Zako battles (2 Viewers)


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
Here's your team! Is that okay?



Note to all: If you want to adjust a part of the uniform, the color for example, don't hesitate, I'll see what I can do.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
This mission doesn't have the same scale as the previous one, it's going to take me some time to complete it and report, so it won't be ready until next week...


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
My version of the game being very unstable, I haven't been able to complete the mission yet. Fortunately, an update has been released and will allow me to go all the way while allowing a better management of the injured. I hope I've finished it all for this week and I apologize for the delays...


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
Due to a breakdown, I had to change my computer, I managed to save my hard drive but I won't have the hardware to transfer my data before next week, so sorry again for all those who are impatiently waiting for results... I will still try to recreate your teams in the meantime to save time.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
After a first simulation, I realized that there were some balancing problems, indeed, the simulation ended in defeat! So, this simulation will not count in the campaign, but I'm still posting the images for you to enjoy! Take care of yourself!
image38084.png image38101.png image38102.png image38012.png image38061.png image38062.png image38063.png image38081.png image38082.png image38083.png image38002.png image38005.png image38007.png image38008.png image38009.png image38010.png image38011.png image03056.png image03058.png image03063.png image03067.png image03092.png image03094.png image03107.png image03042.png
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
P-S: there are more than 20 pictures, so there can had problems with picture loading, but normally, just wait a bit more...
If you can't see all pictures, say it, and I will try to fix it.


Forums Moderator
RM Moderator
Content Creator
Apr 16, 2012
P-S: there are more than 20 pictures, so there can had problems with picture loading, but normally, just wait a bit more...
If you can't see all pictures, say it, and I will try to fix it.
I changed your full sized images to thumbnails. Members can click on the thumbnail to see the full sized image. Next time PLEASE insert as thumbnails instead of full size images.
Very respectfully,
fleet (global moderator)


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
The second run were short and much better, with only one casualty and no wounded of our side and the elimination and capture of the enemy force ! Here's the pictures, the report will follow.
Any reactions, ideas or requests?

image38061.png image03107.png image03092.png image03067.png image03063.png image03051.png image03049.png image03033.png image03028.png image03017.png image03002.png


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
Because your soldiers won't be rookies forever, a new method to upgrade them ! More your soldier make kills, more she gain experience. Each line show the number of kills required to upgrade her rank (take a look to the end of reports to know how many kills your soldier had made.
Note : Soldiers directly recruited at a class higher than recruit (all) have a rank lower that ranks showed here. For example, an soldier recruited as officer begin at Srg rank instead of Mj rank. It's to make a bigger place at long-term to soldier and allow you to use your budget to make up for your losses without having to worry about improving your team!

3 kills PV2
5 kills SPC (can be promoted for free to soldier, mercenary or policewoman)
7 kills CPL
10 kills SRG (can be promoted for free to melee or heavy weapon)
15 kills MS
20 kills SM (can be promoted for free to nurse)
25 kills LT
30 kills Mj (can be promoted for free to officer)
35 kills Cap
40 kills Lt-col
50 kills Col

As you can see, the latest grades don't bring much, so ideas for new classes are welcome!
Hope this is clear, my english is... not so good, and it's difficult to transpose ideas from your head to write...
I remain open to any questions or suggestions!


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
Operation Yellow Anvil Phase 2
Srg Angel Snow report

"When we heard the news of the skirmish, the command parachuted us not far from the battle site, Ashley, a soldier from Team 2 who was on site, explained what had happened and told us which direction to take to find the detachment, so we rushed back to join them before they went on the attack. It must be said that the reinforcement of our 2 squads considerably affected the rest of the operation. We found them not far from the target: a weapons warehouse supposed to contain missiles that were about to be shipped to be used on our allies. After making the introductions, we agreed on a plan, so we went into the warehouse.... After following a long corridor, we found ourselves in a room that was supposed to lead to the storage area, we could hear the voice of the guards. After looking around, it turned out that the guards, about ten of them, were in another room and we were in the process of deploying to the storage area when a sentry left the room and spotted us. She alerted her colleagues before we could shoot her and the guards came out with guns in their hands. A gun battle ensued. Ophélie, Phoebe, Clarisse, Isa followed me to engage the enemy, the others tried to get around them. Suddenly Wendy appeared in the middle and was shot in the chest instantly. Being the only officer alive, I asked my troops to fire at will on our targets before they took cover. Rosalie opened fire and mowed down 2 enemies who had just come through a door, another one was shot in the leg, Ophélie emptied her clip, wounding 3 guards who were trying to take cover, Clarisse did the same, hitting her target on the head and throwing it on the ground, Isa completed the carnage, shooting the survivors. For my part, I had no success... Phoebe took one more victim. Seeing no sign of the enemy, we searched the rest of the warehouse before finding three guards who had escaped the carnage, cowering in a corner crying, and after considering executing them for a while to avenge Wendy, we decided to take them prisoner. The still conscious wounded surrendered and we captured them with their unconscious comrades but alive despite their wounds... After Alfhild's examination, it turned out that only four of them were dead and three were in critical condition. We took this opportunity to destroy the weapons stored in the warehouse. Wendy's body on her back and the prisoners following us, carrying their unconscious comrades, we set off towards our final objective."

Pictures of the victims
image03002.png image03017.png image03028.png image03033.png image03049.png image03051.png image03063.png image03067.png image03092.png image03107.png image38061.png

Note: Unconscious victims are counted as kills.
PV1 Isa Vilegas: + 1 kill (2 kills)
PV1 Phoebe Ellis : + 1 kill (2 kills)
PV1 Rosalie Bruneau : + 2 kills
PV1 Ophélie Bullion : + 3 kills (4 kills) promoted to PV2
Initiative +1 for all survivors

I propose to determine the number of points that each team earns on the dice, with a bonus of +1 for the team with the most kills. The draw is made with 1D3 (1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3).
Squad 1 (Severity): + 1 point (3pts)
Squad 2 (Inkt0b3r): + 2 points (1 + 1 bonus) (2pts)
Squad 3 (dinomoneyman): + 3 points (3pts )
Squad 4 (RyonaGuy): + 2 points (2pts)

Don't forget to use your points!
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Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
So, get prepared for the final mission of the first operation ! I need some ideas for the second, any suggestions about the enemies?


Vivacious Visitor
May 27, 2020
ehhh I was wondering if it's still possible to join in or rather wait for the next operation? The whole idea sounds really great!


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, I hadn't received any notifications... It's no problem at all! You only have to compose your team, there are examples above. As far as the operation is concerned, it's up to you whether you want to join now or later.


Vivacious Visitor
May 27, 2020
Okay so here’s the team, called Echo Squad:

1. Chelsea Montanegra
  • Class: officer​
  • Nationality: American​
  • Hair: long straight blond​
  • Skin: white​
  • Character: cold-hearted, strategic​
2. Miranda O‘Conner:
  • Class: Recruit
  • Nationality: British
  • Hair: long wavy brunette
  • Skin: white
  • Character: snobbish, mean, conceited
3. Ashley Tanner:
  • Class: Recruit
  • Nationality: German
  • Hair: blond ponytail
  • Skin: white
  • Character: cute, naiv, dumb
4. Elena Garrison:
  • Class: Nurse
  • Nationality: Spanish
  • Hair: long wavy red
  • Skin: white
  • Character: impulsive, aggressive


Avid Affiliate
Feb 22, 2020
Team created ! I hope these are the right leggings.
rgewOktsfB.png U7mR9XQZX4.png yZPnM1CgWi.png Y0wtkFXsWx.png
P-S : I forget leggings for Elena, I'll fix it as soon as you confirm the rest is what you expected.

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