Zako (5 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Adventure game for the PC98 involving a detective named Wasiba Shou and his female partners Billy and Milia investigating a massacre in a laboratory building that produces animal-themed monster girls called "deminoids".
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Progress is made by exhausting all dialogue choices in each area and the RPG combat scenes seem like window dressing, as there's no way to lose. You're given multiple attack options and they might miss, but the protagonists don't even have visible stats. Apparently it was supposed to be a hentai game, but all the sexual content aside from some nudity got removed for some reason.
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Throughout the story they meet an evil deminoid named Marie who is responsible for the murders. A blond leopard-girl in a slingshot bikini who the protagonist thinks is sexier than his own catgirl companion. They face her in combat three times, with her escaping the first time and injuring the protagonist in the second fight.
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On the third time, after it's found that Marie is just a henchwoman for a female researcher named Kawai who's creating deminoids as human weapons, the leopard-girl is finally killed and is left lying on her side with a gentle death stare on her face. The protagonist repeatedly monologues about how Marie's corpse still looks so beautiful and serene it's like she could wake up at any moment, even though she truly is broken and cold to the touch.
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After mulling over whether or not it was right to kill Marie if she was brainwashed to serve Kawai, the protagonists find one of the female survivors in the building, a pink-haired lady named Finn, is actually a bird-girl henchwoman and are attacked by her on the rooftop.
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A busty and topless harpy flying around and attempting divekicks must be quite the sight, but it doesn't take long until her lively tits are put to rest. Finn is described as being violently blown out of the sky by bunny-girl sharpshooter Milia, only to fall gracefully like a leaf and lie dead on the floor with a peaceful look on her face.
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Having now killed two minions who were victims of mind control, the trio of protagonists go face Kawai, the woman responsible for the experiments, and find her also baring her pretty breasts, dressed in a topless dominatrix corset and cracking a whip for some reason. We can only lament all the planned proper eroge content got cut from the project...
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And so the protagonists gang up three-on-one with guns on a half-naked woman with a whip, but shortly into the battle Kawai is knocked out by her own companion who has also set fire to the entire room intending to take everyone out with him. The haughty villainless is not even dead yet and the protagonist also lovingly describes how nice her defenseless sleeping body looks like.
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The final deminoid minion, a dog-girl named Lee, is forced to fight the protagonists as the "final boss". They bother to stop attacking her once she is too injured, and yet do nothing to keep her from being consumed by the flames. Isn't that even more cruel than just beating her to death like they did to Marie and Finn? The detective just stands there describing how miserable Lee looks in her undeserved death throes... Then the building explodes and the protagonists barely escape with their lives. The end.

Too bad those things never get translated, but at least there's an archive of screenshots at e-hentai to input at Google Lens and get the gist of the story. The .FDD game files can be easily found, but they need an app to be converted to ones that emulators can load. Oddly enough, the default save files when I ran the game were conveniently set right before Marie's and Finn's deaths. Also found a single piece of Marie fanart dating to 2016. Always loved bad catgirls like her since I read Wonder Woman comics as kid. And Finn was a gorgeous monster girl too.
Nice for you to describe the game, and thanks for the screenshots! Yeah, one thing I hate about japanese shows/games is how supposed heroes just kill or let enemies die even when there was an easy way to non-lethally apprehend them, especially since these same heroes tend to be ridiculously overpowered. It'd be like if Superman just murdered every criminal he comes across.
The cat-girls are pretty cute, topless harpy lady is super hot!

There is a similar game albeit it is mahjong themed, with sexy female aliens and their monster minions. called Jantei Monogatari 2 (雀偵物語2) I think I have posted pics about it before... not sure. At any rate you can find fanart here:
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Master of this Domain
Feb 25, 2018
Chen Long, an evil female character in Twilight of the Dark Master(支配者の黄昏). There is a demon king with a plan to use the power of the oni to rule the world. Chen Long is his henchwoman. The man next to her is her brother Huang Long. Seeing they lick each other's wounds with their tongues, they seem quite... close relationship.
Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221109_013524.897.jpg

Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_212302.034.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_212328.309.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_212648.961.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_220351.440.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213332.442.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213339.291.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213345.723.jpg

She has a sexy voice and looks that suits a female villain character but does nothing but talk. What a waste of her good looks. Let's just enjoy her scream.
Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_212702.562.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213559.344.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213613.650.jpg Shihaisha no Tasogare [OnDeed] [A6E340EA].mkv_20221110_213615.986.jpg


Swell Supporter
Nov 24, 2021
Anyone wanna see some bunny girls? If so, you're in luck.

You see, there's this fighting game out there called Skullgirls. It's pretty good, but in terms of zako, it never really had a whole lot going for it... until recently, that is. The newest character, Black Dahlia, is the Medici Mafia's top assassin, and seems to lead a whole unit of bunny girls (and maybe a couple guys? I dunno. You'll see.) in skull masks to help her with her dirty work. Before she was playable, they made brief cameos killing Squigly's family and getting arrested by Big Band in story mode flashbacks:


Now that Black Dahlia is (almost) out, her girls have also become increasingly prominent. Dahlia's home stage has plenty of them in the background - easily a dozen, and that's me lowballing it. Most of them are serving drinks or entertaining customers, as you'd expect, but there's lots of little details to appreciate. Towards the right corner, there's the one I mentioned earlier that is most likely a dude. But in the left corner? Oh man. You have a couple watching the fight, one's helping another get dressed, one girl doesn't seem to enjoy having to walk around in heels all the time (although she's mostly obscured in the screenshot sadly), and if you land a particularly heavy hit, a painting will swing open, revealing a backroom interrogation.


And that's not all! You see, there are three girls in particular who seem to act as Dahlia's direct subordinates, following her wherever she goes. They show up in one of her win poses.... and can also be summoned in one of her supers. The one with pink hair wields a knife, the blonde wields a pistol, and the brunette wields a shotgun. Together, they can prove very annoying for your opponent to deal with. This is incredible. Hidden Variable really knocked it out of the park this time around. Might be the closest we'll ever get to having playable zako in a fighting game.


So there you have it. We're bound to see some more of them in Black Dahlia's story route, whenever that's released, and if we're lucky they might even show up in the webtoon eventually.

Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
Anyone wanna see some bunny girls? If so, you're in luck.

You see, there's this fighting game out there called Skullgirls. It's pretty good, but in terms of zako, it never really had a whole lot going for it... until recently, that is. The newest character, Black Dahlia, is the Medici Mafia's top assassin, and seems to lead a whole unit of bunny girls (and maybe a couple guys? I dunno. You'll see.) in skull masks to help her with her dirty work. Before she was playable, they made brief cameos killing Squigly's family and getting arrested by Big Band in story mode flashbacks:

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Now that Black Dahlia is (almost) out, her girls have also become increasingly prominent. Dahlia's home stage has plenty of them in the background - easily a dozen, and that's me lowballing it. Most of them are serving drinks or entertaining customers, as you'd expect, but there's lots of little details to appreciate. Towards the right corner, there's the one I mentioned earlier that is most likely a dude. But in the left corner? Oh man. You have a couple watching the fight, one's helping another get dressed, one girl doesn't seem to enjoy having to walk around in heels all the time (although she's mostly obscured in the screenshot sadly), and if you land a particularly heavy hit, a painting will swing open, revealing a backroom interrogation.

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And that's not all! You see, there are three girls in particular who seem to act as Dahlia's direct subordinates, following her wherever she goes. They show up in one of her win poses.... and can also be summoned in one of her supers. The one with pink hair wields a knife, the blonde wields a pistol, and the brunette wields a shotgun. Together, they can prove very annoying for your opponent to deal with. This is incredible. Hidden Variable really knocked it out of the park this time around. Might be the closest we'll ever get to having playable zako in a fighting game.

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So there you have it. We're bound to see some more of them in Black Dahlia's story route, whenever that's released, and if we're lucky they might even show up in the webtoon eventually.
OH THIS IS SO COOL! Poor things getting arrested! I really love zakos who remain so loyal to their boss, these girls are so cute!


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Super hot villainess from an anime... dies in a really dumb way by the whole building she is in being frozen. Has really epic boobs.

Chen Long, an evil female character in Twilight of the Dark Master(支配者の黄昏). There is a demon king with a plan to use the power of the oni to rule the world. Chen Long is his henchwoman. The man next to her is her brother Huang Long. Seeing they lick each other's wounds with their tongues, they seem quite... close relationship.
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She has a sexy voice and looks that suits a female villain character but does nothing but talk. What a waste of her good looks. Let's just enjoy her scream.
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Wait, so the creepy purple-green armored woman in the featureless death mask was the hero and the red armored one was the villain? WTF anime, you know nothing about how to design villains... :D
Thanks, oh yeah I remember her, Sage reviewed this anime.


Swell Supporter
Nov 24, 2021
Got a small update on the henchbunnies from Skullgirls. First of all, as it turns out, some of them have names! Bonnie, Buttercup, and Killer are the ones Dahlia can summon, while Bookie only shows up if she manages to lose a round once the timer expires.


Second, someone uploaded a video that is far more thorough than my initial post was. Relevant timestamps for us include 3:38, which demonstrates how Girl’s Night, the super with the bunnies, works (and also various ways you can bully the bunnies), 7:34, where Bookie makes an appearance, and 11:48, where we embark on a grand tour of Dahlia’s stage, including some bunnies I missed. Highly recommend giving this a watch, the still images do not do any of it justice.

Like, look at this girl lounging on the stage lights. She’s so good. How did she even get that high up???

Screenshot (429).png

One thing that stands out, after hearing the voicelines, is that Black Dahlia seems to be genuinely fond of her girls. When Girl’s Night ends, she can be heard calling them “my precious bunnies” or praising them for a job well done. And, in return, the bunnies are unflinchingly loyal and eager to please. She’s still an unrepentant murderer (not that we’d have it any other way), but it’s nice to see a villainess who treats her underlings as something other than disposable meatshields.


Master of this Domain
Feb 7, 2017
That one seems to survive but another couple chapters in, another lady gets beheaded! I think the struggle to take her down was nice, really builds anticipation up to when it happens.
Also the end of the last chapter posted there looks like it'll have a small group of zako...
There are more hot zakos, but I dont remember the chapters.


Jan 19, 2023
From Fire Emblem: Axe user bandit and Mitan, a boss based on the design

Fire Emblem Engage has Tons of great enemy ladies. It's also the first to have female bandit enemies to my knowledge, and they seemed to have nailed it out of the park for both the boss and generic.

On that note, if anyone has screenshots of the other female enemies, I'd appreciate it greatly to share. 😁


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2014
Fire Emblem Engage has Tons of great enemy ladies. It's also the first to have female bandit enemies to my knowledge, and they seemed to have nailed it out of the park for both the boss and generic.

On that note, if anyone has screenshots of the other female enemies, I'd appreciate it greatly to share. 😁
Same twitter account has a few others, need some scrolling down in media part. Also, she seems to be a friend of JoanCujoh JoanCujoh ?


Master of this Domain
Dec 9, 2015
Think she’ll fit right in on the zako forum? Now I’ve got plans for two stories about Mitan and her lackey, one where they receives a final loving from a corpse collecting priest, and the other where they survive and makes out.

Her in the forum? hmmm That might be a good idea, I will talk to her about it, I'm sure she will be a huge fan of this place

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