Tera - Nude Mods (6 Viewers)


Casual Client
May 16, 2012
HighElf LvL 52 Crafted Cloth Armor Template
Required: Nadurons HE Bikini Mod
Texture Resulotion: 1
Texture File by

TERA_ScreenShot_20120630_144318.jpg TERA_ScreenShot_20120630_144347.jpg

View attachment HE LvL 52 Cloth Armor Temp.rar
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Casual Client
May 16, 2012
Thanks for renaming my modded texture and not giving any credit.
umm sorry it wasnt ment in a rude way, i just saw someone else asking for this mod and since i would like to get it aswell but you said you wouldnt upload it since it might not work with your version, i sat down and made a working mod version of it..
there is no reason to start a drama about a texture you extracted of the game file cause i had to do the same to get the right texture name, so with the afford done here it could even be my own texture since i own KTera and NATera for all the files needed. but if it makes you feel better i can add your name or just take it and delete my post and add it as your own cause i dont mind and wont start a drama about some pixels... jeez i thought this is all about fun and for the comunity and not to fight about textures that are not even your own, they belong to bluehole studios just to let you know =)

so feel free to do with it whatever you want, i made it for my own use but then thought about sharing with you all since some people might not be able to get it to work on their own.

and again im sorry if i scratched your ego, it wasn't ment that way =)
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It's all about fun but it's also about respecting another modders work enough to at least give them credit.
Some don't care but others do so it's only polite to ask first.


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
umm sorry it wasnt ment in a rude way, i just saw someone else asking for this mod and since i would like to get it aswell but you said you wouldnt upload it since it might not work with your version, i sat down and made a working mod version of it..

It seems you misunderstood what I posted.

What I said:
I can share the texture files, if that's what you mean (though I don't know if the hash I'm using will work for you). If instead you are referring to the swapping the armor itself... well, I wrote a guide on how to do this stuff (though the way I did this causes a stiff floating skirt in a different High Elf robe). I won't be uploading the files [very large GPK files and it breaks one of the other high elf robes] I modified to do this.

there is no reason to start a drama about a texture you extracted of the game file cause i had to do the same to get the right texture name, so with the afford done here it could even be my own texture since i own KTera and NATera for all the files needed.

I don't want to start drama either. Clearly you did put some effort into identifying the hash for the High Elf Bikini Mod GPK. Had you edited the texture yourself (even after looking at what I'd masked), I'd have no problem with your upload. However, you uploaded a file that was an identical binary file to what I'd uploaded just ~8 hours prior, and you didn't even mention me (which would have also made it fine by me).

I realize I didn't credit myself in the download archive. After all, I knew that it wouldn't work out-of-the-box for just about anyone but me. But even when using a modding resource (even as a basis for derivative work), it's customary to credit the source.

but if it makes you feel better i can add your name or just take it and delete my post and add it as your own cause i dont mind and wont start a drama about some pixels... jeez i thought this is all about fun and for the comunity and not to fight about textures that are not even your own, they belong to bluehole studios just to let you know =)

I don't want to discourage you from modding and sharing your work. I just want people to be honest about the work they've put into a mod when uploading one and about where it all came from (if not from the uploader).

Update: Thank you for the acknowledgement, Jeany.
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If anyone needs to discuss this further take to pm's guys,please.
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Casual Client
May 16, 2012
Anyone got a chance to find the texture for this Castanic Cloth Template? I'm extracting for hours now but i cant find it. Its the Armor lvl 38 found in Cultist Refugee or lvl 45 blue crafted armor set .
I just want to try if its possible to add the nipples back to this armor.
Thank you in advance. =)



Vivacious Visitor
Apr 20, 2012
Anyone got a chance to find the texture for this Castanic Cloth Template? I'm extracting for hours now but i cant find it. Its the Armor lvl 38 found in Cultist Refugee or lvl 45 blue crafted armor set .
I just want to try if its possible to add the nipples back to this armor.
Thank you in advance. =)

View attachment 2686

not much can be done with that robe...nothing behind it.

That link went dead pretty quick lol
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Potential Patron
Jul 1, 2012
First off, thanks for all the hard work.

I was wondering how this mod works, since its not like the other ones (the copy and paste templete ones) and I mean the mechanics of it, like what its acualy doing. I have used umod and I can get the mod to work fine, so thats not problem Im just currious.

Say I want to use Elin Underwear 1. First do I have to copy and paste the bikini mod files over my original files, and then in the game go to the equipment remodeler and buy the teir 3 armor template, and then remodel my armor to the bikini, and then I start umod and load up the elin underwear 1, and then go to my in game setting and change the texture to 1.

Are all these steps nessisary, or are there some of the steps that I can skip?


Potential Patron
Jul 1, 2012
Hello all,
ihave a problem to find the correct armor for castanic heavy.
I downloaded castenic v 1.2 replaced the file in the correct directory.
I activated uMod as Admin, launched TERA as Admin and loaded afterwards the template files for castanic heavy armor. (plate 03/09/10/11/12/13 and 20)
Then i pushed the button update(reload). After that i used the slider for texture Quality set it to 0 then 1 then 2 then back to 1.
Nothing happens to my Castanic female heavy.
Do i need to buy the templates from the vendor for customizing the armor? Or do i need to find only the correct armor? And if so - how can i find the correct armor. (What is the correct armor for plate 03 - plate 20?)
Do i see the modded armor in the preview panel of the auction vendor?
Please assist me - thanks a lot in advance.
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Casual Client
May 16, 2012
I found the texture you were looking for Jeany i added the download link below.
Added one of the armor's you were looking for Conuseur.

awww thank you but the download doesnt work, someone reported it i guess =(

---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 AM ----------

Hello all,
ihave a problem to find the correct armor for castanic heavy.
I downloaded castenic v 1.2 replaced the file in the correct directory.
I activated uMod as Admin, launched TERA as Admin and loaded afterwards the template files for castanic heavy armor. (plate 03/09/10/11/12/13 and 20)
Then i pushed the button update(reload). After that i used the slider for texture Quality set it to 0 then 1 then 2 then back to 1.
Nothing happens to my Castanic female heavy.
Do i need to buy the templates from the vendor for customizing the armor? Or do i need to find only the correct armor? And if so - how can i find the correct armor. (What is the correct armor for plate 03 - plate 20?)
Do i see the modded armor in the preview panel of the auction vendor?
Please assist me - thanks a lot in advance.

okay i guess you set the texture resolution to 1 and then you went into the preview mode right?
preview the armor first and then change the resolution to 1 with the previewer open then it should work.


Potential Patron
Jul 1, 2012

okay i guess you set the texture resolution to 1 and then you went into the preview mode right?
preview the armor first and then change the resolution to 1 with the previewer open then it should work.

Thanks for help - but still no positiv result..
Do i need to check it with the auction vendor or the custom armor vendor? And which armor do i need to choose? I testet the level 60 gold armor... do i need to choose a blue one instead or a white or green? So many armors - which one is the right one^^

Is it important what kind of client i choose? English or german for example?

Thanks for help


Potential Patron
May 23, 2012
Here is the Swimsuit GPK if anyone wants it.
Devs placed all Swimsuits in a seperate GPK inside the PC folder.

Cool. But I'm not sure what we can do with it yet. We don't know how to cross-link file data yet I assume. And I'm not sure if you can extact the dds and somehow use uMod to paste the textures on top of another model. (Nr 17 looks very suitable for a mizugi skin)


Thanks for your work on this! Trying this out and I can get the Elin - Cloth 00 to work perfectly, but none of the underwear skins seem to work for me. What am I missing? The human version worked perfectly...

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