So you want to be a zako? (2 Viewers)

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Name: Mika
Age: 23
Backstory: Mika is an extremely skilled fighter, however also extremely unlucky. After a kidnapping went wrong she ended up in prison, however, before she managed to end up behind bars she escaped and turned to a life of crime.
Fate: Do whatever you like to her, she has it coming. (Incompetent Trooper)

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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Rico is summoned back to Regional HQ. He takes the second helicopter, and makes Calysta fly him there, but other than that, he goes alone. He doesn't even bring his personal guard (Emi, Alex, Kaede, and Mukuro), who are left at the La Croix base. Before he goes, he makes it clear that Touko is in charge, and that while she still has to listen to Regional, everyone else must listen to her.

(IOW, Aayla is still alive, and Kendall is over his limit. Calysta is "benched" until another Sophia dies or is captured.)

The captured LCS trooper girl breaks, having had enough of Arcadia's staring. The bad news is that she's a no-account orphan with no family (at least not one that can pay a ransom). The good news is that LCS was just a job to her, and she's perfectly willing to join the Chapter.

Name: Theodora "Theo" Haskins
Age/Gender: 23, F
Background: Theo grew up in orphanages in and around La Croix. When the last orphanage was finally closed, she entered into the country's new foster-care system. Sent to juvenile detention after a string of assaults and petty thefts, she was hospitalized after a suicide attempt. In the hospital, she was scouted by reps from LCS, for whom she has worked since she was eighteen years old.

Personality: While not precisely sadistic, Theo loves to fight. Killing doesn't matter to her (although she doesn't hesitate to do it), she just loves the thrill of battle and the rush of adrenaline that comes from life-or-death situations. Although she tried to kill herself in jail, she's either pretty well-adjusted now or does a good job of pretending to be. Slutty, but straight. She's all over Dan and Tom, but while she isn't put off by the other girls, and doesn't mind being touched by them, she doesn't seem hugely interested in lesbian sex.

Appearance: Average height, with small breasts and a lot of muscle definition. She has an overall boyish appearance, with short, shaggy, dirty-blond hair and a freckly face. She wears contacts or glasses due to poor eyesight, but she's an adequate marksman otherwise. She seems to dig the :3 uniform, although she doesn't like to wear the top, preferring to show off her nipple piercings.

The five captured CB Dragons are proving much more difficult...


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
So I wasn't initially planning to add any new zako at the moment, but then I was messing around in Kisekae as I sometimes do when I'm bored and ended up attempting to make the bimbo-iest bimbo possible... And I kind of liked her a lot so obviously then I decided to put her in some cat ears and throw her in the mix, hahah. :wink::wink::wink: Another incompetent this time. I was thinking of adding one where I'd be like "incompetent, but if she manages to survive X amount of missions she's promoted to average" because it sounds cool, but that wouldn't be fitting for this girl. She's absolutely incompetent for life. (Or well, incompetent until inevitable death is more accurate :tongue:)

Name: Juliet Valentina
Age: 18
Personality: Preppy snob. Says things like "LOL" and "totes adorbs" out loud. Obnoxious. Unintelligent. Not nice at all. Basically your standard 'popular mean girl' type character.
Background: Turns out, having everything she could ever want became boring for her and she joined :3 for the thrills. Only problem was that she's never even held a gun, doesn't want to break a nail fighting up close, can barely 'pilot' a car, etcetera... and thus decided to just be support. Even then though, she still sucks at it too.
Bonus Description: She values her beauty above all else and her favorite of her own features would be her big cow-tits, of which she post several pictures of on her various social media accounts.
Role: Incompetent Support
Fate: Death. (Something optional that I thought of was a death that would "ruin her beauty" as in one of her features... face, tits, ass, etc, get messed up somehow during or before her death. Seemed appropriate because I like ironic deaths and such.)

Henchgirl 29 Henchgirl 29 Oh damn, Mika got out of prison. Probably with much less respect after the "fence incident" though. (To anyone who wonders what I'm talking about, just check out Henchgirl29's "Mika" image set on Deviantart.)

Oh, and Z Zamaron1 this is just my personal opinion, but you should write out more unique characters instead of just doing Sophia clones. Just a suggestion, since it's a bit more fun that way imo.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Once Theo talks, Arcadia finally reveals her reason for all the staring - she recognized Theo's face from somewhere, and it turns out it was during a transfer to another prison that Arcadia saw Theo looking out a window. Junkers explains this to Theo, adding in that even if she'd started out normal, with the length of time she'd spent in solitary she's quite well adjusted. Meanwhile, with her new free time, Arcadia has begun staring at the shortest of the prisoners. This time, though, she's willing to tell others her reasons - She's going to stare at the girl, then beat her, then stare some more, around the clock, until the girl breaks. She's also planning to be the only person the girl interacts with, and force her to listen to constant insulting and degrading recordings of her voice. Then, once the girl breaks, she's planning to take the girl as 'hers'. That is, of course, if her plan works.
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Once Theo talks, Arcadia finally reveals her reason for all the staring - she recognized Theo's face from somewhere, and it turns out it was during a transfer to another prison that Arcadia saw Theo looking out a window. Junkers explains this to Theo, adding in that even if she'd started out normal, with the length of time she'd spent in solitary she's quite well adjusted. Meanwhile, with her new free time, Arcadia has begun staring at the shortest of the prisoners. This time, though, she's willing to tell others her reasons - She's going to stare at the girl, then beat her, then stare some more, around the clock, until the girl breaks. She's also planning to be the only person the girl interacts with, and force her to listen to constant insulting and degrading recordings of her voice. Then, once the girl breaks, she's planning to take the girl as 'hers'. That is, of course, if her plan works.
Emi: This bitch is crazy... I kinda like it.

Emi also takes some shifts watching over prisoners. She rarely gets violent at all, but she's been told her icy glare terrifies some of the captives. Emi even overheard one of them whispering, "It's like she's ripping my soul out of my body," to which Emi jerked her head to their direction, startling said prisoner.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
10/30/18, Chemical Bath
Mercury Co. Candy Factory
Objective: Secure the Drugged Candy
Difficulty: Moderate
Background: Fright Night is tomorrow, and :3 has big plans for the boys and girls of La Croix's suburbs and residential neighborhoods. Those plans involve distributing candies laced with a powerful and still-experimental hallucinogen. :3 has military-industrial contacts who will be very interested in the results of this "experiment". They've offered to pay a premium for any data the Chapter can collect. That isn't :3's only objective, though. The chaos is an end unto itself, as it will be a huge scandal that may just cost (an already wrong-footed) LCS its contract. :3 has already taken over a factory owned by the Mercury Candy Company. All they have to do is guard the place until the "special batch" can be finished and loaded onto a :3 truck.

Rico has returned from Regional with Juliet, who he puts in charge of the operation. Her security detail consists of all four Sophia clones, as well as Alex, Arcadia, Tom, Hibiki, and Mika.

The factory is largely automated, and the controls are more-or-less idiot-proof. This is good, because Juliet is more-or-less an idiot. She operates the factory from its control room. Everyone else patrols the facility.

Like all LCS personnel, the intruder is female. She wears a skin-tight suit that masks her body heat and all but eliminates the sound of her movement. She sneaks into the factory without any trouble. Apart from Alex, who's standing guard outside of the control room, the :3 zakos are patrolling in four pairs.

The first pair the intruder runs into is Tom and Mika. A three-round burst from the heroine's suppressed submachine gun is fired into Mika's back. The exit wounds send a red spray out her front, but she doesn't have enough breath to scream. All she can do is look down in shock and try to stay on her feet.

Tom, by now a seasoned soldier, knows that the first thing he should do is sound the alarm. The intruder is too quick for him, though. She throws a knife into his throat, preventing him from calling for help and, a little bit later, ending his life. He actually dies before Mika does, and once the intruder moves on, there's no one to hear her final, whimpering moans.

Sophia clones Alice and Sombra are the next to be taken out. The intruder grabs Sombra, putting her in a restraining hold. Alice notices this, but doesn't have time to do much else before the intruder fires a burst into her belly. Alice groans, loudly, but they're too close to the machinery. No one can hear over the noise of the factory. She falls backwards, and can only watch as the intruder pushes her naked sister to the floor and fires a burst into the back of her head. Sombra is killed instantly, but Alice is left to endure her triple gutshot until she finally dies.

The drugged candy being made here isn't lethal, but some of the components are, at least in these concentrations and under this amount of pressure. Sophia clones Ania and Aayla are taken out when the intruder fires a burst into a nearby tank of poison gas. While it doesn't cause an explosion, Ania and Ayala are just as doomed. They go down, coughing and gagging and gasping for breath. They die in a heap, one draped over the other, never quite knowing what happened to them.

At last, the intruder has made it. Four large vats of green goo are being stirred by automatic agitators. If she can blow the junction here, the factory will be out of commission. The intruder sneaks past the last patrol: Arcadia and Hibiki, but she's discovered by them while planting the explosives. Arcadia runs in with a club and riot shield.

Arcadia is taken out almost at once. The intruder trips her up easily and sends her tipping over the railing and into one of the vats. Hibiki proves a lot more challenging. For a while, it even seems like Hibiki will win. While Hibiki is battling the intruder, Arcadia clings to one of the agitators. She's managed to save herself from drowning, but nightmarish hallucinations begin to set in.

Arcadia screams, while Hibiki can only grunt. The intruder has wrapped a heavy chain around her throat. Hibiki is strong, but the intruder is stronger. They grapple for a while longer, before the intruder sends Hibiki over the rail. Hibiki doesn't fall into the vat like Arcadia, though. The chain is too short. Instead, she simply hangs a few yards down from the catwalk. Her beefy neck is too strong to break, but that just means she's strangled instead.

The flailing, panicking Arcadia finally trips some kind of sensor, and the factory goes into emergency shutdown. Alex escorts Juliet while they go to investigate, but Juliet doesn't know where the problem is.

The intruder watches them, remotely detonating the explosives as soon as Alex is right on top of them. Alex is more-or-less blown apart, killed instantly, but Juliet is too far away for a dignified death. Instead, she gets a face full of highly-pressurized, corrosive gas that more or less melts her face, eyes, and tits. It doesn't take her long to die, but it hurts like hell, and she's keenly aware that her body is ruined.

From the control room, the intruder engages the factory's emergency ventilation system and, as soon as it's safe, a LCS strike team arrives to take control. Of the ten :3 zakos assigned to the plant, the only survivor is Arcadia. She's arrested, and taken to a hospital. She'll live, and eventually make a partial recovery, but the psychiatrists have bad news for her: While the hallucinations can be controlled with medication, the nightmares and sleep paralysis are permanent. That's on top of at least ten years in national prison.

1: Alex (?, F): Elite Trooper (Dead)
2: Ania (0 F): Average Trooper (Dead)
3: Alice (0, F): Average Trooper (Dead)
4: Aayla (0, F): Average Trooper (Dead)
5: Arcadia (25, F): Average Trooper (Injured, Captured)
6: Tom (19, M): Average Trooper (Dead)
7: Sombra (0, F): Average Trooper (Dead)
8: Hibiki (19, F): Average Martial Artist (Dead)
9: Mika (23, F): Incompetent Trooper (Dead)
10: Juliet (18, F): Incompetent Support (Dead)

Final Result: Failure. Juliet and her team were wiped out, and the "special batch" of candy was ruined. Not only will there be no payout from the General, but :3 will have to take a more brute-force approach to their Fright Night festivities.

Dispatch from Regional: "Wow... bummer. That's a lot of sluts to lose for a local chapter the size of yours. Tell Rico... Hmm... Just tell him "strike two" for me, Touko. He'll know what I mean."


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Oh hot damn. Been a while since such a critical failure. I like the big failures though because they're exciting! That's the great part about this, that a failure is just as good an outcome as a success since the whole thing is kind of based around failing a lot anyway. :tongue:

Emi: Heard about the failure. That... sucks. (Though Emi doesn't like to show that she cares and doesn't say much about the incident, it doesn't take a genius to see that she's visibly upset, mostly due to the death of Tom, who was one of :3's earliest members and the first one Emi ever had any sort of soft spot for.)


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
Elite Trooper​
Perhaps the most jarring thing about receiving an identical copy of a soldier isn't seeing them be in the same places and doing the same things after watching them die, it's the things they do differently.
Alex-Two had gained some habits during her time at :3. She had been asked to make the coffee in the morning, as she woke up the earliest. She would check all the weapons and keep them maintained. She would 'coincidentally' start sharpening her combat knife when Rico or the Sophia's got too handsy. And sometimes, just sometimes, she seemed to want to talk with the other girls, but never worked up the courage to go through with it.

Alex-Three does none of these things. She wakes up, stands in salute for about three hours until someone else wakes up and gives orders, and patrols robotically, hardly caring about the other girls. For now, this is an assignment. That's all this is.
Maybe, with time, she'll warm up like Two did?

She has with her a small note:

This is a data gathering mission.
In the future, we expect enough to be left behind to gather data from.
The term of this unit has been shortened to three successful missions before recovery.
Failure to properly take care of this one may result in termination of our deal.

-The Sponsors.

Alex Three.jpg
I actually do have a plans for epilogues if she or other Alex units survive, but she's still free game. Just don't blow her to too many bits, the sponsors will get mad again.
Also, I plan on doing more writing like this. Hopefully, to prevent the Alex line from being a characterless clone.
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Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Arcadia (25, F): Average Trooper (Injured, Captured)
Hearing that Arcadia's been captured, Flavia (who was already close to taking action) convinces Junkers to, if Arcadia doesn't escape and return to the base within 5 days, the two of them will take over care of "Arcadia's" prisoner.
(In other words, can I take over with Arcadia's prisoner as a new character? I'm assuming there won't be a rescue mission)
Meanwhile, Ute's self-assigned mission to help Rayna is going well, she feels. Progress is slow, but Rayna seems to be gradually warming up to her.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Kaede and Mukuro griefs over Hibiki's death. They didn't realized that Hibiki failed today's mission and ends up kicking the bucket. Kaede's hatred for the LCS increases after Hibiki's death, knowing that Hibiki was her childhood friend and her roommate. She promises that the next mission will be a mission to avenge her childhood friend

Kaede: I swear.... I will avenge the death of my Bikky next... LCS and Guild of Good Intentions, you hear me?!!!
Mukuro: I know.. I'll help you avenge Hibiki next. Those brats will pay

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Poor Mika! oh well, I doubt she'll be missed

"first day on the job!" Mika thought to herself

Things had been going downhill for her the past couple months, however, she was hoping that this was her way out.

Tonight she had been paired with Tom, he was young... well... younger than her at least, but he seemed nice enough. And by nice enough he wasn't oggling at her tits like every other perv in this damn facility.

Speaking of her tits, she was freezing, it must have been at most 40° F outside!

"wouldn't it make sense to maybe install a thermostat in this factory or maybe give the employees a coat or some kevlar!" she grumbled to herself

at least her shivering distracted her from just about every other shitty thing about this job.

She stood at her post, an hour passed. Though she had made small talk with tom for the first fifteen minutes they had both gone quiet swimming in their own thoughts.

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She shuffled her feet, the mousy redhead had grown numb to the cold.

Though she was very overqualified', she thought to herself, it wasn't so bad. Surely after a couple easy victories, she could find herself working through the ranks.

All of a sudden she heard a rustling behind her, however by the time she reacted it was too late, three small clicks and three oozing red bullet holes later the guard was incapacitated.

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The cold metal twisting through her toned abdomen caused the girl to grimace. Her face twisting and contorting as she adjusted to her new reality

"FUCK!" she thought, as she struggled for words,

Her gun fell out of her hand, clashing to the ground and alerting Tom of the intruder's presence. However it was too late, Mika Watched her coworker fall to the ground dead as blood spurted out from his no longer functional windpipe.

She could care less about some rookie however, she was the one who mattered, she was the hero the protagonist, she would make it through this.

She stared down to asses the damage.... it wasn't good

God, she thought to herself, panicking. It wasn't supposed to end this way, She had spent years of training working out sweating and toiling to become the ultimate killing machine and this is how she was going to go?!

"why me?! I don't deserve this!"

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"argh" she muttered coughing out blood the world was becoming hazy.

Her footing slipped and she crashed to the cold floor,

Mika struggled for consciousness as blood pooled around her, everything hurt and on top of that, the cold had become exponentially worse, seeping through her wounds and into her soft body.

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The guard felt about 5 more minutes of excruciating agony before her eyes rolled back and her breathing halted.

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Considering it was her first day on the force, she would be forgotten about the following morning.


Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Yes, definitely. Approved.
Alright! I'll have her ready later. For now...
Arcadia Sternett has changed. She doesn't clearly remember what she saw, dangling over the vat, or what she saw afterwards. In fact, she doesn't really remember anything clearly. But she does remember what she's seen since then. It is something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. These visions have turned her anger into misery, and arrogance into fear. She takes some solace in her medication, but will spend the next 10-15 years in the psych ward of a maximum security prison, jumping at shadows and remembering every nightmare in vivid detail.

Back at the chapter's base, Junkers and Flavia are told that there won't be a rescue mission, and that as far as :3 can tell Arcadia will not be returning. They head into the prisoner's cell, and Flavia watches over as Junkers undoes the unconscious prisoner's bindings and checks her for physical trauma. She doesn't find anything that indicates permanent damage, but it will be a while before the prisoner is able to do much more than hobble around the base.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Alright, here I go again with some more henchies. :tongue:

Name: Allison Sanderson
Age: 27
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, but a bit of a show-off. Proud of her skills and muscles. Over-confident.
Background: A skilled and accomplished athlete, but tends to have a horrible streak of bad luck whenever she tries something new. For instance, when she first took up track running she tripped and badly sprained her ankle on her first day. When she started bench pressing, she forgot to secure the weights on one side, causing them to fall off and the disparity in weight per side caused her to fall down. When she started swimming, she somehow managed to get tangled in the lane separators and nearly drowned. Etcetera, etcetera...
Role: Unlucky Martial Artist (If she survives being sent on 4 missions, she will shake off her early bad luck and become an Average Martial Artist)
Fate: Death

Name: "Tricky" Trixie Thomas
Age: 22
Personality: Tricky has a sarcastic mocking type of attitude, but she is very loyal to her allies, even the ones that she doesn't get along with that well. Enjoys pranks and likes to annoy her enemies. Enjoys getting drunk and shooting the breeze with friends. Often a motor-mouth.
Background: An ordinary thief and scoundrel who enjoys the thrill of constantly having a bounty on her head.
Role: Average Ninja
Fate: Non-lethal outcome. Taken prisoner by one of :3's enemies or arrested by the police.

On an unrelated note:
Emi: I let out some pent-up aggression on one of the hostages after the big factory incident. Made that smug looking one into a bit of a bruised black-eyed mess and may have broken a rib or two. Sorry for damaging "company property" so to speak, but... not too sorry to be honest. Nothing that wont heal. Heheh...
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Club Regular
Mar 6, 2016
Name: Lucy
Age: 19
Story: Her imprisonment at the hands of :3 is quite possibly the worst thing that has happened to her in her life. Unfortunately for her, Arcadia's brainwashing attempt was almost completely successful, and so where once was someone else now there are distant memories of that person and Lucy. She lost all self-confidence, self-worth, and willpower in that cell, alone for what felt like decades. No matter what :3's members say, she's always afraid that, should she fail :3 or any of its personnel in any way, she'll be put back into the cell. Essentially, she sees herself as property of the chapter, an object available at their disposal rather than a living being, and nothing so far has been able to change that view. She won't say or do anything that might hurt :3 or any of its members, and the closest she gets to showing her true self is crying quietly when she doesn't think anybody else is around.
Class: Average Martial Artist (once she recovers)
Related to that, she's still recovering from Arcadia's treatments for the next 3 missions, after which she'll be recovered enough to go on missions.
Fate: Lethal
Junkers has tried to get her to think of herself as a person again, but can't make any headway. It seems like a job for a trained psychiatrist, or at least someone who hasn't gotten all of their medical and psychological knowledge from the internet.


Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
Guess I'll add another character since we're so short staffed now!

Name: Gabby
Age: 25
Story: Gabby is a lazy, good for nothing who never really committed to anything she started in life. Whether it was sports, school or relationships, Gabby would quit at the first sign of trouble. After numerous failed attempts to work or study, Gabby has amassed a rather considerable debt. After hearing she could make some easy money from a :3 recruiter, she signed a contract to join on as a "Trooper". Not knowing what :3 was, and realizing that if she backed out now, she'd face some sort of combination of being sold into slavery and or killed, Gabby is forced to work and commit to something for the first time in her life. That being said, she does have a lot of potential, as she may discover now that she has no choice.
Class: Incompetent Trooper. (After surviving 3 missions, she'd be promoted to Average Trooper. After Surviving 6 missions as an Average, she'd be promoted to Elite Trooper)


Swell Supporter
Nov 10, 2016
Cecily: Her body was found by one of her many hunters. Her head was removed and taken in for reward money. Her body was stripped of possessions and tossed in a river.

Sharona: A passing stranger actually filmed her death on his phone and published it on a porn website. It was called "Double D Demise" and it garnered hundred of thousands of reviews.

New character:

Name: Mel "Worm" Dora
Age: 25
Story: Worm was a low caliber gang member and attended to a mob boss. Her mob was taken down by a different mob, so she was taken hostage, threatened, tortured and was going to be killed when the police burst in. She managed to escape in the chaos, but she is now wanted by the police.
She has low confidence. She is depressive and doesn't talk much. She also has trouble staying awake due to low energy.
Class: Incompetent Support.
Fate: Burry her.


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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Hi guys! I'm having trouble finding the time to do these (not because they're too much work, I'm just too busy with other crap), but I LIKE them. I think they're FUN. And I'mma keep doing them if you can put up with the irregular schedule. I really like all the roleplaying that's been going on, and I want to reward that with more frequent updates, but I also want the Incidents to be detailed enough that they're still interesting.

This is the final episode of the La Croix chapter of the :3 campaign. If your zako survived, congratulations! This isn't the end of :3. Far from it. The Chapter is simply being dissolved, its members transferred to Global Headquarters to become one of :3's new Rapid Response Teams. We'll go back to the :3 story eventually, but I want to do another story while I continue to work on the "game" part of the game.

Going forward, I want to strike a balance between character progression and lethality. The tier system has been working fine, but the tiers (as they currently exist) are static. The problem I was having in the beginning was that Lv. 2+ zakos were basically untouchable. I couldn't balance the Incidents in way where they would be survivable for the rookies, but still dangerous for the veterans. Long story short, I've fixed this by tweaking the hit point system.

I'm keeping the tier system though. Or a version of it, anyway. Here's how it works: Elite/lucky zakos now have advantage on all rolls (I roll twice and use the higher final result), while incompetent/unlucky zakos have the opposite of that. Elites/luckies have twice the hit points as average zakos, while incompetents/unluckies have half the normal hit point total. The main difference is that zakos of all three tiers will actually progress as they gain experience.

Alright, so, the new campaign... This one has a heroic fantasy setting. Sword and sorcery. Dungeons and dragons. Here's the thing, though: you're bandits. Stupid, shitty, slutty bandits. You live in a fortified camp on top of a dungeon that you also control. From there, you attack travelers and caravans. This gets you loot, captives, and occasionally new recruits. Of course, your targets will often be escorted by heroic adventurers or enemy zakos, who will sometimes even raid your camp! In the :3 story, the specializations were mostly for flavor, but this one's going to have more of an actual class system.

Fighter: The war you were supposed be fighting has ended. Either that or you deserted. You fight up close with some kind of melee weapon. Please specify what kind of weapon, or default to taking a sword and shield.

Healer: You were an acolyte in some kind of temple, where you trained in the use of divine magic. Although you were excommunicated, your deity still answers your prayers. This enables you to heal and protect your new allies.

Mage: You use magic offensively. Maybe you were trained. Maybe you contracted with a demon. Or maybe it just comes to you naturally, but your destructive tendencies have made you an outcast. The other bandits are accepting enough, but you can't help feeling superior to them.

Monk: You grew up in a monastery, where you were supposed be training your body and mind. You didn't, though. You left before achieving enlightenment, but not before learning how to kick ass while being completely unarmed.

Ranger: The other bandits may complain, but you're at home in the wilderness. In battle, you prefer to keep your distance and remain hidden, dropping your enemies from afar with your bow and arrow.

Thief: You may not be very strong, and you may not have any magical powers, but you know how to hide, and you know when to strike. Best of all, you know when it's time to run, and how to escape with your ass intact.

As before, you're limited to four zakos total, but only one elite/lucky zako. Let your imagination run wild, though. This bandit gang doesn't have uniforms, or a theme, so your zako's outfit is up to you. Are they human, or a member of some kind of fantasy race? Like are they some kind of elf? An orc? An angel/demon/devil-thing? Are they a snake lady from the waist down? Seriously, go nuts.

10/31/18, Fright Night

Target: La Croix Security Central Headquarters
Objective: Assault
Difficulty: High
Background: Rico is anxious to redeem himself in Regional's eyes, and the window to do so is closing fast. It's time for Plan B, and the "B" in this case stands for brute force: A direct assault on the LCS headquarters.

The whole Chapter (sans Lucy) attacks in unmarked vans. Dan and Flavia are driving them. The gunship and MAV are being held in reserve for the extraction phase (with Rayna piloting the former and Ute driving the latter).

Rico was right. LCS was never expecting a frontal assault. The :3 soldiers storm into the lobby. Six LCS staff members are quickly gunned down by Alex-Three, who follows up with a hand grenade that blows another three girls apart.

Ten guards remain in the lobby. May kills two by slamming them into one another. They fall, one on top of the other, and she finishes them with a knee strike powerful enough to crack the floor beneath the girls. Dan shoots two of them in their center of mass. Worm and Gabby each get one (gut shots, each). Tricky slays two with poisoned shuriken. One of them, she gets in the throat. The other dies from a star to the crotch. Calysta, the last Sophia clone, charges the enemy, gunning down one LCS trooper (a three-shot burst in the chest) and gutting the other with her bayonet.

:3 has secured the ground floor, but they didn't have it all their way. May took a three-round burst to the back. In her last moments, she feels relief, knowing she's bought her family's freedom. Rico takes the elevator straight to the top, together with Kaede and Mukuro. Emi and Alex each lead teams to sweep the rest of the building. A third squad remains behind with Touko as she attempts to gain control of the building.

It's a good thing, too, because Touko is able to disable a number of traps and automated security systems that would have probably splattered several girls.

At the top floor, Rico, Kaede, and Mukuro encounter Knight Kat. The three of them battle the city's top superhero while Team Emi and Team Alex sweep the rest of the building. Most of the LCS troopers on-site were guarding the ground floor lobby, but :3 still encounters stiff resistance. Dozens of relatively harmless LCS support staff are slaughtered (mostly by Alex-Three and Emi), but Theo, Allison, Gabby, and Worm are KIA. Theo is bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Allison and Gabby are shot in the chest and belly, respectively. Worm is killed when she's pushed over a railing and falls to the bottom of one of the stairwells.

While Rico, Kaede, and Mukuro are battling Knight Kat, Emi, and Alex are playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with the elite commando from the previous night. The commando gets the drop on Alex, but she hesitates, shocked to see the face of a girl she's already killed. This moment of hesitation is exploited by Emi, who shoots her right in the head from the end of the hall.

Knight Kat has knocked out Kaede and Mukuro, and she has Rico in a headlock. What she doesn't know is that Touko now has full control of the building's security system. She waits for Knight Kat to break Rico's neck before remotely killing the hero with a pop-out gun camera.

Kaede and Mukuro were unconscious, so Touko doesn't murder them. Eventually, Team Alex-and-Emi arrive and recover them, along with Rico's body. Rayna is already on station at the rooftop helipad. Ute brings the MAV around front to pick up Touko and her squad, who leave in style the way they came.

1: Touko (20, F): Elite Support (Fine)
2: Emi (20, F): Elite Sniper (Fine)
3: Kaede (24, F): Elite Martial Artist (KO)
4: Mukuro (22, F): Elite Ninja (KO)
5: Ute (23, F): Elite Pilot (Fine)
6: Alex (?, F): Elite Trooper

7: Flavia (21, F): Average Support (Fine)
8: Dan (18, M): Average Trooper (Fine)
9: Theo (23, F): Average Trooper (Dead)
10: Calysta (0, F): Average Trooper (Fine)
11: May (30, F): Average Martial Artist (Dead)
12: Junkers (20, F): Average Medic (Fine)
13: Rayna (18, F): Average Pilot (Fine)
14: Tricky (22, F): Average Ninja (Fine)
15: Lucy (19, F): Average Martial Artist (Recovering)

16: Kayla (19, F): Incompetent Trooper (Fine)
17: Allison (22, F): Unlucky Martial Artist (Dead)
18: Gabby (25, F): Incompetent Trooper (Dead)
19: Worm (25, F): Incompetent Support (Dead)

Final Result: Success. With Rico dead, Touko is in charge of the Chapter once again. Not for long, however, as she soon receives new orders from Global. Not Regional, Global. :3's strategy is now made clear: LCS has gone into liquidation, and their contract has been bought up by Running Dogs, LLC, another private security firm and :3 dummy corporation. :3 La Croix is apparently no longer necessary, and the Chapter will be reorganized into something called a Rapid Response Team...


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
A fantasy setting?!! This is gonna be awesome!!
BRB making a roster of amazoness monks....

Almost forgot. A little epilogue for Kaede and Mukuro

Kaede wakes up in Tsuka's house after recovering from her unconsciousness. Unfortunately, Mukuro is still asleep and having a nice dream..

Kaede: Uhh..where am I... Oh, I'm home again!!
Me: At least you finally succeeded in avenging Hibiki. For now
Kaede: Hmph... I still feel a little empty without Hibiki. But with you, I feel better..
Me: Thank you!! *hugs Kaede's huge muscular body* My girl..
Kaede: I wonder what I wanna do next?
Me: How about joining LAW or AFW and be a wrestler there?
Kaede: Suuuure thing!!
Me: It'll be fun there!! Lots of new friends, epic events and more!!

*to be continued to LAW/AFW*

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