Zako Mix: Adventures, Analysis, and Discussion (3 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
The purpose of this thread is to have fun and explore certain aspects of zako in depth without cluttering up the existing threads. Posts may explore and analyze particular zako or they may simply show adventures in which our heroes encounter some zako fodder and deal with them in the usual heroic manner.
Will the heroes show the hapless zako mercy? Or will they show them heroic brutality?

The first adventure starts later in this post, so feel free to skip ahead!

Here is a quick look at why I think I am so drawn to the zako theme.
Let's look at four broad types of women in media/games and compare them based on four categories.

TypeGenderPower StatusSocietal Perception TowardsSocietal Behavior Towards
VillainessFemininePowerfulCondemnedRespect / Fear

Compare the zako to the others. She is feminine, vulnerable, condemned, and discarded.

The common fate for zako is to be condemned, defeated, discarded, and forgotten. Neither the heroine, nor the villainess, nor the damsel tend to suffer this fate.
The villainess may suffer a harsh fate, but even then she tends to be remembered.
The zako's common fate is unique to zako, and showcases their vulnerability. I think this unique fate may explain why I am so drawn to the zako theme.

Of course, male henchmen may share with female zako the vulnerable, condemned, and discarded characteristics, but they obviously lack the feminine characteristic.
So I think the combination of the zako being feminine and vulnerable, and facing a fate in which she is condemned, defeated, discarded, and forgotten makes her unique and explains much of her appeal.

What do you think? Do you agree with my analysis of zako, or am I off the mark?

Going a bit further with this:
The zako's vulnerability is unique. When a damsel’s vulnerability is exploited society is outraged and seeks to protect and restore her. By contrast, society approves of exploiting the zako’s vulnerability and applauds the heroes who do so.

When the zako’s vulnerability is exploited, she is noticed only for a brief, casual approval of the fate she suffers. Society does not feel sympathetic or protective towards her. Instead, she is condemned to suffer her harsh fate, and then she is immediately discarded and forgotten again.

The heroine is powerful and capable, not vulnerable. But if she does happen to suffer, society laments this suffering. She is admired and celebrated.

The villainess is powerful and capable, not vulnerable. She is condemned but also feared and respected. She may suffer at the hands of the heroes, but only because she represents a real threat to them.

The zako, by contrast, represent much less of a threat to the heroes but are often dealt with in a harsher manner. The heroes are often willing to treat a villainess with mercy, whereas the zako under her are normally just defeated and discarded without consideration.

Examples of this difference in how the heroes treat the villainess compared to the zako will be forthcoming in future posts, but for now:
Here is part one of a little zako adventure thrown together using the sprites from the game Badass Babes!

Background story: Our heroines, Alia and Vela, have infiltrated the sleazy Cloud Nine Club to uncover information about the powerful crime Syndicate which seems to rule the city. Unbeknownst to them, the owner of the Club has noticed their snooping about and has shared his suspicions with his contacts in the Syndicate. Now the Syndicate has tasked an unproven but eager new girl gang to bring Alia and Vela in for questioning. Will our heroines go quietly? Will our zako succeed in their mission? How well will they do against two experienced and highly competent fighters? If things go poorly for the zako, will our heroines show them any mercy at all?

Cast: Meet the Heroines, Zako, and Others in this Adventure
Cast 01 Heroines.png Cast 03 Enemies.png Cast 02 Others.png

Scene 0: A seemingly normal night at the Cloud Nine Club. Scantily clad dancers on the floor entertain the club patrons, but two of the dancers seem more interested in asking questions than dancing. Guy observes this couple with seeming disinterest, but he catches the eye of Raelle, his Syndicate contact who sits at a table near the entrance. She nods slightly at him and he smiles, knowing his club is about to have some special guests. He wonders if the two "dancing girls" will go quietly, though he would prefer that they not. He is sure his club patrons would love to see an all-female brawl.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 0.png

Scene 1: The doors suddenly burst open and four more women dressed like dancing girls file in: Lorena, the leader, followed by Cherise, Dalia, and Marta. They stand in the center of the floor as if they own it and lock their eyes menacingly on two other "dancing girls", Alia and Vela. Alia and Vela, however, seem not to notice Lorena and her crew. Their only reaction is to subtly move apart and widen their stances. Guy cannot help but notice what looks like a smirk on Vela's face.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 01.png

Scene 2: Raelle moves to join Lorena and the others, though she doubts they will need her help. Moving with utmost confidence, Lorena swaggers towards Vela and Alia, who still seem not to notice the new arrivals. "So you're the two ladies who can't stop asking about us", Lorena says as she walks. "Well, whether you are interested in joining us, or you are just too nosey for your own good, you'll be coming with us now. It would be best for your health if you came quietly."
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 02.png

Scene 3: Incredibly, Alia and Vela seem to ignore Lorena's words. They don't even acknowledge her presence! And Guy seems sure now that they are both smirking. He wonders if they are crazy? Lorena, meanwhile, is not used to being ignored. Angry, she decides to get the ladies' attention in a more direct way.
"Did you hear me, you little twerp? I said you'll be coming with us, and I mean now!" As she speaks, she reaches out and grabs Vela by the back of the hair, intending to twist her around so she is forced to look at her while she is talking. Seeing Lorena get physical, some of the other girls prepare themselves nervously for the possibility of a fight. Cherise steps closer to Lorena, ready to back her up if necessary. Marta stares but does not move, unsure what to do. Dalia tries to look intimidating with her whipping rod, but neither she nor any of the other girls notice Vela's leg as it cocks forward, nor that Alia seems to be gauging the distance between herself and Dalia.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 03.png

Scene 4: Suddenly, everything seems to happen at once. "Look at me when I'm talking t...OOOF!!" Lorena's words are cut short by a vicious surprise kick from Vela, right to Lorena's solar plexus. It seems Vela did not appreciate having her hair grabbed and being told what to do. The other girls barely have time to react. That kick was unbelievably fast and hard! How did she do that? Dalia, realizing Lorena is in serious trouble and that she is the only one with a weapon, prepares to charge forward. But she doesn't notice Alia crouching as if preparing to leap. Guy leans back and smiles. This night just got more interesting.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 04.png

Scene 5: "Ohhhhh…" Lorena moans as she stumbles backwards, doubled over in pain. Guy cannot help but notice that Vela's smirk has transformed into a full grin. She's actually enjoying herself! Does she seriously think she can win against all five of them? Actually, six of them, Guy reminds himself, though Roxie had not yet made any moves to help her fellow gang girls. Cherise and Raelle each take on fighting stances to the best of their abilities, while Marta still seems frozen in place, as if unable to believe what she has seen. Meanwhile, Alia suddenly charges directly at Dalia, leaping into the air towards her. Dalia, caught completely off guard, raises her whipping rod to protect herself.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 05.png

Scene 6: A tremendous CRACK! pierces the sounds of music and conversation as Alia's platform shoe slams with blinding speed into Dalia's chin. The black-clad gang girl begins to fly backwards from the impact. The sound of the savage kick grabs the attention of nearly everyone in the club, including a dancing girl named Roxie, who locks her eyes menacingly on her fellow "dancing girl" Alia. Meanwhile, Marta is so startled by the sound and speed of the flying kick that she involuntarily clutches her hands to her chest. Lorena continues staggering backwards, arms wrapped around her midsection, moaning pitifully. She looks up just in time to see Vela cocking her leg again, and she feels a sudden sense of panic. Cherise, however, feels a sudden surge of confidence. An accomplished ballet dancer, she feels certain she can kick just as effectively as Vela, and she prepares to show her skills to the rest of the girls. They will finally have to acknowledge the value of her ballet skills when she delivers a knockout kick to this little upstart.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 06.png

Scene 7: Unfortunately for Cherise, Vela has years of experience in reading a fighter's body language. Vela immediately shifts the target of her kick from Lorena to Cherise, and the sudden, hammer-like impact of the kick completely spins the ballet dancer around, knocking her towards the glittering column near Guy's VIP couch. Lorena, watching through pain-hazed eyes, cannot help but feel a sense of relief that the powerful kick struck Cherise rather than herself. As she feels oxygen entering her body again, she begins to think that she might be able to recover and turn this fight around. She still has the advantage of numbers, after all! Meanwhile, Dalia hurtles backwards, her involuntary shriek muffled by her mask. Marta, finally recovering from her frozen shock, reaches to take off one of her stilleto heels. This could be used as a weapon if one of them comes after me, she thinks to herself. She wonders if she could escape discreetly into the crowd of club patrons that has now gathered around the dance floor, cheering and laughing. Roxie, meanwhile, charges towards Alia, her face distorted in anger.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 07.png

Scene 8: Dalia's scream is cut short as the back of her head slams into a table, knocking it off balance. She lays on the floor moaning piteously, her hands clutching at her head and jaw while her leather-clad legs writhe slowly back and forth. Cherise smacks face first into the gilded column, all thoughts of proving herself now replaced with pure pain. Lorena, on the verge of recovering, suddenly feels Vela's hands grabbing HER hair and controlling her head, and she briefly sees a grin of savage satisfaction on Vela's face. Meanwhile, Roxie points at Alia and shouts, "You ungrateful bitch! After all the talks we had about you joining, you dare to betray us?" Alia glances behind her at Roxie with a calm expression on her face, as of a hunter who just found her next prey. Marta, noticing Alia now looking in her direction, holds up her stilleto heel and hopes she looks intimidating. She wonders how quickly she could run with one heel on and one heel off.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 08.png

Scene 9: Guy can hardly believe his eyes. These two "dancing girls" continue to move with lightning speed and hit with monstrous power. Lorena, still gasping from the kick to her stomach, tries to say something to Vela. It sounds like "Wait", but whatever it was is cut off again. Vela swings Lorena's head down while swinging her knee up, crushing Lorena's jaw and ending any further communication attempts. Cherise staggers, still facing the golden column, while Raelle hesitates. This was not at all what she expected! Dalia remains moaning on the ground. Meanwhile, Alia is unimpressed with Marta's attempt at looking tough, and like a tigress she closes with the gang girl, who stares in frozen shock like a frightened rabbit. Just as Marta breaks from her shock and begins to raise her stiletto heel higher, Alia's foot shoots out and catches her on the temple. Marta lets out a startled "EEK!" as she collapses to her knees. Roxie, enraged, winds up for a wild haymaker punch. The other dancers on the floor have all moved to the corners, joining the raucous crowd of onlookers, cheering and laughing as the brawl continues.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 09.png

Scene 10: Roxie's fist whooshes over empty air. Alia, never losing her calm expression, ducks under Roxie's punch just before it reaches her and grabs a handful of Marta's hair. Marta tries to crawl away but the kick to her head has made her woozy, and Alia's grip seems strong as steel. Meanwhile, Vela holds tightly onto Lorena's hair, preventing the limp, broken-jawed leader from collapsing to the floor. "Sorry, were you saying something?" Vela asks sardonically, smiling all the while. Raelle, feeling she might need some assistance, moves to help Cherise recover. For her part, Cherise still needs a moment, and she leans against the hard column she was just introduced to so harshly. Dalia continues writhing slowly on the floor, but she seems to be recovering slowly.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 10.png

Scene 11: Vela releases her grip on Lorena, and the defeated gang girl starts to crumple to the floor. However, Vela moves with the speed of a striking snake, and just before Lorena's chin has fallen Vela initiates her next attack. Meanwhile, Alia rips the hapless gang girl Marta off the floor by her hair just as the furious Roxie winds up for a devastating kick. Raelle continues to help Cherise recover, although the formerly cocksure ballerina sinks down rather than standing up. Guy stares dumbfounded. These two "dancing girls" might just win, despite being outnumbered six to two. However, he notices Dalia has stopped writhing and finally seems to be getting to her knees. He wonders if she intends to keep fighting or crawl away. If she does try to escape, Guy thinks to himself wryly, the crowd will probably shove her back onto the dance floor and into the melee. That's what she gets for trying so hard to look and act tough.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 11.png

Scene 12: With a tremendous CRACK to rival the sound of Alia's kick on Dalia, Vela slams her knee into the chin of collapsing, defeated Lorena. The already beaten gang girl doesn't even let out a groan or gasp as she hurtles backwards through the air. Guy imagines that knee, unnecessary from a practical standpoint, was delivered just to try to outdo the sound of Alia's flying kick. Certainly Vela seems to enjoy it. She continues to grin joyously as she fights. As for Lorena, that knee must have been devastating. Guy cannot imagine she or anyone else could be conscious after that, let alone recover to keep fighting. In fact, Guy wonders if she could even survive that knee. Regardless, the fight was now five to two instead of six to two, and the odds were looking better for Alia and Vela all the time. Although Raelle succeeds in helping Cherise shakily regain her footing, Alia also succeeds in forcing Marta to her feet. Alia shoves Marta right in the path of Roxie's forceful kick, and unable to change course in time, Roxie's boot slams into Marta's crotch. For a moment, Marta hangs in stunned silence, supported by Alia's iron grip. Then, a high-pitched squeal emerges from her full lips.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 12.png

That concludes part one of this particular zako adventure. Will the zako make a comeback? If not, will our heroines show them any mercy?
Find out next time!
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
I sometimes think about what my ideal zako video game would be like. For me, it would not be a game that focuses exclusively on zako, but one in which the zako are featured prominently but are still just a sideshow to the central game. That seems appropriate for zako, does it not?

I like having some idea as to the fate of zako after their encounter with the hero, so I propose the following status categories for zako. The zako status could be displayed after the heroes complete each level as well as after they finish the game:

Either the heroes avoided the zako or she surrendered without a fight. If she surrendered, she may be searched and interrogated. If force is used during the interrogation, her status will change.​
Roughed Up
She is hurt but still conscious. Then the heroes either avoided her or she surrendered. If she surrendered, she may be searched and interrogated. If enough force is used during the interrogation, her status may change.​
Knocked Out
She is defeated and unconscious, but she may be awakened with some effort or first aid. Once awake she may be interrogated. A small amount of force on a knocked out zako will change her status to comatose. Repeatedly waking up and knocking out a zako may also result in her becoming comatose.​
Severely unconscious zako who cannot be awakened. She does not count towards the hero’s kill count, but she may count towards the overall death tally if she is left in an isolated area or a place where there are no sympathetic passerby to ensure she receives medical treatment. A merciful hero can either provide first aid or move a comatose zako to a place where she will be sure to survive, while a ruthless hero can use a small amount of force on a comatose zako to change her status to dying.​
Her status will change to dead when an in-game timer reaches zero. Medical treatment, either from the hero or a sympathetic passerby, can improve her status to comatose. Zako left dying contribute to a hero’s kill count. A very small amount of force on a dying zako will change her status to dead.​
Her status cannot be changed, either with medical treatment or with further force. Dead zako contribute to a hero’s kill count.​
In addition to the game tracking the status of the zako, the heroes (players) should be able to interact with the zako in ways other than just fighting them. Heroes should be able to observe the zako, sneak past them, converse with or interrogate them, lead them into traps, and search them when they are defeated or captured.

Some examples of observation and interrogation of defeated zako in the knocked out, comatose, dying, and dead categories:

Zako StatusHero Comment UponHero Comment Upon
Knocked OutShe’s out cold.

She’s out like a light.

She won’t be getting up anytime soon.

She groans softly.

She mumbles wordlessly.

She stirs slightly and her eyelids flutter, but only for a moment.
ComatoseShe’s limper than a dish rag and just barely breathing.

She looks like she is clinging to life by a thin thread.

She looks like she won’t be getting up anytime soon. . . or perhaps ever.

It’s like shaking and slapping a warm rag doll.

Her mouth hangs open limply but no sound escapes from it.

She makes no noise or movement of any kind.
DyingShe’s looking paler every moment.

She looks like she is circling the drain.

She looks like she will never wake again.

Her only response is agonal breathing.

It seems she is too busy dying to respond.

She does not respond. Her pulse is faint and growing weaker.
She’s dead as a doornail.

She’s definitely dead.

She will definitely never wake again.
Nothing garners a response.

It seems she is too busy being dead to respond.

It’s like shaking and slapping a cold rag doll.

More thoughts on creating a zako game later on. For now, here is part two of the Badass Babes zako adventure started last week.

Scene 13: Marta doubles over, moaning pitifully, while Roxie attempts to apologize to her fellow gang girl for the inadvertent crotch kick. Alia can only watch in amusement. Meanwhile, Lorena's completely limp body hurtles towards Dalia, who struggles to regain her footing. Vela looks towards Raelle and Cherise, trying to decide which one to engage next. Cherise has finally steadied herself, thanks to Raelle's help.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 13.png

Scene 14: Dalia's attempt to get back to her feet ends suddenly as Lorena's rag doll body lands right on top of her. Raelle launches a sudden aggressive punch at Vela, but she seems to have no trouble blocking the attack. Cherise has finally turned towards the direction of the fight again, although she still seems unsteady on her feet. Roxie helps Marta step aside for the moment, but Roxie is so preoccupied with helping her friend that she does not notice Alia preparing to attack.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 14.png

Scene 15: Even as Marta manages to step aside and focus on recovering, Alia launches her attack on Roxie with a snakelike strike to her face. Vela counters Raelle's attempted punch with a powerful knee between her legs, leaving Raelle in stunned agony. Meanwhile, Cherise tries to shake the stars from her head and prepares to try another ballet kick. Surely it will work this time! Dalia and Lorena lay still, with Dalia now flattened under Lorena.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 15.png

Scene 16: Unfortunately for Cherise, Vela proves that history does indeed repeat. She notices the ballet gang girl prepping for a kick and quickly launches another preemptive kick of her own, smashing Cherise once again into the golden column. Raelle remains double over in pain, and Marta seems to be doing no better. Meanwhile, Alia follows up her punch to Roxie's face with an equally quick kick to Roxie's gut. Guy now feels rather certain that this fight will be going in the direction of the two false "dancing girls", and the crowd seems to agree with him. Their cheering grows louder and more raucous.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 16.png

Scene 17: Alia leaves Roxie double over for a moment to take care of some unfinished business with the still staggering Marta. Alia grabs a thick, nearly full bottle of rum from a nearby table and, taking hold of Marta's wrist, spins the shocked and agonized gang girl to face her. Vela notices Alia's actions and seems to approve, as she quickly finds an empty bottle on the floor and grabs it herself. Both Cherise and Raelle now stagger aimlessly, Cherise woozy from the second blow to her cranium and Raelle suffering from the knee to her lady parts.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 17.png

Scene 18: Alia finishes turning Marta towards her. For a moment, Alia is face to face with a gang girl who looks like she wants nothing more than to run away and hide. Then, with a loud "CRASH!", Alia smashes the nearly full rum bottle over Marta's head. Roxie, still recovering from the punch-kick combo Alia unleashed on her earlier, can only watch helplessly. Meanwhile, Vela has chosen a target for her own bottle. Raelle, still swaying back and forth unsteadily, can only widen her eyes slightly as the inevitable unfolds.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 18.png

Scene 19: A second "CRASH!" echoes through the club, much to the approval of the roaring crowd, as Vela smashes her bottle on Raelle's head. Both Raelle and Marta fall to the floor like sacks of potatoes. Alia, approving of the effects of her first bottle, reaches for another.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 19.png

Scene 20: As Raelle and Marta join Lorena and Dalia in lying limp on the floor, Alia lets fly with a second bottle, aiming right for Roxie's forehead. Vela launches a kick towards the midsection of Cherise, who, still staggering about, cannot even lift a hand to defend herself.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 20.png

Scene 21: Alia's bottle strikes her intended target right between the eyes, and the crashing sound echoes through the club for the third time. Vela takes hold of Cherise's hair and cocks a knee back, smiling at the stunned, agonized ballet gang girl the whole time.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 21.png

Scene 22: Vela slams a knee into Cherise's breast, while Alia gazes approvingly at the effects of her thrown bottle. Roxie hurtles to the ground to join Dalia, Lorena, Raelle, and Marta.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 22.png

Scene 23: Alia strolls casually over to check Roxie's fallen body, while Vela gathers her strength to launch a finishing attack on Cherise, who already seems ready to collapse.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 23.png

Scene 24: Vela launches a vicious kick that catches Cherise right underneath the chin, sending her flying backwards. Alia, meanwhile, whirls around suddenly as if warned by a sixth sense. She notices that her instincts were correct: Dalia seems to have regained consciousness and in in the process of pushing Lorena's limp body off of her. Guy, watching from his special booth, feels certain that she would have been better off if she had feigned continued unconsciousness. However, at least the crowd is enjoying this spectacle, even as it seems to be coming to an end.
Bad Ass Babes Zako Story 24.png

More to come next week!
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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Marta is damned sexy ! Any chance to share the source of pics ?

Thanks! Marta might be my favorite of the zako here. She is just so overwhelmed and unprepared! She seems that way in the actual game, as well.
Even though the fighting part of this heroine vs. zako encounter is just about over, our heroines may decide they are not quite done with these zako yet.

The source of the pics comes from a demo version of the Badass Babes game. I uploaded all of the sprite sheets in this post:
Beat-em-up/Action game Zako

Then I just placed the sprites onto a background to create the pics. Were you also wanting the image for the background?

The full version of Badass Babes may have some more material that was not available in the free version, but I have not checked it out.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Completely missed this thread originally. This is great! I felt really bad for Marta and Lorena. Marta because she was too scared to ever do anything but got some of the most brutal treatment with a face kick, groin kick, and even hit with a bottle. Lorena because even after she wanted to surrender, got her jaw broken, and even then had the overkill over kicking her in the jaw again and possibly killing her. Poor things!
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