I mean it all depends if YOU think it's worth the extra frames, cause I don't think anyone on this side is gonna go "nah, I want less animation."
I think it's great, not only because it smooths out the animation, but also because it gives more of a tell that the shot is going to be fired or is done firing. The raising of the gun makes it easier to see that a shot is coming, and since they now fire a projectile it's a good indicator that something's gonna be coming your way.
Happy you like her :)Oh god she's adorable
You're KILLING me here
I'm using the Archvile "trait" for the reviving, which seems to be the only easy way to have the effect. But even the original Archvile only revived monsters when stumbling on one while seeking the player. The nurse has the "frightend" tag which inverts the pathfinding to get away from the player. In both cases, actively seeking dead monsters is not part of the pathfinding routine.She seems a little too skittish for her own good. I think you're trying to make it so she runs away from the player, which I think is a cute touch that means only a horrible monster would ever shoot her; but she seems to rarely do her job of rezzing because of it.
Yeah, the Doom monsters just don't care for a clear line of fire...The crew and solders also have a REAL bad relationship. I donno if you can mess with that AI, but they shoot each other all the time and will go straight for each other because of it. It makes sense for demons, and is a key part of high level play, but it seems... odd here.
Glad you like it :) I'll post somethimes stuff on Pixiv, maybe theres some more that you like :)Indeed the nurse is super sweetShe's wallpaper material.
- Enemies now have full rotations and no sprite mirroring. (Except symetrical enemies)
That means weapons don't jump from left hand to right hand while moving about.
- Enemies can be completly flipped, meaning left or right handed in all animations.
50/50 chance for Normal or flipped version. Gives a bit of variety.
I like it :) Nice facial expressions!试图画了作者MOD 的同人。画的并不太好
Thanks, Glad you like it :)Dude, I love this mod. Not only is it extremely my shit, it's also just really well done in general. I know you used like, Poser or something, but you clearly put some thought into making the monsters... IDK, aesthetically cohesive? Like, I buy them as all belonging to the same army. They're not just a menagerie of random crap, is what I'm saying. Also, I'm really glad you took the cute/anime/stylized route, because "realistic" Poser models can be... not good. Just IMO. I'm looking forward to the follow-up mod, and I wish you all the luck with it!
The sprites are quite easy to extract with Slade. Open the Zako.wad, filter for graphics, select all and right-click to export as PNG. :)Can I ask you to post the sprite sheets somewhere? I really like the transitional sprites you've done, but I'm only getting a frame of them, lol. Like, NP if not, just... if it's not too much trouble!