Streets of Girls: a fictional Beat 'Em Up Walkthrough (4 Viewers)

Lonely Poro

Avid Affiliate
Sep 26, 2021
Level Club silk - All female strip club

Equipment: Handcuffsx1

Main character gender can be male or female. It is up to the reader.

The club is closed but fully staffed. It seems like its just closed.


Jessie bars your way into the club. You square up to her and taunt her.
She attempts to grab you and push you away. You grapple with her arms bring her close to you.
You bring your knee to her cunt and throw her to the ground. You kick her in the stomach
until you knock her out.

KO- Jessie

Kilisa and Ava:

You walk into the club and see Kilisa and Sheeva making out in the hallway. They notice you walk in
and ready themselves for a fight. Kilisa and Ava run and jump at you with flying side kicks.
You dodge to the side causing them to miss entirely, they tumble to the ground. Before they
can react you kick Kilisa in the head knocking her out. Ava tries to get up but you punch her in
the throat and back hand her also knocking her out.
KO- Ava
KO- Kilisa











You walk into the main show room. You see Elsie, Tanya, Evelyne, Clara, Ashe, Grace, Lilith, Delta,
Nova, and Rachel.
Elsie, Lilith, and Delta are watching Nova pole dance cheering. Clara and Ashe are talking. Grace is dancing
In front Tanya. Evelyne and Rachel are talking by the bar.
Clara and Ashe start walking out of the main room. You decide to take them out first. You follow them out of the main room
and into a hallway. They start making out. They see you from the corner of the eyes and attempt to seduce you. They do almost succeed but you
are mentally strong. You decide to let them think they charmed you by eyeing their bodies. They walk close to you
and pin you against the wall. Ashe tries to punch you in the face. Expecting the attack, you grab her hand surprising
her and Clara. You throw her arm to the side and free yourself of their grips. You punch Clara in the stomach and rush behind her.
You grab her and push her into Ash and slam them into the wall. You knee both their cunts until they are knocked out

KO- Ashe
KO- Clara
You walk back into the main room. You decide to take Grace and Tanya out of the equation. You walk slowly behind the two.
They are to busy with each other to notice. You grab Grace's head and hit Tanya's. Both of the girls recoil and writhe in pain.
You grab Grace's long hair and throw her into Tanya. The girls get up and get into their fight stances. At this point the entire
room knows that you are here. Nova, Delta, Lilith, Elsie, Rachel, and Evelyne surround you along with Tanya and Grace. You decide
to fake a surrender since they have numbers on their side. You raise your hands and wait for one of the girls to make a move.
Elsie walks slowly towards you. She grabs your arms and brings them down. You yank your arms out of her hands as her grip is weak
and elbow her in the stomach. Nova rushes you in rage and is ready to punch you but you are faster. You pull Elsie up and use as
a human shield. Elsie takes the hit knocking her out, you drop Elsie after. Nova is taken back at this. You use this moment of
weakness to kick Nova's legs out. You bring you foot under her stomach the impact knocks her out.

KO- Grace
KO- Tanya
KO- Elsie
KO- Tanya
The rest of the girls decide to charge you at once. You grab cushions from the couch and throw them at Delta, Lilith, and Rachel faces.
This stalls them enough for you to grapple Evelyne’s arm. You elbow her in the face a few times then supplex her on to the couch knocking her out.
Lilith, Rachel, and Delta look at their fallen friends and become enraged. Lilith and Rachel released a burst of attacks. Their attacks are strong
and difficult to block. You notice Rachel is becoming fatigued. You use this opportunity to uppercut her. Rachel recoils back and hits the ground hard.
Lilith gazes upon her fallen friend. Mimicking Lilith and Rachel's previous attacks you assault Rachel's cleavage with a burst of attacks. Rachel falls
to the ground. Delta becomes enraged and tackles you. You slam your elbow on her multiple back times forcing her to the ground. You backhand her to knock
her out. You grab her right arm and cuff said arm to the stripper pole.

KO- Evelyne
KO- Lilith
KO- Rachel
KO- Delta

Left to right Elesa, Sarah, Lydia, and Skye:
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You walk in the change rooms and see Sarah, Lydia, Skye and Elesa. They notice you walk in and get into their fighting positions. You see a knife in Elesa's
hands. You decide to even the odds and grab a chair. All the girls decide to attack you at once. You block with the chair and then take a swing at Sarah and
Lydia. Sarah ducks making Lydia take the brunt of it. Lydia goes flying into Skye and slams into the wall with her. This gives you time to grab Sarah and use
her as a human shield. Elesa halts her attack as it would hurt Sarah and walks back. You push Sarah into Elesa causing her to fall and drop the knife. You
grab the knife from the ground and point it at the girls. Sarah and Elesa are frozen with fear and whimper. You strike Elesa in the face with a kick and knock
her out. You then grab Sarah and pull her up. You notice she is very light giving you and idea. Lifting her over your head you turn back to Lydia and Skye who
have are still shaken from you last attack. You throw Sarah at Lydia and Skye. Skye dodges Sarah but Lydia is not as lucky. Lydia and Sarah hit and wall and get
knocked out. Before Skye can react, you tackle her into the walk and punch in the stomach until she goes unconscious.

KO- Elesa
KO- Sarah
KO- Lydia
KO- Skye

Hera, Khara:

You walk out of the change room and into the main room. You plan to sweep the entire building and take out the boss. You walk out of the main room and into a
a hallway. This hallway seemed to have a lot of doors. You suspect they might be the private rooms. You decide to open the door nearest to you. You see Khara
declothing Hera with her hands. You decide to catch them in the act by grabbing Hera's hair. You slam her head in to Khara stunning them both. You punch them both in head until they are knocked out.

KO- Khara
KO- Hera



Lora and May:

You walk into the other rooms, most of which were empty. You reach toward the final door and open it. You walk in and see Hilda, May, Lora, and Runa. The girls
were playing strip poker. The girls notice you and ready themselves for combat. You expect them to use their numbers to their advantage. Hilda strikes at you face
but you dodge the strike. You grab hold of her arm and throw her over yourself. You then dash toward Lora and uppercut her chin. This knocks her out and send her flying
into Runa. Runa dodges Lora but you knee her in cunt and rapidly punch her in the throat. May looks at you in disbelief. You decide to go for style points and to a
spinning kick on her head. The kick makes contact and sends her spinning to the ground.

KO- Hilda
KO- Runa
KO- Lora
KO- May

Suko and Suki:

Boss Luxana:


You walk out the final change room and head into to the office room. The door is left unguarded. You feel as if a trap is waiting behind the doors. You walk into the
room and quickly find you arms have been seized by two girls Suko and Suki. The boss Luxana looks at you arrogantly. She wastes no time talking and attempts to punch
your lights out. Suki's grip on your arm is weak so you pull her in front of you to block the punch. Suko becomes enraged and dislocates your arm. This gives
Luxana enough time to kick you away. Luxana's kick is powerful and breaks a few ribs. You are winded but not defeated. Suki recovers from the punch and charges at you
with Suko. You dodge both Suko and Suki's strikes and slam the door into Suko's face. You grab Suki's body and do a wrestler take down knocking her out. You then grab
Suko and throw her at Luxana. Luxana ducks down causing Suko to hit the wall hard. Suko falls to the ground unconscious. Luxana is a tough opponent, she uses her fast
strikes to tire her opponents out. Luxana sends a flurry of punches your way. You take a defensive stance and block all her punches. Luxana surprises you by grabbing your
arm and twisting it. Luxana dislocates her arm and tries to finish you off with a punch. You dodge the punch and headbutt the girl stunning her. You relocate your arm
and grab Luxana's throat. You grab her body and slam her into her own desk finishing her off.

KO- Suko
KO- Suki
KO- Luxana

Level complete.


Master of this Domain
Feb 15, 2020
Hey, great job w/doing a level. Some brutal attacks!
Very hot ladies making out, such as Kilisa & Sheeva, and Ashe & Clara.
And all their outfits. :smile: Suko & Suki!
Elesa, Sarah, Lydia, and Skye- wow. Also, the huge group in the main area.
Well done.


Master of this Domain
Feb 15, 2020
Nice job putting it in this format. Incredible peril for ladies w/dropoffs & shooting! :wat:
Gorgeous foes! Favs are: Evangeline, Jennie (married lady? :smile:), Elanor, Irina & Florence.
Evangeline, Jennie & Nora- what a cruel fate. :eek: Well done.


Master of this Domain
Feb 15, 2020
Nicely done! Poor girlfriends, and (married?) Betty! :wat:
Also, Sam fight, and multiple piledrivers on Natalie. :oops:
Sharon- so cute. Those giggles. And Angela! :cool:

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