Tera - Nude Mods (5 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
Don't bother with umod anymore, it's th eold method and not very effective. just get the bikini gpk and place it in *\_CH\PC and you can have bikini w/o changing files. (also allows you to use high res)

edit: heres the file i can do, just load your game and strip on a elin clothy
Popori_F_R testing for genesis.gpk

if you want it using nadurons decen, i can do that it would take about 10 mins to do, heck if you want it from the file you posted i can do that..(just a little note, the actual r17 set is changed to set r00 in that, thats the part i dont know how to change i could make it so set 00 appears 17, 17 appears set 3 and set 3 appears 00 but mehh this is a test
Yeah my issue is i wanted it duplicated not swapped. R17 is the only one that can be full nude, but i don't wanna not see it ever either, because it's a good style. I wanted to use the R17 mesh for both R17 and R0
(ps: R0 seems to be different from R00, it loads R0 for undressed, i guess that'd mean we have R00 as a swap dummy? I don't know if R00 has it's own mesh or if it is without holes in texture)
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Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
hi-res Nude elin straight from your friendly neighbourhood Luna.Livehart
Cloth: Popori_F_R.gpk
certain early robes are nopan, some are topless, R17(Azure Sky etc) is full nude.

Leather: Popori_F_L.gpk
L18 is nopan, L13 is no-bra (huge pendant), L16 no-cage
no cage only: Popori_F_L (no cage only).gpk
Black/Gold/Silver Cuirass (nopan): PC_Black_Gold_Silver.zip

Metal: Popori_F_H.gpk
default is nopan, metals are metaly, couple recoloured panties/show off panties (i think there might be a surprise bikini as one of the styles)
H20 nopan: Popori_F_H20 (nopan).gpk
**normal uncen+better looking metal: Popori_F_H (metallic).gpk

Costume changes
Event 01 (Sukumizu): PC_Event_01.gpk
name tag changed with japanese version

Event 01a (Ruffle swimsuit): PC_Event_01A.gpk
removed ruffles, now normal 2pce
lacey lingerie version, minus ruffle: PC_Event_01A (laced without ruffle).gpk

Event 02 (MAID): PC_Event_02.gpk
Arin's lolita maid outfit is nopan.
show-off panties version: PC_Event_02A (panty show ver).gpk

Event 06 (Snow suit): PC_Event_06.gpk
made tights grey

>Remember to put in *\TERA\Client\S1Game\CookedPC\Art_Data\Packages\_CH\PC
make new folder for "_CH" (prevents the need for overwriting)
w/R17 as nopan: Popori_F_R (nopan r17).gpk (remember to rename it by removing the parenthesis and space)

Event 01a (Ruffle swimsuit) *** apparently something went weird here, looking into***
lacey lingerie version, minus ruffle (w/o flower): PC_Event_01A (laced no flower).gpk
lacey lingerie version, minus ruffle (w/o flower, topless): -removed due to unfortunate TERA developer fallacy-

Green & Red Troll mounts
: Giant_us.zip
removed leaves covering everything from seat of mount
>mounts go in _ch\npc
update: removed green pad as well!!
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Potential Patron
Jun 20, 2012
Dang my A.D.H.D. makeing me 2 days late, sorry about that wait for those that wanted elin leather to robe. The wait is over and here it is aswell as the other 2 i did just for ease of finding them all

Popori_F_L (Naduron L- R).gpk
Popori_F_H (Naduron heavy - robe).gpk
^^ Credit goes to Naduron

Popori_F_H (nude heavy-robe).gpk
^^ Credit goes to GenesisAria

enjoy and have a fine day...or night everyone

p.s. they may still have clipping issues, graphical glitchs and may cause crashes, sorry :(


Vivacious Visitor
May 17, 2012
I'm just gonna ask it. How do you use the PC Event gpk packs? Been trying to figure this out to no avail.
what do you mean by use? for editing textures it's the same as others, for using modded ones you just put them in the appropriate *\_CH\PC folder. the event textures are for the specific costumed outfits. as usual extracted and imported using UThelper.


Potential Patron
Feb 18, 2013
I know this is a post from some lazy ass who just gave up on figuring out all this modding stuff but anyway...

Topics like this should have the first post always up-to-date. Newcomers like me want to fully enjoy a nude gameplay, but having to go through 72 pages full of useless or outdated information for the most part is just painful.

Use the first post to display the most recent informations and leave the rest of the topic for discussions, this would make everyone's life easier.
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I know this is a post from some lazy ass who just gave up on figuring out all this modding stuff but anyway...

Topics like this should have the first post always up-to-date. Newcomers like me want to fully enjoy a nude gameplay, but having to go through 72 pages full of useless or outdated information for the most part is just painful.

Use the first post to display the most recent informations and leave the rest of the topic for discussions, this would make everyone's life easier.

What the hell are you looking for that you have to go through 72 pages?
Naduron does a damn good job with his threads and this game has been a huge WIP for him and you're complaining?
What an unappreciative turd.


Potential Patron
Apr 18, 2012
I was wondering if there's a high elf gpk mod that changes one of the armors to nude. I can't seem to find something like that.


Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
Well, regarding the first post of this thread, it is a tad disheartening to see "Last edited by Naduron; 07-13-2012", which (correct me if I'm wrong) means that mods made since July 2012 are not linked from the first post. Furthermore, the link Tera-mods.blogspot.com as it appears in Naduron's signature is no longer valid, so people can't go there to find up-to-date mods either, they must browse through the thread. While that's not an unreasonable amount of work, I must concur that there is an unwritten rule that the first post of a mod thread should attempt to link to all up-to-date content, and accordingly should be updated whenever there is a significant content update in the thread.
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Today i've installed the Elin Bikini Mod, but the textures are the same! Wich Armor is required to see the bikini-textures? And how can i edit textures on myself, so that i just can rename the bikini-texture to the first elin-archer-armor, so that i see it? Sorry for my bad english..
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Well,we'll just give everyone a refund then.:p
It's Nadurons thread and Nadurons mods and no one has the right to tell him what he should or shouldn't do concerning his mods or thread.
Address all further complaints to KatzMotel we won't be debating this anymore in this thread.
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MOD EDITED: All you have to do is be respectful.

I agree you went a bit too far but i understand how annoying people are that have an exaggerated sense of entitlement.
I also don't believe you deserved an infraction for it when a warning would have sufficed.


Potential Patron
Jul 18, 2012


Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012
I know this is a post from some lazy ass who just gave up on figuring out all this modding stuff but anyway...

Topics like this should have the first post always up-to-date. Newcomers like me want to fully enjoy a nude gameplay, but having to go through 72 pages full of useless or outdated information for the most part is just painful.

Use the first post to display the most recent informations and leave the rest of the topic for discussions, this would make everyone's life easier.

Post crashed, to mutch text.
It can't be edited, the images will stop working and needs to reuploaded, the text will move around and need to be re-typed, scripts won't work and etc.

I won't be wasting hours just to update it once.
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You, my friend, don't seem to be a newcomer like me and like I said on my post. Maybe you can't see the problem I pointed out. This happens if you're following the topic since its creation. Not my case and not the case of a bunch of people.

Of course, this topic doesn't need to be "newbie oriented". But I don't see why not. People come here with one intention: gather info about cool mods. It doesn't seem logic to make it difficult to accomplish this.

Also, I'm not complaining about the modder's job. I actually managed to make it work here after sharing efforts with a few friends. Each one went through a set of pages and gathered the relevant info, and now everything works like a charm. By the way, thanks for the mods, they're awesome.

I'm not a turd, I'm trying to help you guys to be helpful to others.
The modders don't need your help if you have further complaints contact the admin.


Post crashed, to mutch text.
It can't be edited, the images will stop working and needs to reuploaded, the text will move around and need to re-typed, scripts won't work and etc.

I won't be wasting hours just to update it once.
I figuered there was a good reason just ignore him.


Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
Ooooh, I see, he can't edit the first post because the forum will freak out and delete the content. I see, nevermind about editing it, then -- although the broken blogspot link is still an issue :p.

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