Zako (3 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
Oct 1, 2017
Tsukachan Tsukachan Since you wanted to see some of BNS's female bosses here are some vids. Summonmint did a post and vid about the other two female bosses in BNS. (The seductress twins have the same moveset as the ones in his vid ) Also tagging @NNin since my video uploads are unlisted. Unfortunately some of my recordings have sound sync issues.

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The Searstrike Sisters is a tag team boss. They are very coordinated at setting up combos against you; if you don't have an escape move ready it results in heavy damage or death. You fight them in an endgame content called Mushin's Tower where you climb up 20 floors fighting different bosses (you encounter them on 16 and thankfully you can start there)

There are three sisters Yungha, Minah, and Suma the combinations are different every time you enter the floor. Also during the fight they temporarily receive a detect stealth buff so Assassin players cannot cheese them using stealth.

Yungha uses melee, and if you try to isolate her sister from her she will rush back in with a long range kick and prevent you from doing so. She has the most HP out of the sisters and has several moves such as a counter or crumple that opens you up for a combo.

Minah (my favorite one especially with her outfit and fighting style) prefers to stay at range harassing the player with shirukens or poison gas bombs. If she is with Yungha she is the initiator of their combo by stunning the player with an electric wire attack, in melee she has a sexy kick that disrupts channeling and breaks guards, a knock down slash where she stomps you after, and a somersault kick that she uses as a reversal if getting pressured a lot. If she is with Suma she'll stay in melee range of the player while Suma handles range.

Suma the one with the least HP and the most damaging sister. Harasses you from range with her spells and sometimes she uses her grapple move that leaves you helpless (unless you escape it) and allows the other sister to pummel you.

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Poharan is the end boss of Bloodshade Harbor which is a 6man lvl 45 dungeon. Mostly a range specialist, her attack patterns are pretty easy to learn but can be annoying if you get hit since the majority of them will stun you for a long time. She also has voiced lines, and is pretty cool and cute as well. In the beginning of the video I used the training room just for ease of recording (though in the real fight she has two moves that's missing in training) which is calling out her tigers to help her out at low HP and using a freeze bomb that leads to her combo.

She also has a sister that you can fight but I didn't haven't done the prerequisite so I can't access her.
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Wow, they look pretty well-designed!! Poharan's gun kinda reminds me of Heavy from TF2 (yatatatata). Hehehe...


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Apparently Darkstorm is an equal opportunity evil overlord, as he employs female guards too! (from the Visionaries cartoon). We only see this guard gal tied up, and she and her friends threaten the heroes that Darkstorm will punish them for escaping, to which they remind the guard how their boss might punish THEM for letting the heroes escape, which makes them go quiet.
Visionaries Zako01.png Visionaries Zako02.png Visionaries Zako03.png


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Dunno if I anyone posted these (or has fanart of them) ... from Dragon Pink, I think episode 1? The water demon boss gal awakens these two sexy red gargoyles. They are pretty large too, bigger than humans, and nicely muscled - with rather revealing bikini armor. :) One gets grabbed and head-first-slammed to the ground, ending up in an embarassing Aika-like pose, the other gets her arm cut off - and then the mage elf girl uses a spell to shatter them to stone pieces, sadly.
(HH)-Dragon_Pink_2.avi_snapshot_18.47_[2010.10.08_01.07.22].jpg (HH)-Dragon_Pink_2.avi_snapshot_18.50_[2010.10.08_01.07.27].jpg (HH)-Dragon_Pink_2.avi_snapshot_18.54_[2010.10.08_01.07.38].jpg (HH)-Dragon_Pink_2.avi_snapshot_18.57_[2010.10.08_01.07.49].jpg Gargoyles from Dragon Pink.jpg gg_08_004347_a09.jpg gg_08_a_b04_000.jpg gg_08_a_b07_000.jpg gg_08_b_a07_000.jpg


Master of this Domain
Feb 7, 2017
Are there fights heroine vs zako in it hentai, what episodes please.
Dunno if I anyone posted these (or has fanart of them) ... from Dragon Pink, I think episode 1? The water demon boss gal awakens these two sexy red gargoyles. They are pretty large too, bigger than humans, and nicely muscled - with rather revealing bikini armor. :) One gets grabbed and head-first-slammed to the ground, ending up in an embarassing Aika-like pose, the other gets her arm cut off - and then the mage elf girl uses a spell to shatter them to stone pieces, sadly.
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Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Hey Servi I have both the Freezing animes and mangas and I like them both, the fan service is ok but I like the fact that there are deaths in the manga, more so in the mangas then the animes I get what you are saying about the female red shirts(or is that skirts) sadly there is very little if any male on female fighting but there is female on male violence in some of the animes and mangas which bothers men, male and female violence/fighting and female on male violence/fighting should both be equal to one another.

All in all I'd like to see a gender flip of Freezing where it's the guys fighting and dying and the gals are in the support roles as well as getting their asses handed to them by the guys for getting out of line.

All in all the Freezing manga is far, far better then the anime which is usualy the case when it comes to manga VS anime(at lest that's how it seems to me)


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
The main character, Ichirou, is level 310 and has to be very careful to only use a fraction of his strength less crazy things happen. The homunculus girls are only level 7, but give it their all!
So they're massively outclassed but they still try really hard. Then when the fight start's the guy is really gentle with the one girl so he doesn't totally obliterate her, and then lays her out all cozy and stuff? That. Is. Adorable! :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Master of this Domain
Dec 3, 2010
Hmm, I know there's the pretty famous evil angel Raynare, but the dude fights her, right? I never got into it.


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Hmm, I know there's the pretty famous evil angel Raynare, but the dude fights her, right? I never got into it.
Raynare was the first antagonist, and the beginning's plot was about her manipulating and screwing over the protagonist before being defeated by both him and some help, so she's by no means someone I'd call a zako.

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