So, it seems I can't have the "Prime Directive" tramp stamp and Spanner's High Resoloution Hairy at the same time, which is a minor issue really, I'll take pubes over tats any time. My Cardassians turn invisible when I try to make them nude, which to me is again a minor issue, since I have plenty of other nude Captains and crews to choose from. Otherwise everything seems to be working perfectly. Great job guys! Now if only I could get Holo Loriss naked...
Being able to increase the butt size and maybe add a bit of jiggle to it would be great! While we're making suggestions, I've got a wild, and probably very difficult/impossible to implement, idea. Either random or per character pubes. Basically an option where somehow different characters can have different pubes. If not random, then maybe a way to make it so that pubes are tied to which skirt or loincloth the character is wearing, that way our ladies can have some variety.