Sorry to be nagging about this again, but still no one with a clue if the addresses to block for Europe are the same?
I assume you are talking about blocking the screenshots from being taken on boat, when you add the 3 lines to your host file with the IP it redirects the screenshot to your computer, so it should work for everyone from everywhere #Vindictus Log Server
i don't know if it can help, but you can try netstat -a to look for nexon connections while you are playing, i can't test rigth now since i am not home.Sorry to be nagging about this again, but still no one with a clue if the addresses to block for Europe are the same?
hello i just wanted to say that it was again deteced on the eu version -.- it detected again the
in the bin folder from vindictus and before the maintance it worked nice with the
Rapidshare link :
hope u can make somehow something new it kinda sicks me that after every maint they fix it -.-
Sigh, can someone upload the current original sync files please? The .dll and .dat, need them both. It seems that inbetween mistaken double-clicks or something, the swapper replaced the original with the messed one.
Thanks, but I also need the .dat :l
now,it's detects ur swapper :(
Earlyer i posted a question about the hosts file but got no answer...i was asking how do you if it is working correctly like is there a spot on your pc were the images are being saved. heres a pic of my hosts file please tell me if it correct or if theres something missing to me it doesnt look right but i could just be paranoid. i would like to do some experimenting but dont want to get band. also when boat launching do they send one pic and thats the one of your character or a shots of all the players that are in your boat. For Exsample my character is a guy so no boobs and another player is naked they take a pic of my guy then go to her and shes naked do they see her? so yeah im not very good at explaining thanks in advance heres pic
View attachment 7959
If you cant see the pic well right click it and select open in new tab to see it bigger :p
I'm North America server. I'm wondering bc it said that its redirected back to you so it has to be somewhere. but how my docement looks is ok? Or should it be edited? How does one know this method is indeed working? I'm trying to figure out the background on this subject.
I'm still using the 2.5 version and it works.Vin SWP V2.6 is deteced again on EU-serve today
Your document seems fine, but you can't find the screenshots in your system, since you only redirect the traffic to localhost, but your computer is not specting the data in any way.
I'm still using the 2.5 version and it works.
on EU serve?