Zako Artwork (4 Viewers)


Club Regular
Sep 21, 2010
Look where my Dancers ended up xD!! I think I'll start writing the 3rd chapter then to get more Shaba ilustrations for them :3


Club Regular
May 22, 2011
Nice drawing! That is how Delmo should like look! A little more sexy!

However, the topic of Ninja Infiltration isn't good. All the so called henchwomen just look like innocent dancing girls. There isn't any sign showing that they are evil or able to fight. These pictures do not excite me. Maybe making the girls wearing combat uniform or bikini-style armour will be much better.


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
The pics are based off of stories where it's stated that the dance academy is a front for an agent training facility. The description of the pictures on DA also state they're evil. I realize that doesn't change how they look, but rest assured, all those girls deserve it. ;)


Club Regular
Sep 21, 2010
The pics are based off of stories where it's stated that the dance academy is a front for an agent training facility. The description of the pictures on DA also state they're evil. I realize that doesn't change how they look, but rest assured, all those girls deserve it. ;)

Exactly, and I will be starting to write chapter 3 very soon. So our friend Shabby will make more nice drawings for us.


Swell Supporter
Dec 3, 2012
PSYLOCKE master.jpg
I recently did this, first time I'd used a real person in a picture - from deviantart stock by jagged-eye, Vanessa Wedge in cosplay as Psylocke being ambushed by some female goons.
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Potential Patron
Jul 30, 2013
-------> Secteur-X7

I meant the entire comic book of cobra space where there are zako female seaman :D

Ps: Poor thing the last zako killed by cobra haha


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
-------> Secteur-X7

I meant the entire comic book of cobra space where there are zako female seaman :D

Ps: Poor thing the last zako killed by cobra haha

Hey CuoreAzzurro! The issue is "Space Adventure Cobra Volume 9: Secret of Sword" by Buichi Terasawa. (If you are talking about the comic book rather than the animated version). I don't know of anywhere the entire comic book is posted online.
However, I scanned and posted all of the comic panels featuring the seamen zako in the first page of this thread (easy enough to find).
In the animated version, all of the seamen zako wear pink and have blonde/green hair, while in the comic book they all wear green and have many different hair colors, from blonde to blue.
Comic book: Space Adventure Cobra Comic Edit 13.png Space Adventure Cobra Comic Edit 14.png Space Adventure Cobra Comic Edit 16.png
Animated version: Space Adventure Cobra Zako 36.png Space Adventure Cobra Zako 39.png Space Adventure Cobra Zako 80.png

Also, in the comic they are teamed with a bunch of male zako who unfortunately take over some of the action scenes that are performed by the seamen zako in the animated version (like the shootout in the underwater base, or the unconscious zako used to open the door to the bad guy's lair).

Regarding that final zako... she is a favorite of mine because of how helpless she seems and how brutal Cobra is to her. Cobra forces her to take him to the lair of the big boss (this is made clear in the translation of the animated version), and then either kills her or knocks her out (this is not clear, though given Cobra's ruthlessness to these zako thus far, killing a surrendered zako would not surprise me). Then he uses her limp body to open the final door (eye scan or fingerprint I guess), surprises the big boss, and drops the limp zako face first on the floor. Then, the entire base begins to collapse, and Cobra simply leaves her lying there even if he only knocked her unconscious before, he may as well have killed her!

That artwork that Secteur-X7 posted of Cobra and the final seaman zako has me conflicted. On the one hand, I'm glad to see artwork of some of my favorite zako...but on the other hand, thinking of Cobra as lusting after these zako and having his way with them sort of ruins it for me...I always think of the hero as being uninterested in the zako and merely seeing them as annoyances to eliminate. Other people may think differently of the zako or consider them attractive, but to the heroes they are just dealt with and then forgotten!

Anwyay, your question reminded me that I long ago downloaded a high-definition version of the seamen episode of Cobra, with the dialogue captioned in English. I managed to find that file, but it was in a really weird format, so I spent some time changing it to avi format and making clips of all the zako parts, with the English captions on there. I will post this improved version of the Cobra episode in the Zako anime thread.

- Kimblis


Potential Patron
Jul 30, 2013
Thank you for your detailed answer Kimblis! In fact, what I meant in my question! However, my favorite zako space cobra episode 23 and the zako that is thrown on the floor with your back! Poor thing :( but also the zako being burned alive I feel sorry for! :(


Jul 14, 2012
Zako themed art by Seimenju

Here's some sexy art with Zako themes by Seimenju on DeviantArt. The art shows a lot of scenes with large numbers of Zako usually fighting and laying about defeated.

girls_troop_siege_failed__50girls_version__by_seimenju-d4t0eot.jpg girls_troop_fail_the_siege_2_by_seimenju-d46cfwc.jpg

Here's the artist's DeviantArt page: Seimenju on deviantART


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 12, 2013
As far as I've been able to tell, Seimenju doesn't upload on DA anymore. I've seen a few of his pictures go by on Pixiv, but they've mostly been his 'remixes' of old pictures (palette swaps mostly) so I haven't bothered to bookmark his gallery yet... which unfortunately means I'll NEVER be able to remember his name. If you look through the Ryona search they're in there, however.


Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
I've been doing more lurking than posting lately, but I thought I'd share/show off my latest commission.


I've been a bit uninspired for a while when it comes to commissioning pictures. I'd wanted to find a way of showing the zako in action rather than just doing static pinup type pictures, and I'd really been thinking a lot about producing more sequential artwork. But I found it quite a lot of work doing all the planning and storyboarding (I don't have that much time these days and I'm quite lazy) and it's quite pricey (duh). So instead I went back and thought about making a single high quality picture instead.

So this was my first attempt, and I went back to my favourite artist and my favourite zako. I know there's already more than enough Poison fanart on the web, but for a fighting game character there's hardly any artwork where she's actually fighting, I figured it might show a different, more violent aspect to the zako's personality than you'd normally see in a pinup.

The main concept was to sort of try and bring the game alive. Keeping faithful to the look of the game stage and the characters, almost right down to the sprite frame. I tried to think of a single picture that would best show their acrobatic fighting style. I guess my own particular favourite thing is when the zako beating up the protagonist (zako gyaku ryona, right?) and I thought about Poison & Roxy's fighting moves with the high heeled kicks and slaps and the ideas and details just flowed from there. The subway stage seemed like a fitting backdrop since it's the first time in the game you're confronted by Poison & Roxy together.

Anyway, obviously I was absolutely blown away when I saw the finished piece, I hope you like it too!


Casual Client
Aug 27, 2012
That is really well done! I personally think their shirts are a little too ripped (they almost look like they're melting), but like you said, there's very little art of them actually fighting. Do you have any links to the artist's other work?

Thanks for sharing and great job!

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