When did you realize you were interested in ryona? (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
My First Realization of Interest in Ryona

My first introduction to ryona, or rather when I first noticed a fascination for ryona, was roughtly two or three years ago. Long story is long, so I apologize.

I was looking around on YouTube and stumbled across some Resident Evil 2 deaths. It was a compilation towards Claire Redfield. I had seen RE2 deaths so many times in the past and never before had it seemed sexual or anything of the sort. For some reason at that moment of watching that video, I was intrigued by Claire's death scream. It sounded like she had an orgasm which was both inappropriately funny for what was happening and "interesting" to me. In the past, my friends and I would jokingly call them Clairegasms or Jillgasms, but none of them ever found it "entertaining" the same way I did later on.

That video was when I noticed I kind of had a slight interest in ryona, but I didn't even know there was a term for it at the time. Only maybe three or four of the game overs in that game were interesting in combination of Claire's voice, though, so it was definitely more of an audio stimulation than a visual one for me at the time. Hearing it over and over in a video compilation like that just triggered an interest, I guess. After watching that, I looked up Resident Evil 2 Ada Wong deaths and I was becoming more and more amused.

Then I started looking for Resident Evil 3 Jill deaths. They weren't as great as Resident Evil 2's more graphic, non-white out deaths and lacked that "orgasm" scream. There was one death, however, that stood out for me. Jill getting slammed on the ground by Nemesis' tentacle. Something about hearing her groan as she hit the floor every time made it nice. And if Carlos didn't save Jill from Nemesis trying to destroy the door to her, the same death would happen, but there was a very, very unique scream Jill had when she was dying from the tentacle slam. From that moment, I was hooked on this concept of ryona and, eventually, knew what it was.

I started searching for more stuff and later found RE2 zombie eat loops and RE3 without the whiteouts upon game over. Then I thought about looking for other games that had ryona elements to them like Tenchu 1 and 2 for PS1, Silent Hill 3, Clock Tower 3, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, Tomb Raider, Heavy Rain, and more. And that's how I got introduced and interested on the concept of ryona.

My interests in ryona are mainly towards video games than towards drawn art, literary work, wrestling, TV/Movie, or fan-based Internet media. It is mostly towards video game game overs, failures, and deaths. I am still very green in my experience and my horizons of interest are very narrow, shallow, and specific, but maybe that will expand and change over time.


Potential Patron
Mar 19, 2015
It was deffinetely Resident Evil 3, that Jill's moan always gives me...(don't know word, google translator said it's horripilation, yeah.) Then, about 13 years ago I thought:"Hm. That's kinda sexy!" after first time bitten to death by zombies on asphalt. Then came "Drain Deimos"! Creepy thing hugs Jill, sucking her blood out, throws her on the floor not stopping doing what he's doing, the way like her leg trembles of pain and as always a MOAN. Yep. Monster\girl sex\rape fetish, here ya go.
Also my favorite ryona video is from RE3 too, but it was taken down from tubes, gladly I managed to dl it.
That look on Jills legs twitching with insect-like monster on top of her...brrrrahhh! Hope you can enjoy it too.
Wery nice montage, couldn't find it anywhere more, so you can count it as exlusive.) It's a shame I don't know author and it has low quality...https://mega.co.nz/#!J8wVSQAR!BAHg3OQVJWM6LJxBR9zptoatdKo_OHAtS_63B4Wxnqw
and lovely "kiss" from the front, same guy https://mega.co.nz/#!F4J0HKLY!mCAbBzLaGf5pw4lh8tz23xGf2p2h9r-Ptq7_i_O_X78


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
I probably realized it two separate times;

When I first played SF3 and had defeated Elena.


Initially, I didn't get what drew me to the pose, but in retrospect, it's pretty obvious. Elena's very sexy, and wears the skimpiest kind of bikini possible when she fights. When you defeat her, you're posing victorious on top of her while she's laid out under you, on all fours. She's face down, ass up, looking up at the person who bested her with tears in her eyes. She knows she's lost, she knows she's humiliated, and she knows she's vulnerable. In this picture, Alex is mocking her after dominating her, telling her she should just use her body to get attention, since that's all she's good for. He could say or do whatever he wanted to her, and she simply wouldn't be able to prevent it. She's just too weak in the end. It's such a pathetic way to be defeated.

A few years later, I played Tekken 4, and defeated Christie with Heihachi, and that's what sealed it for me.


As Heihachi, I had hit her with a powerbomb, winning the match, and heard her knockout scream. Most KO screams were loud cries of pain, but Christie's was a low, almost resigned moan. At first, I questioned it; who sounds like that when they're getting knocked out? Most KO sounds are loud and violent, but hers was soft and slow, almost pathetic in nature. Eventually, I realized that she was moaning like that because it was the only thing she had enough energy left to do; a weak final protest before fading out into unconsciousness.


Potential Patron
Aug 15, 2013
Well, this would be a blast in the past. I'd say it started for me with Sailor Moon when it was released over here in the states. The dub was pretty terrible, but there were alot of ryona scenes. I am currently watching Sailor Moon Crystal, and it has that nostalgia for me. Those Spectre Sisters are pretty hot. ~__^ Then during high school, it fueled my fetish even more with animes like Agent Aika, and Najica Blitz Tactics. Hence, zako is what I have preference in. ^^


Potential Patron
Nov 9, 2012
I realized it, like a few other people here, during the glory days of SFII and picking on poor chun li with e. honda. After that I always had a desire to see more bearhugs, which is my main interest regarding ryona. I never had much of an oppertunity to explore it when I was younger though, as it wasn't like I could just walk up to a random girl and say "hey can I give you a bearhug?", and I didn't have many male friends as a kid, nevermind mind female friends, who I could get into that wrestling situation with. When tekken came around Kuma became my favorite creation ever, so much so that I actually got good at using the character in game in a competitive sense, and same thing with Astaroth in Soul Calibur. The more I resorted to video games for my escape though,the worse I felt in real life. I now have so much fear when I hug a girl that I might try to pick her up that I really have to push myself not to. It also doesn't help being a 6ft 2 guy who weighs a lot and works out too heavily. My greatest fantasy is now my worst fear. I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt someone like that...

Thankfully video games have done a great job keeping my love of bearhugs satisfied. Also gotta give some love to Randomguy, his photosets are awesome. Maybe one day I'll meet a girl who's just dying for a big hug, but til then I got Street Fight V to look forward to, and Tekken 7 eventually.


Potential Patron
Jun 30, 2015
I'd say it must have been nearly 10 years ago now.

I remember being around my best friend's house and playing Dynasty Warriors 4 and we had just defeated Sun Shang Xiang. Normally what would happen is a small cut scene would play where the opposing officer would run away wounded. Not this time, we defeated her and the cut scene played, this time Sun Shang stumbled, clutched her stomach with one hand and fell to her knees then slowly on to her front. Whilst that happened she said her death line. I can't remember what she said, but I do know that her voice was filled with confusion and pain.
Now that had a profound effect on me as a young adolescent, I don't know why or how, but it did. Something clicked in me, and at first I was ashamed of it, I thought to myself that something must be wrong with me. I mean I'd been brought up in a well balanced family surrounding, with plenty of friends. And I just couldn't get enough of it.
I begged my parents to get me DW4 for my birthday. And I played it religiously, wracking up so many hours on it.
Then my best friend (who I consider my brother, and still do to this day) got Samurai Warriors 2, so naturally we played that together and the same thing happened again.
We'd gotten to the final stage of The Incident at Honnou-ji, where we had to defeat No, Oichi and Nobunaga. So naturally we set out and defeated No first as she's a pain to fight. Same as in DW4 happened in SW2, when an enemy officer was defeated a cut scene played where they ran away.
This time the cut scene played and No clutches her shoulder falls to her knees then reaches out with her other hand, as if pleading for help, before falling on to her front. And same as DW4, a death line was triggered, this time there seemed to be more pain and anguish to her voice.
And again the same sense of guilt and shame, from liking such a scene bubbled up within me.
I think SW2 cemented it all in for me, the female characters were prettier and the voice acting, though not great, was better than DW4s. There seemed to be more emotion in the death lines.
And again I played SW2 religiously. I even maxed out every character to level 50 and got their tier 4 weapons.

I think for me it's the whole being defeated or on the verge of death but struggling to stay alive that does it for me.
Like I mentioned in my Introduction thread on the Intro page, I particularly like Crackle Cradles use of animation for the sprites struggling to stay alive, especially the crawling animation.

Thankfully over the years I've managed to come to terms with what I find exciting, as I realised that everyone is messed up in their own way in this messed up world.
I'd like to add that I love women and would never want to hurt one or humiliate one.
Luckily, I've discussed this topic briefly with my previous girlfriends, and though they find it strange, they still accepted it. (I may add that I ended the relationships, and that it wasn't due to this subject).

Nowadays I keep my eyes open for any games that may have these elements in them. I'm particularly looking forward to Deception IV: Nightmare Princess, which'll be released on the PS Vita and PS4 in the US and the UK. I'd recommend playing Deception IV: Blood Ties, it has quite a lot of elements that I think people may enjoy. It's currently available in the US and the UK on the PS Vita and PS3, though it's in Japanese with subtitles. Though I must say I'm partial to the Japanese voice acting as I believe the voice actors inflect more emotion into the roles they play. Though that could be me being a dirty foreigner.

My apologies for the extended diatribe, I rarely get a chance to voice my quirks, so it tends to build up.


This seems like a good thread to introduce myself. A lot of ryona-related stuff "pinged" for me when I was younger. There was the Electrawoman/Dynagirl episode when they got captured and stretched. That was probably the earliest. Professional wrestling magazines at the time always featured a story on "apartment wrestling," complete with pictures. In comics, John Byrne on X-Men and Avengers and George Perez on NTT both did amazing jobs depicting beautiful women in physical action. Even if those characters seldom got flat-out ryona'd, the way these artists drew them made it easy enough to imagine. Like a lot of people here, classic fighting games played a role. Imagining characters like Chun Li, Sonya Blade, or Taki facing off against the most cruel and inhuman opponents like Baraka, Skorpion, or Voldo was always both chilling and thrilling. When anime titles like Wicked City and Ninja Scroll explicitly introduced sex into the proceedings, I knew I was hooked.

Here's a blog post called "Superheroines Lose" that led me to more recent material. I forget exactly how I stumbled upon this forum, but I was certainly pursuing that further.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Well, I don't know what was the first scene that brought me in the Ryona world, but I have a lot of memories from my childhood. I was 7-8, and I was watching an Italian comic movie (I'm italian) with my dad. In here a guy kills a woman in some hilarious ways, he stab her in the hands many times and do a lot of thing on her (now I sadly only remember the stabs)....that scene scared me that night, that was weirdly interesting.

I remember also a fight scene, two girls fights in a bar, one kicks the other one in the gut, thrown her in a jukebox, and when the music plays an old man get up and start dance (if anyone recognize the movie PLEASE HELP ME FIND THAT).

That scenes scare me but in the deep interest me...but the first and most Ryona love was Nina Williams in Tekken 3. First time I hear her moaning I've plugged my hears, because that sound was so strange, so interesting. The same with Hwoarang, his voice was disturbing, but I've never had gyaku ryona interesting, only his voice in the very beginning. I've started to beat her with a lot of characters, focusing in the beating grapples and in some moves, and years later, before internet comes in my house recording with an very old mobile phone (the glorious Nokia 6600).

From that time I've slowly recognize my fetish. I still remember my VHS (I'm 23 years old) with some scenes from Dragonball (Videl vs Spopobitch), Scary Movie and Smallville when cute girls get tamazing beatings.

From that day I've searched scenes where sexy girls gets good beating in videogames, movies, animes, fetish videos, and now I have an HDD full of material and many GB of videos, but sometimes I think when the only thing I have was a Playstation one, Nina Williams (poor girl, she didn't deserve so much pain!...or maybe she deserve it haha), a pair of recorded scenes and a lot of fantasy!!


Casual Client
Sep 4, 2013
Well, I saw this scene:

and this

When I was about 11 yo. Yea, they ruined my childhood before I 'evolving' into adult lol.
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Potential Patron
Sep 14, 2015
I think the period this started to solidify for me was watching "WoW: Women of Wrestling" back when that was syndicated on afternoon American television. I made sure to catch the show every week, despite the fact that even at a young age I was perfectly aware of how cheesy and corny a piece of male fanservice it was. Like a lot of the folks here, I got my initial interest in this from video games, always picking Cammy or Chun Li or Morrigan. I tried to win, but I always got a bit of a thrill when I lost. But I never understood why that was, until I started watching that show.

It was fascinating to me to watch the slimmer, more conventionally attractive wrestlers beaten down and humiliated by the larger, more "butch" heels. I could imagine how humiliating and singular that experience was for them, and I was hooked. I started to realize how much ryona material was coming up in media I enjoyed: television, video games, comic books where the heroine would suffer defeat and need to be rescued.

Realizing this about myself has been a bit uncomfortable. It's hard to reconcile these rather deeply-seated fantasies with how I feel the outside world needs to work. I consider myself a feminist (in the Gloria Steinem sense, not so much third-wave), but my interest in ryona would seem to contradict that. I just really like the idea of a very attractive woman being (like the ones I used to watch in WoW) stuck in the uncommonly humbling situation of trying to win a fight or physical contest and failing miserably, right in front of a jeering crowd. How the girl would feel, and how people who really cared about her and wanted to see her win, might feel. Don't know what that says about me.

But, yeah, that's where my interest in ryona began. Finding sites like this on the internet has been a help, letting me know I'm not entirely alone in my interests. Still trying to figure things out, but it's been a long trip (I think WoW went off the air in 2000, in my market). Looking forward to having a chance to talk it over, with the folks here.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 6, 2015
Cammy and Chun Li getting beat up pretty much from the moment I saw them are probably what started it, but to be honest at this point it probably goes back farther than I can remember. Maybe Poison in Final Fight too. I'd rent or buy those games as a kid and play through practice modes or Vs. modes against myself and just watch them falling over and over again.

It was just a fascination at first, but I guess it grew into a real fetish with Orchid from Killer Instinct and ESPECIALLY Killer Instinct 2 as I was really hitting adolescence. Orchid's build, costume, and voice in KI2 were probably more erotic to me than porn.

My stepfather was into fitness, too, and he'd have magazines around of really fit women. So... today, I'm into really fit women, and ryona. Weird how little things in your childhood can shape you.

From there it's just branched into everything else. But mostly fit women and ryona are my "weird" fetishes that I don't really tell anyone else. It's kind of cool to have a place to talk about it. I've never told anyone else.
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Master Hopeless

Potential Patron
Nov 30, 2015
Princess of the Ring.

I just wrote two lines explaining that I wasn't exactly certain what the trigger was then it hit me. Toffi's Princess of the Ring. It made me realize that I already liked masochists, from like typical bondage themes and a little bit of knives, but PotR made me think, "But to what extreme?" Oh well in the world of imagination you can gut a bitch and she'll cum, that's exciting! I know I just went twenty steps ahead there, but that's kinda how quick I escalated up the ryona fetish. I actually kinda only like masochistic ryona, or at least pretend the girl is feeling sexual arousal from getting hit. Blush helps. Usually prefer girl on girl ryona, I guess it's harder to do that pretending thing with a man hitting her.

But, ya! Toffi broke me in love his shit.


Potential Patron
Jan 3, 2016
KoF '97 and Tekken 3
those games ignited the spark that would eventually turn into the flame


Potential Patron
Nov 18, 2015
This is the stupidest thing, but... Zelda's facial expression when injured in Brawl (I first noticed during one of the "KOd against the screen" animations). The facial expression makes or breaks a scenario for me, and that was when I first realized how much I liked that facial expression.


Potential Patron
Mar 4, 2016
I first got an inkling of it when I saw the Yang vs Tifa death battle on youtube. Now, I just wanna see Yang in unimaginable pain.

The thing that sealed the deal was the Miraculous ladybug though. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I want to see Marinette suffer. Suffer the most brutal beating of her life.


Club Regular
Mar 9, 2016
For me, it started with me started with SFII. I was about 5-6 playing against a Chun-Li CPU and that was when I realized that not only i was fighting a woman, but i was also beating her up and defeating her. I thought, being a very young boy, that I was going to be against it, but to my surprised, I actually liked it: Virtually beating up my favorite video game character.

That was the spark.


Oddly enough, it came to me with Warcraft. The sound the Night Elf characters made when they died in Warcraft 3 started it off. The moment it REALLY came to me was years later, with League of Legends, again some of the sounds characters made when they died. From there a realized I had some sort of thing for pain noises. It actually wasn't until I started playing Blade and Soul that I realized I was into the whole ryona thing altogether.

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