Ok, so here goes nothing.
I'm new to STD Modding and decided to set up my own configuration from the start, everything was going butter smooth untill I encountered a specific problem, will go into detail further down.
The reason I decided to post this here is cause I can replicate the issue 100% of the time using sby's latest Loader pack and the latest DialogActions (v4.01), combined with ANY custom Dialogue that uses DialogueActions's BUTTONS (I think I managed to narrow it down to that, cause there were dialogues on this forum that uses DA but use none of its button features, and any dialogue without the buttons did NOT incur the issue).
The issue is, if I start a custom Dialogue that uses DA everything WORKS during that SESSION, if I CLOSE the game while the dialogue is running and then START the Loader again, during the initial mod loading I get an error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at obj.dialogue::Dialogue/startSpeakingPhrase_l()
at Function/
at Modules::lProxy/forwardMethod()
at LineTypeManager/buildDialogueStates()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\LineTypeManager.as:72]
at Main/doCheck()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\Main.as:146]
at Loader_fla::MainTimeline/fps()
The only way for me to get past the initial mod loading to circumvent this is to run the game, immediately click Options, hit the reset button, close the game, reopen the game after the reset is done, and voila it works again. Running the Dialogue on this "reset" works perfectly yet again, untill I close the game while the dialogue is running, and reopen the game to see the ini mod loading fail again.
So a few tests I did was to run the game without doing the "reset" to get the loading error but either without DA or MoreCloathing.
The game starts up and loads fine running just one of either. I did not manage to incur the error running just MoreCloathing, or running just DA. Dialogues run fine, closing the game and reopening it does not incur the error. Whenever I try to do the same while running BOTH DA and MoreCloathing the error happens.
Example of Dialogue that incurs the error: Blue_Boxs' Cream n' Cookies found here:
*nov 13, 2015* Dialogues By Blue_box (movie/automation) | Undertow
Tests made with VANILLA Sbys' Loader pack along with DialogueActions, and ANY custom dialogue that uses DA Buttons.
How I installed DA and the dialogue:
Downloaded Sbys pack > downloaded DA > put SDTDialogueActionsv4.01.swf into the $INIT$ mod folder and wrote the .swf file into the mods.txt > downloaded a dialogue, followed instructions if any was included, created a CharacterFolder for the dialogue inside the mods folder, added the dialogue.txt and any files that comes with it, updated the CharacterFolders.txt with the new dialogue folder name.
The game finds the Dialogue and executes it without any issues, the only time the error happens is if you close the game while having a DA Dialogue running and then reopen the game. If you reset the scene when you run a DA Dialogue before closing the game you will NOT get the error upon startup.
Although, if you reset a DA Dialogue when HIM dosent have a penis, atleast I am unable to get the penis to show again, though this might just be something with the game and not related to DA or anything.
Sorry for the wall of text and the spellingmisstakes and other things, hopefully I made myself understood. Is there something I can do about this error? Or do I just have to live with it?
Is it a collision between MoreCloathing and DA or is there a setting I've missed to modify? Since it runs fine if I disable either.