Zako (4 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
I've been following his stuff for awhile. It's pretty spot-on in a lot of ways, my only issue with it has always been the same-ness of each picture. Each one has the same feel, same aesthetic, even largely the same "camera" angle. It's high quality stuff, and he's talented at what he does, but after a few years of it I find myself wishing he'd experiment a little.

Though on that, I enjoy the cartoony stuff hes done lately! Hope to see more of it from him. It's a nice new aesthetic for the leotard-wearing minion massacres that drew me in initially!


Potential Patron
Mar 12, 2015
Condemned 2 bloodshot has a number of zakos

In the museum there are some that shoot flaming spraypaint, I couldn't find that in the playthrough

But the more notable ones are in the magic theatre, some zakos in fish nets, they have a variety of melee attacks including a running jump kick (will use weapons or not), and will also throw weapons. They start off wearing top hats which you can knock off.

(starts at 15:40)

Note there is a 'doll woman' as a boss in a earlier stage (doll factory), which fights exactly the same.

Also I saw Perfect Dark posted earlier, something strange about PD is it actually has extremely varied melee attacks by enemy NPCs. Including 3 different kicks and 3+ punches. Also, intentional or bugged, a small minority of enemies will have different animations, so 2 of those kicks become high kicks (the 3rd is always a high kick). So essentially 5 different kick animations. They are very hard to see clearly unless you use the slo-mo cheat, because the animations are so fast.

I could get some screenshots of this on an n64 emulator, you can also get 3rd person views either by using the spy camera, or you can turn the enemies against each other with psychosis guns, or have a perfect buddy fight against them.


Potential Patron
Mar 12, 2015
Guardians of the Hood, An old arcade game with a good amount of animation and 2 zako types and 2 other unique opponents. I think You can see all the animations in this playthrough

first at 14:35, a mohawk punk type

second at 22:25, a middle-aged looking kung fu asian lady

they both show up again at 32:50 with weapons, and after beating them you fight the dominatrix-like last boss

You can also fight the black female player character, in the gym between stages
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Potential Patron
Mar 12, 2015
Another I haven't seen on this forum, "Metamorphic Force". There's a demon lady you fight in an arena, unlike all the other stages you don't fight peons beforehand.

Starts at 20:00 in this video, the sound is out of sync. She changes her normal strike to a different kick when she is wounded (blinking)

The grab/slam attack doesn't occur in that video, you can see it in this one At 18:55-19:00 (despite the screen being crowded with 4 players), she basically rams the player with her butt then jumps off when the player hits the ground


Potential Patron
Aug 15, 2013
With Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain coming out soon. The Haven Troopers are great! Hopefully, they have some female zakos in the new game, too.

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Jul 14, 2012
With Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain coming out soon. The Haven Troopers are great! Hopefully, they have some female zakos in the new game, too.

Game looks great, but wish the female characters looked "female"! ;) Maybe there will be some mods to swap out the character models or customize them?

- - - Updated - - -

Guardians of the Hood, An old arcade game with a good amount of animation and 2 zako types and 2 other unique opponents. I think You can see all the animations in this playthrough

I remember playing this game in arcades and loved it for the digitized zako! Great find! :)


Potential Patron
Aug 15, 2013
With Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain coming out soon. The Haven Troopers are great! Hopefully, they have some female zakos in the new game, too.

Game looks great, but wish the female characters looked "female"! ;) Maybe there will be some mods to swap out the character models or customize them?

There was actually an artist named pszjpn, who was making a mod. Unfortunately, he has been inactive for quite some time. But here are the renders from his blog here pszjpn: PSZ05 - MGS4 FROG/HAVEN TROOPER

Here are a few samples:

frog_trooper.jpg frog_trooper_crotch_front.jpg frog_trooper_chest.jpg frog_trooper_butt.jpg


Hi all,

been browsing the forums here for some time now. just thought i'd contribute a finding since i didn't see it being posted anywhere.

it's from the cartoon totally spies, and you can view it here on youtube
from 16:50 onwards.

some blue bikini clad zako girls



Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
New discovery (for me)

Borderlands 1 DLC - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Crimson Lance assassins. Double sworded elite zako who appear in special groups, also group-boss variations.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
Fairly certain the upcoming Black Ops 3 has nameless female enemies you can obliterate.

1:40 and 1:46 of this hectic video have smaller framed enemies with higher pitched voices. Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they are women.

Huh i noticed it too, but i thought its probably the 3rd player being a female, who knows though.

On another note, MGS TPP will have female skull units, or parasite unit or whatever they're called, apparently they can stealth.

Deleted member 687

Huh i noticed it too, but i thought its probably the 3rd player being a female, who knows though.

On another note, MGS TPP will have female skull units, or parasite unit or whatever they're called, apparently they can stealth.

This whole E3 was like the year of the Zako. MGS, Black Ops 3, For Honor, and I think a couple of others. For Honor looks so good for zako enemies


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
Nice, is the english client or beta out yet? i want to try the game, but i don't want to go through a zillion hoops to access servers that block ips or whatnot.

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