Soul Calibur Series (3 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
Thanks for the information guys. So tired of these companies half-assing these efforts that on paper seem like a great idea for hardcore fans. You might be saving people a few bucks, which is especially important around this holiday season. That they would just slap that HD label on the game and assume all is well is especially infuriating.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
In case someone is still hoping to make vids of SC2 in HD, you should install Dolphin emulator and get a gamecube version of SC2. Just tried it out and it works perfect, plus you can zoom too, get JP language, and get Link too.

Here's what it looks like in emulator:


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
I actually like the english grunts better(specially Cassandra's) but yeah I still have SC2 for...all three systems actually lol. So I can record it still just more annoying to use three versions then just two for Spawn Heihachi and Link

I figured I should give a heads up on HD 2 for those wanting it. The online is decent btw. If any updates come along that add zoom or if anyone figures out how to zoom or if I do I will update you peoples

I wanted zoom because you guys know for me at least the face is the money maker in the thing for me. So I wanted some good shots of their faces while getting bitten chocked hugged ect


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Just downloaded this yesterday. Gotta love my girl Seung Mi-Na. She always looked her best in this one with that sexy bikini top. Such a cutie.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Asteroth Nightmare and Pyrrah have been announced and the game is being delayed. Great Pyrrah now we have the c*^t who killed a bunch of people because she actually believed shit TIRA said and her daughter who did the same thing but is arguably dumber and more of a murderer....they be pickin all the winners

Fun Fact: Cassandra the bitchiest acting one is the ONLY ONE without and ounce of innocent blood on her hands..and she is stuck in a dimension...if she is not in this game(ahahahaha she won't the best character we may get is MAYBE Xianghua, Natsu and Seung will probably be cut for the dickhole that is Kilik)


Potential Patron
Oct 30, 2012
Taki is also in the game but is seen as a style used by the computer opponents, along with Ivy. They haven't been confirmed as characters but they most likely will be.

Also my thoughts on Pyrrha, I actually like her but I also understand why people hate her. However she kind of has a reason to be whiny, I mean in some cases she was fighting for self defence. Unlike her brother Patrokolos who is a STUPID, IGNORANT, CONCEDED, HORRIBLY DEVELOPED PIECE OF SHIT PROTAGANIST that gives SCV a bad name.

And yes I find that fact about Cassandra hilarious xD

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and apparently when the game will be released you can only play for a certain amount of time before having to buy more time to play. So I've lost interest in Lost Swords, a shame for someone like me who really loves the Soul Calibur series.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
Oh and apparently when the game will be released you can only play for a certain amount of time before having to buy more time to play. So I've lost interest in Lost Swords, a shame for someone like me who really loves the Soul Calibur series.

...and, I'm out. I'm sorry, but no. I'm not gonna constantly pay a subscription fee for what is essentially SCV lite. They'd have to give us free content updates, and LOTS of it to win back anyone with this method.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
If it's anything like Tekken: Revolution, you'll probably use tokens as you fight and, once you run out, you either buy more or wait a certain amount of time for them to replenish. I hear creation mode will use microtransactions to purchase parts, but I do hope there is some way to unlock them otherwise. It's wishful thinking, really, but one can hope.

Honestly, I wish they would just throw this in the trash and start development on SoulCalibur VI for the PS4 and Xbox One, and this time, take a a few years to properly develop and refine it, unlike the rushjob that was SCV. Oh, and bring back the old characters everyone loves. Again, more wishful thinking.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Warning! Big wall of text where I do that thing I do where I anylized something for a bit and slowly pick it a part. Do not take this as a jab at you :P

I still think SCV's basic fighting engine was REALLY good actually better then SC2's which I have been playing recently because of the HD version. Though SC3 is STILL my favorite. SCV was rushed mainly because it almost did not even happen. HELL it took Harada to help it get green lit

to add to the Pyhrra Pat thing. Now at the start when she gets attacked THAT made sense. Pat is an arrogant asshole at the start but develops and stops being one by the end of the story...IE he has character development. Pyhrra believes Tira when EVERYTIME PEOPLE DIE AROUND HER THIS GIRL SHOWS UP AND TELLS HER TO KILL PEOPLE.

After being with Pat for a bit she murders a few people pretty brutally. When she fights to protect Pat she transforms into a demon the same kind Pat is afraid of. She then SLOWLY WALKS TOWARDS HIM WITH A BLOOD STAINED SWORD while he is BEGGING HER to leave him alone for a second so he can figure out what is going on. She then is SHOCKED when he runs away in fear from the FUCKING DEMON. She then believes Tira is the only one she can trust(you know the girl who tried to kill her a few days ago and always tells her to kill people. She then proceeds to COMMIT ONE WOMAN GENOCIDE.

However this one line is what bugs me the most. As I said Pat develops and his early kills that he thought were just had become something he sees as a horrible action he has committed and takes the blame for pretty much everything. While trying to break Pat out of the ice she says "I am sorry I did not forgive you." Pyhrra has NO regrets with any of HER choices AT ALL.

This tells me that she feels nothing for the countless lives she has ended and has learned NOTHING. This tells me something simple. With how many people she has killed, how she violently killed people early on(defense or not) this tells me Pyhrra is NOT against killing but rather enjoys it. She is a psychotic murderer but must have a "reason" something that to her makes it "not her fault." In other words even at the end of SC5 all she needs is an excuse and she will murder again yet she is treated in the story as having done nothing wrong(this makes her a Sue)

The only reason I feel she has as many fans as she does is because she fits that "moe moe meek waifu" type...and the skirt. If Phyrra and Pat had their roles and personalities switched, Pat would be hated and we would be talking about how awesome Phyrra is and her character development.
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Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
This topic hasn't been used in quite some time, but I've always been wondering this since Soul is one of my major kicks for ryona action. Has anyone ever been interested in sharing girl character formulas to use in their games? I mean, I spend an unhealthy amount of time in Soul5's creation mode and I tend to come up with a lot of creation ideas based on certain sources. Here's a shot of who I may think would like to handle herself outside of her own little... 'Action' game featured here on this site.

(Note, I also did a version of two priestess that wound up in a place most... unholy... and some other assorted characters. I just want to see how this turns out as a topic first.)


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Potential Patron
Oct 30, 2012
Dude holy crap that is friggen perfect. I tried making her myself (without the DLC) you used and it didn't work out. I recently got Soul Calibur 4 so I might try my hand in making her there


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
not sure if I should share some of mine. They are not scantly clad and short haired lol I love That Natsu ponytail. I normally do not like ponytails but that one of Natsu's I liked enough to get the DLC for it as a custom part

Deleted member 158

Ryonani Teamster
Aug 31, 2010
Hi, guys!
Anyone knows how to make what this guy made in this video ?
We could make various awesome ryona videos using this mod. Ivy doing Raphael Critical Finish on the girls would be very, very nice! We could make various splendid combinations!

- - - Updated - - -

Anyway, he have some tutorials about it on his channel:
I can't make videos, but, if someone have time and interest, it would be very good for us.


Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2014
I actually got that type of thing to work with Soul Calibur V (pretty simple method) and I was planning on trying it with Soul Calibur IV. I was going to get an ElGato capture device in order to share, but unfortunately school and work got in the way of all that so I'll be lucky if I can get to it toward the middle of this month.

I absolutely agree that more Soul Calibur would be awesome. I was messing around with Soul Calibur 2 the other day and I found a way to zoom in and out infinitely and basically do whatever I want with the camera. It was cool, but unfortunately I can't capture it at full speed like I want to without sacrificing HD textures.

I will absolutely report back once I get things in order though because I feel like the SC series is underrepresented.


Potential Patron
Nov 15, 2014
My capture device works! It's no Elgato or anything, but it's something decent enough to get this show on the road!

Unfortunately, when swapping movesets....character faces are...odd looking. They're not super deformed, but they may be slightly distracting for some. Or not. Sometimes the game crashes too, especially during Story, and the camera goes wacky during victory screens, which is slightly frustrating, but I think that's more my fault than anything.

Anyway, here are some screens of swap progress!!!!

Taki as Talim (Monsoon Season throw)
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Setsuka as Tira (Critical Finish)
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Setsuka as Astaroth (Bearhug)
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

This also works with Soul Calibur 5!!

Viola as Ivy (Unblockable attack) vs. Pyrrah as Voldo
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

Arala Cran

Potential Patron
Mar 14, 2012
This topic hasn't been used in quite some time, but I've always been wondering this since Soul is one of my major kicks for ryona action. Has anyone ever been interested in sharing girl character formulas to use in their games? I mean, I spend an unhealthy amount of time in Soul5's creation mode and I tend to come up with a lot of creation ideas based on certain sources. Here's a shot of who I may think would like to handle herself outside of her own little... 'Action' game featured here on this site.

(Note, I also did a version of two priestess that wound up in a place most... unholy... and some other assorted characters. I just want to see how this turns out as a topic first.)
Well I did a few myself as well too along with mostly originals. I'll have to dig up the photos of them later on. I can post them here too if you want?

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