The blog mentioned by Amazon Shark posts new images of the upcoming video on a daily basis.
From what I can see, this is going to be a larger production than the 1st Bolero movie, and hopefully it'll expand some of the great yet underdeveloped ideas in it!
The concept of expendable Zako is there suggested in 3 parts:
1. Girl(s) are fed to a giant snake. Not enemies, but soldiers of their own army. Could it be a punishment, or a ritual sacrifice, or just victims randomly chosen to support the monster. The organization cares nothing about their zako's lives.
2. Zako girls are sent UNARMED into battle against the heroes. Their commanders expect them to everwhelm the enemy by sheer numbers, regardless of the heavy losses they'll thus face. Heroes armed with sword, laser pistol and a (ludicrous) energized cheerleader baton shall obviously crush them.
3. the fallen, dead or mortally wounded, are left to their destiny, piled up or scattered on the battlefield, littered with twitching bodies.
As for expanding some of the underdeveloped concepts of the 1st Bolero film, what I hope to see more in this one is:
- zako used as human shields, by the heroes and specially their commanders, possibly leaving some of them behind to cover their escape, slowing down the pursuit
- groups of survived zako running for their lives at the end of a battle, followed by the heroes and shot in the back, or finished off on the ground, or be cornered and wiped out
- zako accidentally or forcibly kill one another in the fray of battle
Though not my favourite thing, unlike Amazon Shark I don't disapprove mass-killings (by lightning, fireballs...) because this reinforces the concept of disposable zako meant to overwhelm the heroes with their numbers. Thin out their ranks with area-effect weapons and then take down the scattered attackers is the means by which the heroes can counter such cruel strategy.
I have great expectations from this new movie. Will they be exceeded or disappointed?