Zako Artwork (2 Viewers)


Club Regular
May 22, 2011
I completely agree with you. The fighting scenes of female zako beating or being beaten by others can make them alive, sexy and or attractive, whether they are original or not.

I want to do this for a long time and proposed several scenes but I do not have any drawing skills so each time what I could do is just looking your magnificent pictures...

Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
I think excessm made these drawings for Kimblis because they feature the hero overcoming impossible odds against countless female opponents. It's different from his usual artwork depicting a handful of females having their way with a younger hero.


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Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
I think excessm made these drawings for Kimblis because they feature the hero overcoming impossible odds against countless female opponents. It's different from his usual artwork depicting a handful of females having their way with a younger hero.

Hi Dan Druff,
They weren't made for me; I've never seen them before. And I usually stay away from swords when it comes to zako because I don't really like the gore or dismemberment and such.
However, I do like these two pics...the hero does not seem to hold anything back while he takes out the cute zako, and the zako look very proud in the before pic and very pitiful in the after pic. Thanks for sharing them!


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
I've recently discovered an incredible series of stories from an amazing though controversial artist: Kevin Kinne.

The stories are quite old, but I haven't found any mention to them here, then I thought I'd share my find with all of you Zako fans! ;)

The series is called "Death Games"... and the name itself is already a thrill.

The 1st story is in pure Zako style: a kidnapped human has to fight 100 naked alien blue henchgirls. Needless to say, the young Zako prove to be inept fighters and get implacably slaughtered... with a little help from the planet's wildlife too!

The 2nd story is more complicated and crowded: 4 teams of 100 girls each + 5 men fight to the death in an established arena. If last year's movie "Hunger Games" comes to mind... well be aware that these stories were posted in 2007... ;)

The 3rd story... I don't like. It's again male vs. female, but it's too long-winded and repetitive, and the girls lost all their Zako-ish characteristics.

The stories are available backwards on Hentai Foundry, then they ought to be read upwards from the last image, which is the 1st published. The gallery is however quite clearly organized and the files duly named, then this won't be an issue.

I've recently added personal comments to most of the images of the 1st story, trying to add background and depth to the already amazing plot!

I'm adding here a few sample images, to give out an idea of the total awesomeness of this series:
14191.jpg 14258.jpg 14351.jpg 14352.jpg

Here's the link to the gallery, last page (=first image): Hentai Foundry

Enjoy and... don't forget to add comments and opinions, here or there!
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Dan Druff

Club Regular
Mar 16, 2012
78 on Pixiv

?78???????? [pixiv]
This artist draws video game characters either winning or losing. It's mostly femdom, but there is some ryona as well. You may have to sign in to Pixiv or sign up for Pixiv to view more.


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Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
?78???????? [pixiv]
This artist draws video game characters either winning or losing. It's mostly femdom, but there is some ryona as well. You may have to sign in to Pixiv or sign up for Pixiv to view more.

This is his blog:
from the label and catalog on the right side, apparently he is a big fan of female zako

That's a really good find, I really like his artwork, it seems like he has a lot more pictures on his blog than on pixiv, unfortunately it's a bit hard to navigate as someone who doesnt understand japanese (seems like google translate corrupts the picture links) and there are quite a few 404s as well, but there are some really good works of characters that you dont see very often. Like Dynamite Deka and God Hand zako:
DynamiteDeka_Chicago.png GodHand_ZakoKnee.png GodHand_ZakoStomp.png


Avid Affiliate
Feb 19, 2013
No one?
Not a single comment or follow up or even a "Like" to my post?
Is it possible that I am the only one to find this guy's work totally awesome? :(

Maybe, if I add a few extra sample images from the 2nd Episode...

15976.jpg 17164.jpg 17363.jpg 17470.jpg 17524.jpg

I've recently discovered an incredible series of stories from an amazing though controversial artist: Kevin Kinne.

The stories are quite old, but I haven't found any mention to them here, then I thought I'd share my find with all of you Zako fans! ;)

The series is called "Death Games"... and the name itself is already a thrill.

The 1st story is in pure Zako style: a kidnapped human has to fight 100 naked alien blue henchgirls. Needless to say, the young Zako prove to be inept fighters and get implacably slaughtered... with a little help from the planet's wildlife too!

The 2nd story is more complicated and crowded: 4 teams of 100 girls each + 5 men fight to the death in an established arena. If last year's movie "Hunger Games" comes to mind... well be aware that these stories were posted in 2007... ;)

The 3rd story... I don't like. It's again male vs. female, but it's too long-winded and repetitive, and the girls lost all their Zako-ish characteristics.

The stories are available backwards on Hentai Foundry, then they ought to be read upwards from the last image, which is the 1st published. The gallery is however quite clearly organized and the files duly named, then this won't be an issue.

I've recently added personal comments to most of the images of the 1st story, trying to add background and depth to the already amazing plot!

I'm adding here a few sample images, to give out an idea of the total awesomeness of this series:
View attachment 51420View attachment 51421View attachment 51422View attachment 51423

Here's the link to the gallery, last page (=first image): Hentai Foundry

Enjoy and... don't forget to add comments and opinions, here or there!


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
This is his blog:


from the label and catalog on the right side, apparently he is a big fan of female zako
Found this several weeks ago but forgot to share, so these are my apologize of translation.... (You may need to change language below to see the fonts.)

絵無し雑記&写真等 > Uncategorized, Photos
アイドルマスター > Idol Master
アルカナハート > Alcana Heart
アンダーカバーコップス > Undercover Cops, old game that has both Arcade and SNES versions.
イカ娘 > Ika Musume
いっしょにとれーにんぐ > Isshoni Training: Training with Hinako
犬夜叉 > Inu Yasha
ヴァリアブル・ジオ > Variable Geo
ヴァンガードプリンセス > Vanguard Princess, a free fighting game with good quality.
ヴァンパイアセイヴァー > Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers)
押忍! 闘え! 応援団 > Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan
おねショタ > OneShota (Sis vs. Boy gerne)
ガーディアンズ電神魔傀 > Denjin Makai, likely the sequel.
格闘娘 > Fighting Girls
影牢 > Kagerou (Trapt)
餓狼伝説 > Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury)
キャプテンコマンドー > Captain Commando
競泳水着 > Swimsuit
巨大娘 > Large Girls
ギルティギア > Guilty Gear
クイーンズブレイド > Queen's Blade
クインティ > Quinty
くにおくん > Kunio-kun
クロノトリガー > Chrono Tricker
コード・オブ・プリンセス > Code of Princess
コードギアス > Code Geass
豪血寺一族 > Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Power Instinct)
ゴールデンアックス > Golden Axe
ゴッドハンド > God Hand
ゴッドマジンガー > God Mazinger
サガ > Saga series, Square Soft's RPG.
サムライスピリッツ > Samurai Spirit (Samurai Showdown)
The King of Fighters > ザ·キング·オブ·ファイターズ :3
史上最強の弟子ケンイチ > History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
7人のナナ > Nana the sevens, a kunoichi character from Keroro (Sergeant Frog).
忍道 > Shinobido
シュール漫画 > Comic strips
ショタ > Shota
私立ジャスティス学園 > Shiritsu Justice Gakuen (Rival Schools)
進撃の巨人 > Attack on Titan
スーパーギャルデリックアワー > Super Galdelic Hour
スーパーマリオブラザーズ > Mario
ストリートファイター > Street Fighter
スターグラディエイター > Star Gladiator
聖剣伝説 > Seiken Densetsu, or Legend of Mana series.
制服伝説プリティファイター > Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter
セーラームーン > Sailor Moon
ゼノギアス > Xenogears
ゼロの使い魔 > Zero no Tsukaima
戦国無双 > Sengoku Musou (Samurai Warriors)
戦闘員 > Henchwoman
ソウルキャリバー > Soul Calibur
ダイナマイト刑事 > Dynamite Deka
大美人 > Giantess
ダブルドラゴン > Double Dragon
テイルズ > "Tales of..." series.
鉄拳 > Tekken
天外魔境 > Tengai Makyou (Far East of Eden)
天誅 > Tenchu
デジモン > Digimon
デッドオアアライブ > Dead or Alive
トバル > TOBAL
ドラクエ > Dragon Quest
ドラゴンズクラウン > Dragon's Crown
ナジカ電撃作戦 > Najica Blitz Tactics
ニンジャウォーリアーズ > Ninja Warriors
熱血親子 > Nekketsu Oyako, PS1 Action game.
ハードエッジ > Hard Edge (T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group - Mission of Mercy)
初音ミク > Hatsune Miku
半熟英雄 > Hanjuku Hero
パロディウス > Parodius
ビキニ > Bikini
美食戦隊薔薇野郎 > Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou, SNES game.
ぴちぴちピッチ > Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch
ファイナルファイト > Final Fight
ファイナルファンタジー > Final Fantasy
FIST > フィスト (FIST), Playstation game with girls in costumes and many German Suplex.
風雲黙示録 > Fuun Mokushiroku (Savage Reign)
双葉理保 > Futaba Riho
褌 > Fundoshi
ブラッディロア > Bloody Roar
blazblue > ブレイブルー :meaw:
ぷよぷよ > Puyo Puyo series
プリキュア > Pretty Cure series
ポケモン > Pokemon
マーシャルチャンピオン > Martial Champion
マッハブレイカーズ > Mach Breakers
ミックスファイト > Mixed Fight
モンスターハンター > Monster Hunter
ライトブリンガー > Light Bringer (Dungeon Magic)
ライブアライブ > Live A Live, Square Soft's RPG
ラブアッパー > Love Upper
ラピュセル > La Pucelle, JRPG series
ランブルローズ > Rumble Roses
陸上娘 > Ordinary Girls
レガイア伝説 > Legend of Legaia
ロリポップチェーンソー > Lolipop Chainsaw
わくわく7 > Waku Waku 7
ワンピース > One Piece
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Club Regular
May 22, 2011
Nice work, NNin! I have been tracking this blog for over one year but never thought of translating these...


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Here's some of the art unlocks from the 2010 PS3 and Xbox 360 downloadable 'Final Fight: Double Impact' of Poison and Roxy to enjoy. There may be a few more, but I haven't unlocked them yet (!).. I don't know if some of these can be found elsewhere on the web but I'm fairly sure some of them haven't been posted; I think some were exclusive to the game.










Avid Affiliate
Nov 15, 2011
I haven't been posting all that much lately, but I've still been keeping up with commissioning a bit more zako artwork. For the last couple of years I've been looking for an artist to make some reference pictures of my curvy zako gang the Ladies of the Night - I really wanted to establish a more consistent design for them - the problem with the first couple of commissions I did is that while they were very good, they were also quite different looking in terms of physique, costume and style, so it seemed to make more confusion when commissioning artists for further works, especially when the original game's blocky graphics don't give much guidance.

In the end I was lucky and found the perfect artist for the job (Osmar-Shotgun) - I really recommend commissioning this guy, he combines his own flair and style with listening to your ideas. His prices are also very reasonable, so I was able to commission quite a few pictures, which gave me a more consistent set of character design references for future works. Just like I did for my Poison and Roxy designs I decided to use two similar but slightly different costume variants - IMO it keeps to that kind of generic zako style while having some variety if I should ever commission a large scale brawl picture. My zako still don't have individual names - I wondered about something like Stacey, Sharon, Tracy or Tanya, but I think it might be better to keep them nameless.

Anyway, here is the picture set - I hope you like them!
TR_OsmarDesign1_sm.jpg TR_OsmarDesign2_sm.jpg TR_OsmarDesign3_sm.jpg TargetRenegade_Osmar1_sm.jpg TargetRenegade_Osmar2_sm.jpg

I'm not sure if this is the place for this but, I'm actually thinking of commissioning a picture of these zako with an artist called Kamina (Art of Kamina) whose work I've admired for some time. I kind of have half of an idea for a pose in my mind, but I'm having some a hard time completing it, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out because I just can't seem to get it.

My plan for the picture is that it might be used in the future as a cover for an erotic comic /doujin. So it can be as suggestive as you like.

I have it in my mind to pose one of the girls like in one of the following pictures:
poseidea2.jpg poseIdea1.jpg
Either she's against a wall or leaning on a standard beatemup prop like a crate or trashcan. Then the other girl is posed behind her (standing I think), holding the mace suggestively, (perhaps it's between the thighs of the girl leaning over). But, I just can't come up with a specific pose, and I'm finding it hard to communicate the idea. It would be really great if you could find a picture showing the pose because the artist's english isn't so good.

So I'd really welcome some ideas, although I probably shouldn't derail this thread with my problems, so maybe its better to PM me with any suggestions/picture links. Obviously you'll all get to see the finished work :)
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Blonde Dominatrix from Watchmen game.

I just has another commission of my favorite blondie zako from the game Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2.
I already posted some of them in some threads but never in this thread, so I decided to post them all in this one.

Sketch by one of my friend

By my frined who did Petal arts :meaw:
Her DA: mikitaka on deviantART
Her Pixiv: piw on [pixiv]
Blonde Dominatrix by mikitaka.jpg

Silk Spectre I vs. Blonde Dominatrix (1).jpg Silk Spectre I vs. Blonde Dominatrix (2).jpg Silk Spectre I vs. Blonde Dominatrix (3).jpg Silk Spectre I vs. Blonde Dominatrix (4).jpg

By Fightfantasies
Site: Welcome to
Silk Spectre vs Dominatrix_hires.jpg

By Bokuman
DA page: bokuman on deviantART
BlondeDominatrix By Bokuman.jpg

By magion
DA page: magion02 on deviantART
Nite Owl vs. Blonde Dominatrix by magion (1).jpg Nite Owl vs. Blonde Dominatrix by magion (2).jpg

Newest one by nubeau, who focus her work on BDSM stuffs.
DA Page: nubeaucute (mistressbeau) on deviantART
Nite Owl vs. Dominatrix by noom.jpg

She's a good zako with nice moves and details. I never get bore on this one XD
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Swell Supporter
Apr 14, 2012
I just has another commission of my favorite blondie zako from the game Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2.
I already posted some of them in some threads but never in this thread, so I decided to post them all in this one.

Sketch by one of my friend
View attachment 56731

By my frined who did Petal arts :meaw:
Her DA: mikitaka on deviantART
Her Pixiv: piw on [pixiv]
View attachment 56730

View attachment 56726 View attachment 56727 View attachment 56728 View attachment 56729

By Fightfantasies
Site: Welcome to
View attachment 56734

By Bokuman
DA page: bokuman on deviantART
View attachment 56735

By magion
DA page: magion02 on deviantART
View attachment 56732 View attachment 56733

Newest one by nubeau, who focus her work on BDSM stuffs.
DA Page: nubeaucute (mistressbeau) on deviantART
View attachment 56725

She's a good zako with nice moves and details. I never get bore on this one XD

I agree! She is an awesome zako indeed! I wouldn't be surprised if someone made a fangame with her as the main character! lol


Swell Supporter
May 23, 2012
does anyone remember the site that had pictures and comics of secret agent girls infiltrating military bases and getting captured and tortured/raped then killed? it was posted on here before. i remember one of the main girls wears glasses and has a skimpy green outfit on, i believe her name was ivory.


Avid Affiliate
May 18, 2013
does anyone remember the site that had pictures and comics of secret agent girls infiltrating military bases and getting captured and tortured/raped then killed? it was posted on here before. i remember one of the main girls wears glasses and has a skimpy green outfit on, i believe her name was ivory.

Sounds an awful lot like Angel Corps. It's not exactly zako, because there's backstory and info about all the girls, but I guess it is zako because I'm pretty sure some of the girls get killed multiple times. Whatever it is, it's pretty great. Here's what looks like a complete gallery.
[Scribblekid] Angel Corps - E-Hentai Galleries

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