Master of this Domain
- Joined
- Oct 1, 2017
Round 4: College
Slowly walk past the entrance and you'll see Vanessa leaning against a doorway. Wait for a moment, and she'll approach you. Beware of her melee attacks. It's best to dispose her with flying kicks. Kick Vanessa until you have killed her. Move on.
You'll find Sharon and Michelle chatting on a bench. Rush towards them, grab Sharon and throw her against Michelle. Punch Sharon to death, then punch Michelle to death. Lucia will then enter the screen, kill her and move on.
As you move right, you'll find Rose and Deborah chatting in the background. Perform a flying kick and hit both of them. As Rose gets up, grab her and throw her against Deborah. Repeat this process until you have kill Deborah, then kill Rose off with punches.
Move right and you'll find Andrea texting with her cellphone. Wait a moment and Lily will walk in. Andrea will begin filming the scene. Kill Lily. Then Alice and Betty will enter the screen. Kill them as well. Rush towards Andrea and grab her while she's still filming. Perform a piledriver on Andrea. She'll get up dizzy, seize the opportunity and punch her to death. Pick up her cellphone for extra points.
Continue moving right until you reach Susan. She'll pretend to be harmless, but if you approach her she'll slap you. It's better to kill her off from a distance using kicks. Kill her and move on.
Move forward until you reach Amy, Natalie and Paula chatting. Since they are distracted, you'll have a guaranteed first strike. Make sure you kill Paula off first, because if you don't, she'll run to the right to get reinforcements. Then kill off Amy and Natalie.
Move on. You'll find Mary sitting, reading a book. Grab her and throw her to the ground. When she attempts to pick up her glasses, stomp her. Then grab her and beat her to death. Pick up the book for extra points.
Slowly walk right and you'll find Marian and Louise leaning back against a wall, chatting. Grab Marian and throw her against Louise. Use a combination of punches and kicks to kill Marian and Louise off.
As you move forward, July will drop from the top of the screen and grab you between her legs. It can't be avoided, but you can seize the opportunity to headbutt her. Continue hitting July until you have killed her.
Karen and Kate will enter the screen from both sides. Be careful: they will team up to fight you. Thus it is a good idea to kill either of them quickly, so that they can't perform their team attack. Note that as you kill one of them, the other will gain a speed and attack rating bonus. It is advisable to kill Kate first because she has less life. Karen will become enraged, but she'll be no match for you on her own. Kill her anyways.
Boss: Helena
Helena hits hard so avoid her attacks. Her slaps are annoying, and her kicks have a decent range. Fortunately, you'll be able to jump kick her with impunity. Kick Helena repeatedly until you have killed her.
Now that's what I call a nerd beatdown!! Natalie kinda resembles Meiko Shiraki from Prison School and Miss Spencer from Rumble Roses for some reason..