough to crack the floor beneath the girls. Dan shoots two of them in their center of mass. Worm and Gabby each get one (gut shots, each). Tricky slays two with poisoned shuriken. One of them, she gets in the throat. The other dies from a star to the crotch. Calysta, the last Sophia clone, charges the enemy, gunning down one LCS trooper (a three-shot burst in the chest) and gutting the other with her bayonet.
:3 has secured the ground floor, but they didn't have it all their way. May took a three-round burst to the back. In her last moments, she feels relief, knowing she's bought her family's freedom. Rico takes the elevator straight to the top, together with Kaede and Mukuro. Emi and Alex each lead teams to sweep the rest of the building. A third squad remains behind with Touko as she attempts to gain control of the building.
It's a good thing, too, because Touko is able to disable a number of traps and automated security systems that would have probably splattered several girls.
At the top floor, Rico, Kaede, and Mukuro encounter Knight Kat. The three of them battle the city's top superhero while Team Emi and Team Alex sweep the rest of the building. Most of the LCS troopers on-site were guarding the ground floor lobby, but :3 still encounters stiff resistance. Dozens of relatively harmless LCS support staff are slaughtered (mostly by Alex-Three and Emi), but Theo, Allison, Gabby, and Worm are KIA. Theo is bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Allison and Gabby are shot in the chest and belly, respectively. Worm is killed when she's pushed over a railing and falls to the bottom of one of the stairwells.
While Rico, Kaede, and Mukuro are battling Knight Kat, Emi, and Alex are playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with the elite commando from the previous night. The commando gets the drop on Alex, but she hesitates, shocked to see the face of a girl she's already killed. This moment of hesitation is exploited by Emi, who shoots her right in the head from the end of the hall.
Knight Kat has knocked out Kaede and Mukuro, and she has Rico in a headlock. What she doesn't know is that Touko now has full control of the building's security system. She waits for Knight Kat to break Rico's neck before remotely killing the hero with a pop-out gun camera.
Kaede and Mukuro were unconscious, so Touko doesn't murder them. Eventually, Team Alex-and-Emi arrive and recover them, along with Rico's body. Rayna is already on station at the rooftop helipad. Ute brings the MAV around front to pick up Touko and her squad, who leave in style the way they came.
1: Touko (20, F): Elite Support (Fine)
2: Emi (20, F): Elite Sniper (Fine)
3: Kaede (24, F): Elite Martial Artist (KO)
4: Mukuro (22, F): Elite Ninja (KO)
5: Ute (23, F): Elite Pilot (Fine)
6: Alex (?, F): Elite Trooper
7: Flavia (21, F): Average Support (Fine)
8: Dan (18, M): Average Trooper (Fine)
9: Theo (23, F): Average Trooper (Dead)
10: Calysta (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
11: May (30, F): Average Martial Artist (Dead)
12: Junkers (20, F): Average Medic (Fine)
13: Rayna (18, F): Average Pilot (Fine)
14: Tricky (22, F): Average Ninja (Fine)
15: Lucy (19, F): Average Martial Artist (Recovering)
16: Kayla (19, F): Incompetent Trooper (Fine)
17: Allison (22, F): Unlucky Martial Artist (Dead)
18: Gabby (25, F): Incompetent Trooper (Dead)
19: Worm (25, F): Incompetent Support (Dead)
Final Result: Success. With Rico dead, Touko is in charge of the Chapter once again. Not for long, however, as she soon receives new orders from Global. Not Regional, Global. :3's strategy is now made clear: LCS has gone into liquidation, and their contract has been bought up by Running Dogs, LLC, another private security firm and :3 dummy corporation. :3 La Croix is apparently no longer necessary, and the Chapter will be reorganized into something called a Rapid Response Team...