Soul Calibur Series (4 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I think the casts are impressive, indeed. It's so sad that I don't have the console :want:

Looks like Sophitia(?) is a masked goddess now. I guess the mask is breakable while fighting.


Tira looks sweet in her 2nd outfit too.

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Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I'm gonna be honest, SC5 isn't doing anything for me... I dunno. Maybe I am getting older and my gaming tastes are changing. I've played Soul Calibur 4 for all of half an hour since I got the game three years ago. If I had a working 100% complete save though, that would be different (I hate having my games feel like work.)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
The character roster seem very little compared to the previous game. I hope the story mode will be as good as the 3.

As for Elysium, i hope there is a P2 without the damn mask.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
The character roster seem very little compared to the previous game.
You have no idea.
According to the half-reliable leaked information, Elysium and Kilik are going to be mimic characters, yes, just like Edgemaster. If that's true then that bottom row has three glorified random buttons.
This would be an especially baffling decision considering that means the staff made the conscious decision to cut Zasalamel, Talim, and Yun-Seong, with no successors to their styles, spiritual or otherwise.
Add to this that Setsuka's fighting style has been blatantly stolen for an alternative version of Patroklos JUSTICE Alexander, and an alternate version of Pyrrha IMSORRY Alexandra will be receiving Sophitia's fighting style. (For a grand total of three sword and shield characters) making the entire bottom row of the roster just plain confusing.

tl;dr: Rumor mill says the bottom row is garbage.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
You have no idea.
According to the half-reliable leaked information, Elysium and Kilik are going to be mimic characters, yes, just like Edgemaster. If that's true then that bottom row has three glorified random buttons.
This would be an especially baffling decision considering that means the staff made the conscious decision to cut Zasalamel, Talim, and Yun-Seong, with no successors to their styles, spiritual or otherwise.
Add to this that Setsuka's fighting style has been blatantly stolen for an alternative version of Patroklos JUSTICE Alexander, and an alternate version of Pyrrha IMSORRY Alexandra will be receiving Sophitia's fighting style. (For a grand total of three sword and shield characters) making the entire bottom row of the roster just plain confusing.

tl;dr: Rumor mill says the bottom row is garbage.

Kilik will be a mimic too? Damn one is already enought.

I hope that the character creation allow to create previous characters because damn, no seung mina.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I don't care about the age thing. At this rate the only one with even so much as a chance of returning is Talim. At least I'll actually be able to like her this time.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I don't care about the age thing. At this rate the only one with even so much as a chance of returning is Talim. At least I'll actually be able to like her this time.
Nope. No Talim, no Zasalamel, no Yun-Seong. Not only are the characters gone no one is inheriting their styles; so that means the tonfas, scythe, and scimitar styles are gone.
Due to a leaked video Elysium and Kilik are confirmed to be mimics. So yes, we have three glorified random buttons on the bottom row. This also means Project Soul cut two non derivative styles completely in favor of fucking mimics.

At this point I can't help but imagine one of two things happening:
A. We'll see these styles/characters return as DLC. (likely costing about 5 bucks a piece.)
B. They'll pull a page straight from Capcom's book and towards the end of the year we'll hear about "Soulcalibur 5: Soul Edition" with 4 new characters and one new mode.

Quite frankly I'm very disappointed in so many aspects of SCV that I may hold off on purchasing my copy.
I'd really like to hear the real story behind why there are three mimics in this game; the only thing I can think of is that they were pressed for time and couldn't finish Elysium or Kilik's real fighting styles.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 26, 2010
Well for pure ryona, i can only suppose that he is as good as the IV with good ryona quality.

But no Zasalamel (the guy is suppose to be immortal. . .), no Talim. . . the gameplay will suffer a lot.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
The only thing I'm disappointed about in terms of roster is the lack of a black character. Other than that, I don't really care. It's a new game, so it means a new roster.


Potential Patron
Aug 11, 2010
Sophitia is back as Elsyium. And she's even sexier! Even though Ivy wear more clothing than the prequel. Suddenly my ryona meter for this game goes max!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
No Cassandra made me real sad :*( I must choose a new main girl if I have a chance to play it.

Elsyium, Kirik are mimic like Edge Master. The different is Elsyium will mimic only female characters and Kirik will does the opposite.

I still don't understand why Patroklos JUSTICE Alexander uses Iai style after he got Soul Calibur...


Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
They should have at least kept talim, zasalamel and kilik in the game as their styles were unique and lots of people loved them. Especially I remember kilik having a ridiculous fan base for some reason.
Still, I'm going to get this game at my first opportunity. If nothing else, the much-improved character creation system saves this game. Have you guys seen all the stuff you can do now that you couldn't do in creation before?
And remember, yes they did remove styles but they also added styles (At least, the magician girl's style is new. Is there more?)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
They should have at least kept talim, zasalamel and kilik in the game as their styles were unique and lots of people loved them. Especially I remember kilik having a ridiculous fan base for some reason.
Still, I'm going to get this game at my first opportunity. If nothing else, the much-improved character creation system saves this game. Have you guys seen all the stuff you can do now that you couldn't do in creation before?
And remember, yes they did remove styles but they also added styles (At least, the magician girl's style is new. Is there more?)
If you think Kilik has a ridiculous fan base, you should see Hwang. Hasn't appeared since Soulcalibur 1 and people still demand he returns in every new installment. Several even swore off Soulcalibur 5 when it was stated he wouldn't be appearing.

Anyway, yes they added a few new styles: Viola with a pure magic style (which is stupid by the way) Z.W.E.I. whom uses an arming sword and a werewolf summon (werewolf aspect being stupid) Dampierre with his twin hidden blades could be considered "new" though he appeared in Soulcalibur Broken Destiny.
The other "new" characters are more or less derivatives of other characters: Leixia - Xianghua, Natsu - Taki, Xiba - Kilik/Seong Mina, etc etc...

I'm just used to SC building off their previous rosters, like with the transition between 3 and 4. They added two new characters and no one was dropped... well, the custom styles were but they were extra bonuses for the new CAC mode so no one really missed them. (Save for people like me whom wanted to see them again but with more polish.)
I'm sure Project Soul made the best title they could given the relatively short time allowed to make the game. Quite frankly, I would have preferred this be a summer release to give them more time to include more of everything, but oh well.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 22, 2010
well, the custom styles were but they were extra bonuses for the new CAC mode so no one really missed them.

I actually missed the strategic game from SCIII... In fact, with SCIV it seems like they forgot to actually add the game! The alternate story modes in every previous installment of the game were very interesting, and there's none of that...


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I've heard that Devil Jin's fighting style will be selectable for created fighters...


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I actually missed the strategic game from SCIII... In fact, with SCIV it seems like they forgot to actually add the game! The alternate story modes in every previous installment of the game were very interesting, and there's none of that...
Yes, the Chronicles of the Sword mode was time-consuming and the strategy element failed on almost every aspect with odds heavily skewed in the PC's favor at any given time. However, it was an interesting and unique idea that could have used some polish. Frankly combining it with the Weapon Master Mode from SC2 would make for an interesting mode.
Yes again, 4 lacked in content seriously. Espeically sad when it was to be the last in the series. I suppose the Soul series has been getting the shaft ever since SC2, though I can only speculate as to why; my best guess being Namco's inexplicably high expectations for every game they release.
If you ask me, Soulcalibur 5 is leagues above SC4 in terms of content, but still fails to surpass SC3 in the same category. I only hope that something more comes of this series so it can continue to grow; be it "Soulcalibur 5: The Third Strike" or Soulcalibur 6, I don't care.

I've heard that Devil Jin's fighting style will be selectable for created fighters...
Yes, it will be available as a unique bonus for CAC characters, though at present it's the only one unique to Custom Characters. It's a nice addition, as fans have been asking for a good fisticuffs style for a while although it looks like it may be a pain to fight against if the videos showcasing it are any indication. (This video shows heavy spamming of the EWGF, or the Electric Wind God Fist.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Well this is strictly a "purchase once a 100% save file is available* game, just like DOA5.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Personally I don't really see any reason to buy this game. I don't like the new characters very much and even though they're new they still have the same moves and animations as the old ones! They could at have made them new movesets with totally unique animations. Dampierre is pretty much the only "new" character with good moves, but he isn't even included in the game (I smell DLC). I payed maybe 10 euros for SC4, why should I pay 60 euros for this if it's the same game only with different maps and models?

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