Black Desert Online- Armor/Outfits File Names. Please don't ask about armor swapping in this thread. (3 Viewers)


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
You can certainly swap between Sorceror, Valkyrie, and Kunoichi (and possibly Witch, Blader (Plum), though I've not tested those).

Here are some examples:
View attachment 49860 View attachment 49861 View attachment 49862 View attachment 49863 View attachment 49864 View attachment 49865 View attachment 49866
Note: I only swapped the body, but I'm pretty sure the boots and gloves would work too.

I've not tested it myself yet, but from what I've heard from others, it sounds like swapping between Ranger or Tamer to anything else is not possible, likely because they use a different set of bones from a different mesh.

When I put together this quick demo, I mistakenly swapped the default gloves for the armor seen for the first picture (which is why it shows up when I have the underwear selected). Somehow it seems to persist since I swap hand -> upperbody. This meant that I was wearing two different armors when I selected anything else, except the 3rd armor set from the left, where I'd swapped the upperbody for underwear.
View attachment 49867 View attachment 49868
I NEED! The .PAC file name for that Yellow Outfit xD
This is amazing.

About the Double armor thing, someone mentioned that we could do that with the <Condition Code='B'>, but I had no idea that this can be done with any armor set.

So in theory we can equip up to 6 armors at the same time

Considering that if might even want to swap the weapon models for the same reason, the number increases to 8 (2 weapons)

And since we can put them as <Condition Code="B"> and <Condition Code="U"> , we can have actually up to 16 different armors to each set.



Vivacious Visitor
Mar 29, 2016
You can certainly swap between Sorceror, Valkyrie, and Kunoichi (and possibly Witch, Blader (Plum), though I've not tested those).

Here are some examples:
View attachment 49860 View attachment 49861 View attachment 49862 View attachment 49863 View attachment 49864 View attachment 49865 View attachment 49866
Note: I only swapped the body, but I'm pretty sure the boots and gloves would work too.

I've not tested it myself yet, but from what I've heard from others, it sounds like swapping between Ranger or Tamer to anything else is not possible, likely because they use a different set of bones from a different mesh.

When I put together this quick demo, I mistakenly swapped the default gloves for the armor seen for the first picture (which is why it shows up when I have the underwear selected). Somehow it seems to persist since I swap hand -> upperbody. This meant that I was wearing two different armors when I selected anything else, except the 3rd armor set from the left, where I'd swapped the upperbody for underwear.
View attachment 49867 View attachment 49868
loool man, thats awesome, but i need the kunoichi grunil code because i already put liberius code with wings on all armor codes, but no one by one, all together, and didnt work, what do you use to extract the .paz files?


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 29, 2016
I NEED! The .PAC file name for that Yellow Outfit xD
This is amazing.

About the Double armor thing, someone mentioned that we could do that with the <Condition Code='B'>, but I had no idea that this can be done with any armor set.

So in theory we can equip up to 6 armors at the same time

Considering that if might even want to swap the weapon models for the same reason, the number increases to 8 (2 weapons)

And since we can put them as <Condition Code="B"> and <Condition Code="U"> , we can have actually up to 16 different armors to each set.

this yellow outfit is valkyr awakening outfit but i dont have any idea of paz file for that


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
this yellow outfit is valkyr awakening outfit but i dont have any idea of paz file for that
Maybe that outfit only has in the Korean / Russian version since the Awakening Weapons weren't released for the NA/EU version yet.
loool man, thats awesome, but i need the kunoichi grunil code because i already put liberius code with wings on all armor codes, but no one by one, all together, and didnt work, what do you use to extract the .paz files?
Use quickbms with the Black Desert Plugin (found on the main page) to extract the .PAZ
If you want to extract the whole game like I did, tell the quickbms to extract the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\Paz\pad00000.meta". It will automatically extract all the .PAZ for you, but it will take a couple of hours, and like 50GB of Hard Disk space.

If you could do that, we could compare to see how many files do you have on your "Black Desert Online\Paz\character\model\1_pc\7_pvw\armor\9_upperbody\" folder and maybe you could send the that awakening paz file so we can try to use it on NA/EU.

For the Grunil Pac file name, here is what you can do:
Download the and copy it's content to your multiplemodeldesc.xml file. The file now has all the PAC file names for all Kunoichi gear set and start by deleting half of them.

For example, the file has 57 entries, delete like 28 of them, open the game, and see if your set is not invisible. If it is, it means that the Grunil armor set is among the 29 blocks there are still in the xml file, if not, it's one of the 28 that you deleted. By default, the xml should remove all Kunoichi armors. Keep deleting half of them until you narrow down you search to 2 blocks. One of them is the Grunil.

Your search should take log2(57) = 6 attempts approx to find your pac file name. (you are doing actually a binary search).

Good luck.


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 29, 2016
Maybe that outfit only has in the Korean / Russian version since the Awakening Weapons weren't released for the NA/EU version yet.

Use quickbms with the Black Desert Plugin (found on the main page) to extract the .PAZ
If you want to extract the whole game like I did, tell the quickbms to extract the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\Paz\pad00000.meta". It will automatically extract all the .PAZ for you, but it will take a couple of hours, and like 50GB of Hard Disk space.

If you could do that, we could compare to see how many files do you have on your "Black Desert Online\Paz\character\model\1_pc\7_pvw\armor\9_upperbody\" folder and maybe you could send the that awakening paz file so we can try to use it on NA/EU.

For the Grunil Pac file name, here is what you can do:
Download the and copy it's content to your multiplemodeldesc.xml file. The file now has all the PAC file names for all Kunoichi gear set and start by deleting half of them.

For example, the file has 57 entries, delete like 28 of them, open the game, and see if your set is not invisible. If it is, it means that the Grunil armor set is among the 29 blocks there are still in the xml file, if not, it's one of the 28 that you deleted. By default, the xml should remove all Kunoichi armors. Keep deleting half of them until you narrow down you search to 2 blocks. One of them is the Grunil.

Your search should take log2(57) = 6 attempts approx to find your pac file name. (you are doing actually a binary search).

Good luck.
ill extract tomorrow, but i get the code from grunil armor, and replaced with kibelius with wings but didnt work, ill put the code where
<Conditional Code="U">
<Model Index="-">1_PC/13_PNW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PNW_03_UB_0002.PAC</Model>
<Model Index="U">1_PC/13_PNW/ARMOR/9_UPPERBODY/PNW_00_UB_0034.PAC</Model>
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Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
I NEED! The .PAC file name for that Yellow Outfit xD
This is amazing.

About the Double armor thing, someone mentioned that we could do that with the <Condition Code='B'>, but I had no idea that this can be done with any armor set.

So in theory we can equip up to 6 armors at the same time

Considering that if might even want to swap the weapon models for the same reason, the number increases to 8 (2 weapons)

And since we can put them as <Condition Code="B"> and <Condition Code="U"> , we can have actually up to 16 different armors to each set.

Keep in mind that if you swap other areas for upperbody wear, it won't replace what is already there. I recently swapped the default kunoichi gloves (by mistake) with an upperbody armor, and the result was that the armor became a sort of underwear that impacted everything else, so when I wore the angel wing set, the wings were cut off at the top, and of course, the upperbody sets where clipping with each other... it looked so bad that I didn't even want to take screenshot of it.

However, the way I look at it is, that you can make each set you wear serve two different looks: a casual look, and a battle ready look. So far, I have been unable to make the "I" code do anything, at all. I wonder if it only acts when one is wearing a costume underwear? At least that's how it seems on the JP server. Literally nothing I have set to the "I" code has ever shown up, ever. Not in town, not inside someone's house, with both show underwear buttons checked.

loool man, thats awesome, but i need the kunoichi grunil code because i already put liberius code with wings on all armor codes, but no one by one, all together, and didnt work, what do you use to extract the .paz files?

If you're referring to an armor set of the Kunoichi, I doubt I know it. I only went through the underwear (that sounds bad) so far.

Here is a crude list of my findings:
PNW Underwear [UW]
00 0001 - Basic White (Default)
00 0002 - Leopard /w stockings
00 0003 - Black Zebra /w stockings
00 0004 - Black Garter /w stockings
00 0005 - Silk Corset /w stockings
00 0006 - Dark Pink Corset /w stockings
00 0007 - Plaid /w stockings
00 0008 - Vibrant Blue Polka Dot /w socks
00 0010 - Dream lace
00 0031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w stockings (with skulls)
00 0032 - Queen Hearts /w stockings
00 0032_01 - Queen Hearts /w stockings (appears to be the same)
00 0035 - Sailor /w stockings
00 0035_01 - Sailor /w stockings (appears to be the same)
00 1002 - Leopard
00 1003 - Black Zebra
00 1007 - Plaid
00 1008 - Vibrant Blue Polka Dot
00 1010 - Dream lace (appears to be the same as 00 0010)
00 1015 - Sexy Black Metallic look [NEW]
00 1031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w white tights
00 1035 - Sailor /w tights
00 1035_01 - Sailor /w tights (same)
00 1040 - Sileshi (Sash underwear)
00 1040_01 - Sileshi? (Sash underwear)
ew 0031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w stockings (ugly pink stripes)
The first 7 have a _dm PAC (the damaged version), which only seems to apply to the stockings (torn).

All the _01s seemed to be exactly the same as their base name; I didn't bother to check 1040_01. I declared 00 1035_01 to be the same as 00 1035 because I had them both available as swaps and directly compared the two; the others I went off of my memory, but knowing the variations offered in the pearl shop, I'm pretty sure there is no difference.

All of these I had seen in the shop, on other classes at least, except for 00 1015.

Some of the names are probably wrong through bad translations and my own memory. I found the translated names to have some inconsistencies. The red inner people have seen in the initial modding efforts, is known as Queen Hearts in the translated JP, though it should probably be named Queen of Hearts, and hopefully will be, in the official English release.

I did use QuickBMS with the 0.2 version of the script (the one linked by BlackFireBR is 0.2.1). I did not, however, extract any of it to get the names. I created a BAT file (list.bat) with the following code:
cd /d C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert
REM cd /d C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz
for %%f in (C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz\*.PAZ) do ECHO %%f & quickbms.exe -l -Y -f *.pac %%f
Note: The QuickBMS program and the script ( are both located in my C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert. That and likely the Path to the game's files would need to be changed to use this.

Then I opened a command prompt where the batch file lives and used:
list.bat > pac.txt
This takes all the output from that program and writes it to a file, pac.txt.
I've attached my list of PACs to this post (JP client from just a few days ago). If you know the signature of what you're looking for, you can find all the available codes for your client this way.

Before the use of the multiplemodeldesc.xml file, I had used this method to get all the textures I wanted from the game. You can change the "*.pac" in the code to search for something else, like "*.dds", or even "*/2_PHW/*.pac". I just wanted to grab everything and search the output later for specifics, as it does take a while to go through all 3,704 PAZ files.

Edit: Confirmed that all the _01 versions look to be the same thing.


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Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
I did use QuickBMS with the 0.2 version of the script (the one linked by BlackFireBR is 0.2.1). I did not, however, extract any of it to get the names. I created a BAT file (list.bat) with the following code:
cd /d C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert
REM cd /d C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz
for %%f in (C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz\*.PAZ) do ECHO %%f & quickbms.exe -l -Y -f *.pac %%f
Note: The QuickBMS program and the script ( are both located in my C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert. That and likely the Path to the game's files would need to be changed to use this.

Then I opened a command prompt where the batch file lives and used:
list.bat > pac.txt
This takes all the output from that program and writes it to a file, pac.txt.
I've attached my list of PACs to this post (JP client from just a few days ago). If you know the signature of what you're looking for, you can find all the available codes for your client this way.

Before the use of the multiplemodeldesc.xml file, I had used this method to get all the textures I wanted from the game. You can change the "*.pac" in the code to search for something else, like "*.dds", or even "*/2_PHW/*.pac". I just wanted to grab everything and search the output later for specifics, as it does take a while to go through all 3,704 PAZ files.
and here I had to make a Java program to do that. You are a genius man xD

Very useful information you gave us. Please continue if you know more things.

The "I" is exactly what you said. Is the model that appear when you click on the "Show Underwear" button. But if you define something with Codition Code="U" for the same underwear before, it ignores whatever you put next.

An possible solution for this is to use this kind of block:
<Conditional Code="IU">
    <Model Index="--">base model</Model>
    <Model Index="I-">model when we have show underwear on</Model>
    <Model Index="-U">model when we are displaying armor</Model>
    <Model Index="IU">what model happens when both are true? (impossible, but define it anyway)</Model>
Maybe putting something in <Model Index="I-"></Model> and other in <Model Index="-U"></Model> should do the trick.


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
I have tried "I" alone, paired with codes, like "IU". However, what I have put for "I" or "I-" has never shown up. I'm not sure why. I think there might be some sort of code preventing its use where players don't have an equipped underwear, i.e. actually having underwear other than the default taking up the underwear slot on the Equipment screen, at least on the JP client. I can toggle the "Show Underwear" button all day, in town, or anywhere else, but nothing ever changes.

Edit: For anyone using the EU/NA client, can you use the "Show Underwear" button to hide your armor and view the default underwear from the character creation screen? I know this was prevented on the JP client.
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Potential Patron
Apr 3, 2016
You can certainly swap between Sorceror, Valkyrie, and Kunoichi (and possibly Witch, Blader (Plum), though I've not tested those).

Here are some examples:
View attachment 49860 View attachment 49861 View attachment 49862 View attachment 49863 View attachment 49864 View attachment 49865 View attachment 49866
Note: I only swapped the body, but I'm pretty sure the boots and gloves would work too.

I've not tested it myself yet, but from what I've heard from others, it sounds like swapping between Ranger or Tamer to anything else is not possible, likely because they use a different set of bones from a different mesh.

When I put together this quick demo, I mistakenly swapped the default gloves for the armor seen for the first picture (which is why it shows up when I have the underwear selected). Somehow it seems to persist since I swap hand -> upperbody. This meant that I was wearing two different armors when I selected anything else, except the 3rd armor set from the left, where I'd swapped the upperbody for underwear.
View attachment 49867 View attachment 49868

Yep the classes you mentioned are fully compatible tested them all every part works, ranger and and tamer are out of the question the armor models simply don't fit:
(valk with ranger costume, tamer looks equally strange^^)

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Casual Client
Mar 27, 2016
I NEED! The .PAC file name for that Yellow Outfit xD
This is amazing.

About the Double armor thing, someone mentioned that we could do that with the <Condition Code='B'>, but I had no idea that this can be done with any armor set.

So in theory we can equip up to 6 armors at the same time

Considering that if might even want to swap the weapon models for the same reason, the number increases to 8 (2 weapons)

And since we can put them as <Condition Code="B"> and <Condition Code="U"> , we can have actually up to 16 different armors to each set.

Isn't that yellow one this? PVW_00_UB_0058.PAC


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 1, 2016
I've been able to go through and replicate all the changes you gents have been able to make here however for some reason the helmet will not change. Is this a normal thing that I have not found here yet, or am I doing something wrong? For example I have all armors swapped however the helmet stays the same where as the rest of the armor model is working as intended. Any help is appreciated thanks!


Potential Patron
Apr 3, 2016
I've been able to go through and replicate all the changes you gents have been able to make here however for some reason the helmet will not change. Is this a normal thing that I have not found here yet, or am I doing something wrong? For example I have all armors swapped however the helmet stays the same where as the rest of the armor model is working as intended. Any help is appreciated thanks!

From my tests if you are using Armor as a base to swap the models the Helmet will not show up seems like they hid them on purpose, so for now you need to buy a costume and mod that if you want a helmet (correct me if im wrong but i didn't find any other way and helmets showed up fine if i modded my costume instead of the Armor).


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 1, 2016
From my tests if you are using Armor as a base to swap the models the Helmet will not show up seems like they hid them on purpose, so for now you need to buy a costume and mod that if you want a helmet (correct me if im wrong but i didn't find any other way and helmets showed up fine if i modded my costume instead of the Armor).
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply. It does make sense that it would be that way.


Potential Patron
Apr 3, 2016
Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply. It does make sense that it would be that way.

Yeah thinking about it the armor doesn't have a helmet model so it's not exactly hidden as i said before the code doesn't work cause there is nothing to replace.


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
K kenshin7 Yes, that is the one.

I've been able to go through and replicate all the changes you gents have been able to make here however for some reason the helmet will not change. Is this a normal thing that I have not found here yet, or am I doing something wrong? For example I have all armors swapped however the helmet stays the same where as the rest of the armor model is working as intended. Any help is appreciated thanks!

Did you make sure the helmet and any open/close state information is removed or commented out in the XML? It's possible if left in there, they could be creating a conflict and overriding what you want to happen. I haven't really done much with helmet swaps yet, but the Mai Shiranui hair in some of my pictures posted here is a helmet swap. If I tell the game to hide my helmet, the hair changes back to my own character's hair. When I put that swap in, I commented out the "B" codes that involved the helmet and really anything else that referenced the PAC file.


This topic is epic, so much useful information here for everyone :)
I was reading the updated instructions and I think you should take another look at this section:

"Alternative for missing body parts
If you are using mods like Black Desert Online armor/costume mods, sometimes you might find you character with some holes, like this:

This happens because you are not using the damaged version of the armor. The damaged version usually have the entire body mesh under the armor, so in some cases, swapping the meshes it's what you need to no in order for the mod to work properly."

I spent a lot of time working with the low-durability armor sets before changing modding methods and I'm afraid it's not accurate to say that low-durability versions usually have the entire body mesh under the armor.
Only a few that I worked on actually do, with just as many if not more having lots of skin mesh cuts still there.
The best general rule you can apply is that areas of the body that are completely covered in both the low-durability and undamaged versions of an armor will almost cerainly have clipping underneath.
It's only really in the areas where they make tears in the armor to show wear that they have filled in the basebody skin mesh.
So I wouldn't really recommend swapping out low-durability as a way to ensure you have a full basebody texture underneath.

Hi PrincessNicky,

Mine has the exact problem and I don't know how to swap the mesh like you mentioned. Would you mind walk me through, or point me to a post that explains a bit more? Thank you!!!


Potential Patron
Apr 3, 2016
Clothing physics seem to be only working on the original class of a costume tried to swap a few sorc costumes on my valk but while they move fine on my sorc they don't move at all on my valk unfortunately.


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 29, 2016
Keep in mind that if you swap other areas for upperbody wear, it won't replace what is already there. I recently swapped the default kunoichi gloves (by mistake) with an upperbody armor, and the result was that the armor became a sort of underwear that impacted everything else, so when I wore the angel wing set, the wings were cut off at the top, and of course, the upperbody sets where clipping with each other... it looked so bad that I didn't even want to take screenshot of it.

However, the way I look at it is, that you can make each set you wear serve two different looks: a casual look, and a battle ready look. So far, I have been unable to make the "I" code do anything, at all. I wonder if it only acts when one is wearing a costume underwear? At least that's how it seems on the JP server. Literally nothing I have set to the "I" code has ever shown up, ever. Not in town, not inside someone's house, with both show underwear buttons checked.

If you're referring to an armor set of the Kunoichi, I doubt I know it. I only went through the underwear (that sounds bad) so far.

Here is a crude list of my findings:
PNW Underwear [UW]
00 0001 - Basic White (Default)
00 0002 - Leopard /w stockings
00 0003 - Black Zebra /w stockings
00 0004 - Black Garter /w stockings
00 0005 - Silk Corset /w stockings
00 0006 - Dark Pink Corset /w stockings
00 0007 - Plaid /w stockings
00 0008 - Vibrant Blue Polka Dot /w socks
00 0010 - Dream lace
00 0031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w stockings (with skulls)
00 0032 - Queen Hearts /w stockings
00 0032_01 - Queen Hearts /w stockings (appears to be the same)
00 0035 - Sailor /w stockings
00 0035_01 - Sailor /w stockings (appears to be the same)
00 1002 - Leopard
00 1003 - Black Zebra
00 1007 - Plaid
00 1008 - Vibrant Blue Polka Dot
00 1010 - Dream lace (appears to be the same as 00 0010)
00 1015 - Sexy Black Metallic look [NEW]
00 1031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w white tights
00 1035 - Sailor /w tights
00 1035_01 - Sailor /w tights (same)
00 1040 - Sileshi (Sash underwear)
00 1040_01 - Sileshi? (Sash underwear) (probably, I didn't check this one)
ew 0031 - Black lacey (Henderson) /w stockings (ugly pink stripes)
The first 7 have a _dm PAC (the damaged version), which only seems to apply to the stockings (torn).

All the _01s seemed to be exactly the same as their base name; I didn't bother to check 1040_01. I declared 00 1035_01 to be the same as 00 1035 because I had them both available as swaps and directly compared the two; the others I went off of my memory, but knowing the variations offered in the pearl shop, I'm pretty sure there is no difference.

All of these I had seen in the shop, on other classes at least, except for 00 1015.

Some of the names are probably wrong through bad translations and my own memory. I found the translated names to have some inconsistencies. The red inner people have seen in the initial modding efforts, is known as Queen Hearts in the translated JP, though it should probably be named Queen of Hearts, and hopefully will be, in the official English release.

I did use QuickBMS with the 0.2 version of the script (the one linked by BlackFireBR is 0.2.1). I did not, however, extract any of it to get the names. I created a BAT file (list.bat) with the following code:
cd /d C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert
REM cd /d C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz
for %%f in (C:\GameOn\BlackDesert_live\Paz\*.PAZ) do ECHO %%f & quickbms.exe -l -Y -f *.pac %%f
Note: The QuickBMS program and the script ( are both located in my C:\Data\Game Patches\Black Desert. That and likely the Path to the game's files would need to be changed to use this.

Then I opened a command prompt where the batch file lives and used:
list.bat > pac.txt
This takes all the output from that program and writes it to a file, pac.txt.
I've attached my list of PACs to this post (JP client from just a few days ago). If you know the signature of what you're looking for, you can find all the available codes for your client this way.

Before the use of the multiplemodeldesc.xml file, I had used this method to get all the textures I wanted from the game. You can change the "*.pac" in the code to search for something else, like "*.dds", or even "*/2_PHW/*.pac". I just wanted to grab everything and search the output later for specifics, as it does take a while to go through all 3,704 PAZ files.

man, I did not understand anything of what you said lol, English is not my main language and then it's a bit hard for me but u could tell me the code that you used to equip kibelius? I'm guessing the code shown in the post is not the correct code for the kunoichi (worked with tamer / witch / ranger / Valkyr) or is something else I do not know, but thank you for the codes of underwear, its very useful

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