Name: Cynthia Connor
Callsign: Beta
Description: Cynthia is average in every sense of the word. She is 20 years old, at 5'6 with curly blonde hair, an average face and a skinny, flat chested physique. During her adolescent years, Cynthia excelled at nothing. She was never talented, or an athlete or an intelligent. She barely scraped by her school years doing the bare minimum, being overshadowed by her betters, and had no future ahead of her other than serving as front-line infantry in one of the Empire's endless wars. As such, she was conscripted, and her DNA was taken for cloning for further usage once she inevitably met a horrible and painful fate.
Cynthia is cowardly, weak and lacks any noteworthy traits, however she is determined to survive and avoid being cloned above all else. It's for this reason that she was given Medic training, as her sheer will to live will make it so that she'll try her hardest to ensure her comrades heal from their wounds. Otherwise, who else wound stand in front of enemy fire for her?
HP: 2
PP: 0
Armor: 2
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
- Standard-issue carbine: 1d6 damage, range 8
- Standard-issue pistol: 1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed
- (120 credits) Medgun: dart-launching gun, heal 1d6, must still roll successfully to hit, requires medic training
Stealth suit: Can't be targeted past 5 spaces
Inventory (2): Medkit, Medkit
(1 pt ) Survivor: +2 critical save**
(1 pt ) Determined: +2 critical save**
(1 pts) Medic training: allows use of certain advanced medical gear, +1 HP regained with medkits
(120 credits) Medgun
(80 credits) Stealth suit
(20 credits) Medkit
(20 credits) Medkit
=240 credits
Name: Ava
Callsign: Jaguar
Description: Ava is 24 years old at 5'8. She has very short, cropped dark blue hair, with a tight, lithe body and a permanent scowl on her face. Ava spent most of her life living in the slums of one of the Empire's impoverished subjugated colonies. With little opportunity for getting ahead in life, she served as hired muscle for a local drug gang, all the while fostering a deep hatred of her occupiers. One day, Ava's gang was raided by the local Imperial forces, resulting in the death of most of her gang. Wounded, she was given a choice: A quick death, followed by a toss in the local mass grave, or conscription.
Ava hates her new life serving in the bottom rung of the Empire's forces, but she tries to make the best of it. She does this by taking out all of her fury and frustration on anything weaker than her. This includes enemy combatants, occupied citizens, prisoners of war and even her fellow conscripts who happen to be weaker than her.
HP: 4
PP: 0
Armor: 0
Evade bonuses: none
Movement: 6
- Standard-issue carbine: 1d6 damage, range 8
- Standard-issue pistol: 1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed
- (25 credits) Shotgun: 1d10 damage, 6 range
Assault armor: 2 armor
Inventory (2): none
(1 pt ) Headstrong: +1 HP
(1 pt ) Tough: +1 HP
(1 pt) Fast: +1 movement
(25 credits) Shotgun: 1d10 damage, 6 range
(80 credits) Assault armor: 2 armor
=125 Credits