11. Lina Fischer
Age: 18
Rank: Private
Followed her big sister Betty into the ranks of HARPY. Dropped out of theater school because she couldn’t act.
Killed: Bullet to the head.
10. Betty Fischer
Age: 25
Rank: Private First Class
She joined HARPY after failing to get the promotion she wanted in US Army. Her two sisters followed her.
Killed: Had her throat slit with a knife.
11. Mary Fischer
Age: 22
Rank: Private
Followed her big sister to HARPY. The other two bullied her often. She would rather be gaming.
Killed: Had her head hacked off with a machete.
12. Shell Musk
Age: 19
Rank: Striker
Hired as a special hit-girl when Karie saw her incredible track speed. Liked a guy who could kick her ass.
Killed: Died of blood loss after being cut in the belly and crotch.
Coming Soon: Anna’s Booty-Call