Zako (2 Viewers)


Casual Client
May 14, 2016
Wow, Street fighter sure changed a lot. I barely recognize a quarter of these characters... and why do some of them have Team Fortress style exagerrated cartoon faces?

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012

There is a new Gal Gun game for PlayStation 4 and Vita, but this time it's in English. You still shoot girls with pheromone shots, but they also fight back with strikes, kisses, and feet to the groin.


Master of this Domain
Mar 16, 2012
Just scanned monster arts in the guide book of Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust(甲竜伝说ヴィルガスト)
It's a tranditional JRPG released at 1990,and I think there are some really great design for zako girls(even in their super deformed style).

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Female foot soldiers and amazoness cultists of dark god.

Wicked sorceress and corrupted walkure.

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Races of monster girls:Sphinx,Medusa and Harpy.


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
Back with another kinda sorta zako find. This time from an anime (I've only sorta seen just to get the jist) called Yuri Kuma Arashi.

Bit of background (though this may be off since I haven't really watched the whole series) the series takes place in a world where after a meteor shower falls to Earth, all bears gain sentience (and also become explicably chibi with the power to turn into cute anime girls/boys) and begin to eat humans (well more so than usual I guess) forcing the humans to build a yuge wall to keep them from getting into their cities (think attack on titan, but with lesbians and man eating teddy bears)
Two of the series' protagonist's are these two bears below, who take the form of high school girls with the intent on doing what bears do best apparently. Eating high school girls. (yum!)

The series primarily takes place at an all girl's high school, which is where our zakos come into play.
The organization known as "Invisible Storm" which functions as the school's student council, but in truth they also play a much more sinister role of deciding who shall be the "sacrifice" for the bears, choosing a girl who do not fit the norm to be used as bait to hunt their prey. The show tends to use the idea of a herd mentality for humans, where those who do not fit into the herd are left to due so that the rest may live. Not necessarily "evil" but definitely assholes in their own right.



Aside from their combat training, they are just your average high school girls (17 seems to be the standard age for combatants) who have lives and families outside of their roles as "protectors" of their schools. They serve as one of the show's antagonist's and after discovering that a few of the student body are not who they seem to be mount an attack!
As one can imagine, 17 year old girls are not the hardiest fighters, so all combatants of Invisible Storm use sniper rifles and stealth to take down their targets.
Two of the bear infiltrators have been ambushed by a group of Invisible Storm snipers, with the dark haired girl on the right taking a grazing shot from the grey haired sniper girl pictured earlier.
Not one to be discouraged, our bear girl friend decides to stage a counter attack on the tasty young school girls.



Not expecting such a sudden attack, the poor girl is not even give so much as even a second to scream.
And she is swiftly and brutally taken out with a sing swipe to the throat by our protagonist. The horrifying visage of the heroine's bear face being the last thing she sees, ensuring her last moments were filled with terror!


The protag coldly observes her fresh kill, while her "friend" offers her some words of encouragement.
And the hunt continues.



Three more snipers are viciously attacked, their young lives snuffed out by the claws of teddy bears. Their screams echo through the very park that just yesterday they may have enjoyed eating lunch with their friends or admiring the nearby lily garden, now the place where their dead bodies wait to be collected for disposal.

The bloodshed continues into sunset, with the bodies of at least 7 unfortunate girls now strewn across the school's park/garden, where they will most likely lay until morning when they are discovered by other students...
For these hapless extras, they were the victims of a monstrous attack, who had their lives cut down at the budding of their youth. But to the heroes of the series and even their superiors, they were just worthless casualties or food for the slaughter who will never be given a second thought. They will not be remembered, and their lives will be rendered pointless as the story continues on without them, only to be remembered as the vile soldiers for an evil organization they had been lulled into joining out of fear for their safety.

Anyway, really loved this scene from episode 11, and figured I'd share it here. Sorry if it was lengthy! This has probably been one of my favorite zako finds. So many cute young guard girls that get attacked, and in such a humiliating way (well I for one consider death by teddy bear pretty humiliating)
The series in general had a few more named zako deaths, and I'd be willing to post more if people are interested.
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Servi Servi : Very nice zako finds! I would love you post more of that!

One more thing, do you know anymore zako anime that pretty much similar to Aika and Najica? Those 2 are really good zako materials and I would like to know if some new animes has those quality or at least close to them.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Back with another kinda sorta zako find. This time from an anime (I've only sorta seen just to get the jist) called Yuri Kuma Arashi.

Bit of background (though this may be off since I haven't really watched the whole series) the series takes place in a world where after a meteor shower falls to Earth, all bears gain sentience (and also become explicably chibi with the power to turn into cute anime girls/boys) and begin to eat humans (well more so than usual I guess) forcing the humans to build a yuge wall to keep them from getting into their cities (think attack on titan, but with lesbians and man eating teddy bears)
Two of the series' protagonist's are these two bears below, who take the form of high school girls with the intent on doing what bears do best apparently. Eating high school girls. (yum!)

The series primarily takes place at an all girl's high school, which is where our zakos come into play.
The organization known as "Invisible Storm" which functions as the school's student council, but in truth they also play a much more sinister role of deciding who shall be the "sacrifice" for the bears, choosing a girl who do not fit the norm to be used as bait to hunt their prey. The show tends to use the idea of a herd mentality for humans, where those who do not fit into the herd are left to due so that the rest may live. Not necessarily "evil" but definitely assholes in their own right.



Aside from their combat training, they are just your average high school girls (17 seems to be the standard age for combatants) who have lives and families outside of their roles as "protectors" of their schools. They serve as one of the show's antagonist's and after discovering that a few of the student body are not who they seem to be mount an attack!

As one can imagine, 17 year old girls are not the hardiest fighters, so all combatants of Invisible Storm use sniper rifles and stealth to take down their targets.


Two of the bear infiltrators have been ambused by a group of Invisible Storm snipers, with the dark haired girl on the right taking a grazing shot from the grey haired sniper girl pictured earlier.


Not one to be discouraged, our bear girl friend decides to stage a counter attack on the tasty young school girls.





Not expecting such a sudden attack, the poor girl is not even give so much as even a second to scream.


And she is swiftly and brutally taken out with a sing swipe to the throat by our protagonist. The horrifying visage of the heroine's bear face being the last thing she sees, ensuring her last moments were filled with terror!




The protag coldly observes her fresh kill, while her "friend" offers her some words of encouragement.


And the hunt continues.




Three more snipers are viciously attacked, their young lives snuffed out by the claws of teddy bears. Their screams echo through the very park that just yesterday they may have enjoyed eating lunch with their friends or admiring the nearby lily garden, now the place where their dead bodies wait to be collected for disposal.



The bloodshed continues into sunset, with the bodies of at least 7 unfortunate girls now strewn across the school's park/garden, where they will most likely lay until morning when they are discovered by other students...
For these hapless extras, they were the victims of a monstrous attack, who had their lives cut down at the budding of their youth. But to the heros of the series and even their superiors, they were just worthless casualties or food for the slaughter who will never be given a second thought. They will not be remembered, and their lives will be rendered pointless as the story continues on without them, only to be remembered as the dispoabale minions for an evil organization they had been lulled into joining out of fear for their saftey.

Anyway, really loved this scene from episode 11, and figured I'd share it here. Sorry if it was lengthy! This has probably been one of my favorite zako finds. So many cute young guard girls that get attacked, and in such a humiliating way (well I for one consider death by teddy bear pretty humiliating)
The series in general had a few more named zako deaths, and I'd be willing to post more if people are interested.
Wow. I've seen a lot of weird anime plots, but that one is really weird. So how exactly are the bears supposed to be the heroes?


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
Wow. I've seen a lot of weird anime plots, but that one is really weird. So how exactly are the bears supposed to be the heroes?
Well the whole series is supposed to be an analog about homosexuality and the "bears" killing and eating the girls is supposed to represent people who wont let their attractions be held down by society (though, perhaps equating homosexuality to murder isn't the best way to make a pro-LGBTQ argument)
Though, the non-important character deaths are treated more as jokes then serious tragedies (Which is another thing I loved. Main character's GF gets eaten by a bear and she'd given a nice funeral and eulogy by the school. But when those poor unnamed sniper girls get offed, they aren't even so much as given anything.
Hell, by the end of the series even, some members of Invisible Storm realize how evil they are and befriend the very same bears which a few days before had savagely massacred a number of their classmates/friends/comrades in the school garden. So not only are these schoolgirls considered expandable by their own superiors, but even their friends move on from them almsot immidiatly and befriend the very same monster that killed them.

Another scene I'm not sure really counts as zako upon further viewing, but at the same the two victims in question were basically just nameless nobodies who get offed. It also shows how "heroic" the good guys are in this series.

We have the character Eriko Oniyama, an extra with no real stake in the story who suddenly gets promoted to the role of leader of Invisible Storm after the the "mysterious" deaths of the last two.




While Oniyama would love to believe that she was chosen for her smarts to the role of leader, the real reason for her promotion is much more insidious...
Oniyama is nothing more than a pawn for a bear hidden within their ranks. She is just as much of a nobody as the rest of the ranks of Invisible Storm girls. Too seduced to think clearly, she makes the perfect puppet.


After Oniyama has outlived her usefulness (AKA that very night she was promoted and made her edict to unwillingly help the bears) she is lead out to the garden with two of the bear protagonists.



...and is shown the burial site of her friend and fellow Invisible Storm member, Katyusha Akae.

Akae now realizes who the bears are, but tries to deny this fact. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she has been duped into becoming a meal for these monsters. She's the Invisible Storm leader now! The pride and joy of her schoool and family, she can't be killed now!

Of course, the sad truth for her is that all she was good for was helping advance the "heroes" plan to get to their main target, and now that she has fulfilled her role, it was time to get rid of her...

Poor Oniyama thought she'd someday become something great. But in the end, her grand destiny was to become nothing more than a midnight snack for some bears.

Her young life is casually snuffed out by our lovely "heroines", and her body is savagely devoured with what's left of her buried along with her friend Akae. She like the other Invisible Storm girls are quickly forgotten by everyone.
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Well the whole series is supposed to be an analog about homosexuality and the "bears" killing and eating the girls is supposed to represent people who wont let their attractions be held down by society (though, perhaps equating homosexuality to murder isn't the best way to make a pro-LGBTQ argument)
Though, the non-important character deaths are treated more as jokes then serious tragedies (Which is another thing I loved. Main character's GF gets eaten by a bear and she'd given a nice funeral and eulogy by the school. But when those poor unnamed sniper girls get offed, they aren't even so much as given anything.
Hell, by the end of the series even, some members of Invisible Storm realize how evil they are and befriend the very same bears which a few days before had savagely massacred a number of their classmates/friends/comrades in the school garden. So not only are these schoolgirls considered expandable by their own superiors, but even their friends move on from them almsot immidiatly and befriend the very same monster that killed them.

Another scene I'm not sure really counts as zako upon further viewing, but at the same the two victims in question were basically just nameless nobodies who get offed. It also shows how "heroic" the good guys are in this series.

We have the character Eriko Oniyama, an extra with no real stake in the story who suddenly gets promoted to the role of leader of Invisible Storm after the the "mysterious" deaths of the last two.






While Oniyama would love to believe that she was chosen for her smarts to the role of leader, the real reason for her promotion is much more insidious...


Oniyama is nothing more than a pawn for a bear hidden within their ranks. She is just as much of a nobody as the rest of the ranks of Invisible Storm girls. Too seduced to think clearly, she makes the perfect puppet.


After Oniyama has outlived her usefulness (AKA that very night she was promoted and made her edict to unwillingly help the bears) she is lead out to the garden with two of the bear protagonists.




...and is shown the burial site of her friend and fellow Invisible Storm member, Katyusha Akae.



Akae now realizes who the bears are, but tries to deny this fact. She doesn't want to admit to herself that she has been duped into becoming a meal for these monsters. She's the Invisible Storm leader now! The pride and joy of her schoool and family, she can't be killed now!



Of course, the sad truth for her is that all she was good for was helping advance the "heroes" plan to get to their main target, and now that she has fulfilled her role, it was time to get rid of her...



Poor Oniyama thought she'd someday become something great. But in the end, her grand destiny was to become nothing more than a midnight snack for some bears.

Her young life is casually snuffed out by our lovely "heroines", and her body is savagely devoured with what's left of her buried along with her friend Akae. She like the other Invisible Storm girls are quickly forgotten by everyone.
I watched some of it...

So the message is that LGBT should be accepted, but it equates it to murder? So... murder is good? What?

Is the message that LGBT shouldn't be accepted, but people accept it anyway, and equates it to people being perfectly fine with their friends being murdered and eaten by psychopaths and them just accepting them as friends afterwards? That can't be it though since it seems very pro-LGBT.

So it's saying murder is okay? This message makes no sense at all.

And I mean the school is just sacrificing people as bait for the bears, which is messed up, but the bears are pretty much completely evil serial killers, so how are they supposed to be who we root for? I mean their entire homosexuality analogy falls completely flat. Maybe I am just looking way too deeply into a silly anime with a ridiculous premise, but I mean it seems like it portrays the bears as pretty sinister evil forces sometimes while actually making the human girls just the poor victims of our crazed main characters.

Or maybe because of how much I am think about this and how many interpretations there can be here just means this is a true piece of art.

...But was this supposed to just be a thought piece or was it actually supposed to be straightforward? Because it's certainly not. Ah, whatever.


Club Regular
Sep 22, 2013
Back with another zako find, this time from the anime Highschool D x D (Season 3, Episode 8)

The episode begins with the heroes raiding a castle in another dimension to save their friend who had been kidnapped. Upon entering, they are suddenly attacked the castle's guards.

Robed women, mostly "pawns" backed up by a "queen" and her four "bishops". They are what stand between the heroes and the castle's inner sanctum, and with no choice, attack.


Our hero though, having faced plenty of female opponents, uses a move called "dress break" which shreds the pawn's clothes to ribbons. The hero is certain that this will humiliate his foes into submission.


The plan however fails, as our hero ends up taking a kick to the face. While painful, he does relish the "glorious sight" from the pawn.




His joy though doesn't last long, as the nude beauties pummel him mercilessly, attacking one after another.



Suddenly, the girl's master announces that he had already planned for the hero's lewd tactic, and cast a spell on his minions to suppress any and all feelings of shame or embarrassment.



Meanwhile, the rest of the party deals with the more dangerous queen, and her bishop underlings. Befitting of her rank, the queen is proving to be more than a challenge.


The pawns continue their assault on the protagonist, attacking him with both magic and martial arts.


The hero and his friends attempt to blast the nude pawns with their magic, but their speed is too much to match, and they seem to act with complete synergy of one another. The situation looks hopeless for our heroes until...




Our hero manages to tap into the pawns boobs, and hero manages to listen in on their thoughts, and figure out where and who they are attacking next.





With the pawn's plans now open for the hero to see, he is able to coordinate his companions to counter their attacks. In a sudden turn of events, the heroes get a leg up on their attackers, and effortlessly take down six of them.




The last pawns realize that their attacks are being read, and our hero explains to them shortly before they are dispatched of his new power gained by tapping into his lust.



With the pawns defeated, the other heroes dealing with the queen and her bishops can now charge up a more powerful attack. One of the heroines, sends forth a blinding, searing light straight at two of the now defenseless bishops. They scream in horror and agony as their bodies are completely annihilated, these poor young women reduced to dust in a mere moment.


All that stands is the queen, and her two remaining bishops. The two heroines currently dealing with them, get into a discussion involving a date with out hero from before. Frustrated, the queen demands that quit squabbling and face her in battle.


The queen's demand is quickly met, as the two heroines put aside their complaints and deal a powerful magical attack at their foe. The blast sends them flying, tearing off their clothes and leaving them sprawled out in a crater, whimpering pathetically before their bodies dissipate into magical essence, signaling their demise. With all of the women either dead or otherwise, our heroes enter further into the castle walls...

We actually do get a little backstory about them later on in the episode from one of the "master's" bodyguards. He tells the heroes that those women they had fought and slain were actually at one point holy women.
He explains that his master's favorite hobby is to find proud young nuns and priestesses, and manipulate them into becoming vulnerable. At which point, he would "ravish their heart and body", turning them into his obedient minions and "drag them to the depth of hell with him" (And given the show revolves around angels and demons, that can be seen as quite literal)
While we can safely assume the queen and her bishops are dead, given the complete annihilation of their bodies, the fate of the nude pawns is left in the open. Given that the heroes leave them behind as they leave the dimension the villains castle is in, and how beaten and battered they were (not to mention now completely exposed and powerless) it can be assumed that all of the pawns perished, suffering a tragic end.
What's worse, is that these once noble had no chance of redeeming themselves, and would therefore be doomed to hell, despite their once pious lives.

I think it's interesting though, that these once highly respected women had became zakos. It's a neat little inverse on the zakos generally being nameless nobodies, with these girls actually at one point being well loved and revered figures, whose names had now been excommunicated for the shame they brought their churches with their betrayal.
Apologies too for how long this post was, there was just a lot I wanted to share of this battle.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention too was when the hero group enters the castle, and fight the first boss inside (A demon/human abomination) they discover that two of the bishop girls had been ordered to be support for the demon hybrid. However, the hybrid decides that these two women would be much more of use to him if he "absorbed" their power, via messily eating them. This further shows how expendable these women are to their beloved lord, when he allows them to be killed so horribly. We never see the hybrid kill the bishops, but we are treated to a very lovely shot of the "leftovers".
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Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
hey does anyone have a link to One of one's website, I would like to check out his Runark comic, and if anyone is interested, I rp fighting zako on DC Universe Online, my characters are Vibe Girl, and Kendall Shafer, and my email, is I am also a long time user of this site, though I only just created an account.

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