Zako (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Just realised.. Fighting Force..

Hot stuff - I based a fan fiction I'm still working on off it ;3 not quite like Dynamite Deka but still good.

Will make videos soon. :]


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Just realised.. Fighting Force..

Hot stuff - I based a fan fiction I'm still working on off it ;3 not quite like Dynamite Deka but still good.

Will make videos soon. :]
Now there's a game I'd forgotten about. I just about remember it had some acrobatic female enemies in in black rubber swimsuits IIRC - wasnt there one with pink hair and one with red hair in a reference to another infamous bad girl duo? Sadly for me, the main thing I remember was that after a lot of good previews in magazines, it was pretty disappointing as a game, so the zako were the only redeeming feature!

I look forward to seeing the video, and your fanfic.

In the meantime, NNin's got me hooked on playing Watchmen Pt 2 ... blonde dominatrix... yum!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I always quite liked Mona and Lisa (Called Onihime and Yasha in the Japanese version) from the Streets of Rage series. They were in the first game as simple Blaze reskins, but damn they were hard!...
Right, walk too close and they will throw you for a good amount of damage.
I think Electra in SoR2 is the best zako of the series. She has good looks and many attacks more than most female zako from other SoR.

Since playing Tenchu 2 a decade ago I've had a strong thing for nameless female mooks/cannon fodder/goons/enemies and their nefarious escapades!
You know, Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven and Fatal Shadows have a really hot zako in the games.

Now there's a game I'd forgotten about. I just about remember it had some acrobatic female enemies in in black rubber swimsuits IIRC - wasnt there one with pink hair and one with red hair in a reference to another infamous bad girl duo? Sadly for me, the main thing I remember was that after a lot of good previews in magazines, it was pretty disappointing as a game, so the zako were the only redeeming feature!

I look forward to seeing the video, and your fanfic.

In the meantime, NNin's got me hooked on playing Watchmen Pt 2 ... blonde dominatrix... yum!
Yum! X3

Fighting Force's zako may look hot in that rubber leotards but all they can do is barely harm you with punch or kick attacks. The zako in later levels, though have more attacks and flip throw, are less attractive with less revealing outfits.
However, the game gives you a good belly punishment ryona. One of your male character (forgot his name) can grab and heavily punch or knee his victim in the belly. And you can use combination of those two attacks to repeatly bashing any bad girls' midsection until they die. And that can go against player's two female characters too because many of male zako after level 2 can use the moves in grapple, though their number of punchs/knees are random.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Now there's a game I'd forgotten about. I just about remember it had some acrobatic female enemies in in black rubber swimsuits IIRC - wasnt there one with pink hair and one with red hair in a reference to another infamous bad girl duo? Sadly for me, the main thing I remember was that after a lot of good previews in magazines, it was pretty disappointing as a game, so the zako were the only redeeming feature!

I look forward to seeing the video, and your fanfic.

In the meantime, NNin's got me hooked on playing Watchmen Pt 2 ... blonde dominatrix... yum!

I'll definitely get the videos rolling soon! Personally I love the game - I can see at the time why it was a disappointment (it was incredibly hyped for some reason) but the zako are hot as hell, imho of course. The PS1 version is way, way superior to the N64 version... Which is censored by comparision and the soundtracks sub-par. No blood, no gasps and sighs from the ladies as you beat the f**k out of them etc.. worse names.. need I go on...

NNin;24809Fighting Force's zako may look hot in that rubber leotards but all they can do is barely harm you with punch or kick attacks. The zako in later levels said:
Well on the harder settings those clawed 'secretary' zako are lethal for an average player.. they also have this quick move that will knock any character to the floor on the harder settings and deal a lot of damage.. With a character like Alana on hardest they could cause a lot of problems as her grabs aren't infinite like Mace or Hawks.

I disagree about the zako being less attractive as the game progresses - the pink haired punk babes (I guess you could call it a nod to Poison from FF at a push, just) are hot but arguably weaker than their secretary counterparts - probably also due to less of them at once and the weapons/room you get to work around them. It's a nice touch the first set of them appearing slowly from behind the barrels in the middle of the road on the Bronx level then running towards you. Their movesets are more interesting and I think they are generally sexier because of this. It's also nice to have them working around their male counterparts. Nice bit of dirty fighting on the train especially.Their throws are nice and they do that sexy feminine heeled double-kick more often. Also as a trivia... on the Playstation version at least - female enemies equipped with knives will NOT attack you at all, and only like a slapback if you hit them whilst they are wielding it. I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but it's a nice touch... The 'army' (have they been paid off or what?) chicks with the tight corsets on the otherhand will batter you with the baseball bats lots. I think I prefer the blue uniformed ones to the green because of this especially. Plus the air level has a nice atmosphere for them. :3 Oh and there is the 'jet' boss who is attractive for a boss (this is a zako thread...)

So that covers them. I'm really writing a short essay now but the only redeeming feature of the Navy route (from the train..) as opposed to the Air base route is the 4 sexy bear-foot scuba babes that greet you at the start of the hovercraft mission. They are very likeable, as well. :jk:

Not that I'm like, obsessed or anything... ;3

Ah! Also! zako picking up weapons in this game.. is.. interesting. Also rare, if actually possible at all usually? I have seen them picking up knives before (which is ironic seeing as they then don't attack and back off as you approach them usually) but not other weapons. The exception to this rule is when I died on the bronx level and one of the pink haired zako picked up a rocket launcher. This is unfortunately the only time I've seen this and as the screen faded out I was left disappointed I didn't get to see her use it!!

Also also.. here is a (free) piece someone I was friendly with on DeviantART for a bit did for me of one of the ladies in question. He offered to draw me something, and my first idea was her. So enjoy! It's pretty accurate, as the references found online weren't the best. He coloured her hot-pants in black leather as well so I had to fix that myself. :3

TLDR; the zako in this game are hot, and here is an exclusive drawing of one of them you will not find anywhere apart from my hard-drive! and now here, obviously.

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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I disagree about the zako being less attractive as the game progresses - the pink haired punk babes (I guess you could call it a nod to Poison from FF at a push, just) are hot...
Think again, I agreed that those girls are hot. But soldiers and scubas didn't attracted me that much, maybe those outfits aren't my things.

ฺัBy the way, that pic is great! Maybe I should ask my artist friend to draw a zako for me too. :meaw:

And it also reminds me that I once drew this jokunoichi from Tenchu: Fatal Shadows many years ago!



Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Think again, I agreed that those girls are hot. But soldiers and scubas didn't attracted me that much, maybe those outfits aren't my things.

ฺัBy the way, that pic is great! Maybe I should ask my artist friend to draw a zako for me too. :meaw:

And it also reminds me that I once drew this jokunoichi from Tenchu: Fatal Shadows many years ago!

View attachment 1801

That's cool - I understand! They definitely appeal to me in the game - the four bare foot scuba-esque girls are lovely.. and a great start to otherwise the weakest level of the game.

That is pretty good! I like it - very clean, would look good with shading and some colour! Do you still draw? I certainly remember Tenchu well :D Drawing your favourite zakos is one of life pleasures. :D Also requesting them off other artistic friends is pretty good too! :)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I stopped drawing for many years. So my skill is quite worse now.....

By the way, my friend accepted my request to draw zako for me (for a meal). I chose blonde dominatrix from Watchmen as the model.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
I stopped drawing for many years. So my skill is quite worse now.....

By the way, my friend accepted my request to draw zako for me (for a meal). I chose blonde dominatrix from Watchmen as the model.

Nice! Very fair! :D Look forward to seeing it! :]


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Zako appreciation - Strobaya

Taking a look at that zuburoka blogspot site got me thinking about Golden Axe, I thought I'd share this picture of Strobaya I commissioned a couple of years back. At the time, I thought it was a shame that the zako from this game never got any attention, but maybe I just hadn't been looking in the right places.


I have to say, I was quite into the zuburokas when I was younger. I think that the fascination for me was their powerful legs, and that tight corset, and what she might or might not be wearing underneath. In particular I liked the idea of getting straddled by her and crushed between her thighs. Kind of like Onatopp, although this was long before goldeneye. I also really like the way they seem so evil, standing around laughing as they burn a village.

TBH I don't really find their fighting style all that interesting, I suppose I'm not so attracted to zako with blade weapons - i like it better when theyre armed I prefer blunt weapons or whips. And even then I still prefer the ones who fight up close just using their bare hands, spiky high heels, or best of all, have a grab and knee attack. I think that last one may be a fetish in itself, but i'm pretty sure it started with zako.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Edit - post removed to update with newer images :)


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Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
Preview of a new Poison artwork

I thought you guys might enjoy a little preview of my latest Poison artwork commission. It's kind of hot off the press, so expect a better quality image to show up on deviantart in a couple of days (I just updated it here, and I'll see what I can do about getting it on DA too)


I might be biased but I think its one of the sexiest Poison fanarts to date - she just looks like such a hot bitch. I've tried to introduce some subtle differences to Roxy, which I'm really pleased with, but my favourite thing is the muscle toning, which is just perfect for these gymnastic bad girls.

The picture sort of fits in with the Final Fight storyline and lore - the Mad Gear Gang kidnap Cody's girlfriend (and mayor's daughter), Jessica, and as they are stealing her across the city, Poison and Roxy become her captors. Poison is infatuated with Cody, and therefore despises Jessica. So our villainesses decide to humiliate the precious society girl by giving her a slut makeover. I've had the idea for a scene like this for a while, actually I had a few naughtier ideas too but I wanted to keep it fairly PG rated. What do you think?


  • poisonjessroxy.jpg
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
That pic is VERY sexy. I love it. Awesome work. I especially love Jessica's helplessness. She looks so hot like that. I can imagine Roxy and Poison rubbing her body up and down and fondling her breasts. Thank you for sharing that.

As for zako, that zuburoka blog is amazing. I've always loved the amazon women in Golden Axe. Considering that game includes one of my first and favorite babes of ryona, Tyris Flare, I always used to get to the boss of the second stage, take out the one grunt, and just let the two women have their way with Tyris. One interesting bug I came across while doing that is that if you attack one while she is standing still with one single slash, she can actually lock you into an infinite combo you can't get out of. Seeing the amazon women take on Tyris was always enjoyable.

The whip women from Streets of Rage were also hot when they whipped Blaze, as well as seeing them get tossed around by her.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I might be biased but I think its one of the sexiest Poison fanarts to date - she just looks like such a hot bitch. I've tried to introduce some subtle differences to Roxy, which I'm really pleased with, but my favourite thing is the muscle toning, which is just perfect for these gymnastic bad girls.

The picture sort of fits in with the Final Fight storyline and lore - the Mad Gear Gang kidnap Cody's girlfriend (and mayor's daughter), Jessica, and as they are stealing her across the city, Poison and Roxy become her captors. Poison is infatuated with Cody, and therefore despises Jessica. So our villainesses decide to humiliate the precious society girl by giving her a slut makeover. I've had the idea for a scene like this for a while, actually I had a few naughtier ideas too but I wanted to keep it fairly PG rated. What do you think?
Looks like Poison and Roxy group is getting bigger :meaw:
The art is impressive, really. I like their face expressions and, like you, the muscle toning. Keep up the good work, ZakoMe!

And my laptop was recovered from main board problem. Now I'm back to make Zako clip again.
Yesterday, when I wanted to test if the laptop was fully fixed or not, I found my PS2 games in an old box so I decided to start with PS2 emulator programe.
The chosen game is "Shadow of Rome". The main character Agrippa must fight in Roman Arena as a gladiator. And face with many enemy gladiators, including female gladiators too.
Normally, the female gladiators aren't a big threat. Though fast, they can use only light weapons. However, they can be dangerous while wielding Roma Sai, but the weapon is rare in the game.
In the city arena though, there is a fight made for them. The stage has many Roma Sais in it and the boss is a female gladiator who can do kick combo that no other female gladiators can do in the game.
There are 2 salvo in the game, Women's Lib and Utimate Women's Lib, that you must let them do the salvo to you to unlock.

Shadow of Rome (1).jpg Shadow of Rome (2).jpg Shadow of Rome (3).jpg
Clip: Shadow of Rome - Female Gladiator.wmv


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
This thread just gets better. ZakoMe, that comission is amazing! Not much else to say, but it's near perfect. Also entirely plausable and easy to imagine within the Final Fight storyline. Hey, it probably happened! :D

The whip women from Streets of Rage were also hot when they whipped Blaze, as well as seeing them get tossed around by her.

I'm not sure if I've already said in the thread, but the whip women are what started the whole zako thing for me, at a very young age... I adore them. The originals specifically. I have some more 'exclusive' artwork of a high quality which I'll upload later too. :)
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I made True Crime: Streets Of L.A. clip with stripper zako in it. But it is too short so I want to add a part when I using female character so I won't post it now.
The problem is, in PC version, player needs to start over the game if he wants to use a new character :jk:

Still able to made a clip of PS2 game "God Hand". The game has many female zako in various costumes. But I decided to did one with my most favorite girl in red first.

God Hand Preview (1).jpg God Hand Preview (2).jpg God Hand Preview (3).jpg God Hand Preview (4).jpg
Clip: God Hand - Red Zako.wmv

Zako in this game are good at acrobatic skills. Each types of them have minor differences in attack moves but all share the same grapple attacks. They also got good details like face expressions and jiggle boobs :ORLY:


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
I'm glad you like the picture, I've got a mail with the hq version now, but I'm on such a crappy internet connection at the moment I can't open it :(

I've always loved the amazon women in Golden Axe. Considering that game includes one of my first and favorite babes of ryona, Tyris Flare, I always used to get to the boss of the second stage, take out the one grunt, and just let the two women have their way with Tyris. One interesting bug I came across while doing that is that if you attack one while she is standing still with one single slash, she can actually lock you into an infinite combo you can't get out of. Seeing the amazon women take on Tyris was always enjoyable.

You know, I can absolutely see the attraction with Tyris as well, but for some reason the good girl heroine type, no matter how sexy just doesn't do it for me in the same way as the bad girl zako. I guess it's a very particular kind of fetish for me :S Having said that, some zuburoka on Tyris action is pretty much the ideal!

The whip women from Streets of Rage were also hot when they whipped Blaze, as well as seeing them get tossed around by her.
I'm not sure if I've already said in the thread, but the whip women are what started the whole zako thing for me, at a very young age... I adore them. The originals specifically. I have some more 'exclusive' artwork of a high quality which I'll upload later too. :)
I never got to play Streets of Rage in the 90s, so Electra and her clones sort of passed me by at the time, but they're just the kind of zako that I like, and while I prefer my zako unarmed, if they should have a weapon, then you couldn't ask for much better than an electro whip :) I've hardly seen any artwork of them, so I'd love to see what you have.

Good to hear you got your laptop working again NNin, Shadow of Rome had some good moments for fans of zako and ryona, although I dont think I ever made it as far as that female gladiator. It's been a while since I had a PS2 so I'm not sure I remember that particular God Hand zako, either but she looks sweet, kind of like a nasty Chun Li - what is she doing in that last screenshot? I guess I'll have to wait til I get home to check out the video.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Here's an interesting one, had any 'surprise' Zako encounters since discovering your admiration for Zako? Where you weren't playing games hoping or expecting to find them.

I got Mame working for my Android phone (finally, took lots of tinkering with a program that didn't work - then I remembered I used Rom Center in the past, has fixed a lot of roms)

Sunset Riders arcade has some really cute 'dynamite' throwing girls - blonde and dressed in blue with pink mini-skirts. Probably as cute as you can get in the cartoon wild-west setting. They kneel then throw dynamite at you, pose and usher you on and blow you a kiss with a little heart whilst pulling a show-girl pose. I found it a nice surprise and quite provocative! If you don't manage to shoot or throw it back they run across the screen and get away.

I was also quite surprised you can kill them in cold blood (before and after) as the game has that "thank you, we'll save you mayam" cheese going on, especially in the console versions I played before. They might not blow you away (pun not intended) but they are definitely worth a mention. :)


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I've tried and tried to get Sunset Riders working on my computer, but it keeps saying it's missing a ROM or CHD. I wound up just giving up. The cowgirls are cute, but the ryona isn't too great, IMO. I saw them in a vid on YouTube and that was enough.

A time I was surprised by a zako? I can't say I've really had any.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
I've tried and tried to get Sunset Riders working on my computer, but it keeps saying it's missing a ROM or CHD. I wound up just giving up. The cowgirls are cute, but the ryona isn't too great, IMO. I saw them in a vid on YouTube and that was enough.

A time I was surprised by a zako? I can't say I've really had any.

What emulator are you using? I might be able to help!

Wow just found out about this game, its still in development apparently but it has a lot of potential.

FatalFight - YouTube

Nice. *faves* reminds me of that Beats Of Rage game with the being greeted by a load of female enemies right at the start.

Fantastic Godhand video! I've wanted to see more from that game since seeing some youtube videos a while ago. Looks like my kind of game...

The video ticked my boxes too.. ;3 if you want help setting up the game to work on your computer for free I'm happy to help! :D x

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