
Swell Supporter
Jan 6, 2013
For me the only thing that matters is that the girls are both beautiful and completely EVIL... Then I love that they suddenly lose their self-confidence to become fragile damsels in distress. The only reason I have compassion for them is that they are women.


Casual Client
Sep 30, 2012

Hi AmazonShark,

Kindly post some more pics of the pinkies... specially the castle fight scene where a lot of them are KO ed


Jul 14, 2012
Since I have been extensively quoted in latest AgentAika post, I believe a reply is in order!

Firstly... I already apologized for my sarcasm. Similarly, I think his "Some people like to shoot first and ask questions later" sarcastic reply is not too fair, specially because (as he said himself) his post didn't connect properly and is placed several other post after the one he was actually referring too.
Plus... referring to "previous Bolero outfits" was not helpful to understand that he was referring to the pinky Zentai instead of the 1st actual Bolero video!

This was my first post here and honestly found his reply to my post to be very unfriendly. I responded in jest, but don't feel it was unfair. If a reply to someone is made as cyke70 did, especially someone you don't know, he might get a response in kind! ;) As for my post not being helpful, I already pointed out I had some issues using the reply, but am getting better. ;) So hope we can get past this and focus on our interests here. :) I really am super happy to have connected this awesome group which discusses an interest of mine I've had like forever!

Cyke70 pointed out the need for Zentai outfits to provide the illusion of mass numbers of minions. I can see that as he pointed out because the more you make the minions look alike, it becomes a wave of similar looking enemies running about giving the movie maker an easier means to create this illusion. I guess while it works for the mass numbers look, in my opinion I still would like to see something like faces appear. I believe this is an important criteria for the minions we like to see get pummeled in large numbers as it's more than simply making them appear like mass numbers, but it is also a desire to see them feel the pain as they get defeated. That adds even more to the whole despair feeling as you seem the expressions on their faces from impacts to even reactions of seeing their comrades fall. Covering up too much loses that for me.

Also, some of the Zentai outfits appear to make the women look less female to me...actually some look a little manly. ;) Other outfits we've seen like with those leotards, tights and high heel boots really say "female" even from a distance. I like seeing the female minions look feminine, so the more the outfits make them less distinct the more it loses some of that look to me. Hope they make more with the leotard and heels look as I love it! :)


Swell Supporter
Jan 7, 2013
I remember a Female Combatants like clip where they the faces were completely masked, but they showed bare midriffs. Uniforms like that may somehow "solve the problem".

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I remember a Female Combatants like clip where they the faces were completely masked, but they showed bare midriffs. Uniforms like that may somehow "solve the problem".

I posted one on the first page of this thread. Not sure where it's from or what the name is though.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 5, 2013
It was from Zen. I used to have it. As usual with Zen it also came with a "making of", which was interesting. He also sold the unedited rushes (I think that is the word) which had a lot of good stuff not included in the movie. Sorry I can't remember the name. Unfortunately with their digital rights software when you move to a new computer you lose the movie. Or at least you do if you're as untechnical as I am.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
I've just watched the entire new "Bandobure" movie pac_l.jpg and for those who are debating whether to purchase it or not, I thought I'd write a short review with my opinions and comments.
Of course, this may contain a few spoilers, then... read at your own risk! ;-)

Not always more money implies better quality! The 1st "Bolero" was better in several aspects.
The production could obviously count on a larger budget, and the cast of 11+1 girls could have led to a movie of incredible quality.
They got lost very often and missed several opportunities.

As I said in a previous post, there are 3 major fights.
The 1st one in the amphiteathre is quite disappointing: just punching, kicking and throwing girls on the ground, piling them up... rinse and repeat. No use of weapons on either side, then it is unclear if the girls are just knocked out or killed by the blows due to the super-strength of the heroes. Not understanding Japanese didn't help!
The fights are well coreographed, but the acting is quite poor and the part of girls being thrown one on top of the other is just ridiculous.
I've counted 94 girls be taken down in this battle. 50.jpg

What follows is a 20-25 min long interlude showing girls being abducted, suited up, brainwashed 23da58ede8c630c2e9e4e221768a283b.jpg and patronized. Far too long and boring. Not even a bit of nudity to keep the interest up.

Then there's the 2nd battle in a paved square. Quite better than the 1st one, I believe.
The heroes use weapons (girls don't) and despite of making things more interesting (it's at least clear that the girls do get killed) the fights are too superficially pictured. It's a repetition of a group that attacks one of the heroes, he takes them down and moves on.
The red Ranger is the most interesting. He fights with a sword, but most of the times he just sweeps through a group and drops them all in a matter of instants. 014_q.jpg They could have shown him slash and skewer girls more in detail, or perform a bit of swordfight. Not once you see the face of a girl when she's hit.
The blue Ranger has a laser pistol. Well, it seems more like a machine gun. He points at a group and shoots them all down in a rapid succession of hits. 3111e4fc4f58904102467688439dada1.jpg Then again, and again.
The yellow Ranger is completely forgettable: his baton is a total joke! The worst part is that he keeps lining up girls on a rack 19e24f1487f89ff9a46ecb9f01a27982.jpg and then hits them in the bottoms 48.jpg as a finishing move.
Towards the end of the fight, the red Ranger performs more interesting attacks and even uses 1 girl as human shield against the evil boss' lightning attack, then again he grabs 2 more girls, and uses their bodies as protection against the next lightnings. ZDAD-5514.jpg The boss seems to attack further, then the Ranger grabs yet another hapless girl as shield, but the boss has run out of energy. The hero has therefore no further need of the poor girl, then he sees fit to turn her around and slash her for good.
He marches towards the boss, but a group of girls runs in his path, then he energizes his sword and drops them all 017_q.jpg . The boss grabs his 2nd in command and uses her as shield c639809999d05f0a305adde9300f7ab3.jpg but of course she gets slashed out of the way ZDAD-5515.jpg . The boss flees the battlefield.
This 2nd battle costs their lives to 125 UNARMED girls, in my reckoning.

The evil boss doesn't seem to care much of the well-being of his troops, because he later feeds 2 c6df8bdb3e29404adc1da73ae31ddf89.jpg or 3 78abae03f36376a2ecc9fcfc9f02fc90.jpg to the giant snake. The reason remains unknown to me, and similarly why the other girls seem to find this somehow entertaining! If someone speaks Japanese is welcome to let us all know!

The heroes break into the base to stop this gory activity. Just to disrupt the boss' plans, I guess: I doubt they care about the girls' lives.
A fight with elite (apparently) troops ensues. 798bd4ac1da96dabc0d8d349b677165f.jpg They attack to stop (or delay) the Rangers from disrupting the evil plan.
These ones (finally) have swords, no mask or bandana, and their faces are painted red and blue.
They fight well and are a worthy match for the (unarmed) Rangers at first. They don't take it too well, and therefore use their superpowers against the girls: 30 of them are taken out in moments: hit by fireballs 019_m.jpg laser beams 018_n.jpg and lightning bf8221328db55ed166453f9091047c9d.jpg !
In my opinion, this particular fight had so much (wasted) potential! They fight for several minutes in a balance: the Rangers just fend off the girls' attacks and only seldom return light punches and kicks. Then, they use heavy weaponry and wipe them out. I'd have loved to see a few good minutes of swordfight! Possibly, Rangers using the girls' blades against them, or girls skewering one another in those tight spaces, or swords forcibly driven into a comrade, or girls grabbed and used as shields against their allys' blades... So many missed opportunities: these girls' lives were wasted in such dull ways!

Don't get me wrong: the movie has great moments, but it's only good when it could have been awesome, had they improved the 1st Bolero highs and corrected the lows.
Instead, they seem to have done the exact opposite!

Comments, criticism and other/different opinions are of course welcome! :-)


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Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
6 and 14 pics. Is this a blood on a sword? If so, it is very good. And if that is not too blatantly on my part, how about sharing? If my question offended you I apologize.
So, it's blood. Even if we can not see the blood on zako's bodies, we can see it on the sword. It look more realisctiс.
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Is there a chance anyone can share Female Combatant Story Bandobure? I actually bought it, but you can't watch Zen Pictures movies on Windows 8, which is what I use. I'll even share some Pinkies stuff with you guys.


Master of this Domain
Jan 22, 2013
Amazon Shark, you have downloaded this video yourself? Maybe you yourself can share this video by uploading it to vebtransfer? Or is it not possible for some reasons?

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
I bought it, but I cannot view it as Zen Pictures videos don't play on Windows 8. There's no point of me sharing the video unless you know how to remove the DRM on the files.

Deleted member 687

From what I can see from the sample video in streaming... this is quite promising!

Zako are in large numbers, either digitally multiplied and in terms of actual cast!
There seems to be "executions": knocked down (on a hand-rail) girls are given no mercy but finished off... with the silly cheerleader baton!
There are at least 3 major battles: in some sort of amphitheatre, in a paved square, and in a lab room.
In the first 2 instances, the Zako attack unarmed, whereas the heroes take them out without hesitation by advanced weapons... Some "heroes", uh?
In perfect zako-style, the dumb strategy of the girls is to attack in tight formations, thus making the use of area-effect weapons more devastating.
Girls are sacrificed to the giant snake presumably just to feed it: the remains are then spat out! Yuk!
During the 3rd battle (indoors) the zako don't wear mask and bandana (AgentAika surely appreciates!) carry a sword and have shocker-style painted faces. The outcome is the usual: they drop like flies before the super-powers of the heroes. Nice aftermath shot: I wish I'd understand what the off-screen voice says!!!

View attachment 44387

Unfortunately for Amazon Shark... mass-killings seem to be the rule more than the exception. Just teasing you a bit: no offence, uh... Amazon Shark! ;-)

From what I could see... very promising indeed!

No one likes the lower face mask kunoichi approach ;_;


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
I bought it, but I cannot view it as Zen Pictures videos don't play on Windows 8. There's no point of me sharing the video unless you know how to remove the DRM on the files.

There a number of applications on the web to remove DRM (Digital Rights Management), some free and some not: just Google "DRM remover" :-)
The setback is that you cannot remove DRM if you don't own the file legally!
In fact, one needs to be able to play the file (= compatibe OS + acquired Digital Rights) to convert it into another format thus removing the limitations.
If AmazonShark can't play the file, he cannot convert it. If he shares the DRM-blocked the file, Ezzy and the others won't be able to play it, because the Digital Rights are on AmazonShark's PC.

Possible solutions:
1. AmazonShark can re-download the file for 7 days after purchase from ZEN's website: he can do so on a PC with a compatible OS and WMP. So that he can play, convert and share it if he likes!
2. AmazonShark can share his ZEN login and password with those he trusts enough, so that they can go there and acquire file and related DRM properly... though not exactly legally! ;-)

All the above is just some technical advice, as per my limited knowledge. I am not an expert!
So... excuse me if I am wrong... "Like" me if I proved useful! :-)
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Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
Having finally been able to watch Bandobure, I feel like it was a step down from Bolero. While there were over double the amount of girls playing the zako henchwomen, I don't feel like the producers used them to their advantage. There's too much of the girls getting knocked out or thrown off screen, and too much wiggling when they're down. Being that there were at least 12 girls on the set, I don't know why they didn't choreograph them to have, say, 5 or 6 girls go down (and not move), while the remaining girls fight the heroes. Also, I feel like this one was a step down in the camera work, there are times when I'm like "either take a few steps back, or zoom the camera out! You're missing the girls falling to the ground!"

But there were some good things. For one, I kind of prefer the outfit colors better on Bandobure than on Bolero, and it is nice that there are more models/actresses in the new one. Also, the body piles are pretty good if you ask me, and are probably worth getting the movie just for those.

Overall though, a real big missed opportunity to make one of the best henchwomen/minion/zako movies ever. Hopefully they'll take the best aspects of both movies and make a good one next time.

- - - Updated - - -

I will try and post some stuff from Warriors of Elysia this week. Been a little busy. All I could post is pics anyway, I have no way of ripping scenes from the DVDs. Most of the live action scenes are very quick and short, but there are a lot of pics that show more than the clips do. Some stuff is also only viewable if you play the game, I think.


Jul 14, 2012
Thanks cyke70 and Amazon Shark for the reviews! It does seems a shame so many possibilities were missed. Personally I would like to find more movies with Zako women being defeated by hand to hand fighting versus super powers and overly powerful weapons. I understand some variety is good, but just enjoy seeing more martial arts action with women being taken out from blows. As for the large snake eating Zako...not my thing. Something I really like from the samples and reviews is the use of body piles! ;) Hope they will continue to make more movies like this and perhaps keep improving them. I'll still buy this movie as it appears to have enough Zako related stuff make it worth it. :)


Avid Affiliate
Feb 5, 2013
Some rough play with stuff from Youtube. Not exactly Zako but some people may enjoy. I had no idea Japanese ladies had such interesting hobbies.
jpactiion ladies4.m4v

- - - Updated - - -

Some rough play with stuff from Youtube. Not exactly Zako but some people may enjoy. I had no idea Japanese ladies had such interesting hobbies.

Amazon Shark

Master of this Domain
Aug 21, 2012
A Spanish Action-Comedy about 3 girls who decide to fight crime.

The 3 girls come up against an evil DJ who can control time with his records The Villain is assisted by martial-arts henchgirls wearing shiny silver costumes (las bolitas).

The 3 heroines first fight against 3 henchgirls. Then a second fight involves the 3 heroines vs 7 henchgirls.

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Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
^Agreed, those scenes are golden! Great martial moves, nice sexy moves in these short skirts, like those scissors at the start (lots of upskirts too!) and I even liked its comical over-the-top tone, plus those time-bending tricks that were used so that the girls could beat them up even worse. Awesomeness all around!


Jul 14, 2012
This is probably my favorite Zako scene from a western production. It's an interesting mix that makes me think about what if the old Batman tv series had included fighting henchgirls.
Loved seeing theme being humiliated

It definitely would have been great if the Batman series had female minions and henchgirls too! Always thought Cat Woman would have been ideal to have her own females helping her and possibly Bat Girl to take them down...mmmm!

- - - Updated - - -

^Agreed, those scenes are golden! Great martial moves, nice sexy moves in these short skirts, like those scissors at the start (lots of upskirts too!) and I even liked its comical over-the-top tone, plus those time-bending tricks that were used so that the girls could beat them up even worse. Awesomeness all around!

The school girl outfits really did add that sexy look for the heroines! Wish the female minions also had some revealing outfits too!

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Avid Affiliate
Dec 20, 2012
Okay, it might be not that huge zako find, but for an interesting thing, it might worth a watch:
Linda - S1 E4. A tizennyolc karátos aranyhal (részlet) - YouTube

This is from the first season of "Linda", a television series from 1984, filmed and aired in Hungary. It features three male and one female drunk punk attacking private detective Linda in the second line of Budapest subways (at the old Deák Ferenc tér station) at the night. It's pretty funny that those actually kinda looks like enemies from the early 90's beat'em up games (like Streets of Rage or Final Fight). It looks funny now, but back in the communism, this fightscene was pretty badass.

(this was my first post here ever, yaay)

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