Soul Calibur Series (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Soulcalibur has the bests looking girls (even though i like ayane kasumi and kokoro) but more importantly their bodies are not a copy past like in DoA.
The problem I think is the camera, DoA has an awesome camera mode which allow us to see every detail in every angle and Tekken has one to thanks to the mod. But SC unfortunately does not have it. And the latest SC5 was disappointing in term of char (come on 3 mimics seriously?), no talim, no seung mina etc. . . (but viola and pyrrha are hot).

In any case Hypnotic Desire those are nice screenshots, if you have some more. . . :D


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Soulcalibur has the bests looking girls (even though i like ayane kasumi and kokoro) but more importantly their bodies are not a copy past like in DoA.
The problem I think is the camera, DoA has an awesome camera mode which allow us to see every detail in every angle and Tekken has one to thanks to the mod. But SC unfortunately does not have it. And the latest SC5 was disappointing in term of char (come on 3 mimics seriously?), no talim, no seung mina etc. . . (but viola and pyrrha are hot).

In any case Hypnotic Desire those are nice screenshots, if you have some more. . . :D
Soul Calibur always had the hottest girls I think, look at even the first few games (guilty of SC2 Taki being my first fap). And you're right about the camera...SC's is so horrible and awkward compared to DOA's, which is perfect and really easy to use to get every angle you want. Tekken and SF have the benefit of mods since they're on PC, but SC never has been. I sincerely hope they're working on SC6 right now, and that it comes to PC. Hopefully, they don't compromise the character roster again, put Kilik back the way he was, bring Sophitia back, etc. More importantly, I do have tons of screenshots, from back when I still had the game


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Any pic of soulcalibur is a godsent. It s a shame that jun2009r channel was taken down by youtube.

Unfortunately i don't think we will see another sc game soon. The last one is. . . a pachinko game ffs. Plus the facebook page of the series is dead. . .


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Any pic of soulcalibur is a godsent. It s a shame that jun2009r channel was taken down by youtube.

Unfortunately i don't think we will see another sc game soon. The last one is. . . a pachinko game ffs. Plus the facebook page of the series is dead. . .
I've never seen that channel, it must have been SC ryona? And I there aren't thousands and thousands of pics of this all over the internet, I'll never understand. And I remember when they screwed everyone with that stupid pachinko game...20th anniversary for nothing. All we can do is wait and see after Tekken 7 blows over.'s such a pain getting good screenshots on SC5, but was well worth it I think


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Yes, he started with SC ryona vid then switch on doa before getting down. Now the only channel with recent sc ryona i've found is chojincondoms2.

Now i only hope for sc mod in Tekken. . . DoA already have some so maybe i lll try to download it and put some mods in it.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Yes, he started with SC ryona vid then switch on doa before getting down. Now the only channel with recent sc ryona i've found is chojincondoms2.

Now i only hope for sc mod in Tekken. . . DoA already have some so maybe i lll try to download it and put some mods in it.
That channel has some pretty good ryona, but he ignores requests and doesn't seem to have SC5...still good stuff, nonetheless. There's this channel too that has recent SC ryona too オレハマッテルゼ. The DOA girls look pretty good in the SC outfits, but not as good as the originals ;]
Also, who could say "no, not interested in SC ryona" to this?


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Pic saved, i can see you really like Hilde. :D
I ve seen this channel, the vids are really goods but it s a shame he switch on tekken, we already have a ton of vids on it.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Pic saved, i can see you really like Hilde. :D
I ve seen this channel, the vids are really goods but it s a shame he switch on tekken, we already have a ton of vids on it.
That actually isn't Hilde, it's my custom I used for ryona among other things...she just looks kind of similar, with the same hair and full lips. I hope he goes back to SC soon, his stuff is great. I especially love how he uses the KO animations. As for the pic, plenty more where that came from! Seriously, how can someone disregard this game...


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Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Have you though about creating a deviantart account to post all your pics?
Have one, but it wasn't getting many views, so I stopped uploading them. I would do more if there was a way to expedite the process of picking a category and all that every time you upload a pic, too...that's just a pain


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009

Have one, but it wasn't getting many views, so I stopped uploading them. I would do more if there was a way to expedite the process of picking a category and all that every time you upload a pic, too...that's just a pain

True, deviantart is sorta a pain like that, though it's nice you got pics of your girl in such a way. Must've been a good reason as to why you had to give the game up; I used to give up old games too until I realized that I just didn't want to part with such games like Soulcalibur (and others like Bloody Roar and Battle Arena Toshinden) that gave me great memories back in the day. Besides, current games just aren't the same if you know what I mean. Seriously, considering my usual gaming fetish tastes (mirror match girls/two-of-the-same character, K.O.s/double K.O.s, skirts, boots, sneakers and other types of casual wear, etc...) there's no way I could get rid of a game that gives me stuff like your pictures and this...


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Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
True, deviantart is sorta a pain like that, though it's nice you got pics of your girl in such a way. Must've been a good reason as to why you had to give the game up; I used to give up old games too until I realized that I just didn't want to part with such games like Soulcalibur (and others like Bloody Roar and Battle Arena Toshinden) that gave me great memories back in the day. Besides, current games just aren't the same if you know what I mean. Seriously, considering my usual gaming fetish tastes (mirror match girls/two-of-the-same character, K.O.s/double K.O.s, skirts, boots, sneakers and other types of casual wear, etc...) there's no way I could get rid of a game that gives me stuff like your pictures and this...
Oh no, I wasn't willingly giving it family and I were in a financial rut, so we had to sell the 360 and other stuff too. I have the game digitally, just no console to play it on. If I could afford it, I'd get it back in a heartbeat. There are a lot of games I'm attached to (guilty of buying Resident Evil 4 like 10 times), and Soul Calibur 4 and 5 are among them. The games themselves are nice, and the ryona/fetish material is top notch when done correctly...and oh god, if I could get my hands on the nude mod I'd never leave the house. And thanks about the pics ;] I took literally hundreds


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
I have quickly check around and for the moment i didn t see any ps3 emulator. The more shameful is that i though SC 5 was on PS3 AND PS4 but that was not the case. The lack of game on the new gen is sad.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
I have quickly check around and for the moment i didn t see any ps3 emulator. The more shameful is that i though SC 5 was on PS3 AND PS4 but that was not the case. The lack of game on the new gen is sad.
There is a PS3 emulator with SC4, but it still doesn't work too well. SC5 isn't on it period, as far as I know. There were rumors it would be backwards compatible on Xbox One, but no luck so far. God damn, its just not fair. I could make so much ryona and other sexy things if it were on Xbox One since it has built in recording and all that. They need to make SC6 already


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Avid Affiliate
Apr 8, 2011
There is a PS3 emulator with SC4, but it still doesn't work too well. SC5 isn't on it period, as far as I know. There were rumors it would be backwards compatible on Xbox One, but no luck so far. God damn, its just not fair. I could make so much ryona and other sexy things if it were on Xbox One since it has built in recording and all that. They need to make SC6 already

I 100% support this notion. And not just some crappy Soul Calibur spin off or mobile game. It should be a darned integral Soul Calibur game... hopefully with as much content as Soul Calibur 3 but with 4's graphics at the very least.


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
I 100% support this notion. And not just some crappy Soul Calibur spin off or mobile game. It should be a darned integral Soul Calibur game... hopefully with as much content as Soul Calibur 3 but with 4's graphics at the very least.
I would want a game with 3's content, 4's gameplay, and 5's character creator. Overall 4 was my favorite, although 2 was the one that got me into the series. I didn't get to play Lost Swords (looks like I didn't miss much), but one can deny these would have made for some fun vids ;]


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Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
I would want a game with 3's content, 4's gameplay, and 5's character creator. Overall 4 was my favorite, although 2 was the one that got me into the series. I didn't get to play Lost Swords (looks like I didn't miss much), but one can deny these would have made for some fun vids ;]

Agreed, same here, I liked 4 because it had the Star Wars characters in it, was cool to see how they brought Vader to life compared to the trash game Masters of Teras Kasi. 2 was my first game and loved Taki and her second outfit.

Yeah you didn't miss much and agreed, while those outfits are really sexy it was expensive (depending on how your luck is) the best sexy armor that F2P got were the summer bikinis and the tiger lily set. I liked having the good looking Female Taki enemies do ryona on me, and some levels had aggressive AIs that do throws and specials a lot. I miss playing Lost Swords :(


Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
Agreed, same here, I liked 4 because it had the Star Wars characters in it, was cool to see how they brought Vader to life compared to the trash game Masters of Teras Kasi. 2 was my first game and loved Taki and her second outfit.

Yeah you didn't miss much and agreed, while those outfits are really sexy it was expensive (depending on how your luck is) the best sexy armor that F2P got were the summer bikinis and the tiger lily set. I liked having the good looking Female Taki enemies do ryona on me, and some levels had aggressive AIs that do throws and specials a lot. I miss playing Lost Swords :(
The Star Wars characters were pretty cool, although Yoda was pretty annoying since he couldn't be grabbed. It was also nice seeing Vader choke the girls ;] yeah, I would have loved to see those in videos...but they're gone now. Hopefully they'll be back in SC6 at least (hentai designers and SC...I'd like to see more of that). I love that Tiger Lily set way too much...but I don't think I can be blamed for that. The leggings especially. My only complaint is that they can't be worn with heels in SC5 without having your ankles showing for some reason. And as you can see...I had way too much fun taking pics of it while I had the chance. We need someone to make SC5 ryona again, the other games just don't cut it.


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Avid Affiliate
Aug 13, 2017
I have quickly check around and for the moment i didn t see any ps3 emulator. The more shameful is that i though SC 5 was on PS3 AND PS4 but that was not the case. The lack of game on the new gen is sad.
here is a video of the PS3 emulator running SC4. It's not perfect yet, but this is definitely a good start

Black Delmo

Swell Supporter
Mar 28, 2016
Since DeNice posted his character creation two pages back, I'll post some of mines, if you guys don't mind I'd be interested to see your creations. ( *• ̀ω•́ )b

A Delmo from the anime Agent Aika, tried to make it look the one in my avy. (Requires the maid outfit DLC for the shoes and socks.)

One of the enemies you fought when Lost Swords was still around, I thought she looked cool.

Nothing special, I just love how the second maid outfit in the DLC looks.

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