Zakolite Imperial Expeditionary Force (Discussion Thread) (3 Viewers)


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
So, some of you may choose to start chucking grenades! I don't think I ever explained how deviation works, so it goes like this:
1) Roll normally to hit, if it hits, the grenade goes where you want to.
2) If you miss, roll a d8 - that's your direction, with 1 being at the top, and the numbers going clockwise (so rolling a 3 would mean the grenade would deviate directly to the right).
3) Then roll the weapon's deviation (pretty sure it's d4). That's how far the grenade goes in that direction. Count that many spaces in the direction you got from the direction die, and that's where your grenade lands and explodes!


Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
Yes, I want the grenade to use it with a panther having two of those monsters near, I do not kill them, but I hope to kill 3 ammazoni and hurt raptors well.

Anyway, can I target an empty box with a grenade? If the shot is to strike and always 10?
For wounds I shoot dice once for all or just once?


Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
Made my turn. Will make the appropriate RP to go with it when the post is ready. I'm really enjoying this so far. I have a feeling we're gonna get overwhelmed but I'm hoping XIII gets one or two more before it all goes on top :P She had a grenade to use but I didn't think it made sense in character for her to use it when a Beserker is on her arse trying to slice her up.

Raven is also looking to avenge their fallen comrade. Do the Raiders have to be killed twice in a sense? Like you take out their raptor first leaving the rider active still or is it a case of when you hit and wound the target enough both rider and beast are dead? I wasn't sure so I targeted the raptor just incase.


Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
I'm not in the head of the master. But he had said that the raider had 4 HP and the raptor 12HP. So I think that in common they only have movement when they act. Indeed (this is my thought) I think once you kill the rider the raptor can freely attack.attaching Both enemies and allies and for this reason I have been concentrating on eliminating all the raider I could in this turn (besides being simpler to kill than raptors).


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Yep, you can target empty spaces with a grenade. It's a 10 to hit as usual. For grenade damage, you can just roll once for everyone.

To be fair you are the Raiders in this case :P And yeah, they die when they hit 0, no critical state for them... unless a champion unit shows up!

Regarding raptors, the raptors and riders have to be dealt with separately, and raptors will indeed continue attacking if their riders are down. I was wondering about that because there's no real-world precedent as far as I know (all our mounts tend to shy away from combat, other than maybe well-trained warhorses?), but if raptors are pack animals, I figure they would continue to follow the actions of their "pack."
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Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Oh! I noticed you rolled grenade damage individually Big-Ronso, that's fine, we can just stick with that.


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Enemy turn RP post updated!

Are you guys alright with the next enemy turn taking place either tomorrow or Monday night?


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Ran the enemy turn. It was a bloodbath. Trauma, 4C, XIII, Jaguar, and Panther are dead. That leaves Gold, Beta, Grace, and Raven (sorry both your characters died Big-Ronso!)

Steedman, I'll let you post for last turn, then I'll make the RP post for this turn.

Also, since the enemy turn is done, steedman, SonicMarioHero, Mentos, and Jello95, take your turns when you're ready. I'm preeeetty sure this is over as soon as the next enemy turn rolls around. How do your characters react now that they know their fates are sealed?


Avid Affiliate
Jan 5, 2016
I take advantage of posting both old and new characters!

pohwaran (blade & soul) drawn by ecell - Danbooru

NAME: Rowin Grisher

Rowin Grisher alias Peacock.
Rowin have 18 years old.
Of a small stature, and lean physicist, the girl from the top of her 161cm and 42kg looks like a sweet wet chick.
Long hair tied to two lateral tails, besides the fate of being well cared for their main particularity and being on a white side, on the other blacks.
A single eye with a golden color, and with sweet, attractive face features.
Her body remained smal, suited more to a young girl then a young adult. But constant workouts have given her a toned body to bring her equipment alone.
His weapon combines both launches and LMGs.
Peacock goes blazing with a modified uniform to be flashy and elegant. It does not matter if this makes it a target. You always have to be elegant in front of the public, and then kill someone and how to court him, so you better kill and die in a nice dress that in an anonymous uniform.

The "peacock" is also the symbol of the noble family of Rowin, a family of admirals, those who usually drive ships to invasion or defense on behalf of the empire. Ruthless computers that show gracefully the power of the empire with space warfare tactics.
Here the question why a member of a noble family should be employed as an infantry soldier, here is in the same nature as the family and Rowin himself.
For a genetic malformation Rowin was born without the left eye, and the same hair of the girl has two different colors. The grisher family is a ruthless family of nature, children are bred with a wild method, "the first to come, live better", food counted for 3 even if they are in 6. a single comfortable bed and all the other worn-out rugs on the floor.
This has always developed ruthless commanders who would pale some imperial assassins for their cruel action.
Particularly badly treated for his singular Rowin who quickly learn the family lecture arriving at the use of weapons and torture, unfortunately this shifted to a recurring venom without any reason.
Cruel is good, crazy a little less, As a reward / punishment for his conduct Rowin was removed from the others and isolated in a "golden cage".
Without having the main stimulus, Rowin becomes more quiet at least until someone visits her.
Over time, it was discovered through experiments that the way to keep Rowin calm was to let her kill sombody, was the idea of an aunt to use her as an infantry soldier. A ruthless soldier who would bring honor to their family.
Rowin show very good in modifying the equipment getting exceptional results with the half of time and cost. Heavily armed, the girl enters the battlefield to appease her thirst for violence.

2 HP
0 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(120 credits) Rocket launcher: deviation 1d4, 3d6, AoE 1, range 12, 1-shot, additional rockets sold separately
-(30)15 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30)15 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
(80 credits) LMG: 1d6+3 damage, accuracy +2, 10+1 range, attack twice, cannot move and attack
-(20)10 credits) Heavy caliber: +1 damage
-(30)15 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30)15 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
1°(15 credits) Rocket
2°(15 credits) Rocket
(1 pt) Gearhead: weapons upgrades for this character are 50% cheaper
(1 pt) Merciless: +1 damage
(1 pt) Precise: +1 damage

tatsuta (kantai collection) drawn by harimoji - Danbooru

NAME: Roxenne Devour.

(The description and shortcoming with the help of PUCA rewritten everything readily)
Young woman (28 years old) slender and tall 176 cm for 58 kg
Slightly robust but toned-bodied, due to the care of his body and the workouts he undergoes, his body forms are particularly generous on the breast
In addition to this, Roxenne has short/medium haircuts, the cut is a little bit inregular and move . The color is a bit special in fact and a very light black tending to purple. A natural coloration, given by the radiation it has suffered for the experiment.
His face is very sweet and with gentle lines, actually seeing his face and skin, he does not seem accustomed to battles but this and given by his recent ability to regenerate. Her eyes are big end purple
Always dressed elgant/formal outside the missions, during the missions the girl tries to have an impeccable dignity uniform, to give good impression to enemies and allies.

The Devours have a long history of empowerment and supporters to the Empire, for generations, members of their family are murderers, or part of military bodies that protect discipline and order in the interior of their files.
Despite their personal feelings, a devour is always devoted to the empire, this for a debt of honor that the family feels to have in the confession of the empress, but so it is precisely known only to some members of the family.
Roxenne has always had a kindness, as severe with her neighbor, the woman provokes a proactive sentiment for the emperor's companions as a great family even though given her occupation she can also be cruel to form the character of a good and honest Citizen of the empire.
The task of the Disciplinary is not to kill you, to break you up, if you are too rebellious to soften your character to allow you to embrace the empire. The best place to do it and that of instructor.
Roxenne loves work with the recluse, but eventually decides to change, and do something more incisive, and good Devour prove useful.
The family does not have paranormal powers. Roxenne has been possessing them for a while because it is voluntary for a delicate genetic experiment.
Now he has to go down in the front line to prove his skills in making it decisive to reinvent the contacts with the dodgy little sister by transferring to his unit

3 HP
3 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(80 credits) Assault armor: 2 armor
(15 credits) Halberd: 2 range, 1d10 damage, counts as melee, 1 handed
(25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots, does NOT take an inventory slot.
1°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
2°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
3°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
4°(25 credits) Portable shield: +1 armor, stacks with armor, wield one-handed weapons only
(1 pt) Protective: any fire directed to adjacent allies is redirected to this character instead, +1 HP
(2 pts) Biofeedback (rejuvenate (heal), boost (physical buff))
-rejuvenate: target heals up to 2 hp
-boost: target gains +1 move, +2 melee damage, +1 hp for the duration of the battle, can only be cast on a target once per battle


NAME: Atria Weston

DESCRITION An enemy of the empire. Now source for "Crash" clones. The original is kept in a coma induced while clones modified to be obedient to the empire carry out the missions.
Atria's clones are just a shadowy shadow of the "Psiker", in fact, the first versions suffers from personality disorders, and tended to die after only one use of their powers.
But their seductive look has nothing to envy the original.
Over time, through the correction of the genome and implants the intable personality of the clones has been reduced and partially unleashed are in combat. The 4Cs are kept docile out of combat, while their psychiatric fury is allowed to manifested in full power.
4 has a very precise meaning. Is the serial number of the clone production. It is considered the most stable water in the test phase ...

For a height of 162 cm and a weight of 46kg at the incised, slim and attractive body, broad breast and tonic ass. Long, smooth, dark red hair, with heavenly eyes. Despite the age of only 18 years of age. The face looks very feminine, although mood control systems make the face of the clones virtually inexpressive. Indeed they seem a little silly

2 HP
3 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
+2 accuracy whit Assalt rifle
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(40 credits) Tactical armor: 1 armor
(25 credits) Assault rifle: 1d8 damage, 10 range
-(30 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
(25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots
1°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
2°(50 credits) Psi implants: +1 max PP. Stacks to a maximum of 3.
3° (50 credits) Neural stabilizer: +3 to psychic crit saves.
-(1 pt ) Psychic potential: +1 PP
-(2 pts)
Telekinesis (crush (single target damage), push, pull)
  • crush: range 8, 1d8 damage, automatic hit
  • push: range 8, push up to 6 spaces away
  • pull: range 8, pull up to 6 spaces in

NAME: Serina Devur.

Black hair beauty of 22 year old. The hair is smooth and well groomed. Light and smooth skin makes for a contrast to dark or camouflage clothes that wear in the missions.
Amber eyes with a bit of makeup, the girl's face with delicate and subtle lines a little French.
Its body shapes are athletic and formative, especially legs and ass are very tonic. The breasts are often bundled so as not to impede the mission.
High 167 cm for 48 kg


Panther is familiar in many ways with death, having dealt and experienced it many times, and it has made her cold and distant.

Members of her family have been Imperial assassins for generations, but few know the whole truth. Panther's task is not only to eliminate enemies of the Empire, but also members of the Empire who prove too cowardly or attempt to desert.

Panther questions the use of giving the clones emotions. Is the Empress simply a sadist or is there another reason? She no longer makes relationships with her companions knowing they will die, potentially by her hand.

2 HP
0 PP (psychic points)
+0 accuracy
0 evade
0 crit
6 movement
standard-issue carbine (1d6 damage, range 8)
standard-issue pistol (1d4 damage, range 6, 1 handed)
(80 credits) Stealth suit: Can't be targeted past 5 spaces (with stealth training, 2 spaces)
(15 credits) Heavy pistol: 1d6 damage, 8 range, 1 handed 10 range
-(30 credits) Laser sight: +1 accuracy
-(30 credits) Advanced scope: +1 accuracy
(15 credits) Sword: 2d6 damage melee
-(30 credits) Monoblade: ignore 3 armor
(25 credits) Tactical harness: +2 inventory slots
1°(50 credits) Scanning suite: arm-mounted scanning device, while it's active, you can "mark" an enemy. Anybody who targets a marked enemy gets +2 accuracy and deals +2 damage. However, while the scanning suite is active, you can only use pistols.
2°(10 credits) Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1)range 6
3°(10 credits) Frag grenade (2d6 damage, aoe 1)range 6

(1 pt) Stealth training: better effect from stealth suit, +1 evade of you haven't moved this turn
(1 pts) Melee specialist: +2 accuracy in melee, +1 evade in melee
(1 pt) Lone wolf: +1 crit chance, +2 evade when 5+ spaces away from allies

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