Zako (4 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Come to think of it, the only game I can think of offhand that had any zako in level 1 was the original Double Dragon for the NES.


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2012
you can differentiae them coz zakos come in a bunch, dressed in same or similar style, where as villanesses often have a name.
If you look to see zako bitches in the movie/tv, sam raimi often bring them in his tv shows.
Legend of the Seeker-especially season 2 have these red leather clad girls called mord sith who are virtually zakos
Xena-warrior princess had many zakos, but 2 good episodes are "amphipolis under siege" and "looking death in the eye" where they have silver clad archers get beat up by the heroine. There are also a few appearances of amazons.
there are also some "good" zakos like ones in Red Sonja.
If you look into animations there are so many of them too and most of them are listed on japanese female zako favs are the two zakos from space cobra-the snow gorillas and the seamen, mazones from captain harlock and shamans of god mazinga...
one that was never mentioned was the army of queen lacet from STARZINGA-all female army similar to mazones.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012

Wow Zakome,

Thanks for those excellent sprite sheets. I actually remember each and every one of those zako, but I never expected to see sprite sheets of them. Do you mind if I ask what program you use for ripping sprites? There are a few zako from older games I'd like to do sprite rips of myself.

Carol from Captain Commando and the ninja from Punisher are of course well known, and deservedly so. Both hot and dangerous.

I also liked the nameless hookers from Renegade, both the blonde one and the jeans-wearing one. It was interesting to have one level devoted entirely to female enemies. There's something for everyone in that scenario: either a whole squadron of zako beating up the hero, or a whole squadron of zako beat down and piled up or strewn about like garbage.

Fox from Undercover Cops was always a great one - too bad that game was not well known. She always seemed sexy in a vaguely weird (or, as you said, skanky) way, with her bouncing around on one foot and all. That would normally bother me but for her I make an exception...her hotness gives her a pass.

Lastly, the dominatrix from Vendetta is one of my favorites. Everything from the way she attacks, to how she wiggles around while on the ground, to how she reacts to being punched in the stomach while being held from behind or slowly slides down the wall if you use certain weapons against her.

Thanks once again for your hard work in putting these sprite sheets together, and for sharing them. It is appreciated.

saikogun, it's funny you brought up the "seamen" from Space Adventure Cobra. They were always my favorite zako from a tv show by far, with their blonde hair and pink bodysuits. They were so hot, yet treated like cannon fodder by both the hero and the villain.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Denjin Makai Zako

Everyone's great work on this thread has shamed me into posting.
So does anyone remember these zako from Guardians (Denjin Makai 2) and the original Denjin Makai?

enemy14.png enemy13.png amazoness.png


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Zakome (and everyone else, I thought you might be interested to know that there is another version of the Carol/Brenda sprite sheet from Captain Commando. This one has some sprites that I do not recall seeing in the actual game - does anyone recall the one of her splashing in the water, for example?
By the way, I got this from The Spriters Resource | Main Page , a great resource for sprites in general (and for sprites of zako as well).



Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
They aren't working on it at all anymore, Sega gave them a C&D. Assholes.

Is it possible to lift the Nora (and all her palettes) from the game and use elsewhere? I don't know a whole lot about this stuff but that seems a reasonable suggestion. Like in OpenBOR or something. Actually, couldn't the r** files of all the original Streets Of Rage games be edited? Seeing as the remake contains so much from the games they must have got it from somewhere. :]

Summarizing which level the zako appear in gave me a thought -you notice how rarely you see zako in level 1 of an arcade game - am I reading too much into it or was this a deliberate ploy to munch more coins out of perverted adolescents who just want to look at the sexy ladies?

I have wondered about this in the past as well. If it was a concious decision by developers or just one of those massive coincidences. Let's face it, zako are to be treasured! The way they are placed in some games can be done to great effect, I think.

The only ones I can think of off the top of my head about first level placement for an arcade game would be Die Hard Arcade (Dynamite Deka); depending on how you split levels on the game; but the 2nd room after four enemies or so. She is also the first character who would give a lot of n00bs and players trouble in the arcade (I remember the first time I played the game she almost exclusively cost me a continue - $2 worth of credit at the time) with fast movement, punishing moves and grabs. Similar for Dynamite Cop (Dynamite Deka 2) on all 3 missions; a zako carries one of the first machine guns in mission 1, the first gun of any kind (pistol) (another zako carries the first melee weapon, in mission 2 and heavy weapon (AA gun) in mission 3. Entering from the bottom of the screen, the AA gun she carries is 2 or 3 shot kill (from full health, if I remember correctly) and she will fire at anyone not evading properly. Golden Axe is also worth a mention (with the first rideable creature, nice touch).

You don't tend to see zako on first levels of a lot of console games either, though. The obvious exceptions being Streets Of Rage 1 & 2 (used to great effect towards the end of the first stages) and Streets Of Rage 3 (Bare Knuckle 3) from early on in the stage. In SOR1 Nora has considerably more health than her male enemy counterparts; especially noticable on harder difficulties. If I remember correctly she is one of the strongest enemies in the game, excluding the juggler guys. In SOR3 Soozie is the first enemy who can move quickly and erraticly with the huge jump kick, and evade attacks by jumping backwards. Also (I think) on harder difficulties she is the first enemy who can combo (the mega slap attack she has).

saikogun, it's funny you brought up the "seamen" from Space Adventure Cobra. They were always my favorite zako from a tv show by far, with their blonde hair and pink bodysuits. They were so hot, yet treated like cannon fodder by both the hero and the villain.

How old is the show? Damn, those women got some really harsh treatment. Kind of uncomfortable with the killing from a clip I just saw! Call me a pacifist but I thought it was pretty harsh and unfair! Very sexy and arousing, though...
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
@DynamiteFetish: The only way I know of extracting sprites is by taking screenshots, opening them in Paint and erasing everything around the sprites you need, then copying them to a spritesheet in another window. It's a tedious affair (I've done it myself in the past), but it gets the job done. I'm sure the same could be done with SoR Remake. Just take screens of her and extract the sprites that way.

In fact, if I have the time, I could get started on doing that. I wouldn't mind doing it, really. Again, I just need some free time.

@Kimblis: I actually have that sheet of Carol saved on my hard drive. I should've shared it earlier. I don't remember when she gets thrown in water, though. That's news to me.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 24, 2009
Zakome (and everyone else, I thought you might be interested to know that there is another version of the Carol/Brenda sprite sheet from Captain Commando. This one has some sprites that I do not recall seeing in the actual game - does anyone recall the one of her splashing in the water, for example?
By the way, I got this from The Spriters Resource | Main Page , a great resource for sprites in general (and for sprites of zako as well).

View attachment 13541

I do, the one in the water is when you're playing with another player, more enemies spawn in the jet ski level, or i'd like to remember that really. the other sprite of her spreading her hands, and one with her head down and her legs spread is when you beat her against a wall, she'll splat into it and slide down.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
DynamiteFetish, the data/character sprites for Streets of Rage Remake version 4 were open - in fact, that's how I made the sprite sheet of Soozie. However, when it comes to Nora there are two bad pieces of news: the data/character sprites are closed/inaccessible in version 5, and Nora is only in version 5. So that leaves only the slower method that HyperZealot mentioned. Still, while that's a slower method it is still very doable.

Regarding the "seamen" and Space Adventure Cobra, it's from the late 70s and early 80s. And yes, those sexy ladies do get some pretty harsh treatment, but you know how morality often seems to work in media: the "good guys" can be as harsh/brutal as they want because they are on the good side, and the "bad guys" deserve whatever harsh/brutal treatment they get because they are on the bad side. Still, were I in the hero's situation, I think I could have found a better use for those blonde bad babes. Out of curiosity, what clip did you watch?

weediscool, now I'll have to whip out MAME and Captain Commando to see if I can find those sprites in the game.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Everyone's great work on this thread has shamed me into posting.
So does anyone remember these zako from Guardians (Denjin Makai 2) and the original Denjin Makai?
I remember the last one, Amazon, quite well. She kicks a player with those legs. In the later level, she will be upgraded to Silf and Valkyrie and gains a new move like sliding, claw attack and combo. I especially like her combo that stab a claws into your stomach, following with kick two kick attacks. The game also have many moves to use on zako.

And Double Dragon: Neon has a demo. It looks good enough.
Double Dragon Neon Gameplay Commentary - YouTube


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
I hope that is coming to the 360. Fuck. I'm sold. And not for Linda, either, just because it's Double FUCKING Dragon!!


Casual Client
Dec 12, 2010
On the subject of level 1 zakos, I think it's a result of lingering hesitation from developers to put in "expendable" female goons. The mentality is that, even if there are women in the ranks of the bad guy's posse, they are at least in positions elevated above the "front line" grunts, and therefore tend not to show up in the first level. On a design level, zakos are put in with a certain eye towards their appeal and distinctiveness to the player; they are meant to stand out due to their femininity. In order for them to stand out, the developers need to show a baseline from which they distinguish themselves, i.e. the first level.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I hope that is coming to the 360. Fuck. I'm sold. And not for Linda, either, just because it's Double FUCKING Dragon!!

It'll be on both Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in July, according to IGN. And yes, I share the same attitude. It looks amazing.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
DynamiteFetish, the data/character sprites for Streets of Rage Remake version 4 were open - in fact, that's how I made the sprite sheet of Soozie. However, when it comes to Nora there are two bad pieces of news: the data/character sprites are closed/inaccessible in version 5, and Nora is only in version 5. So that leaves only the slower method that HyperZealot mentioned. Still, while that's a slower method it is still very doable.

Regarding the "seamen" and Space Adventure Cobra, it's from the late 70s and early 80s. And yes, those sexy ladies do get some pretty harsh treatment, but you know how morality often seems to work in media: the "good guys" can be as harsh/brutal as they want because they are on the good side, and the "bad guys" deserve whatever harsh/brutal treatment they get because they are on the bad side. Still, were I in the hero's situation, I think I could have found a better use for those blonde bad babes. Out of curiosity, what clip did you watch?

weediscool, now I'll have to whip out MAME and Captain Commando to see if I can find those sprites in the game.

I'd definitely be willing to help with that method, if need be. The results would be worth it!

That's impressive; I assumed it was from the early 90s. Indeed, I was genuinely quite shocked at pretty much all the treatment of these girls. I haven't seen anything else of the show or their motives, but... generally, it is very harsh. Maybe it's how I'm interpreting it, but it seems almost deliberate (and the zako are aware of this themselves).

I mean, at least some/all of them are trying to kill the 'hero', and enjoying the scenarios ... but still. It gives me shivers.

Here is the link; Cobra - Seamen.flv - YouTube

Actually, all the scenes seem almost cruel. The last scene where he throws the zako down is just, well. Either way I want to see them all translated!

On the subject of level 1 zakos, I think it's a result of lingering hesitation from developers to put in "expendable" female goons. The mentality is that, even if there are women in the ranks of the bad guy's posse, they are at least in positions elevated above the "front line" grunts, and therefore tend not to show up in the first level. On a design level, zakos are put in with a certain eye towards their appeal and distinctiveness to the player; they are meant to stand out due to their femininity. In order for them to stand out, the developers need to show a baseline from which they distinguish themselves, i.e. the first level.

Very interesting point. From the first Nora revealing herself from behind a shutter and hanging out around the boss in the first level, almost as a riot/defense line - and the zako bursting into the room in surprise/mild confusion in Die Hard Arcade, and hanging out in the bar or safely updeck of the ship in Dynamite Cop, to the elit clawed & personal secretaries in Fighting Force; it makes sense.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 6, 2009
Been checking on this thread pretty regularly, nice finds. I'd played most of the games mentioned, and although I always preferred seeing the lead heroine in ryona situations, I can definitely appreciate the zako stuff too. Here's a Deviant Art page that I think might fit the bill, it's rendered art (98 pictures and counting) of good-girl frogwomen in green bathing suits vs. bad-girl frogwomen in gray suits. The gray-haired bad girl might be a "boss" character, as she kills multiple nameless good girls, but otherwise everyone seems to be expendable foot soldiers. Let's see what you think: idespiseall's deviantART gallery


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
Those scenes are pretty harsh DynamiteFetish and I'll agree I felt sorry for the zako that he was fighting against. They are all very sexy but not at all a match for the "hero," who could have spared at least some of them but instead chose to take them out in some pretty brutal ways (harpooning, lighting one on fire and smirking while she burns, causing several to drown, blasting one completely by surprise, causing their robotic fish/submarine things to turn on them and attack/eat them, and of course using one that is either unconscious or dead to gain entry into a room and then just dropping her body on the floor).

Then again that's what I was talking about earlier, how the "good guy" can get away with doing pretty brutal stuff as long as he's on the "good side," whereas the bad guys are just assumed to deserve whatever harsh fate they get. This show takes that concept even further. The hero is supposed to be a charming, fun-loving ladies man, but he is also remorseless and cold-blooded when it comes to killing anyone he sees as his enemy. The bad babes in this show are apparently part of some criminal organization that is plotting to gain power/riches through nefarious means, and they kidnapped his girlfriend as part of their plan, so the hero slaughters them with gusto.
Generally if I think of myself in a situation involving female zako, I think of myself as an observer watching the fight, and when the good guy(s) inevitably win, I'm the nice merciful dude who takes some pity on the defeated zako and helps them out even though they are, y'know, bad. Anyway...

NNin, the Amazon from Denjin Makai is a pretty good zako in my opinion - she's both tough and attractive. But does anyone remember anything about the other two I posted from Denjin Makai 2? Has anyone else even heard of Denjin Makai 2?


Casual Client
Dec 12, 2010
I don't know. I guess he was a little cold, but it's refreshing to not see a gender based double standard when it comes to fates of the bad guys / gals. I think the question to ask is: If the zako in the Cobra video were men, would you feel differently? I'd link the "expendable gender" article from tvtropes again, but I think I've done that already. It's a good read and brings up some interesting questions.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I have played Denjin Makai 2, but I only recognize the second one (the android looking one, not the lady with the big tits). I don't think I got far enough in the game to encounter the other one. It's a pretty good brawler, but it's been a while since I've played it.


Ryonani Teamster
Oct 6, 2011
Those scenes are pretty harsh DynamiteFetish and I'll agree I felt sorry for the zako that he was fighting against. They are all very sexy but not at all a match for the "hero," who could have spared at least some of them but instead chose to take them out in some pretty brutal ways (harpooning, lighting one on fire and smirking while she burns, causing several to drown, blasting one completely by surprise, causing their robotic fish/submarine things to turn on them and attack/eat them, and of course using one that is either unconscious or dead to gain entry into a room and then just dropping her body on the floor).

Then again that's what I was talking about earlier, how the "good guy" can get away with doing pretty brutal stuff as long as he's on the "good side," whereas the bad guys are just assumed to deserve whatever harsh fate they get. This show takes that concept even further. The hero is supposed to be a charming, fun-loving ladies man, but he is also remorseless and cold-blooded when it comes to killing anyone he sees as his enemy. The bad babes in this show are apparently part of some criminal organization that is plotting to gain power/riches through nefarious means, and they kidnapped his girlfriend as part of their plan, so the hero slaughters them with gusto.
Generally if I think of myself in a situation involving female zako, I think of myself as an observer watching the fight, and when the good guy(s) inevitably win, I'm the nice merciful dude who takes some pity on the defeated zako and helps them out even though they are, y'know, bad. Anyway...

Well luck certainly isn't on their side; I'd love to see the full episodes and translations some time. Unfortunately the harpooned zako seemed to enjoy threatening the guy rather than taking her chance and winning properly. Maybe he was right to er, dispose of them in one way or another but the ones in the water could have been spared right? The robotic fish killing was also unfair... If not worse. Actually watching the clips again; when the zako jumps up out of the water and seems to be in control, she isn't even trying to kill him; just capture him, with the stun-harpoon gun. The bastard! Maybe she was just waiting for it to take effect. Still, all the scenes are excellent, well paced and really well drawn.. and totally sexy. >.>

I don't know. I guess he was a little cold, but it's refreshing to not see a gender based double standard when it comes to fates of the bad guys / gals. I think the question to ask is: If the zako in the Cobra video were men, would you feel differently? I'd link the "expendable gender" article from tvtropes again, but I think I've done that already. It's a good read and brings up some interesting questions.

True and good point. Still, if the zako were infact men, then I may still think his treatment was at least unfair and perhaps trigger-happy.


Ryonani Teamster
Apr 1, 2012
You bring up a good point and I agree there is often a double standard regarding violence towards women vs violence towards men, but definitely not in this case. In fact, I think I might be a bit disturbed by the sort of casually sadistic way he disposed of his enemies regardless of whether they were men or women. And he does kill a lot of men in the series.
Anyway, back on topic, those zako are really hot, and...yeah...if I'm ever like...captured by a criminal organization or something, hopefully they will all look like those blonde babes.
I will, uh...bring them over to the good side. :)

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