WeeWillie Dialogues (Slave Bazaar Alpha 8.9 3/27/19) Added Sister (5 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2015
Great mod WeeWillie, I've only found out about your mod this past week and have thoroughly enjoyed your Dialogues, especially Slave Bazaar.

I've played the 6.3 and the newer 7.0 and have broken all the slaves separately in each version. My question is what files do I have to replace if I want to upgrade my save to a newer version in the future?


Potential Patron
Jun 5, 2014
Big thanks for this intersting update !

All the features are obviously great.

The new char is just perfect in all ways to me (physically and mentally).
The "lick penis" lines are very welcome.

I think I have noticed (but I may be mistaken) that the olders chars have new lines also, very nice.

Here are the bugs (or supposed bugs) I notified :

1) Tchat is impossible when whipping Ellie. Only "back" and "more" buttons appears -> Have to click on "back" to found the standarts ones and continue to play.

2) The cushots lines - when she's on her kneels - are always the same. I didnt open the dialog text but I also think it's a bug because this cumshot line makes her arousal stat down, what seems illogical when broken (or not... i don't know).

Edit : it seems that slapping and whipping do not work on Ellie when she's insane (kitten).


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Thank you everyone for the help with bugs. I'm going to be out of town for a few days, so it'll be awhile before I can fix them, but once I'm back, I'll get right on it.

Pim_gd said:
DialogueChecker not ran before making a release?
I did run DC. Girl4 is a junk file that isn't part of the build yet. Only Girl 0 through 3 are valid. Thank you for checking all the files though!


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
WeeWillie said:
Pim_gd said:
DialogueChecker not ran before making a release?
I did run DC. Girl4 is a junk file that isn't part of the build yet. Only Girl 0 through 3 are valid. Thank you for checking all the files though!

I only checked Girl4 since I saw someone spot an error in there... hmmh, will do the rest.

Girl1.txt - Done
Variables - Major: Undeclared variable ("pffft") in a variable insertion (*pffft*) on line 318, col 15, near "OneTimeM2C5S1:"*pffft* (...)".
Line 318: OneTimeM2C5S1:"*pffft* I think you farted.БББББББББББББББББББББ Or maybe the dog farted.ББББББ *pffft* Nevermind, it was me. -giggle-" {"set":{"Slaves.slave1.OneTimeCount":"+1"}}

Variables - Major: Undeclared variable ("pffft") in a variable insertion (*pffft*) on line 318, col 15, near "OneTimeM2C5S1:"*pffft* (...)".
Line 318: OneTimeM2C5S1:"*pffft* I think you farted.БББББББББББББББББББББ Or maybe the dog farted.ББББББ *pffft* Nevermind, it was me. -giggle-" {"set":{"Slaves.slave1.OneTimeCount":"+1"}}

Syntax - Major: An uneven amount of asterisks was found on line 631. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 631: ThoughtM20L2:"-tweet tweet- That's the Blue Bird of Happiness saying %22*Constant.slave1.Name*, you scored with this Slaves.slave1.Title*.%22 -giggle-[BUTTONALL_ON]"

Grammar - Minor: Double space on line 1511, col 115 near "(...) dizzy.[GAG]ББББББББББББ Uhhhhhhh!Б[OPEN_EYES][KNOCK_OUT][INSTANT_(...)"

Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions:
Grammatical error (double sentence ending: !.) on line 1553, col 15 near "WhipReactA0:"Oh!." (...)"
Stripped Line 1553: WhipReactA0:"Oh!." {"style":"thought"}

Girl2.txt - Done
Variables - Minor: Undeclared target variable (hasPotion) in a VariableArithmetic SET trigger ([SETVAR_hasPotion_*Player.Potion.RestoreHair || hasPotion*]) on line 52, col 17, near "CutBald_INSTANT:"[SETVAR_hasPotion_*Player.Potion.RestoreHair || hasPotion*][LOAD_HAIR][*returnLine2*]" (...)".
Target variables are allowed to be created without declaration, but this is bad form. By declaring them in initial_settings you prevent debugging headaches when someone bypasses your variable creation.
Line 52: CutBald_INSTANT:"[SETVAR_hasPotion_*Player.Potion.RestoreHair || hasPotion*][LOAD_HAIR][*returnLine2*]" {"style":"him","set":{"da.hair.load":"bald.png", "Slaves.slave2.HairCut":1}}

Variables - Minor: Undeclared target variable (hasPotion) in a VariableArithmetic SET trigger ([SETVAR_hasPotion_*( Player.Potion.RestoreHair && ( Slaves.slave2.HairCut != 0 ) ) || ( Slaves.slave2.Mood \ 10 != 0 && Player.Potion.MindWipe ) || Player.Potion.Love*]) on line 98, col 514, near "(...) Player.Cuffs1*][SETVAR_hasPotion_*( Player.Potion.RestoreHair && ( Slaves.slave2.HairCut != 0 ) ) || ( Slaves.slave2.Mood \ 10 != 0 && Player.Potion.MindWipe ) || Player.Potion.Love*][SetPosition*Progression.Position*]" (...)".
Target variables are allowed to be created without declaration, but this is bad form. By declaring them in initial_settings you prevent debugging headaches when someone bypasses your variable creation.
Line 98: MarkClothing_INSTANT:"[SETVAR_hasOutfit_*Slaves.slave2.Outfit9.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit10.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit11.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit8.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit6.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit7.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit3.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit2.Owned*][SETVAR_hasCostume_*Slaves.slave2.Outfit1.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit4.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit5.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit12.Owned || Slaves.slave2.Outfit13.Owned*][SETVAR_hasBondage_*Player.Gag1 || Player.Cuffs1*][SETVAR_hasPotion_*( Player.Potion.RestoreHair && ( Slaves.slave2.HairCut != 0 ) ) || ( Slaves.slave2.Mood \ 10 != 0 && Player.Potion.MindWipe ) || Player.Potion.Love*][SetPosition*Progression.Position*]" {"style":"him", "set":{"returnLine":"InitDone_INSTANT"}}

Girl3.txt - DONE
Line Usage - Major: A trigger ([y]) on line 135 refers to a non-existing line.
Line 135: passed_out:"[WW_TIMER_0][y]..." {"style":"him"}

Grammar - Minor: The following issue was found after stripping the line of delay characters, triggers and variable substitutions:
Double space on line 1759, col 52 near "(...) dim. Feel (...)"
Line 1759: FullyWhippedPassout1:"[WW_TIMER_0][WW_WHIP]ББББ[WW_PAIN][AUTO_KEYS_ON][AUTO_HARD][BOUNCE_TITS_.15][CLOSE_EYES]БББ[ADD_TEARS][SHOCK][SETVAR_da.breathPercentage_0]ББББББББББББ[AUTO_OFF][AUTO_KEYS_OFF]AHHH!БББББББ[GAG] Everything is going dim. ББББББББББББ[CLOSE_EYES] Feel sick.[GAG]ББББББББББББ Uhhhhhhh!Б[OPEN_EYES][KNOCK_OUT][INSTANT_FLASH_000000][ANIMTOOLS_WeeWillie_whip_back_passout][HIDE_HIM][END_FLASH]ББББББББББББББББББББ" {"style":"thought", "set":{"Slaves.slave3.PassedOutWhip":1}}
Stripped Line 1759: FullyWhippedPassout1:"AHHH! Everything is going dim. Feel sick. Uhhhhhhh!" {"style":"thought","set":{"Slaves.slave3.PassedOutWhip":1}}

Do a find for [", "] (double quote comma space space double quote). It's causing errors like this one:

Syntax - Major: Failed to properly parse line-attributes for line 2665, parsing stopped at col 88 at ", "Slaves.slave3.Love":"+1", "Progression.Arousal":"+6", "Progression.Limited.FuckCumInside":"-1"}"
Line 2665: FuckCumInsideX1B1:"[CalcMood_INSTANT]" {"style":"him", "set":{"Slaves.slave3.Pride":"+1", "Slaves.slave3.Love":"+1", "Progression.Arousal":"+6", "Progression.Limited.FuckCumInside":"-1"}}

Line Usage - Major: A trigger ([orgasmTogetherAnal]) on line 3029 refers to a non-existing line.
Line 3029: AnalCumInsideX1CumTogether1_INSTANT:"[orgasmTogetherAnal]" {"style":"him"}


Potential Patron
Aug 31, 2014
Raising pride is a pain in the ass. love is fine, if you do what she wants (being nice to her) it rises pretty quickly, but pride... Aside from siwtching between foyer and slave room and chatting ith her, pride doesnt seem to rise at all.

I think i played for over an hour now. I just dont now how to get her to orgasm. no matter what i do, she doesnt enjoy anything. She just gets hurt. I`m done for today. maybe i'll try again tomorrow, but to break ellie into a servant is a pain in the ass.


Potential Patron
Apr 28, 2015
Sauron17011 said:
Raising pride is a pain in the ass. love is fine, if you do what she wants (being nice to her) it rises pretty quickly, but pride... Aside from siwtching between foyer and slave room and chatting ith her, pride doesnt seem to rise at all.

I think i played for over an hour now. I just dont now how to get her to orgasm. no matter what i do, she doesnt enjoy anything. She just gets hurt. I`m done for today. maybe i'll try again tomorrow, but to break ellie into a servant is a pain in the ass.

That's interesting, I cracked the method for Ellie pretty quickly... Just chat and pick the "nicest" things to say.
NB: I did find and fix a couple of bugs first though (see my post to WW on this)... but I'm pretty sure these didn't make any difference to how log it took.


Potential Patron
Jun 5, 2014
Spinner said:
Sauron17011 said:
Raising pride is a pain in the ass. love is fine, if you do what she wants (being nice to her) it rises pretty quickly, but pride... Aside from siwtching between foyer and slave room and chatting ith her, pride doesnt seem to rise at all.

I think i played for over an hour now. I just dont now how to get her to orgasm. no matter what i do, she doesnt enjoy anything. She just gets hurt. I`m done for today. maybe i'll try again tomorrow, but to break ellie into a servant is a pain in the ass.

That's interesting, I cracked the method for Ellie pretty quickly... Just chat and pick the "nicest" things to say.
NB: I did find and fix a couple of bugs first though (see my post to WW on this)... but I'm pretty sure these didn't make any difference to how log it took.

To break Elie as kindly as possible I did this :

1)Bought her and don't do anything with her. Come back with new clothes. Do this two times. She really enjoys wearing the kitten costume.

2)Make her lick the penis only while you send her some gentle compliments (nice dog eyes, such a beautiful girl), nothing nasty. At some point her arousal will up to 100 and her love high enought to continue.

3)When her arousal is at 100 and her love high enough (80 worked for me but higher is safer because she needs to have 100+ love to break during fucking), then go to take her virginity. She will cum and break as a loving sex addict slave when you'll cum in her pussy.

Regarding the pride nothing illogical to me ; when recently broken, a slave should not have any reasons to be particulary proud. She's docile and that is what is important to start training. The pride will up by training her in the same way you broke her (sadisticly or amorously), buying some new closes sometimes etc... I thought all the timings/progressions pretty good actually.


Potential Patron
Aug 31, 2014
Tube33950 said:
Regarding the pride nothing illogical to me ; when recently broken, a slave should not have any reasons to be particulary proud. She's docile and that is what is important to start training. The pride will up by training her in the same way you broke her (sadisticly or amorously), buying some new closes sometimes etc... I thought all the timings/progressions pretty good actually.

It seems that i had a problem with the mind wipe potion. Even when her arousal was up, she complained about not being a virgin anymore, even though i didn't do anything afte the portion. I had her broken the other way before, and i think that was the problem. worked without any struggle now that i just started anew.


Potential Patron
Jun 3, 2015
AlexanderGCN said:
You should change Plexia's breaking limit. I can't break her, she won't stay at 100 arousal ...

I'm not sure which way you want her broken so I'll do both.

Breaking Plexia into a Pain Slut is harder in the newest version. You have to time it so that she is at 100 arousal just before she passes out because she has to have 100 arousal after catching her breath in order to break her.

Breaking her into a Docile Servant is easier since there is no timing. Just get her to the requisites: 0 pride, 100 arousal, >90 love. As long as she asks permission to masturbate when she is at 100 arousal then she'll break when she eventually cums (she doesn't need to stay at 100 arousal when masturbating, she just asks at 100 arousal).

In my opinion, I think she is better as a Docile Servant if you want to pimp her out. You get more gold since all her other stats apart from Kinky and Exotic which are already maxed from the start are way higher than those of a Pain Slut.


When playing with Ellie, any time I cum on her she always has the same message.

"GROSS! -gag- What is this slime? Is this the "cum" the orphanage girls talked about?"

She says this when being cummed on and in, both before and after being broken (for all three types of breaking).


Potential Patron
Apr 28, 2015
Hi WW, Hope your trip went well.

I have one question and some feedback on Bazzar...

nxtm4n said:
When playing with Ellie, any time I cum on her she always has the same message.

"GROSS! -gag- What is this slime? Is this the "cum" the orphanage girls talked about?"

She says this when being cummed on and in, both before and after being broken (for all three types of breaking).

I found the fixes for the above bugs (hope you don't mind). :-\ Fixes are:
Line 2289: CumOn:"[CumOnHadCum*HadCumOnFace || HadCumInMouth*]" {"style":"thought"}
Should be: CumOn:"[CumOnHadCum*Slaves.slave3.HadCumOnFace || Slaves.slave3.HadCumInMouth*]" {"style":"thought"}
Line 2353: CumInNotKneel0:"[CumInHadCum*HadCumOnFace || HadCumInMouth*]" {"style":"thought"}
Should be: CumInNotKneel0:"[CumInHadCum*Slaves.slave3.HadCumOnFace || Slaves.slave3.HadCumInMouth*]" {"style":"thought"}

WeeWillie said:
- At high arousal and pain, the girls will breath harder.

Nice feature... :D Can you tell me how you are controlling the breath level? ???


hey there

i'm new to SDT since yesterday and tried your bazaar mod which is very nice. I have plenty suggestions if you're still developing it though i m not much aware of how deep\far you can go with this swf setup.

Also, i may miss basic knowledge as to what you can actually do with the current mod. i know the cum\swallow shortcuts and i can use the buttons available on the left with ease but maybe i'm missing some ?

Anyway, for suggestion\discussion.

I find it sad that the only way you interact with the slave is mostly through sex. The whipping is a very nice addition and there's more here to explore on the pain\bondage\discipline side.

For example, one could imagine some kind of position training, where you could ask the slave to assume specific pre-coded positions (if i understand correctly, there's an animation mod that allows to create pretty much anything ?) and set specific values to those positions.

Like say facing master (can you have face and not profile views ?) kneeling, legs spread, hands on hand, mouth open. Or on all fours, head down, etc.. Well, any classic submissive positions. Values could be physical stress aka pain (x per second), humiliation (x per second) etc... Actually, having some more variety to positions when BJ\Fucking would be quite amazing. Maybe you could add a position details to it ? Say, you pick Kneel (maybe should be renamed BJ\Suck ?). Click position. See Fuck as a master option to switch to different activity. And below a sublist with things like "hands behind head" "lie down" (so you d throatfuck her from above :D ) or any other position related to that activity (The obvious win here would be to re-use some pre-coded submissive positions)

As for interactions with a thing like position training, depending on the girls resilience, she would "lose" the position after a while (tied to stress\pain value) the same way girls slowly slide the cock out when you DT them in the basic game, but instead you'd see maybe legs closing or arms falling, or she makes too much noise. You'd keep a slap\whip action to put her back in place. Ideally, you'd be able to add a gag or nipple clamps, pouring wax etc...

This could do with completely removing the "cock" and the master from that specific phase, kinda like the current whip scene.

The bondage aspect would be very very amazing if it could be developped : Spread bar (would switch slave to default leg setup), pre-defined shibari setups (again, with values affecting the slave).

Another thing that came to mind is that there aint really a "rest mode". Corner Time (say, she turns around, kneeling, head down, mouth closed, no sound) or Go to sleep (simple black screen + disabling all mouse actions ?)

Overall, i'd say it's not really having idea that poses an issue right ? ;D but i'd really like to have you guys and Wee's opinion on all this even just for the sake of having a better understanding on how all this works.

Final word being a massive kudo to Wee's for the already amazing work ;)


Potential Patron
Nov 1, 2014
Hey, regarding the poll about changing the innocent girl. It seems that people are voting to keep her as it is, or making her even smaller together more than making her bigger... I think it's good as it is, and if you are going to make changes, please make an option to for a player to change it as they wish...

oh and also whipping her while broken as kitty doesnt seem to work and ear while fucking is a bit odd....


Potential Patron
Apr 29, 2014
I love the new version willie :) I was wondering if you could add the ability to make plexia call you different names like you can will ellie and ashley.


Potential Patron
May 14, 2012
i LOVE this mod!
Is possible turn her when whiping?

An ask, I've see some strange position like "WeeWillie_anal_small_passedout.txt", this i possible inthe game or i must load it by Loader?


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
elebram said:
Is possible turn her when whiping?
You can break Ellie as a masochist while whipping her when she passes out, and has had other things done to her.

elebram said:
An ask, I've see some strange position like "WeeWillie_anal_small_passedout.txt", this i possible inthe game or i must load it by Loader?
That isn't in the game yet. I was going to have her pass out if she was unbroken and her pain went to 100 while doing anal, but I didn't get that in yet. Is that something you'd like? It would just be a moment in that pose like when she passes out from whipping.


Content Creator
Nov 8, 2013
Spinner said:
I found the fixes for the above bugs (hope you don't mind). :-\ Fixes are:[size=9pt]
Thanks spinner. The fixes will go in with the next release

Spinner said:
Nice feature... :D Can you tell me how you are controlling the breath level? ???
It's part of my new WeeWillieMod that is part of the bundle. In a dialog, I use the triggers [WW_LINKBREATHTOSTAT_Arousal_70_60] and [WW_LINKBREATHTOSTAT_Pain_70_45]
On a timer, the mod checks the value of her arousal and pain and caps her breath if needed. For example, the arousal line has 70 as the arousal start value and 60 as the maximum cap at 100 arousal. Thus, when her arousal gets to 71, the cap slowly is applied in a linear fashion until it is capped at 60% breath when she is at 100 arousal. Thus, she'd be capped at about 75% breath at 85 arousal. Make sense?

Regarding the issues some people are seeing with arousal and pain going down too fast, I think this is because I have a timer working on frame rate. Maybe others have faster machines and are getting great frame rates and thus the count down goes much faster than I meant. I'm working on fixing the timers to work on real time instead of on frame rate, so that the decay at the rate I meant them to.


Potential Patron
Jun 8, 2015
WeeWillie said:
I was going to have her pass out if she was unbroken and her pain went to 100 while doing anal, but I didn't get that in yet. Is that something you'd like?
It could be interesting to see/try out

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