So you want to be a zako? (2 Viewers)


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Alright, I figured I'd get the ball rolling by making all four of my bandits at once. They're a set!

The Quinn Sisters

Formerly an adventuring party, the Quinn sisters somehow ran afoul of the law. Now they're holed up in abandoned goblin fort that was recently cleared out by other, better adventurers. The oldest sister, Bernadette (Bernie or "Burny" for short), is a hedge wizard and the leader of the group. After her is Krista, a ranger with a penchant for poaching. Mercedes is a fighter and, somehow, seems to be the most level-headed of the four. Minnie is the baby of the group, a knife-wielding loudmouth who can by a real crybaby when things don't go her way.

Bernadette "Burny" Quinn (Average Mage, 24/F): Always has her nose stuck in one of her (stolen) books. She's pale and curvy, maybe a little chubby, in fact. Huge breasts. She has long, black hair, which she wears under a classic wizard hat. She has big, round glasses due to poor eyesight. Apart from the hat, she wears thigh-high boots with stockings, puffy sleeves, a cape, and not much else. Her nipples are pierced by big rings, and she doesn't wear a bottom at all. Just a garter belt from which dangles a book satchel that she's had for as long as she can remember. She wields a staff. Burny comes off as quiet and introverted, but she's an expert at manipulating her two youngest, dumbest sisters.

Krista Quinn (Average Ranger, 22/F): Tanned and slender with short gray hair and a dark green, plumed cap. Krista wears a short green tunic with nothing underneath and knee-high, brown leather boots with gloves to match. She has an overall very tomboyish look, with a chest that's almost entirely flat. She prefers a shortbow, but she can work up close when she has to. Quiet and emotionless, her only real passion in life is hunting and fishing in the woods alone. She secretly loathes all three of her sisters.

Mercedes Quinn (Average Fighter, 20/F): Tanned and muscular with long, messy, black hair that spills out from under an open-faced helmet that she took off a dead guard forever ago. Despite her athletic build, she has very big breasts. Almost as big as her big sister Bernie's. She also likes to show them off. In fact, apart from her helmet and leg guards, Mercedes wears only a pauldron on her left shoulder, with belts and straps for her scabbard and shield. Mercedes is the most outwardly friendly of the four, and she's prone to show mercy in battle. Unfortunately, she's a little dumb, and Bernadette has convinced her that the four outlaws are currently being brave, heroic freedom fighters.

Minnie Quinn (Average Thief, 18/F): This little punk has short, dirty blonde hair and freckles. She's not as flat as Krista, but she's nowhere near as busty as Bernie or Mercedes. Loud and slutty, she wears a camouflaged cloak when she has to, but otherwise goes around in nothing but footwraps and belt-pouches. Her nipples are also pierced, as is her septum, and her hair is currently a two-tone undercut with an artificial pink streak. Minnie considers herself, falsely, to be the leader of the Quinn sisters, and claims that her life's ambition is to accumulate the largest boy harem in the land.


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
I was planning on writing epilogues if any of the clones ended up surviving their terms. Since that did technically happen, I may as well dump the pre-written one here.
There were only two things known about “Jane Doe” when she was found.

First, she did not match any known DNA profile, dental record, or missing persons report. The only identifying mark on her was the surgical scar at the base of her skull, but every hospital on that half of the country had no record of such an operation on such a girl.

Second, she knew nothing about her own identity or past, hence the name. After a brief bit of media attention and sensationalism, standard for distressed white girls, she was quickly forgotten by the media and her case went cold. Since she was probably a teenager, she was placed in an orphanage and enrolled in high school, where she attends classes to this day.

In classes, she was an object of interest for a while, but like the media, she eventually became just another girl, her lack of a past nothing more than an interesting footnote to the many friends she would end up making.

What she doesn’t tell others are the dreams she has. Driving a tank, firing machine guns into crowds of people, and saluting in front of scantily-clad superiors. The various other women in dressed just like her getting gunned down at her side. Whatever past she had, she’s certain it’s better left behind her.

One day, after watching a news channel based in the nearest large city of La Croix, she saw it. The girl who looked just like her, wearing the same uniform she remembers, with the same haircut she used to have. It was then that Jane knew whatever past she had, she had to do anything she could to get away from it.

Jane Doe.jpg
I should probably also make one for Kayla.

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Excited for the new direction, here's a zako:

Camryn "Mimi" Clarke (Average Thief 20/F): Camryn worked as a barkeep for most of her teenage life. That all changed one night when she was required to dress as a slutty mime for an event her tavern was hosting. Amidst the clamour of the evening, she was permanently transformed by a drunken warlock. Forever transfixed with pale white skin and unable to change her clothes or makeup, Camryn was fired and turned down from all other employment. All other employment that is but a bandit, using her uncanny ability to be silent Camryn has found herself to be quite the useful thief. Known by her friends as "Mimi" she is shy, reserved, and ultimately embarrassed by her whole predicament even though it occurred a year prior. Bad luck seems to follow her wherever she goes, however she seems to make a suitable member to the team!

Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at 12.47.24 AM.png


Club Regular
Oct 3, 2018
"Princess" Leianna du Bottclair
Incompetent Thief (kind of)
A minor noble girl from a forested area, Leianna has a high opinion of herself. She believes herself above common rabble in all forms, and her behavior reflects this. Though she doesn't try to take a leadership role in the bandits, she does expect them to wait on her hand and foot. This creates issues with the other girls.
The only reason she's with the group is because she was "Wrongfully accused of improper action to a whore with no right to call herself a lady of the court!" Meaning she stabbed the fiance of the noble boy she had her eye on with her rapier, then fled when stabbing a higher noble's fiance actually had consequences. She's currently "Planning to expose the whore for what she is!", though all she's really doing is furiously writing diary entries on why she's right and everyone else is wrong while waiting for her dad to make this all better.
I have her listed as a thief because that's normally the dexterity-based class, and her rapier is more of a DEX weapon. If this actually falls under warrior, consider her that instead.

Sasha Ironskin
Elite Fighter
A toughened veteran of a mercenary group, she was captured and sold into slavery after taking a contract with the wrong side. Leianna's father purchased her contract and made her Leianna's bodyguard, where she remains to this day through her strong sense of honor . She disapproves of this situation, and encourages Leianna to return to the court (Where she probably won't be seriously prosecuted on account of hardly injuring the other girl).
In battle, she won't do much more than protect Leianna. If Leianna falls, she'll immediately surrender and try to get them both back home.


Leianna has multiple people after her at the moment: Police from the court trying to retrieve her to answer for her crime, mercenaries from her father trying to capture her, and some "Assassins" from the woman she injured who intend to humiliate her and present her to the court as degraded as possible. These groups will try to mix into others attacking the party to spirit her away if she's incapacitated. (Non-Lethal, removed if KO'd)

Sasha will leave if Leianna is captured, and won't make a real effort to stop any enemy that's not trying to kill Leianna; This includes the police, her father's mercenaries, and even the "assassins" the fiance sends since they're only out to humiliate her. She might, however, take a bad hit from an unrelated combatant or a superior opponent... (Death OK, removed if Leianna is.)
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Emi: Couldn't have gone better. Rico was a dick. Touko was always better anyway. Well... Looking forward to the future.

Great conclusion. Anyways, Fantasy setting is cooooool! Great for the new direction. I love when theres female bandits in RPGs and stuff. I'll make some zako for the roster tomorrow probably, but for now I'm too tired. Exciting to be able to make some sort of monster-girl or witch or something. Grand new possibilities!


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Here are some quick notes on the actual differences between the classes.

Fighter: Fighters can attempt to block or parry attacks that would otherwise hit them.

Healer: If an ally has been damaged, healers will cast a healing spell on them (priority goes to whoever is worst off). If all of their allies are at full health, healers will cast a protection spell on one of them. Assuming the party wins, healers can save the lives of any ally who has been mortally wounded, but not if they were killed outright.

Mage: Mages will randomly cast either an attack spell, a disabling spell, or a domination spell. Attack spells inflict damage, disabling spells impose some kind of negative effect, and domination spells can turn an enemy into an ally.

Monk: Monks attack twice per turn.

Ranger: Attack bonus is doubled.

Thief: Defense bonus is doubled.

Unless one of the new arrivals challenge her, Burny takes charge the gang. Mimi, Sasha, and the Princess are welcomed warmly by everyone but Krysta, who spends even more time hunting in the woods now that there are strangers around. Minnie is just the opposite, she's pleased to have anyone besides her sisters to talk to. She hits on all three of the new arrivals, but takes a special interest in Mimi, who she declares to be "The Gang's Second Hottest Girl". Mercedes is friendly with Sasha, but not necessarily in a sexual way.


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
I'm going to try to do daily updates again, but this means that not every day will see our zakos drop like flies in big, set piece battles. A lot of these will be short and sweet, and feature non-combat activities. The main reason for this is that I want to give you guys a lot of opportunities for roleplay. The other is that the bloodbaths will feel more significant when they do happen.

11/16/18, Itinerant Preacher

Krista spots a lone traveler leading his horse up one of the forest trails. She sends a pigeon to Burny, who musters the gang for (what they hope is) their first score.

The gang emerges from the trees with their weapons drawn. Princess orders the man to surrender.

He refuses! He throws off his cloak to reveal brilliant robes. Before the gang members can react, he raises his hands and casts a spell that envelops him in a protective shield! Krista looses an arrow at the cleric. Her arrow pierces the shield and shatters it!

Sasha has nothing against this man, she's just here to protect Princess. But when the cleric goes for her charge, she springs into action, deflecting the man's mace with her shield! Sasha follows this up with a shove, sending him staggering backwards. Burny throws a fireball at him, but he counters her spell with a single word.

Mercedes flanks him. He seemed able to keep just Sasha at bay, but Sasha AND Mercedes prove to be more than a match for him. Kill credit goes to Princess, though. With Mercedes and Sasha keeping the cleric occupied, Princess is able to sneak up and run him through with her rapier from behind!

1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)

The man bleeds out before the gang can decide what to do with him, so they bury him right there in the woods. They make a pretty good haul for just one guy. He had plenty of gold and jewelry on him, as well as more loot in his saddle bags. Krista leads the horse, and the victorious bandits return to camp.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
So I actually had some Fantasy themed kisekae girls already made that I haven't been able to use for anything quite yet. Now's the perfect time to try these out! I chose four, each of a different race.

Name: Alice
Age: Nobody knows for sure.
Race: Succubus
Personality: Sexual by nature. Usually displaying a cutesy exterior, but with sadistic tendencies. I mean it's to be expected from a girl who literally has an inverted cross on her forehead.
Background: Just got bored one day figured a bandit group would be a good place to spread mischief. Most people would prefer to have a demon with them rather than against them, so she was allowed to join. Little did they know though, that as a sex-demon, that was actually about all she was good at. Whoops!
Role: Incompetent Monk
Fate: Death

Name: Elena
Age: 26
Race: Elf
Personality: Formal and courteous. A shining example of "Honor among thieves" as a woman who shows respect to even her enemies.
Background: Gained a bit of a name for herself as "The Shadow", which is what people call the unknown woman responsible for several assassinations. In truth though, she admits she's not even close to being some sort of legendary assassin like some rumors say because she's mostly successful because she either gets lucky or takes easy jobs. Became somewhat lonely working on her own, so she joined up with bandits in hopes of companionship and bettering her skills.
Role: Average Ranger
Fate: Death
Elena the Shadow.png

Name: Jenessa Stormblood
Age: 22
Race: Human
Personality: Hardy, foolish, often drunk, but a fun and loyal friend to be around. Experienced, but not the smartest. Foolhardy and cocky at the start of a fight, but has the rage of a thousand suns when she gets mad at someone.
Background: Jenessa was born and raised as a bandit, as her mother and father were bandits before her. She has been one of the few survivors of two of her previous bandit groups getting disbanded after attacks from heroic adventurers. She's got lady luck on her side. Gets incredibly pissed at people who kill her allies and has personally tracked down and killed her own parents killer in the past.
Role: Elite Fighter (Usually wields large axes)
Fate: Death
Jenessa Stormblood.png

Name: Juniper
Age: 263
Race: Forest nymph/Dryad
Personality: Kind and stern like a mother, but also eccentric and odd like a stage performer. Quirky. Nobody can seem guess what she'll say or do next.
Background: At 263, Juniper is basically having a Dryad equivalent to a midlife crisis. She's sick of protecting forests and all that junk. She wants to seek thrills and doesn't care if she loses her life seeking them because 263 years is a damn long time to live already. Hence, becoming a bandit. A Dryad bandit is certainly an unusual sight, and other nymphs would surely gossip about her, but that's what she's counting on. She's unlucky though, because as a rare and valuable being with a noticeable look to her, people may try to gun for her first. Dryads, even after death, are known to be magical creatures, thus should she die, people may want to study her corpse and possibly harvest it for magical energy and alchemical ingredients.
Role: Unlucky Healer
Fate: Death. (People, whether it be her allies or enemies, may have interest in her body after her death)
I forgot to crop the bottom of the image lol


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Tsukachan's bandit gang (and harem too):

Sayaka Kuroi a.k.a Kuroneko (20, Elite Thief)
Race: Half-human, half-youkai (Kitsune)
Backstory: A mysterious yet dangerous cat-masked assassin hailing from an Eastern kingdom (think Asian-esque). She's wanted for the assassination of the kingdom's prince, yet no imperial guard has ever successfully caught her. Kuroneko is the master of martial arts, knife skills as well as the forbidden arts of Ninjutsu learned from her ancestors. She seeks money and wealth from her criminal activities, mostly working for various criminal gangs, rebel groups, cults and others. But now, Kuroneko works for the crime lord from Earth, Tsukachan who was brought to the fantasy world after a mysterious portal sucked him in
Personality: Mostly silent and anti-social. However, she grunts or moans when hurt sometimes. She sees Meredith as some sort of a love rival to her
Physique and appearance: Kuroneko's body is athletic, but she has some bits of abs underneath her skin-tight bodysuit and has some leg muscles on her thighs as well. She has a long, flowing silver hair with some notches of black around her ears. She wears a black bodysuit with a pair of red leg armors and black gloves with bangles of the matching color. Like her namesake, she wears a black cat-shaped mask that resembles more of a fox than a cat. She wields a giant flamberge-like kunai as her weapon, but Kuroneko is also skilled in martial arts, namely karate and kempo. Kuroneko does not wear any underwear
Fate: She will mostly faces fatal injury and/or unconsciousness (and unable to fight for several posts), but she won't die

Amuria Lindswell (22, Unlucky Healer)
Race: Human
Backstory: Amuria is a former member of a performing troupe that entertained many people in a certain town. However, the troupe's cover was blown after the imperial guards discovered a stash of forbidden drug inside their caravan. Amuria ran away as a result, leaving her comrades behind. She is known for her soothing and healing singing skills...but she also knows some gun skills as well. She joins Tsukachan's band after being saved from a man-eating plant
Personality: Cute, moodmaker and kind-hearted
Physique: Amuria is slightly curvaceous, and has a pair of mid-sized breasts. She's more to the attractive side than the offensive side. She also has a short brunette hair, adorned with a small feathered hat. Amuria wears a white fancy dress that exposes her cleavage, and a pair of high heels (not seen). She has a small pistol which she uses when in danger only. Amuria wears a corset and pair of laced panties underneath her dress
Fate: Dies but, please don't kill her too early

Meredith (34 physically but 18 in actual age, Elite Monk)
Race: Amazoness
Backstory: A former Amazoness grappler from Cliff Temple region who was part of the queen's special squad of Amazoness bodyguards that consisted of several grapplers and archers. Unfortunately Meredith was exiled from Cliff Temple when she and several other Amazonesses were caught rebelling against the queen. Stripped off from her job, Meredith now lives the life of a criminal, fighting in underground rings and helping various bandit gangs. One day, Tsukachan stumbled upon the young Amazoness and offered her a job as part of his gang. Meredith reluctantly agrees and joins the band, and Tsukachan would sleep on her muscular legs anytime
Personality: Tomboyish, active and big-sister type. However, she never gets along with Kuroneko as the two has a rivalry against each other
Physique: Like most Amazonesses, Meredith is muscular, tall and hulking in physique. Her muscular thighs and arms could crush almost anything while her abs is almost solid as steel. She also has superhuman strength, able to lift anything heavier than her. She has a long flowing blonde hair and wears a royal gold two-piece Amazoness grappler armor that exposes her toned midriff, her sexy yet meaty back and her bountiful cleavage, as well as a pair of green arm and leg armors. Her hair is adorned with a winged tiara, a symbol of speed in the Amazoness culture. Meredith's fighting style is inspired by Greco-Roman wrestling mixed with kickboxing, taught by her instructor back when she was 7 years old. Meredith's underwear only consists of a loincloth underneath her bottomwear. She sometimes fights only wearing her loincloth when the mission gets wet and messy
Fate: Like Kuroneko, except Meredith rarely gets injured. She may get KO'ed sometimes. She's almost treated as Tsukachan's wife/accomplice in the fantasy world of some sort

Desti Bloodedge (21, Average Fighter)
Race: Succubus
Backstory: A blood-thirsty Succubus fighter who was the daughter of a Demon Lord. Unfortunately, his father was slain by a bunch of heroes and she was left orphaned. This sparked the fire of revenge inside her heart. Desti travels around the world with her trusty axe, hunting for heroes to avenge her father's death. Her fighting skill was recognized by Tsukachan, who saw her decapitating several knights with her trusty axe in a tavern brawl. She was recruited by Tsukachan into his gang, although he kinda feels uneasy at first
Personality: Sadistic, ill-mannered and loves to torture people for her amusement. She's also a Yandere
Physique: Her arms and waist are slightly toned, although her face is a tad adorable and her breasts are enormous compared to Amuria's and Kuroneko's. However, Desti doesn't mind about her gigantic yet jiggly rack. She wears a checkered skirt and a black t-shirt, as well as a pair of skull-shaped hair decors, spiky bangles and striped kneesocks. She always removes her shirt during fights to increase her strength. Desti wears a pair of striped panties/shimapan underneath her skirt. Anyone caught seeing it will be decapitated or sliced in half with her axe
Fate: Desti cannot die but, she might be fatally injured and unable to fight for some posts
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Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
Tsukachan, do you mean to say that Meredith is 34 years old, but only looks 18, or do you mean she's 18 years old but looks 34?

1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
8: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
9: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
10: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
11: Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
12: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
13: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) <333
14: Meredith (Elite Monk, 18/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
15: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL

To Mimi's relief (or disappointment) the arrival of two sadistic succubi have drawn Minnie's attentions away. Minnie has a submissive streak a mile wide, and she's eager to receive as much punishment from Alice and Desti as her little body will take. Mercedes and Jenessa are instant friends, but the former is rarely sober now. All four of the Quinn sisters seem to really like Amuria.

Bernadette, who for now secretly controls the gang, is learning to play Minnie and Princess off against one another. Both of the younger girls think they're in charge, which lets Burny step in and pretend to be the wise and impartial reluctant peacekeeper.

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Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Tsukachan, do you mean to say that Meredith is 34 years old, but only looks 18, or do you mean she's 18 years old but looks 34?

1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
8: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
9: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
10: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
11: Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
12: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
13: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine)<333
14: Meredith (Elite Monk, 34/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
15: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL

To Mimi's relief (or disappointment) the arrival of two sadistic succubi have drawn Krista's attentions away. Krista has a submissive streak a mile wide, and she's eager to receive as much punishment from Alice and Desti as her little body will take. Mercedes and Jenessa are instant friends, but the former is rarely sober now. All four of the Quinn sisters seem to really like Amuria.

Bernadette, who for now secretly controls the gang, is learning to play Krista and Princess off against one another. Both of the younger girls think they're in charge, which lets Burny step in and pretend to be the wise and impartial reluctant peacekeeper.

Meredith is 18 years old, but looks like if she's 34 years old. Amazonesses are slow when it comes to aging, but their puberty are pretty quick. Around 18-19 years old, an Amazoness is already built for fight..


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
11/17/18, Sleep of the Damned

Alice hasn't been here long, but she's been having weird dreams ever since she got here. Weirder than usual for a succubus, anyway. Weirder still is that Desti, the other succubus, seems to be sleeping normally. Finally, the gang gets tired of listening to Alice complain, and Desti switches bunks with her. The next morning, Alice reports a good night's sleep, while Desti claims to have had bad dreams. Very similar to Alice's nightmares.

Burny suspects a local effect. Something that only the demons are sensitive to. The gang searches the area, and Kuroneko finds a hidden switch that opens a whole new part of the dungeon! The Quinn sisters thought the place had already been cleared out, but the dungeon goes much deeper than any of them had ever imagined. Just inside the secret passageway, the gang finds a chest of treasure hidden by the dungeon's previous occupants. The treasure goes right into the pot, but one of the items is a magical (and very lewd) statuette of demonic origin. This is what's been giving the succubi nightmares, and the gang stores it far from their bunks.

The secret passageway is sealed back up. With the gang in control of the surface and the dungeon's first floor, they can explore the deeper levels at their liesure.

+1 XP for Burny, Alice, Kuroneko, and Desti.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
The girls start to take up roles of sorts as they get accustomed to the group.
-When Juniper isn't cooking up healthy meals out of crops and herbs, she's singing songs, which proves to be a pleasure for some but a nuisance for others. Jenessa often sings along in a drunken stupor.
-Elena takes it upon herself to help hunt to provide food, but unfortunately, as a dryad Juniper is a devout vegan and refuses to cook meat in her meals, leaving that job to others.
-Jenessa, though a gifted warrior, is exceptionally lazy and doesn't do much at all around the camp unless told to. When told though, the chore or job is usually done fairly well.
-Alice ends up being a bit of a lost cause, not being useful for much other than the occasional sex escapade. "Her one skill seems viable for seducing men and taking their things though", Elena had considered, to which Alice claims she's done that many times in the past and is practically frothing at the mouth at the possibility of using that trick on someone again.

Tsukachan, do you mean to say that Meredith is 34 years old, but only looks 18, or do you mean she's 18 years old but looks 34?

1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
8: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
9: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
10: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
11: Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
12: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
13: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) <333
14: Meredith (Elite Monk, 18/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
15: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL

To Mimi's relief (or disappointment) the arrival of two sadistic succubi have drawn Krista's attentions away. Krista has a submissive streak a mile wide, and she's eager to receive as much punishment from Alice and Desti as her little body will take. Mercedes and Jenessa are instant friends, but the former is rarely sober now. All four of the Quinn sisters seem to really like Amuria.

Bernadette, who for now secretly controls the gang, is learning to play Krista and Princess off against one another. Both of the younger girls think they're in charge, which lets Burny step in and pretend to be the wise and impartial reluctant peacekeeper.

I take it you like Amuria, Kayfabe? Lol those hearts by her on the roster.


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
11/17/18, Sleep of the Damned

Alice hasn't been here long, but she's been having weird dreams ever since she got here. Weirder than usual for a succubus, anyway. Weirder still is that Desti, the other succubus, seems to be sleeping normally. Finally, the gang gets tired of listening to Alice complain, and Desti switches bunks with her. The next morning, Alice reports a good night's sleep, while Desti claims to have had bad dreams. Very similar to Alice's nightmares.

Burny suspects a local effect. Something that only the demons are sensitive to. The gang searches the area, and Kuroneko finds a hidden switch that opens a whole new part of the dungeon! The Quinn sisters thought the place had already been cleared out, but the dungeon goes much deeper than any of them had ever imagined. Just inside the secret passageway, the gang finds a chest of treasure hidden by the dungeon's previous occupants. The treasure goes right into the pot, but one of the items is a magical (and very lewd) statuette of demonic origin. This is what's been giving the succubi nightmares, and the gang stores it far from their bunks.

The secret passageway is sealed back up. With the gang in control of the surface and the dungeon's first floor, they can explore the deeper levels at their liesure.

+1 XP for Burny, Alice, Kuroneko, and Desti.

Desti goes back to sleep after she and the others stored away the evil statue that gave her and Alice nightmares. "Good nite, Tsuka... See you tomorrow!!" said Desti before she hits the bunker and gets some shut-eye. Meanwhile, Tsukachan is sleeping on Meredith's side. He fondles the young amazoness' breasts and belly while "dreaming" stuffs. " sweaty and warm here....." said Tsukachan


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
I got Minnie and Krista mixed up earlier, so if Krista seemed to be acting out of character, it's because that was Minnie and I accidentally switched their names. Doubly embarrassing, since those are even my characters, lol

11/18/18, Settling In

The gang is working on a plan to use Minnie, Mimi, Alice, and Desti to try and lure stupid, horny travelers into traps where the targets can be safely robbed. Minnie dubs them the Seduction Squad, and the four start working on their "routine". This "routine" inevitably devolves into a hardcore fuck sesh between Minnie and the succubi. Mimi doesn't know what this "training" is supposed to accomplish, and isn't sure she needs this "practice".

+1 XP for Minnie, Mimi, Alice, and Desti

Meanwhile, Juniper wants to go gathering herbs, mushrooms, and other ingredients. She wants to make some healing potions for emergencies when neither she nor Amuria are on-hand to provide restoration magic. Janessa and Kuroneko go with Juniper in order to protect her.

Kuroneko spots them first, a trio of female orcs. The orc girls are young, attractive, and really not wearing very much. They don't look like very good robbery targets, and besides, they're kind of intimidating. With Kuroneko's warning, the three bandits are able to hide in the bushes while the orcs walk past... except they don't.

Jenessa bursts from the foliage, her axe at the ready! Kuroneko groans.

The lead orc nods to Jenessa and continues on. The second one smiles and waves. "Hi!"

"Good morning," says the third. This one actually stops and introduces herself. The orc girls are from the Redgash tribe. "Welcome to the neighborhood!" she says, before running to catch up with her tribe-mates.

+1 XP for Jenessa, Juniper, and Kuroneko
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Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
Glad to see this picking back up, especially with a fantasy setting!

Deserter Party

These three women were soldiers in a nearby empire's war against a neighboring country. During a recent battle, the empire was dealt a crushing battle and much of the army was destroyed. Not wanting to find themselves killed in battle, and not wanting to return to the life of being soldiers in the brutal empire's army, the three women joined together and deserted during the fight. With no other options left, they quickly resort to banditry.

Name: Leah
Age: 22
Background: A basic spear wielding soldier in the army of the Empire. Leah grew up in a poor farming family and longed for a life of adventure and excitement. She ran away from her farm and joined the army voluntarily, hoping to become a hero. Instead, she was assigned to front-line infantry and treated like expendable cannon-fodder. Thinking she deserved better, she ran away from the army to avoid a grisly death. Now branded a deserter, and unable to return to a normal life, Leah is forced to become a bandit. She still thinks she has what it takes to become a great warrior.
Weapon: 2-Handed Spear
Role: Average Warrior
Fate: Death

Name: Mary
Age: 21
An archer who was assigned to the same unit as Leah during the war. Mary was a woodsman before the war broke out. She enjoyed the peacefulness and tranquility of the forest and hated city-life. However, she was conscripted into the army and forced to fight in the war. During a major battle, it wasn't hard for Mary to sneak out of sentry duty and guide her friends out of the fight. Now that she's deserted and found herself in an unfamiliar land, she'll work as a bandit with her two new comrades in order to survive.
Role: Average Archer
Fate: Death

Name: Elizabeth
Age: 18
Elizabeth is an 18 year old villager who was conscripted to fight in the war for the Empire. She isn't athletic, smart or talented in anyway. She'd be relegated to a lifetime of farming if it hadn't been for the war. Being in the same unit as Leah and Mary, both girls took pity on her and decided to bring her along with them. She's cowardly, however she doesn't want to disappoint her two friends.
Role: Incompetent Warrior
Weapon: Spear and Shield
Fate: Death


Club Regular
Sep 25, 2018
1: Burny (Average Mage, 24/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
2: Krista (Average Ranger, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
3: Mercedes (Average Fighter, 20/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
4: Minnie (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
5: Mimi (Average Thief, 18/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
6: Princess (Incompetent Thief, 16/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
7: Sasha (Elite Fighter, 25/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
8: Alice (Incompetent Monk, ?/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine)
9: Elena (Average Ranger, 26/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)
10: Jenessa (Elite Fighter, 22/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
11: Juniper (Unlucky Healer, 263/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine)
12: Kuroneko (Elite Thief, 20/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 12 Def, Lv. 1, 2/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
13: Amuria (Unlucky Healer, 22/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) <333
14: Meredith (Elite Monk, 34/F): 16/16 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
15: Desti (Average Fighter, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 3/10 XP (Fine) NO KILL
16: Leah (Average Fighter, 22/F): 8/8 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
17: Mary (Average Ranger, 21/F): 8/8 HP, +2 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 1/10 XP (Fine)
18: Elizabeth (Incompetent Fighter, 18/F): 4/4 HP, +1 Atk, 11 Def, Lv. 1, 0/10 XP (Fine)

11/19/18, Seduction Squad, Go!

A lot of wagons and carriages are moving up and down the main road, but most of these are under fairly heavy guard. So far, the gang's only real competitors are monsters, but those monsters mean that any potential marks are likely to be ready for trouble. The arrival of Leah, Mary, and Elizabeth have certainly helped to even the odds, and the Empire's ongoing collapse means that the gang can expect to absorb more deserters in the future, but today, the gang is taking an indirect approach.

Quietly, and from the bush, the rangers scout the area for marks, but it's Mary who finally finds their target. Five male adventurers are striking camp just a few miles away from the fort. Mary helps the Seduction Squad build their own campsite a "convenient" distance away. There, the group sets up their secret weapon: a keg of ale, which Juniper has laced with a very potent knockout drug!

Jenessa and Leah are there as well, just in case something goes wrong and things get ugly. As soon as the sun goes down, the Seduction Squad goes to work, and the two fighters take their positions in the woods beyond the dummy camp.

At the adventurer's camp, the lookout sounds the alarm as Minnie, Mimi, Alice, and Desti emerge from the night, hands raised. Minnie does all the talking. Mimi is too embarrassed and the succubi are concentrating on maintaining their illusory human forms. Minnie claims to be the leader of another adventuring party and, wouldn't you know it, they've also camped a short distance away! They should merge camps! Minnie invites them over to drink and swap stories and STRONGLY IMPLIES some other things. The boys eagerly agree.

The next morning, the adventurers wake up naked back at their own camp. Or what's left of it, anyway. They've been robbed, and the girls have left them with almost nothing. At this rate, they'll be lucky just to make it back to town alive.

+1 XP for Minnie, Mimi, Alice, Jenessa, Juniper, Desti, Leah, and Mary
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Lol at the unexpectedly friendly orcs, and woo, one point for the seduction squad!

Of course this is just the beginning though, and it's always easy for the bandits to swindle at first, but as soon as tougher adventurers show up, these girls (and boys if anyone adds any this time. We had like at least four last time I think lol) will have a lot of trouble coming their way! Ooo, the anticipation, the drama, the... stuff!

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