Tera - Nude Mods (11 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
I've been playing around with editing / improving nudemods, however i've run into an issue when using UtHelper and GIMP for dds editing. In both GIMP and UtHelper the files look fine after i've modified a texture and a normal map, however, it ends up quite broken ingame . . . horribly compressed looking is the best i can say, there is a lot of unexplained blocking in both the normal map and the texture itself.
...a few screenshots to show what i mean, the normal mapping only looks fine around the breast. I haven't been able to fix this yet, any ideas?
(fyi: i'm using tex LOD 2, though it can be hard to tell sometimes...)
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Potential Patron
Jul 18, 2012
I've been playing around with editing / improving nudemods, however i've run into an issue when using UtHelper and GIMP for dds editing. In both GIMP and UtHelper the files look fine after i've modified a texture and a normal map, however, it ends up quite broken ingame . . . horribly compressed looking is the best i can say, there is a lot of unexplained blocking in both the normal map and the texture itself.
...a few screenshots to show what i mean, the normal mapping only looks fine around the breast. I haven't been able to fix this yet, any ideas?
(fyi: i'm using tex LOD 2, though it can be hard to tell sometimes...)

Your not seeing things it's the DDS plugin GIMP uses, it works but can be hit or miss how bad the effect appears.
The work around i've been using - edit the texture in GIMP save as PNG 0, open the PNG with an old version of Photoshop and save as dds/DXT5. The Photoshop dds plugin works on versions as old as 4.


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
I tried doing it in photoshop, but photoshop is retarded and won't save colour data into 0 alpha areas. Basically it refuses to properly save my normal maps; it saves it as a solid colour, or else it saves as full alpha (this is bad because it'll cause an overly shiny effect ingame)
Why old photoshop?

Okay, after a lot of raging and then giving up on photoshop because it was being retarded, i settled with paint.net for converting to .dds

However my problem is now, that i cannot seem to extract the higher resolution textures from Elins, surely there is bigger than 512? Or do i have to upscale? Well, point being, normal maps remain a problem, though I've managed to get some good results using Naduron's super high res version as a base, however the issue remains my inability to toy with other outfits in fear of resulting in blocky badness if i play with normal maps.
Obviously other people have better luck with the normal maps, what am i doing wrong?
(wherever i save from the normal map ends up either blocky or makes it look half white and half black if i zoom out far enough)

Edit2: AWW YEEAH!, removed generation of mip maps on the normal and it rendered fine!!
>Only issue remaining is resolution. Is it possible to obtain x1024 textures for elins? Or do i have to get fancy with the upscaling?
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Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2013
do you by chance have the human swimsuit mod and if so can you upload that =D

No, sadly. I only have the following:
- Castanic_F_H(Shaven)
- Castanic_F_L(bush)
- HighElf_F_H(Shaved)
- Highelf_F_L_shaved(00)
- Highelf_F_R(bush)
- Human_F_H
- Human_F_L_(bush)
- Human_F_R

*H - Heavy armor, L - Leather armor, R - Robe armor

On the other hand I would like to get my hands on Castanic_F_R, the other bush versions of mods that were uploaded before they were taken down, and the shaved versions for Highelf_F_R, Human_F_L and Castanic_F_L.


Potential Patron
Feb 2, 2013
can you please upload:
- Highelf_F_L_shaved(00)
- Highelf_F_R(bush)

i have if you need:


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
hi-res Nude elin straight from your friendly neighbourhood Luna.Livehart
Cloth: Popori_F_R.gpk
certain early robes are nopan, some are topless, R17(Azure Sky etc) is full nude.

Leather: Popori_F_L.gpk
L18 is nopan, L13 is no-bra (huge pendant), L16 no-cage
no cage only: Popori_F_L (no cage only).gpk
Black/Gold/Silver Cuirass (nopan): PC_Black_Gold_Silver.zip

Metal: Popori_F_H.gpk
default is nopan, metals are metaly, couple recoloured panties/show off panties (i think there might be a surprise bikini as one of the styles)
H20 nopan: Popori_F_H20 (nopan).gpk
**normal uncen+better looking metal: Popori_F_H (metallic).gpk

Costume changes
Event 01 (Sukumizu): PC_Event_01.gpk
name tag changed with japanese version

Event 01a (Ruffle swimsuit): PC_Event_01A.gpk
removed ruffles, now normal 2pce
lacey lingerie version, minus ruffle: PC_Event_01A (laced without ruffle).gpk

Event 02a (maid): PC_Event_02A (nopan ver).gpk
arin's lolita maid outfit is nopan.
show-off panties version: PC_Event_02A (panty show ver).gpk

Event 06 (Snow suit): PC_Event_06.gpk
made tights grey

>Remember to put in *\TERA\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\_CH\PC
make new folder for "_CH" (prevents the need for overwriting)

Green & Red Troll mounts: Giant_us.zip
removed leaves covering everything from seat of mount
>mounts go in _ch\npc
update: removed green pad as well!!
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Potential Patron
Jul 10, 2012
Attached is the Castanic texture without the Sash.
**Backup your \packages\CH\PC folder *before* you start editing.**

Use UtHelper1.3 to import it into file-> PC_Event_01.gpk
-Start Uthelper, click file-"load package", find your "PC_Event_01.gpk"
-Right click the text heading that appears, pick view mode - group by class
-Expand PC_Event_01 -then- Texture2D
-Scroll down to "PC_Event_01_Castanic_F_diff" <- right click select "Import"
-Find the texture I attached "PC_Event_01_Castanic_F_diff.dds", click open/ok
-Click File - "Save Package as" name the file something different like: "PC_Event_01-SASH.gpk"
-Place the file in \packages\_CH\PC renaming it to "PC_Event_01.gpk"
(Leave the original \packages\CH\PC files as is, no replacing files needed)

UtHelper Quick Guide -youtube
This is PERFECT, I hadn't checked for awhile cause I didn't think you would do it so fast! Very much appreciated! Amazing instructions as well, never used UtHelper before and it worked first try! Again, amazing, and thank you!:cool:


Potential Patron
Jul 10, 2012
Since you did such an amazing job, I was curious if you could do one more thing for me :D could you remove the leggings/stockings/fishnets from the black magic/lady in red for the castanics? Cant seem to find a decent picture to go off of though. :O


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
Unfortunately i tried to do that for elin already, it is not an easy task at all. You can't just remove the fishnets you'd have to completely re-texture the legs or they'd have no legs.


Potential Patron
Jul 10, 2012
Unfortunately i tried to do that for elin already, it is not an easy task at all. You can't just remove the fishnets you'd have to completely re-texture the legs or they'd have no legs.
Yeah, I kinda noticed that the legs were a texture in itself, I have no knowledge of what can be removed though lol just thought I'd ask! Kind of a bummer though :( maybe if someone could teach me how to edit the textures, my girlfriend and I can start doing some textures for everyone! (she majored in photography/editing) :D


Potential Patron
Jun 20, 2012
whooopss!! So today I was testing to see if I could make it so Elin plate armor could appear as robe using the files Naduron posted here.. but instead i got the files mixed up and used the ones GenesisAria posted, so now all my Elin plate turned to nude robe armor.

Popori_F_H (nude heavy-robe).gpk
^^for those that would like it, credit goes to GenesisAria. (all you have to do is rename it back to Popori_F_H as i changed the name so i wouldn't get mixed up... again)


Thanks a lot for this epic job n_______n

Now, let me say, i am a noob in this, and in the game xP, someone can explain if a did something wrong to try use the mods?

I did all things of the guide, in the first post, but i try it with two cloths (the 1, then the 17, just for try) but nothing has happening, is not working for me D: , and i put the textures in 1, like the video guide (i see that video) but nothing

Well, here a few question: there is a specific "patch" to see naked the character if this is not wearing a set?, i need use a specific and complete set to a specific level to made work it this "nude" clothes?

I ask that because i dont know if that is my problem or what can do to make this work, i will apreciated a explanation please, and sorry for my bad english xP


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2013
can you please upload:
- Highelf_F_L_shaved(00)
- Highelf_F_R(bush)

i have if you need:

Here they are:
High elf, leather, shaved
High elf, robe, bush

Hopefully these links work and stay for a while without bastards flagging them.

On the other hand, I'd like the following if possible:
- Castanic_F_L(Shaved)
- Castanic_F_R(Shaven)
- Human_F_L_(shaven)


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
get UThelper, and you can easily extract and import and make any combination of textures you like.
the only hard party is after doing the actual edits: properly encoding the textures if you were to edit them yourself.
...so if you are just putting your own combination of edits it's a piece of cake, just click click.


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
I have a big question, how would one go about extracting and importing or copying models to the different styles? or can this even be done yet? What i wanted to do was copy the R17 fullnude to the R0 (or other) so I could keep the R17 and still have a fullnude template for other styles if i wanted.


Potential Patron
Jun 20, 2012
I have a big question, how would one go about extracting and importing or copying models to the different styles? or can this even be done yet? What i wanted to do was copy the R17 fullnude to the R0 (or other) so I could keep the R17 and still have a fullnude template for other styles if i wanted.

With hex editing I can make any set within 00-18 appear as any other set, so I can make set 3 appear as set 17 without actually doing the ingame remodeling services. That is if thats what you mean though.

edit: heres the file i can do, just load your game and strip on a elin clothy
Popori_F_R testing for genesis.gpk

if you want it using nadurons decen, i can do that it would take about 10 mins to do, heck if you want it from the file you posted i can do that..(just a little note, the actual r17 set is changed to set r00 in that, thats the part i dont know how to change i could make it so set 00 appears 17, 17 appears set 3 and set 3 appears 00 but mehh this is a test
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Potential Patron
Feb 23, 2013
i'm new to modding Tera and i just can't get this mod to work. i only get a transparent char (only legs and head and weapons are visable). can anyone write a step by step guide or give a hint what i'm doing wrong?

what i've done so far (example for elin):

1. downloaded uMod, Bikini Mod - Elin [Equipment Template] v1.0 and Elin - Cloth Pack v1.0

2. extracted Bikini Mod and replaced files

1. Click on [Add Game] -> TERA.EXE
2. Turn on [Use Global Hook]
3. Launch Tera (Not with Umod)
(More options will now pop up)
4. Click on [Open Texture/Package] and choose a mod.
5. Click on [Update Reload]

I'm using EU Client

Thanks for help.

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