Soul Calibur Series (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
as I stated before critical finishes where taken out cause they where a pretty useless mechanic. Getting the opponent into a soul crush was actually pretty rare. I think I only got two or three human players into that situation and maybe five at most for computer players. I was happy the few ties I got into the situation to pull one off though but other then those few times it was almost never used.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
^Pretty much this. There was one mission in Tower of Souls that required you to get 4 critical finishes to unlock an item for create a fighter.

Needless to say, I never unlocked that particular item.


Potential Patron
Feb 25, 2010
The only reason Symphonia sold as well as it did was because Nintendo made a strong advertisement push for it which has not been repeated (or even attempted) since. Seriously, Tales of Graces f was announced in February of last year simply said to be "coming soon" and was only recently announced to be released in March. Between then and now it's received little to no advertisement, trailer treatment, or even attention from retailers (Amazon still lists it with a placeholder date of December 31st, 2013) it's received little more than passing mention during interviews and press conferences.
Fact: It's bad business to release a product without telling anyone what it is, or where to find it.

But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when companies like NamcoBandai and Capcom, whose games constantly push millions of copies and can still be considered failures. Especially against companies like Atlus whom see 78,000-500,000 copies as a success.

Correct on both counts. Companies like Atlus and NISA constantly push niche Japanese games and make a fairly considerable profit on them, while larger companies fail to mimic their success in the West. The main two factors here are advertising, which of course has a considerable impact on sales as if affects perceived popularity of a product before it's even released, and budget, which affects how much profit is actually made on each sale. If you take a game and go to work localizing it with a large spending budget, and then decide to cut that budget back in the area of advertising for the sake of saving a bit of money at the end, what else could you be left with but a wasted investment? Namco Bandai in particular seems to not do very much to build a good relationship with their fans in the West. FilthieRich is one of the better things to happen to their Western perception, but in the end he's only one person.

Back to the topic of Soul Calibur least one non-main cast fighting style was confirmed with Devil Jin, so does that mean it's possible there might be other fighting styles like there was in SC3? That was by far one of my favorite surprises in SC3 (apart from character creation itself).


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 21, 2010
Oh a fun note. Fighters sell better in North America. huh Kinda surprised
Not really surprising, consoles are not as popular in most other countries as in NA; and on what platforms most fighting games are released? Certainly not for PCs.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
as I stated before critical finishes where taken out cause they where a pretty useless mechanic. Getting the opponent into a soul crush was actually pretty rare. I think I only got two or three human players into that situation and maybe five at most for computer players. I was happy the few ties I got into the situation to pull one off though but other then those few times it was almost never used.
See all the things that made getting a Critical Finish off difficult in SC4 have been changed in SC5, and would make getting them off so much easier.
The reason you never saw CF's was because it was difficult to get opponents into Soul Crush state, and the state wasn't even that apparent.
SC4's Soul Crush state was a very quick (1 second at best) animation in which the character flashed red. It wasn't immediately apparent, and looked like a normal guard-break so most people don't even realize what it is. It's a "blink and you miss it" moment.
Plus some characters just couldn't keep the pressure on to Soul Crush, making it difficult if you weren't looking to do it.
SC5, when you get a Soul Crush (now called Guard Crush) it's immediately apparent: The game slows down for a couple seconds, the colors invert, characters comment on their guard being down. The moment in which you can do something is very apparent, and had they still had CF's you'd know when it's time to use it.
It's easier and more apparent when you're about to Guard Crush an enemy, the health bar flashes two different colors to show how close they are, plus there doesn't feel like there's as big of a gap between characters abilities to get enemies into those states.

The only reason I bring it up is because I hate the idea of Super Combos in Soulcalibur. Meter management, special attacks, and Super/Ultra/Mega/Banana-fana fo duper Combos and the like just don't feel right. They're 2D fighter crap, and belong in those types of games not Soulcalibur.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
^Pretty much this. There was one mission in Tower of Souls that required you to get 4 critical finishes to unlock an item for create a fighter.

Needless to say, I never unlocked that particular item.

you unlock all items by finishing tower mode, just beat the stages and skip the objectives. once tower mode is done with doing any bonus objective just gave you useless money to buy stuff with.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
Oh..... I thought there were extra items in addition to what was unlocked in tower mode that needed the extra requirements and such. Guess that was time wasted then.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
as I stated before critical finishes where taken out cause they where a pretty useless mechanic. Getting the opponent into a soul crush was actually pretty rare. I think I only got two or three human players into that situation and maybe five at most for computer players. I was happy the few ties I got into the situation to pull one off though but other then those few times it was almost never used.

Certain characters did make good use of Critical Finishes (Seong Mina in particular was very good at it, and her viability was based on that ability). I don't think I'm going to miss them though.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
I spent the better part of the 31st and the 1st playing Soulcalibur V long enough to at least give my impressions of the game.

To sum it up simply: Soulcalibur V doesn't feel right.
I cannot express exactly what it is, just the over all game feel is off. Like it tried to combine elements for so many other games, and forgot what made Soulcalibur special.

Despite it's shortcomings Soulcalibur IV had a very unique sense of style and identity. I can't say that about Soulcalibur V however, because there are several other games quite like it. And almost all of them are from Capcom.
The new additions to the game: Brave Edge attacks and Critical Edge attacks feel woefully out-of-place. Like they were pulled straight from Street Fighter or Marvel VS Capcom, and much like in those games, half the time the moves don't even work when you input the proper commands.
The game is much more button mashing friendly than any other SC to date. Yet despite that you'll beat 6-out-of-10 human opponents by mashing, the CPU will almost always beat the living hell out of you and lock you into a 16+ hit combo. (Have fun unlocking the Devil Jin style by beating Harada TEKKEN by the way.)

As for content, while vastly improved over SC4's void of content, none of the new content is fun or as in depth as even SC4's.

The story mode is laughable at best. Following the tale journey character development antics of Patroklos and Phyrra as they stumble across a few characters, have sudden, unexplained shifts in character, and then get a happy ending despite being murderers of countless innocents.
Characters are practically non-existent husks of stupid. Because out of the roster, maybe %10 actually appear in the story mode. So if you're a newcomer and are wondering "so, who's this Cervantes guy?" don't expect an answer. Hell don't expect answers for the new characters either: Xiba, Leixia, Natsu, and Maxi are one scene wonders apparently starting and finishing their (apparent) quest to find Kilik off screen.
There are no endings in Arcade Mode, so there is little to no reason to even play through that.

Legendary Souls mode is effectively boss rush. Only the CPU blatantly reads your inputs and counters almost every time, usually landing a 7-10 hit combo.

Quick Battle is akin to the Tower of Lost Souls, with characters that favor different play styles. Most are overly aggressive and able to pull out combos that leave one in awe over how badly they're getting their ass handed to them by a guy in a fur-suit.

Create-a-soul has been both improved allowing for more layers, but somehow in the process of that the equipment options available have been reduced drastically. SC4 featured almost every character's Player 2 costume as optional parts in CAC, only about %2 of those return.
Voice morphing is worthless if you don't want to sound like a robot, and each custom character voice has only two introduction quotes (one for player 1 side, and one for player 2 side)

All in all there's nothing here that leaves me to recommend it to anyone. Maybe if you are a fan of Street Fighter's gameplay and Soulcalibur's gameplay then this bastard child of a game may appeal to you.
I consider myself fortunate that there were no Special Editions left and decided to get just the basic game. That's $20 bucks I can now spend on something that won't make me tear my hair out in anger, sorrow, and disappointment.


It seems like this game is purely meant for online gaming. No offline gameplay for the casual player.

Still love Viola <3


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
Here is my review

Soul Calibur 5

I'll break it down by mode
Online: have not touched yet I'll play some rounds online to see if it has good netcode and such.
Legendary Souls: As stated it is kind of a boss rush in the sense that you fight a bunch of characters who's ai is designed to murder you. I have learned though button mashing makes them laugh at you and murder you. Killing them takes a bit of mix up and a LOT of side stepping. It's a difficult mode I will be honest.
Arcade: as stated in the other review there are no endings for characters, which sucks but gives off an acrual arcade feel were many namco games didn't have endings in the arcade version. Though still sucks that there are no endings
VS mode: it is what you would expect. Fun for practice as well
Training: typical training mode nothing special.
quick battle: this isn't like the tower. pretty much you pick a character out of the ones provided and fight them to unlock parts for custom characters and some characters. Characters who are...well actual characters are a pain to fight and take some decent skill to beat. a fun mode for me

Story mode: Unlike Bryan I really liked it over all. The characters didn't have sudden character shifts. Everything is established about both main characters early so you know their flaws. Even the fact that one character is using a foe style is foreshadowed. I will say though as a character both in story and just in game Phyrra is fucking annoying. I hate her! You know to all the lots of you who love Sophitia and I constantly made fun of her calling her an idiot(which she is) weak willed(yerp) whiny woman..I take it all back compared to Phyrra she is fucking Xena the warrior princess. to best sum her up she is a murdering idiot who is pretty much the female version of Shinji form Eva(hey look another shit show) but to his credit he didn't murder people. That being said Patroklos did murder some innocent people early in the game thinking they where malfested at the order of a lord who was evil(I called it the second I saw his mask. no good guy would wear something that stupid in Soul Cali) which he shows remorse for doing. His sister however has no excuse other then Tira making her think she is not at fault..and that is a pretty flimsy one. OVer all I do like the story mode though. Not the best but one of the better in a fighting game.

Character create: is improved in everything but voice pitch control. If you don't adjust it just right they sound like robots. Takes a bit of work to get it right. I have yet to unlock all the parts but there is a decent selection so far. As Bryan stated SC4 p2 outfits are gone...though I don't give a crap sinc eI never used those parts :P also every hairstlye characters have in this game can be put on your custom.

gameplay overview: Overall I like the combat in this one better. I don't like how the parry system is linked to your soul gauge, I do like the critical edges though and unlike the critical finishes I actually USE THEM in battle as apposed to hoping one day I will soul crush a mother fucker. For some reason in reply the camera will lock into a pre-set locations during some throws(ones that have them in gameplay) which is pretty annoying imo. I never had an issue pulling off a move. The controls where responsive for me

pros: over all improves the combat
story mode is pretty good
the character customization is improved
Natsu..ok that is objective I know but I really like this character
sound customization(forgot to mention you can change sound effects)
visually it is great it is using the same engine as 4 with some small tweeks
great and fluid animation
good soundtrack
I can understand what the fuck Nightmare is saying in this game

The replay camera has the issue mentioned above
characters only have two intro lines(created or not)
the voice modifying is annoying to adjust properly
characters do not have their own endings and few appear in story mode(you'd think Hilde would appear more since she is part off Sigfried's mercs)

Recommendation? Honestly I NEVER recommend games(unless they are old) I suggest giving it a rental and watching some online footage. Then decide if you want to buy it. Personally I am loving it and am going to continue playing it and is actually paused as I wrote this :P


Potential Patron
Aug 14, 2010
Anyone figure out how to unlock stuff in this yet? It's pretty random for me so far, story mode, arcade, and quick battle have all unlocked things but I'm trying to get all the stuff with the least effort possible


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Alright. I'm going to go ahead and put in my two cents on this. I'm a big an of the franchise, and have been since SCII. I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition months ago in anticipation. In that edition, it has a "Making Of" Blu-ray (which is poorly housed in the book-shaped case, BTW. A foam disc holds it in? Really?) is included. I'm curious if it includes a segment where it shows the team deciding something like this halfway through development: "Okay, we need to get this out to market ASAP. Outsource the Story Mode, I don't care how it turns out. As for the rest of single player.....screw it. Fighters are about multiplayer primarily. Just half-ass it. Oh, and fill out the roster with some oldies, but copy movesets for them. We won't have time to make unique ones. Oh, and make Algol a hybrid rip-off of Urien and Gill from Street Fighter III: Third Strike, appearance-wise." In other words, they definitely rushed this one, guys.

Now, I will say the Story Mode wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. There was a decent amount of cutscenes on top of the sketch art with voicework over it all, and they were well done. The plot wasn't the greatest, but serviceable. It IS a fighting game, after all. I just wish they would've learned from Mortal Kombat 9 last year and made a truly fleshed out Story Mode. It also peeved me that most of the new characters get the short end of the stick in it. You get to play as three of them, but that's it. Mitsurugi, Aeon, Hilde, Cervantes, and more don't even get so much as a mention. It's mind-boggling. Add to the fact that Arcade Mode has no endings, and those characters feel even more pointless. Ezio Auditore, who is an awesome guest character, BTW, as I highly enjoy the Assassin's Creed franchise, is in here, but there's no explanation as to why, which makes him feel out-of-place. Now, don't get me wrong. His moveset and appearance helps him blend in well, but without any explanation as to his presence in the SC universe, it just feels like he was pasted in.

I don't even want to get started with Legendary Souls mode, but I will just for the hell of it. Ugh, what a terrible, terrible mode. Whoever conceived this mode is a complete and total idiot. It basically consists of seven broken-as-all-hell fights. The A.I. is somehow psychic and, when they're on the brink of losing, they go into this rage and unleash this completely obnoxious combo that basically consists of beating you while you're down on the floor to the point that you can't possibly get up. Seriously, it was impossible to even stand the goddamn character up most of the time. You know how I beat it? Well, it took me an hour and 21 minutes, but I spammed like hell. I selected Ezio, and spammed his B,B combo over and over and over. This didn't work for every character, but it worked for most. I even got perfect victories with this strategy. I'm not kidding. Against Edgemaster, I spammed Forward,Forward+B,B, stepped back, then did it again just as he got up. It worked. Against Elysium? After 22 grueling minutes, I finally got my spamming of Ezio's unblockable bullet firing attack to work right, which required me to stand far away from her. This also worked against Algol. See, I shouldn't have to do shit like this to win. I tried to honestly fight, but doing that led to a block or Guard Impact, followed by an ass pounding until I was dead or nearly there. Not fun. At all. And gaming is all about fun, isn't it? Well, the makers of this mode missed that point entirely. Thankfully, I got the only Trophy for this mode, so I'll never have to touch it again. And I never will.

I haven't delved into Quick Battle Mode, but it sounds like the battle mode from Tekken 6 where you just fight random ranked characters with made-up usernames with each opponent getting progressively harder as you go. I think I'll enjoy it, so long as the A.I. isn't merciless like in Legendary Souls mode.

Now, what DID I like? Well, the gameplay is as great as ever. Being a person who prefers 2D fighters over 3D ones, I like the Brave Edges and Critical Edges. It's satisfying when you land them, and some are pretty flashy and awesome, to boot. The creation mode is quite impressive, and I plan on probably getting the Platinum Trophy for this game, which requires me to reach my maximum level, so that way I'll unlock every part as I go and get the most out of it. For the most part, a lot of the stuff is recycled from SCIV, but as I unlock more and more, I'm finding newer stuff unlocking. Also, as everyone knows by now. Elysium has Sophitia's body, and I know people don't like the mask she's wearing. The mask is breakable during battle, but I'm even happier to say that she can be edited entirely, so you can clothe her in whatever create parts there are that are available to you. This doesn't make up for her half-assed moveset (and her cheap ass Critical Edge that can hit you from anywhere, even while lying on the ground), but at least you can still ryona her in this, which is a plus in that department.

Speaking of ryona, I haven't messed with Training Mode yet, but if you plan on making a female character and want her very busty, opt for the "larger" body type. It's supposed to be a fat body style, I guess, but all I notice is it just makes her chest a little larger and her thighs a bit thicker. That's it. The added chest size makes tits even larger once you adjust them to the max, which it a plus if you're into big boobs (like me). They're not over-the-top huge, mind you, but pleasantly large at the maximum setting lol.

All in all, I can say I'm disappointed in Namco-Bandai for rushing this one out. I should've known that when hearing the January 31st release date a while back that it was to good to be true. This should've been a July/August release. If they had poured more time into individualizing movesets, fleshing out Story Mode, and adding endings to Arcade, this would've been a masterful entry. As it stands, it may end up being my favorite mechanic-wise, but content wise, it's probably the worst in the series.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
if you plan on making a female character and want her very busty, opt for the "larger" body type. It's supposed to be a fat body style, I guess, but all I notice is it just makes her chest a little larger and her thighs a bit thicker.
Actually there is a noticeable difference, it's just both thin and built body types are set at a default of like -15. When "reset" to zero they do look rather different, and allow for more varied builds. (Small type, -20 chest = Amy loli body types) Just wanted to throw this out there.
All in all, I can say I'm disappointed in Namco-Bandai for rushing this one out. I should've known that when hearing the January 31st release date a while back that it was to good to be true. This should've been a July/August release. If they had poured more time into individualizing movesets, fleshing out Story Mode, and adding endings to Arcade, this would've been a masterful entry. As it stands, it may end up being my favorite mechanic-wise, but content wise, it's probably the worst in the series.
Bolded for emphasis.
While I respectfully disagree with the new mechanics, I whole-heatedly agree with the fact that this game just feels rushed.
The content is a small step-up from SC4, but it's still not very good content.

I also want to make a few more points about Story Mode. They handle some aspects of it fairly well, though far too much of it is confusing for it to be good.
The best thing to come from the story-mode though? The idea of "Astral Chaos" as a de-facto realm. Though it wasn't explored, it's more-or-less stated that it's a place where souls can end up, and that they can wander for eternity. Furthermore, it's been stated more than once that both Soul Calibur and Soul Edge have slipped through this dimension meaning just because something is inside of it, doesn't mean it can't leave. (Also evidenced by Edge Master's presence, and Patroklos' instant return from there.)
Why is this the best thing? It can easily explain any and every crossover the series may have. Someone (alive or dead) may slip through a crack in the Astral Chaos crossing time and space and appearing in the SC time-line for a short time.
Furthermore, with a little effort a gaiden-story could take place there featuring created characters own story-line.
Will they ever make use of this? Most likely not. Though if we see Soulcalibur V: Third Strike Edition, or Soulcalibur VI with a "Astral Chaos Mode" I'd be rather impressed, and rather happy.

Black Lion

Ryonani Teamster
Nov 25, 2009
So far, I'm very pleased with the game, at least in terms of gameplay. The way the system works in this game just feels more satisfying to me that its predecessor.

I'm not even going to comment on the single player stuff, because this is a fighting game. It shouldn't be the main focus anyways. Really, I only have some disapointments in the extra stuff, like each characters' story. I want confirmation that Viola is Amy, and why Aeon has wings and can breathe fire, etc. That, I think, was rushed. But the game is so much fun, that I can overlook it.

Ryona-wise, for some reason I feel the game is lacking. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the updated graphics, or the issues with the CaS voices, or it's because I don't have all of the parts yet. On paper, the ryona should be vastly improved, but I'm not feeling it for now.


Potential Patron
Jun 17, 2011
Story mode: Unlike Bryan I really liked it over all. The characters didn't have sudden character shifts. Everything is established about both main characters early so you know their flaws. Even the fact that one character is using a foe style is foreshadowed. I will say though as a character both in story and just in game Phyrra is fucking annoying. I hate her! You know to all the lots of you who love Sophitia and I constantly made fun of her calling her an idiot(which she is) weak willed(yerp) whiny woman..I take it all back compared to Phyrra she is fucking Xena the warrior princess. to best sum her up she is a murdering idiot who is pretty much the female version of Shinji form Eva(hey look another shit show) but to his credit he didn't murder people. That being said Patroklos did murder some innocent people early in the game thinking they where malfested at the order of a lord who was evil(I called it the second I saw his mask. no good guy would wear something that stupid in Soul Cali) which he shows remorse for doing. His sister however has no excuse other then Tira making her think she is not at fault..and that is a pretty flimsy one. OVer all I do like the story mode though. Not the best but one of the better in a fighting game.

Oh come on, give the girl a break. Her voice is annoying as hell, sure, but all the other stuff are perfectly justified if you read her backstory (which, Bamco, needs to be put in game!). Basically, the synopsis is that everything thinks she's bad luck because everyone she gets close to gets murdered (by Tira), and people try and kill her, and so to protect herself, she needs to kill in return, yes? After all that, you'd think she'd be desensitised, too.


Casual Client
Dec 15, 2009
Wooohooooo! Somebody already made awesome ryona vid with the epic Dampierre in action! So nice to see SC girls receive some spanking! :D

EDIT: And a second one! <3333

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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
no after that she just murders to murder. I know her backstory mainly because I have the artbook

just like Juri I am not going to just accept you murdering people because bad things happened or happen to you

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