It is command line utility, you need to run it from command prompt with arguments.
Open command prompt as administrator (CTRL-SHIFT-ESC to run Task Manager, then File - Run new task - type "cmd", tick "create this task with administrative priviledges", click ok.). Commands you'll need to enter:
1) change active folder to BDO ads folder (make sure that you're using correct path, it could be different on your computer, for example steam version is installed in different folder):
Code:c: cd "c:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\ads"
2) Decrypt languagedata_en.loc file to readable format:
Code:BDO_decrypt.exe languagedata_en.loc languagedata_en.txt
First off, thanks for having patience with me. Not pc savy to say the least. I got this message in the prompt "BDO_decrypt <encrypt file> <output file>. I then proceeded to edit the file via notepad++, but the same unreadable codex is still present.
My cmd looked like this
E:cd "e:\Program Files (x86)\ads" (Quotations and all)
e:\Program Files (x86)\adsBDO_decrypt.exe languagedata_en.loc language_en.txt
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