Anyone heard of a fix to get mods working yet?
Hmm when I run your mod it starts client so far but in game no nude has been applied. My lowest timer I can set is at 1716. Also it kicks me out after 3min saying that it has "detected an unauthorized program" lul.
I am playing on EU server, does that matter? Still can't see the mod in game even if the swapper's running fine.Nexon keep detecting the swapper every week, like i said, i will work on this tomorow
Also if you don't have any mod working you did something wrong
sorry, i don't speak english well :(
swap success and mod texture loading is done.
but after 1-2 minutes. "Memory Modify Detect" hackshield message occurs.
refer to screenshot below
View attachment 8198View attachment 8199
I am playing on EU server, does that matter? Still can't see the mod in game even if the swapper's running fine.
No stuff changed in the data except that I installed ur mod in there.
You can try to hex edit FileSystem_Stdio.dll2 and FileSystem_Stdio.dat inside the swapper's folder and add a bunch of 00's to both files and save them, it should work, however, if it doesn't, tell me and i'll work on it because i don't have this error but i use NA version so it should eventually happen to me as well
i already try about that... it's same message appear T^T..
Vindictus Swapper v2.7
Ok i made a lot of changes with this swapper, once you download it make sure your FileSystem_Stdio.dll inside your bin folder is around 529 kb and delete any folder with 7 numbers (ie : 7521938) run this as administrator (as usual).
This time you will have to run the game first without the swapper, when in-game, simply alt+tab back to windows, right-click on your taskbar (move your mouse down and right-click on it) and choose 'Task Manager' or you can simply ctrl+alt+delete and open the task manager, now look for the name of vindictus running, i have vindic~1.exe running, simply write this down in the new text box and swap the files
Rapidshare download link : SWP V2.7.rar
ping -n 1 -w 4500
ren "C:\Nexon\Heroes\ko-KR\bin\Filesystem_stdio.dll" Filesystem_stdio.dl
ren "C:\Nexon\Heroes\ko-KR\bin\Filesystem_stdio.dll2" Filesystem_stdio.dll
ping -n 1 -w 3000
ren "C:\Nexon\Heroes\ko-KR\bin\Filesystem_stdio.dll" Filesystem_stdio.dll2
ren "C:\Nexon\Heroes\ko-KR\bin\Filesystem_stdio.dl" Filesystem_stdio.dll
When I tried the swapper today I was getting kicked out of the game due to an unauthorized program. Tried re-naming the executable which didn't work, but was able to hex edit the two files and was able to play after that.
how to it work?
kr vindictus (mabinogi:heroes) is start on web.
so i cant use your swapper... i used batch file :)