Tera - Nude Mods (8 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jan 16, 2013
Gangnaru are you using the American Version or Euro Version? and if its American version, when you take all the gear off... those it show a bikini or it looks like the lvl 1 gear in the character creation?


Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
i have euro ver , when i take off all gear i have bikini cause i installed it so far only underwear mod works for me from Umod the one that has no bra but panties are on nothing else reacts from Umod


Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
can any 1 tell me step by step what to do to so i can use those nude mods etc :D for plate armor i mean when i have armor on


Potential Patron
Jan 15, 2013
High Elf - Leather 16
Set Numbers: 16
no really what does that set number 16 mean ? or is it for show ..<
and still no 1 told me what is equipment template and how it works please reply


Potential Patron
Sep 4, 2012
Huh? What happened to my post here? Okay then, does this run you the risk of getting banned, and has ANYONE been banned by this mod?


Potential Patron
Sep 4, 2012
Correct. Sorry about that by the way. I have to know whether or not these mods has caused people to get banned, of course there's a risk, but wanted to know.


Potential Patron
Sep 4, 2012
Yeah, I found that too when I first searched, but wanted to know if anyone actually got banned. Paranoia is a leading cause of many fears. While it does say they will not ban you, ToS says you cannot mod it at all- even confirmed by Mods in tera forums.

Like I said, still wondering if anyone using mods for tera was actually banned EVER.
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Now you've asked four fucking times if you ask again i'll ban you.
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Potential Patron
Sep 4, 2012
I'm sorry, I won't do it again. While I won't go into a lengthy explanation trying to explain to you, I apologize that I asked that many times. I hope that you won't hold that against me in the future or something. Hope we're cool now and you can forgive and forget. :)


There's nothing to forgive, i'm a moderator, i can't allow someone to post the same question over and over again now stop being a pain and i'll be as happy as a pig in sh*t.


Potential Patron
May 19, 2012
Alright...I have followed all your instructions on the first post and correcting things after re-reading (multiple times ; -;), But it still will not work...

Also I have downloaded these before and it worked then..but now it isnt...
Is there something new/different? D:
Thanks in advance for help and future e-hugs are being offered.

Edit!: Apparently the de-censors will not work :c I have downloaded them 3 seperate times and they do nothing
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Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
I've been using these mod's since they came out and have never been banned. I know of no way for Enmasse to ban you for using these. I'm still playing today. Hope that helps.


Casual Client
Apr 25, 2012
Alright...I have followed all your instructions on the first post and correcting things after re-reading (multiple times ; -;), But it still will not work...

Also I have downloaded these before and it worked then..but now it isnt...
Is there something new/different? D:
Thanks in advance for help and future e-hugs are being offered.

Edit!: Apparently the de-censors will not work :c I have downloaded them 3 seperate times and they do nothing

Not sure what you've tried but I stopped using the non-GPK packed mod's once the repacker became available and our awesome artist's started releasing the GPK's. I'd suggest you look on these forum's and find the GPK packs. Load up 1 of those by creating a folder in the following location and post if it works or not.

Create the following folder in your Tera/Client/S1Game/CookedPC/Art_Data/Packages


Now put the GPK's in the _CH folder, not touching anything in the original CH folder.


지금도 테라에 umod 작동되나요?? 된다면 하는법을 동영상으로 좀 올려주실 수 있나요?

한국어 죄송합니다
Still terra umod working or what? If the law Can you put it into a movie?

Korean are sorry
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Potential Patron
May 7, 2012
It does work, its just pretty spotty at times. I'm noticing some files not working at all. I moved on to .GPK files as they are much easier to handle, don't require an additional program to utilize, and allow for higher graphic options.

There is a video earlier on in the thread that guides you through the process of getting the UMOD working.

Using a translator: 이 시간에, 그 단지 아주 드문 드문 작동 않습니다. 임가 전혀 작동하지 않는 일부 파일을 알았어. 그들은 처리가 쉬워집니다으로 전. GPK 파일에 이동, 활용하기위한 추가 프로그램이 필요, 높은 그래픽 옵션을 허용하지 않습니다.

UMOD 작업을 받고하는 과정을 안내 스레드에서에 이전 비디오가 있습니다.


What does this Patch override? i don't want everyone walk around naked, i just want them naked if they're wearing nothing (a swap from boring underwear -> naked). I don't want every cloth someone is wearing to disappear


That's what I want too, but i don't see a reference for the cloth numbers. is cloth 00 the underwear for all classes of each respective race? I mean it's not even nude for elins, not to mention it doesnt look like the right set.

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