Tera - Nude Mods (11 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Dec 28, 2012
oki , I am in Umod now, and startet TERA normaly, then I click open Texture/package, and it keeps telling my the file type is not supportet, got this with .rar and .gpk files what do I do wrong ?


Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
En Masse can't really ban since the GPK's will just fail a CRC check only on certain patch updates. Sure they 'could' put a check for modded GPK's and immediately ban all of those with modded files, but it would kill a part of the user-base. For now, they only ban those that post pictures on the official forums, and there's a possibility they could ban on-sight in the game if the GM's see a mention of it from a player. Though so far, I've been lucky to not get caught in LFG or Global when talking about it, so.. maybe its because its after hours perhaps, or just real luck.

Only reason now I don't use uMod anymore is because I don't like putting my graphics to 1 and I hex edit similar armor appearances now. All I can suggest is for the use of uMod, you start uMod first, or TERA, can't remember right off the top of my head... Then you load the game (if uMod was started first), get into the game itself, minimize and load the DDS textures you want. Update/refresh and go back in the game and toggle graphic settings between 2 and 1, or 0 if you must. It should eventually show if you have the correct armor equipped.


Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
I've been using these non-stop since they came out on 2 accounts and I've never even had a GM approach me on this. While not 100% I'd pretty much say this is as close to being safe as possible.


Potential Patron
Jun 22, 2012
Hi I was hopping one of you brilliant modders would be able to mod the castanic_f_r21 to nude taking off the panties and lace lingerie top for gpx non umod


So I found out what was causing it to not work. It's the file name. For the plate tier 3 I had to change the name of the file I wanted to :


basically the all in one zip package would work but nothing else. So I unzipped that and figured out which file was working in it. Then used that File name and took any other skin and renamed it to that working file name and it worked.


I was wondering if one of you could either let me use your account or try making one to see if you can solve my problem.
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We can't help you join another site,sorry.

(Don't let this guy use your account that's ridiculous.)
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Potential Patron
Dec 10, 2012
I'v been reading some old posts but is there some all in one file or do i have to download each armor in the first post and use umod? I just bought the ce edition at gamestop for 29 bucks been waiting for the f2p.
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Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
Please some 1 help i tried everything and can't get this work i'm missing someting but don't know what .. add me on skype name YuudaiRinneto k thanks


Im having difficulty understanding how to make the mods work with umod. Ive read previous posts but can't find a definitive answer.

The problem is that after starting the game and umod as admin everything is fine and Im able to update(repack) step, but back in game nothing has changed I've even changed the texture resolutions with nothing happening.

Ive also applied the de-censor mod for high elf. Is there some correlation to the set number and what gear the character is currently wearing? If so then what is it?

Sorry for the lengthy post.


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2013
Sorry for the noob question, I read most of the post on there tread and looked at the vid from youtube. After doing everything, I still cant get it to work. Those umod work with the American version of Tera?? I notice on the video that the Elin is in bra and panties, even when I take all the gear off she still looks the same. This is also one of those free accounts so not sure if that might be affecting it also.


Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
Req Files: K-Tera (De-Censor v1.4, Bikini Mod - Elin [Equipment Template])
i have decensor thought don't know what version <.< i have bikini mod but equipmen template ? whats that please fast reply


Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
Elin - Undewear
Set Numbers: Bikini
Texture Resulotion: 1
only this one worked for me i think the key to my failures is whatever that template is .. <.< or No ? cause i';m confused very confused now

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