sby's loader imports (3 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Feb 15, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

not sure if this is about a specific mod or not. look into loader character folders and note the 'reset' button on the scene tab.
links in my signature might help

Thanks Sby

I figured it out :) really helpful guides.

Hank East

Content Creator
Jan 25, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

I figured out what I was doing wrong. I was loading template extension 5 without taking version 4 out of mods.text


Potential Patron
Jan 20, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

i just downloaded your latest loader pack. it works great!!! thanks. i have a problem getting faceless mods to work on your loader.... Faceless mods work with the regular loader, but your configured loader from your pack wont use faceless' mods (i say "wont", but its more of the reason that i dont know how to make those mods work with your loader)

How do i load mods into the character selection screen like you got it on your loader? i love that option


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

skipa27 said:
i just downloaded your latest loader pack. it works great!!! thanks. i have a problem getting faceless mods to work on your loader.... Faceless mods work with the regular loader, but your configured loader from your pack wont use faceless' mods (i say "wont", but its more of the reason that i dont know how to make those mods work with your loader)

How do i load mods into the character selection screen like you got it on your loader? i love that option
character selection screen clothing is moreclothing mod. it can only add things that are created with my alternate loader template or the vanilla template.

not sure why faceless's mods would not work with my loaderpack. specific examples would be needed


Avid Affiliate
Jun 20, 2013
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

sby said:
not sure why faceless's mods would not work with my loaderpack. specific examples would be needed

I'm not sure if this is the same issue or not, but...

Ayase's hair (source: Ah P's thread ( Under "Guilty Crown") loads via MoreclothingV5ish, but the ponytail doesn't load. At first I thought it was hidden, and shift-clicking in the 'right' spot would unhide, but no luck. This isn't the only hair do have that happen, but the easiest to use as an example. I've tried listing it as "ayase.swf=Ayase" to see if the ponytail showed up somewhere odd (like HairCostume or CostumeHeadware) but no luck there, either.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

Wolf357 said:
sby said:
not sure why faceless's mods would not work with my loaderpack. specific examples would be needed

I'm not sure if this is the same issue or not, but...

Ayase's hair (source: Ah P's thread ( Under "Guilty Crown") loads via MoreclothingV5ish, but the ponytail doesn't load. At first I thought it was hidden, and shift-clicking in the 'right' spot would unhide, but no luck. This isn't the only hair do have that happen, but the easiest to use as an example. I've tried listing it as "ayase.swf=Ayase" to see if the ponytail showed up somewhere odd (like HairCostume or CostumeHeadware) but no luck there, either.
hmm, a quick test with my working copy seems to load it. instead of V5ish why not see if it works in V5?
(i highly doubt the little changes i made since V5 to my working copy have affected this)


Avid Affiliate
Jun 20, 2013
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

sby said:
hmm, a quick test with my working copy seems to load it. instead of V5ish why not see if it works in V5?
(i highly doubt the little changes i made since V5 to my working copy have affected this)
Downloaded, unpacked moreclothingV5.swf and moreclothingV5settings.txt into $init$, changed Mods.txt to point to 5 (and not the "5ish" that was bundled into WeeWillie's Slave Bazaar), updated the moreclothingv5settings.txt for my additional ones.... and now on start-up it tells me it's missing TemplateExtensionV5+ o.O I didn't see that one in the d/l, and a 5 - 10 minute look thru the thread here (and the "main" Loader area) didn't show anything like what that might be; the .fla template probably isn't it.

Found it. LOL Or, found where it should go (v3 and v4 pointed the way) so now to find/get v5)

Edit 2: o.O OK, v5 (and templateextensionv5) in place and... splat. No change. Rather than using a copy of WeeWillie's Slave Bazaar as a base, I'll rebuild on a clean Loader copy and see if that makes a difference.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

if you want, here is my working copy of moreclothing:
changes are "added snippet of code to sync nametracker and modsloaded just in case some weird shit screws up something"

uses settings file named as moreclothingV5_1settings.txt


Avid Affiliate
Jun 20, 2013
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

sby said:
if you want, here is my working copy of moreclothing:
changes are "added snippet of code to sync nametracker and modsloaded just in case some weird shit screws up something"

uses settings file named as moreclothingV5_1settings.txt

Thank you!

This is frustrating - I've pared down the load level to just the initial backgrounds and six hairs (below), but this is what I get:


  • mc_load_issue.PNG
    30.3 KB · Views: 188


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

Wolf357 said:
sby said:
if you want, here is my working copy of moreclothing:
changes are "added snippet of code to sync nametracker and modsloaded just in case some weird shit screws up something"

uses settings file named as moreclothingV5_1settings.txt

Thank you!

This is frustrating - I've pared down the load level to just the initial backgrounds and six hairs (below), but this is what I get:


Avid Affiliate
Jun 20, 2013
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

sby said:
i don't see anything out of place, but you can send me your loader folder
you don't need to include your other character folders
I'll try to get it to you as soon as I can; probably will be closer to the weekend, though.


Potential Patron
Feb 17, 2011
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

I don't know if this has been brought up before, but do you think it would be possible to incorporate the features of super breast v3 into the breast slider, similar to what you did to the penis range?


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

randomviewer876 said:
I don't know if this has been brought up before, but do you think it would be possible to incorporate the features of super breast v3 into the breast slider, similar to what you did to the penis range?
it doesn't really go well with the slider because you can adjust the x and y scale of the various breasts to how you want. even if i were to adjust them using breastexpansion's code, i would still be hesitant to put it on the breast slider because it is not like the bigger breasts have clothing support.


Potential Patron
Jan 22, 2015
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

great work, i really like your mod(s)!

thinking of breastexpansionplus... is it possible to make cum drip not from her breasts, but from her pussy? i mean, if you put your cum into her belly (animtools), it also drips from her breasts.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

deinemudda said:
is it possible to make cum drip not from her breasts, but from her pussy?
It probably wouldn't be worth the effort.

The first issue is that she doesn't have genitals -- either in terms of vector artwork or in terms of game code. Mod code could generate strands at an "appropriate" x,y position relative to her torso. But if the player has swiveled her legs aside in order to get a closeup view, then they'll simply see semen pop into existence in mid-air.

The strands themselves obey certain physics rules (gravity, inertia, collision, adhesion, stretching, snapping, etc). If you generate a strand between her legs, then its exact behaviour would depend on her orientation. In most cases, the strand would immediately "stick" to the thighs or buttocks; in a few cases it might fall down and stick to the calves and ankles instead. We don't have the necessary code to make semen "flow" or "roll" across her body. We can momentarily disengage strands (which causes "stuck" droplets to fall slightly before re-adhering -- you can see this in breastExpansionPlus) but the overall "flow" effect isn't very convincing.

The end goal would (presumably) be to have semen drip from her genitals and fall to the floor. Well, here's a new problem: there is no floor. The game makes a tacit assumption about the floor based on the "camera." This assumption is accurate for standard kneeling-fellatio scenes but can quickly become invalid when you use animtools to move the actors around. Modders can override this behaviour (applying a custom floor position) either by reading an (x,y) offset from a settings file, or by making an educated guess which reflects the position of her feet (and/or his feet).

Unfortunately, strands will always adhere to the floor as if it was skin. Each strand will simply "stick" in place wherever it falls -- the strands cannot merge into a pool or puddle. And semen strands are notoriously resource-intensive, so the modder (and the player!) would probably want them to fade away quickly.

It's theoretically possible to convert the strand into a resource-efficient "puddle" object (a tapered ellipsoid with appropriate colouration) when it hits the floor; puddles could then grow and merge as new strands arrive. But this is moot because of all the challenges mentioned above.

If you're still interested in this feature, even with these limitations, then say so. It all depends on sby, of course -- how much modding work he currently has enqueued, and whether he considers this feature feasible.

Alternatively... if you have any suggestions which might overcome some of these limitations - or simplify the modding work - then feel free to submit them. Even if you're not sure about the technical details! Programmers are vulnerable to tunnel-vision and we can easily overlook valuable shortcuts.

If you're really interested in the pelvic-penetration stuff and you'd like to contribute long-term, then a good starting point would be to draw a proper pelvis and genitals for the SDT girl. There are many modding ideas which die early (or get vetoed) because of the lack of artwork, so this sort of contribution could encourage/enable additional work.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

i don't plan to add the cum dripping in, mostly because you can't really see much and it probably wouldn't be very impressive. the feature that is labeled as 'eyecum' was originally this, and i changed it because it was pretty lame.

also am pretty sure somebody did borrow code from breast expansion to implement their own pussy dripping cum mod, i don't know where it is located though


Potential Patron
Jan 22, 2015
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

stuntcock said:
deinemudda said:
is it possible to make cum drip not from her breasts, but from her pussy?
It probably wouldn't be worth the effort.

The first issue is that she doesn't have genitals -- either in terms of vector artwork or in terms of game code. Mod code could generate strands at an "appropriate" x,y position relative to her torso. But if the player has swiveled her legs aside in order to get a closeup view, then they'll simply see semen pop into existence in mid-air.

The strands themselves obey certain physics rules (gravity, inertia, collision, adhesion, stretching, snapping, etc). If you generate a strand between her legs, then its exact behaviour would depend on her orientation. In most cases, the strand would immediately "stick" to the thighs or buttocks; in a few cases it might fall down and stick to the calves and ankles instead. We don't have the necessary code to make semen "flow" or "roll" across her body. We can momentarily disengage strands (which causes "stuck" droplets to fall slightly before re-adhering -- you can see this in breastExpansionPlus) but the overall "flow" effect isn't very convincing.

The end goal would (presumably) be to have semen drip from her genitals and fall to the floor. Well, here's a new problem: there is no floor. The game makes a tacit assumption about the floor based on the "camera." This assumption is accurate for standard kneeling-fellatio scenes but can quickly become invalid when you use animtools to move the actors around. Modders can override this behaviour (applying a custom floor position) either by reading an (x,y) offset from a settings file, or by making an educated guess which reflects the position of her feet (and/or his feet).

Unfortunately, strands will always adhere to the floor as if it was skin. Each strand will simply "stick" in place wherever it falls -- the strands cannot merge into a pool or puddle. And semen strands are notoriously resource-intensive, so the modder (and the player!) would probably want them to fade away quickly.

It's theoretically possible to convert the strand into a resource-efficient "puddle" object (a tapered ellipsoid with appropriate colouration) when it hits the floor; puddles could then grow and merge as new strands arrive. But this is moot because of all the challenges mentioned above.

If you're still interested in this feature, even with these limitations, then say so. It all depends on sby, of course -- how much modding work he currently has enqueued, and whether he considers this feature feasible.

Alternatively... if you have any suggestions which might overcome some of these limitations - or simplify the modding work - then feel free to submit them. Even if you're not sure about the technical details! Programmers are vulnerable to tunnel-vision and we can easily overlook valuable shortcuts.

If you're really interested in the pelvic-penetration stuff and you'd like to contribute long-term, then a good starting point would be to draw a proper pelvis and genitals for the SDT girl. There are many modding ideas which die early (or get vetoed) because of the lack of artwork, so this sort of contribution could encourage/enable additional work.

thank you for your detailed answer! now i do understand some of your difficulties with sdt ;-)
i am still interested in such a feature, even with the limitations... but i can only speak for me.
but i think, i am not a real help... my drawing skills are not so good and my programming skills even worse^^


Potential Patron
Feb 7, 2015
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

I don't know if this has been asked before, but with peinsrange v5, I've set testmaskbulgealpha to 0, but her head is still see-through, as if it was on 1. How do I fix this?


Potential Patron
Nov 20, 2011
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 24 2015: uploaded bunch o stuff

sby said:
animtools got updated documentation, and added that bodycontactspaceheldinhilt dialog thing somebody mentioned while i was at it

for dialog writers, do the animtools dialogs happen to often? if so, would adjustable timers (like what breastexpansion does) for most of them be desired?
Thank you very much! I'm not sure about the timers yet as I'm fairly inexperienced :)


Avid Affiliate
Nov 20, 2014
Re: sby's loader imports; jan 29 2015: mg archive2, monitordialogV1

Hey Sby, how tough are these requests? --

Add a 'her reversed' button, functions the same way as the him reversed button you currently have.

Add a 'his leg in front' button, puts the leg closer to the camera in front of her.

Change it so if 'titfuck' is selected as a position, her boob that's farther from the camera is put behind him.

Also, getting the 'max penis size' button working. Though I'm guessing that's not too doable as you'd probably have it fixed by now if it were easy.

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