up max size of the breast (black desert) (4 Viewers)

Ангел Мечты

Content Creator
Jun 21, 2012
Guys, i play on ru server, if hwo use RU client? Can you pach files for me and upload here?
After patch files i see only


Potential Patron
May 22, 2016
Does this mod still work? :o It has been quiet for quite a while, but i'm not sure if to even take the risk of it yet... less so with how finicky it seems like.


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Yes, it still works. Use BlackFire's metainjector tool. Should be on page 4 or 5 of this thread I think.


Potential Patron
May 22, 2016
Gotcha then... though i kind of wish this was a tool and not some very up and out there "tweaking with numbers". :c Ohwells, maybe one day someone would code something more user friendly.


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Yeah, I've found it helps to work in small increments, like the max size I have any slider is at 2. More realistic and still gives a large range depending on where u set your minimum and default.


Potential Patron
May 22, 2016
I can't help but wonder one thing though. :o That being: Are we sure this does not like, show at all in the server side, purely clientside? Just being safe than sorreh, specially since I might get a bit high up in the sliders... like say, 2.5-3.5


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Tbh, I don't know since I don't talk to anyone in game and ask them. I'm sure my giant butt is pretty visible if it is, especially when I am wearing certain outfits (skirts look terrible on me because of it but more form-fitting stuff looks sexy as hell). According to the mod creator though, it should only be client side, but again, I have no idea and quite frankly, I don't care. :P


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
lol, thx, but no. I didn't create a bubble butt so I could hide it. Again, if I get banned, that's my own problem to deal with. :3


Potential Patron
May 22, 2016
Does it really? :o I mean I tested it a bit with a friend, and they didn't saw the change... but then again, I did a weird like. Change once, show, change again to normal, show, then change again to the odd. And I only found out the test on the end and, well. It looked normal on their end, but different on my end. :X

Edit: Okay yeah, after double checking with someone, the test concludes that no one can notice the change. : O I didn't maxed the slider, but, the forearm (Subject of test) was deformed to DEFINITELY cause suspicion. Brought someone along, they saw no oddities in their end, and we compared images. It is definitely a client side only change.
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Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Does it really? :o I mean I tested it a bit with a friend, and they didn't saw the change... but then again, I did a weird like. Change once, show, change again to normal, show, then change again to the odd. And I only found out the test on the end and, well. It looked normal on their end, but different on my end. :X

Edit: Okay yeah, after double checking with someone, the test concludes that no one can notice the change. : O I didn't maxed the slider, but, the forearm (Subject of test) was deformed to DEFINITELY cause suspicion. Brought someone along, they saw no oddities in their end, and we compared images. It is definitely a client side only change.

Ah nice, good to know :3


Content Creator
Mar 22, 2016
Well, tbh, I don't know what to think. Some people say you can see the changes and others say you cannot. Since I don't know anyone in game and my BFF doesn't have BDO so I can ask them, I am just not going to worry about it. If I get banned, oh well, idc. Thanks for trying to clarify but all it is doing is causing confusion.


Potential Patron
May 22, 2016
Well fair nuff. : O Go at it as you like. For me, i'll just state a few things like... for example, Alcaster. That's an obvious thing. :X Dunno how it is an important case point. Still, I figured out how the heck this system works in the creator... and maybe could be weary in some cases, depending on the developers themselves.

Basically, what seems to happen is that the game works Characters with certain numeric parameters of various ranges. So if say, random numbers, neck is 1 to 2, it can be adjusted in anything between 1 and 2. What I found out though is... if you were to increase or decrease the range, to say 0 and 3, NOTHING would change at all for current characters. This means that the change is not a percentage, its a number. This is reinforced by the fact that if say, you had a max slider of 3, and used it... but then turn it back to 1? The game, on your side, visualizes ONLY UP to the 1. Anything above it does not exist. And what happens when you turn it back to 3? Does it reset or does it persist?
It, in fact, persists. This made me come into a certain conclusion. That being that the only way to force a change to all visual characters, is by adjusting the minimum. AND. Your character has certain parameters saved into its data file.

This can prove to be a possible "Worry" in the future, As if a Dev decides to check on your profile, and notice the off numbers? Something could be going on. And while you could say "Uninstalling mod removes that"... it, would in reality, won't. :X As of my tests, the numbers are IN the character itself. What I do not know though, and this would be an interesting test, is if actually applying this mod would allow players to notice OTHER players who use this mod. Since I do not know anyone who would use it personally, i give an open letter invitation to test this out. It'd be neat to see.

Since I decided it'd be nice to share this input, there you have it. I know people only give a single damn about having big booties or busts, but hey. Maybe someone here would care of this info, and do a few fun things with it. So with that, there's my results.


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 1, 2016
It's quite simple.
Other players just cannot be able to see the changes, since it's a change to your client. Just think about it: Changes made to your client, but affecting all other players? Wouldn't that open all doors to hackers and cheaters? No, don't worry. Changes made to your own client are limited to your client only. No one will ever be able to see those changes, even if you tell them to look for those changes.
Of course, I actually don't know how the modified stats will be stored, since as Vanen already stated, they persist even if you remove the mod and reinstall it at a later point. But as long as you don't give the GM's any reason to take a close look at your account, you should be safe and sound.


Casual Client
Apr 10, 2016
Thanks to were enjoying a good game.
But through May 26 update "META INJECTOR v1.2" It does not work. (KR server)

(Bdmod.exe / META INJECTOR v1.2) related files, paz does not work with the 'version error'
(Mod-armor.bat / mod-uninstall.bat) has stopped working error occurred.

Can you help me?
Thank you.

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